Thailand’s “dump-at-sea” policy on illegal aliens drawing reporters like sharks

It has been fascinating over recent weeks to watch a story grow into an international crisis.   That is what has happened with the Rohingya boat men story.  For new readers, reports surfaced at the end of December that hundreds of Rohingya Muslim men were being detained by the Thai military as they arrived on beaches … Continue reading Thailand’s “dump-at-sea” policy on illegal aliens drawing reporters like sharks

US investigating Malaysian government officials about human trafficking

I don’t know how, but suspect that somehow, this story ties into what is going on in Thailand with the Rohingya boat men from Burma (Myanmar).    The Democratically controlled  US Senate Foreign Relations Committee is investigating the Muslim country of Malaysia about the possibility that government officials are trafficking in refugees.  Here is the gist … Continue reading US investigating Malaysian government officials about human trafficking

Refugees continue to pile into Bangladesh, no jobs, go west young man…

……or east! Note to readers:  You might want to read my previous post on Rohingya before reading this one. Apparently the UNHCR has started another program to help refugees flowing into Bangladesh find a useful livelihood.    This article in Naranjara* discusses so-called urban refugees.   I suspect many of these are Rohingya (Burmese Muslims).  Dhaka: UNHCR officials … Continue reading Refugees continue to pile into Bangladesh, no jobs, go west young man…

Refugees International et al: We need more Iraqi refugees in America

This is a statement telling the US government what it needs to do about Iraq’s displaced people (and our 213th post on Iraqi refugees) signed by groups, many of which will financially benefit from the flood of Iraqis they want to bring here.   Read it all and note signatures.  The primary author is Refugees International, … Continue reading Refugees International et al: We need more Iraqi refugees in America