Reader helps put the pieces together on Islamic expansionism

Thanks to reader John for sending me a couple of links last night that help broaden our understanding of the advance of Islam.  First he cites a post yesterday by our friend Baron Bodissey at the Gates of Vienna blog.   Mr. Bodissey discusses at length what he calls “probes.”    Probes could take many forms but … Continue reading Reader helps put the pieces together on Islamic expansionism

Cloward-Piven and the art of manufactured crisis

Yesterday Judy heard from Jim Simpson, a blogger and writer we have mentioned previously, here.  He has assiduously researched the Cloward-Piven strategy that has now been exposed by many on talk radio and by Glenn Beck on his TV show as an important underpinning of the present Administration’s mode of operation.   Mr. Simpson will be … Continue reading Cloward-Piven and the art of manufactured crisis

“You magnificent bastard, I read your book.”

What a fabulous line from George C. Scott in Patton and used to illustrate so appropriately the points David Stokes makes in his piece at Townhall today.    Hat tip:  Paul Stokes, writing about the shock the extreme leftwing is experiencing when real grassroots America does some community organizing of its own, begins in “Rules for … Continue reading “You magnificent bastard, I read your book.”

Comment worth noting: Readers, it is obvious, the radical Left and Obama are getting us closer to a borderless world

I got up this morning thinking about what I heard on Glenn Beck’s radio program yesterday.   A caller told Beck that he had worked for the SEIU (Service Employees International Union)  and that part of his employment training was to read Saul Alinsky’s “Rules for Radicals.”   I am going to again implore all of you … Continue reading Comment worth noting: Readers, it is obvious, the radical Left and Obama are getting us closer to a borderless world