Comment worth noting: Readers, it is obvious, the radical Left and Obama are getting us closer to a borderless world

I got up this morning thinking about what I heard on Glenn Beck’s radio program yesterday.   A caller told Beck that he had worked for the SEIU (Service Employees International Union)  and that part of his employment training was to read Saul Alinsky’s “Rules for Radicals.”   I am going to again implore all of you who can’t wrap your head around what is going on, with immigration and the Obama Administration’s drive to create economic chaos, to please read it.

The caller said the immigrants were needed as voters for the Democratic party, pure and simple.   Except I will add they are also needed to create chaos by being poor and angry.  The underlying driving force for the Alinsky strategy to work is to create chaos.  Chaos brings change.  If people are content they don’t demand change.   As I have said on many previous occasions, our own poor were moving into the middle class and becoming complacent—enter the immigrants to continue the battle of the “have-nots” against the “haves.”

I have written previously about the SEIU “organizing” Somalis.  Please use our search function for all of my posts on the SEIU.  Wade Rathke, the founder of ACORN, is head of the SEIU.   Rathke (friend of Obama and former SDS with Bill Ayers) is also on the board of the Tides Foundation.  Oh, and by the way, George Soros involvement with Tides and refugee resettlement (see recent post on RI) should say it all for readers knowledgeable about Soros’ goals.

Now to the comment we received from the other side of the world overnight.  It is from reader BL in response to my post yesterday about the UN Badgering Japan to diversify.  Here is what BL said (I’ve posted his whole comment, but it’s the first paragraph that further makes the point I have been trying to make).

ARGH!!! Just the mention of the UN is enough to get me worked up…DAMN! Can’t the frickin world see that the clowns at the circus known as the United Nations are dictatorial half wits? They’re puppets for the one world movement and people, the powers that be are making progress and now they have another big piece in place, Obama.

So far Japan has been typically Japan, firm in their beliefs and unrelenting. They are one of the few nations left in this “devolving” world that still has a somewhat genuinely pure culture that they have proudly and perseveringly preserved. I certainly hope this doesn’t change. Let the UN do their song and dance as they always do. I think Japan’s reaction to the recent pressure from the UN by accepting ONLY 30 Myanmar refugees per year for three years starting 2010 on a trial basis is just their tactic to convey the impress that, okay we’re taking on board your requests (or more like demands) and this is what we’re intending to do, happy? What they’ve done is effectively portrayed the perception that they are honorable and receptive to the UN (if only for show) and to have hopefully shut up the UN for at least 3 years by introducing this 3 year trial basis. Smart. Although, I think no nation should have to do what they don’t want to. I really despise the damn UN. I wonder what the UN’s approval rating is right now? Last I checked it was very low, especially in the US…and rightly so.

The Radical Left must destroy each Nation’s sovereignty—each Nation’s pride in its own culture.   The immigrants and refugees being moved around the world are only the poor pawns in the relentless drive to bring about a one world order.  

Frankly, for those of us wondering why the refugees are not well-cared-for in the US by some of their resettlement agencies there is only one plausible explanation—it’s because they (the immigrants) don’t matter, they are just pawns who need to be kept poor and angry and dependent on the government (on the Democrats! on Obama!).

Note to do-gooders:  I have no fear of being labeled “tinfoil hat,” because keep in mind, I was a Leftwinger at one time just like you.  I understand the Left’s demonizing methods; Alinsky taught you well.  You are either supportive of the goal of  the one world movement or while making yourself feel good, you are being used and complicit in using immigrants as pawns.

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