Austria is about to celebrate the 334th anniversary of the breaking of the Siege of Vienna, which took place on September 11-12, 1683. The force that rode to the relief of Vienna was led by King Jan (John) III Sobieski of Poland, who later became known as the “Hero of Vienna”. [Also called “the hammer of the Turks”—ed]
On the night of September 11 the king arrived with his troops at the summit of the Kahlenberg, the wooded hill that overlooks Vienna. Early the following morning he led his men in a charge down the hill and routed the Turks before the Gates of Vienna, saving the city.
Last night the statue of King Jan III Sobieski on the Kahlenberg was vandalized and damaged.
Over three hundred years ago a horrific battle saved Europe from becoming a Muslim continent, but alas today, except for the Poles (and a few other countries of Eastern Europe) who do remember history, Europe will surely fall without a whimper through the Hijra—the migration.
Just a reminder that Donald Trump at least knew something about history when he traveled to Poland in July, here.
See my complete ‘Invasion of Europe’ archive by clicking here.
Our friend Leo Hohmann at World Net Daily tells us what he thinks of the Trump Administration’s weakness on the refugee issue.
From WND. Read it all, but here is the wrap-up:
Hohmann does not believe Trump is taking the refugee resettlement issue seriously enough. The veteran journalist warned in his book there is a historic demographic shift of Muslims out of the Middle East and Africa into Western Europe, Canada and the U.S. That shift is known as “civilization jihad,” and the resettlement of Muslim refugees in the West is one component of it.
“Stealth Invasion” is the ONLY full length book critical of US refugee policy.
“This is a situation where 1,500 foreign nationals are entering our country now every week,” Hohmann cautioned. “In many cases, when they come from chaotic, broken nations like Somalia, Iraq, Afghanistan and Syria, we have no idea who these people are and are simply accepting whatever story they give us about their so-called persecution.Yet, we allow Christians who are legitimately under a genocide in Iraq and Syria to languish there unprotected.
“Something must change, and soon, or there will be no more hint of Christianity in the Middle East, which is where the faith took root 2,000 years ago. Trump the candidate seemed to understand these troubling trends, but Trump the president seems confused, misdirected and ill-advised.”
Hohmann wishes Trump would fight the establishment on the refugee issue the same way he fought it on the climate change issue.
“I’d like to see the president approach the refugee issue with the same wisdom, energy and courage with which he approached the Paris climate-change deal,” the writer stated. “It took a lot of guts to defy the globalists and pull out of that bad deal, so we know President Trump has it in him to take on these entrenched, anti-American interests.”
Yes! Western conservative-minded women must have more babies! Lots more babies! Demography is destiny!
Most of the educated women my age fell for the Left Wing activists’ admonition to have no more than 2 babies to save the planet—guess who didn’t listen?
LOL! Every time you hear Muslim political activists say that they are all for saving the environment and want global warming stopped, ask them if they plan to limit their family sizes!
Right Wing Watch reporter Miranda Blue
Thanks to Right Wing Watchfor getting my words out to a wider audience!
Of all the things I said in the interview with Sandy Rios on Friday, this is what stirs up the Left?
Seems to me that they better learn a little more about Islam and the Hijra.
Anti-Refugee Activist: Conservative Women ‘Better Have Babies’ To Prevent Sharia Takeover
Ann Corcoran, who heads the anti-refugee group Refugee Resettlement Watch, said in an interview with the American Family Association’s Sandy Rios this morning that she always tells conservative women that they had “better have babies” in order to prevent Muslims from constituting enough of the population to be able to “shove Sharia law down our throats.”
Rios, who is the American Family Association’s governmental affairs director and hosts a daily radio show on the group’s radio network, claimed that “many” Muslim refugees “are coming here for a purpose, and that is the purpose to overpopulate and dominate and really take over countries wherever they go eventually.” She cited a recent Pew report that found that Muslims are the world’s fastest-growing religious group in large part because “Muslims have more children than members of the seven other major religious groups.”
Corcoran agreed that “it doesn’t look very good,” warning that “Europe is going down the tubes” and the United States could face a similar fate if the Muslim population isn’t limited.
“It doesn’t even require a majority-Muslim population, it only requires a percentage of somewhere around 10 percent to start pushing for all sorts of Sharia compliance by the general public,” she said. “And the way things are going, and the fear most Europeans have of speaking up about this—or even Americans have, to some degree, to less degree perhaps than the Europeans—they’re just going to be able to shove Sharia law down our throats as time goes on just because people are too fearful to speak up. And I always tell conservative young women, you’d better have babies.”
“Yeah, right, and lots of them,” Rios responded. “Lots of them.”
Corcoran’s comments recalled Iowa Rep. Steve King’s recent remark that we “can’t restore our civilization with somebody else’s babies.”
Steve King nailed ithere (with his politically-incorrect truism) or their heads wouldn’t have exploded as they did!
Ms. Blue didn’t likemy video in 2015either, see here. Wow! I see this morning that it is at 2.9 million views!
What you can do:
People ask me all the time, what can they do to save America/Western Civilization (I just started a new category titled: What you can do). Here is one more idea—encourage like-minded young women to have large families! Make it a badge of honor. Or, if you don’t know any, at least talk openly/publicly about the subject of demographic destiny and the advance of Shariah law.
You may recognize the name Paul Nehlen because he attempted to save Congress (and us!) from Speaker Paul Ryan by running against him in Wisconsin in 2016.
He is now attempting to alert America to the concept of Hijrah, the Islamic doctrine of jihad by immigration.
Please consider purchasing his documentary film (here) to encourage the continued education of the American public, your friends and family to the concept of a longterm, quiet invasion of the West.
Reader Brenda forwarded the latest trailer which includes a snip from one of my videos. Go hereor see it below.
Not only on the Refugee Admissions front (see my previous post), but obviously fearing powerful Islamists, the US State Department has convinced the wobbling White House to not name the Muslim Brotherhood a terrorist organization.
From Leo Hohmann at World Net Daily yesterday:
President Trump has decided not to designate the Muslim Brotherhood as a foreign terrorist organization, at least for now, according to published reports citing pressure from the U.S. State Department and the King of Jordan.
If Trump was going to drain the swamp, why hasn’t he hired people like Michele Bachmann, Phil Haney, Kris Kobach or any number of other extremely tough, knowledgeable and qualified people to head up key positions on immigration and on Islamic terrorism in his government?
Anonymous sources told the Washington Times that the administration “backed down from a plan to designate the Brotherhood” after an internal State Department memo advised against it.
The State Department’s argument – put forth in a memo to the White House – comes down to a belief that there is actually more than one Brotherhood and that one side is not as bad as the other because it works through democratic processes in the Middle East, the Washington Times reports.
Yet, it’s always been known that the Brotherhood operates on multiple levels.
According to scholar Martin Kramer, the Muslim Brotherhood from its early days had “a double identity.”
Former Rep. Michele Bachmann, R-Minn., one of the earliest advocates of banning the Brotherhood in the U.S., describes it as “the mother lode of global terrorism.” She told WND President Trump is unlikely to be successful in defeating Islamic terror without confronting the head of the snake.
“It is the umbrella organization from which all terrorism flows because the Brotherhood’s goal is global Islamic rule,” Bachmann told WND. “It’s no coincidence that every terrorist act stems from the same Muslim Brotherhood motivation: Global governance under Islamic Shariah law.”
Phil Haney, former Homeland Security officer and co-author of the whistleblower book “See Something Say Nothing,” said it’s no coincidence that the State Department is heading up the opposition to declaring the Brotherhood a terrorist organization.
“It’s the same shallow argument we’ve been hearing for years,” Haney said. “We refuse to take them at face value and ask what do they, themselves, say they intend to do? This is willful blindness if you can’t take the Muslim Brotherhood at face value. This is part of the swamp that needs to be drained.”
Indeed, two months in to the new Administration and we see little effort being made to drain the swamp as we told you hereearlier this morning. Continue reading herefor the 13 reasons why the Muslim Brotherhood is dangerous for America and the world.
Surely not lost on readers here at RRW is the fact that in order to advance the caliphate the MB needs people—migrants/Muslim refugees—placed in communities large and small throughout America.