German official: Civil war coming to Europe, Breitbart journalist reports

  James Delingpole writing at Breitbart tells us why he thinks the unnamed German official might very well be correct. No time to snip much of it, so read it all here. Delingpole: ‘Civil War Is Coming to Europe’ Warns German Politician “Civil war is coming to Europe,” a German city politician told me this … Continue reading German official: Civil war coming to Europe, Breitbart journalist reports

Daniel Pipes lists European leaders who could save Western civilization

He doesn’t exactly put it that way. The title of his piece yesterday is simply: Who Are Europe’s Most Important Politicians? President of the Middle East Forum, Daniel Pipes is a historian/author with a primary focus on Islam and migration. Invasion of Europe news…. First Pipes tells us that he had put his faith in … Continue reading Daniel Pipes lists European leaders who could save Western civilization

Highly anticipated EU "deal" on migration is a nothing-burger!

Because I’ve been telling you in advance about the pow-wow in Brussels yesterday about the migrant invasion of Europe and what the EU will do about it, I’m compelled to give you an update of the disappointing results. They talked and talked, indeed they talked all night, and came up with what the NY Times … Continue reading Highly anticipated EU "deal" on migration is a nothing-burger!

US has greatest number of asylum claims of any country in world, far surpassing Germany!

I’ve been warning that the US must not become Germany, but this morning I see that we are there already!  Before I give you the latest news about the numbers, you need to know that asylum is just another side of the refugee coin. The only difference is that, in the case of refugees we … Continue reading US has greatest number of asylum claims of any country in world, far surpassing Germany!