Germany: Migrant mob attacks police

This is when you know you have too many! When police officers arrived at a center housing migrants in order to remove an African man who had been rejected for asylum, the officers were driven out and forced to release the deportee. But they came back with reinforcements….     Germans are not happy.  

UN Ambassador Haley: Most Syrians just want to go home

Clearly The Guardian doesn’t want to hear that bit of information. Frankly, if there weren’t nine federal refugee contractors being paid on a per refugee head basis to bring refugees to your towns and cities, maybe then a realistic policy could be advanced to care for (legitimate) refugees near their homes so that returning them … Continue reading UN Ambassador Haley: Most Syrians just want to go home

Family reunification (chain migration) is bugaboo for new German government

Invasion of Europe news…. I bet Japan Times is eager to show the citizens of Japan what a mess one’s country becomes when the migrant tide is invited in! From Japan Times: BERLIN – A scuffle over immigration has marred the first weeks in office of German Chancellor Angela Merkel’s fourth coalition, promising anything but … Continue reading Family reunification (chain migration) is bugaboo for new German government

German 'model' detention center is former US Army base

Invasion of Europe news… German officials are looking at replicating the facility in Bavaria throughout the country so that asylum seekers are pretty much contained in one fenced facility while they wait for a decision about whether they will be deported or not.     From Deutsche Welle: In Bavaria, one model “reception center” is … Continue reading German 'model' detention center is former US Army base