Somali Community Center opens in “welcoming” Ft. Morgan, CO

I am fascinated by the fact that Somalis, almost anywhere they go, magically get a Community Center just for them.   Yesterday, I told you what I think is going on, here.  Although ostensibly set up to help Somalis transition to American culture (what a laugh!), these are political agitation offices modeled after the Alinsky/Obama/ACORN/SEIU school of … Continue reading Somali Community Center opens in “welcoming” Ft. Morgan, CO

Iraqi refugee issue is part of the social unrest in Europe

“Social unrest!”  Sheesh, I’m sounding like a mealy-mouthed mainstream reporter.  I should say that the refugee issue is part of the creeping communist movement spreading across Europe. Worker’s Liberty (I’ll tell you about them shortly) has posted information on how you can get involved in a protest in Geneva later this month on the Iraqi … Continue reading Iraqi refugee issue is part of the social unrest in Europe

Investigative Project on Terrorism demonstrates “acts of staged controversy”

I just yesterday reported about how Saul Alinsky’s strategy (Rule 13) in “Rules for Radicals” is being used to whip up a frenzy of anger against Maricopa County Sheriff Joe Arpaio.  This effort is not just to ‘get Joe,’ it’s to move the political debate, using Joe, to plant the seeds in peoples’ minds that there is widespread … Continue reading Investigative Project on Terrorism demonstrates “acts of staged controversy”