White South Africans petition Trump to allow them to migrate to US

Increasingly news is coming out of South Africa that white farmers are being murdered in ever greater numbers and the government there has made the first moves toward confiscating their prime agricultural lands.     How did this racism get so far along before you heard about it? It’s because it goes completely against the … Continue reading White South Africans petition Trump to allow them to migrate to US

Seattle: Tax dollars go to special programs for special people—Somalis

I couldn’t help seeing the irony yesterday when I posted on how Denmark is attempting to break up ethnic ghettos that have developed in certain housing projects in that country, see here, while we in the US are still building our ethnic enclaves even using tax dollars to do it! And, before you move on, … Continue reading Seattle: Tax dollars go to special programs for special people—Somalis

Germany to CAP asylum numbers at 200,000 annually in compromise decision

Nuts! Just nuts! 200,000 is an astronomical number and add to that the promise of 1,000 a month family reunification (chain migration) by late summer.  And, that is considered a compromise! More Invasion of Europe news…. From Channel New Asia: BERLIN: Germany will limit the number of asylum seeker arrivals to around 200,000 annually under … Continue reading Germany to CAP asylum numbers at 200,000 annually in compromise decision

Hungary's Orban has the international Left in panic mode

Invasion of Europe News…. And, you can tell by this article at HuffPo that paints him as an “authoritarian” that they are very very afraid of him and his growing “nationalist” power in Eastern Europe. They also see him exporting his views (about especially Muslim migration) to other European countries like Italy, Austria and (gasp!) … Continue reading Hungary's Orban has the international Left in panic mode

Germany: Shock! Crime has gone up dramatically since opening borders

Reuters is reporting that oopsy! violent crime on the rise in Germany due to refugees. But check out the interesting twist! (Hat tip: Mary): BERLIN (Reuters) – Young male refugees in Germany got the blame on Wednesday for most of a two-year increase in violent crime, adding fuel to the country’s political debate over migrants. … Continue reading Germany: Shock! Crime has gone up dramatically since opening borders