Police have posted a video of the man they believe is responsible for the killing. You can see it all in the Baltimore Sun article.
He fled Syria for Baltimore, finding friends and a job in his new home. Someone gunned him down as he delivered pizza.
Khaled Heeba fled the most dangerous place on earth in 2016, escaping Syria’s civil war with his parents to come to the United States for a better life. He settled in Baltimore.
He went to work delivering pizzas full time to help support himself and his parents, his co-workers and a family friend said.
Heeba’s American journey ended less than two weeks ago when someone gunned him down in broad daylight in Harlem Park — less than five minutes from the pizza shop where he’d worked since he got to Baltimore. The 31-year-old man was found in the 1300 block of W. Franklin St. around 1:15 p.m. Feb. 7 suffering from gunshot wounds to the chest. He died after being transported to a nearby hospital, police said.
I had told myself that I was going to be more diligent in checking data this year as refugees were being placed by the Trump Administration.
Eritreans make up one of the largest groups attempting to cross the Mediterranean to Europe.
The first arrivals were reported here four days ago.
So, when I checked just now I was surprised to see that Maryland, which usually comes in in the middle of the pack, had moved to the number one state for resettlement so far.
Granted we are only talking about 30 refugees out of a total of 274 that have arrived in the US since October 1, but I think it is worth mentioning.
The Trump Administration is prioritizing Africa for resettlement to the US this year. https://refugeeresettlementwatch.org/2018/09/25/trump-administration-to-prioritize-africans-in-fy19-refugee-admissions-to-us/
Using the interactive data reports at Wrapsnet, here is what I learned.
Forty Eritreans entered the US in the last two weeks and 25 of them were placed in Maryland.
Additionally Maryland received 5 from the DR Congo.
Baltimore was the resettlement city for all of the Congolese and all but three of the Eritreans.
Of course if you know anything about Maryland you are likely wondering what the heck are they going to do for jobs in Baltimore (no meatpacking plants that I know of!).
We don’t know what religious affiliation the Eritreans who came to Maryland claim, but know that 17 out of the total 40 Eritreans who came to the US in the last 2 weeks are Muslims.
The usual reason given for why Eritreans are leaving their country is because the dictatorship there has mandatory military conscription. Because of that, you get new neighbors!
(It has been awhile, but see a post I wroteabout the diversity being added to a troubled Baltimore.)
Of course consider the source of this glowing tale of how Baltimore’s economy is on the mend thanks to the large numbers of refugees and immigrants helping to revitalize the community. The fluffy story is being peddled by non-other than Think Progress (think George Soros and John Podesta!).
But, first don’t miss the news from Reuters just two days ago about how Baltimore can’t find enough policemen for a dwindling force while the murder rate skyrockets.
One reason Baltimore is in deep trouble. Photo: http://moralmatters.org/2015/04/30/baltimore-mayor-stephanie-rawlings-blake-obama-political-puppet-suck-up/
Does it ever occur to the social engineering geniuses in the refugee resettlement industry/open borders movement that social unrest in inner cities could be coming from forcing ethnic diversity on a struggling African American community? Do the American citizens see the special treatment refugees receive and does that cause some of the simmering anger to explode? (Remember we learned here that rioting blacks targeted the Arab-owned stores in those riots last year.) Hereis the Think Progress story that begins with the usual warm and fuzzy tale of a refugee ‘making it’ in Baltimore. (Don’t forget our news from yesterdayabout the storytelling propaganda campaign being spearheaded by the UN’s ‘The Hive.’)
We know from our research that refugees receive special grants and other loan programs that allow them to purchase homes and businesses—programs not available to the local African American community. Refugees also have special auto purchasing programs funded by you.
Some local politicians see refugee resettlement as a way to revitalize their cities and to harness talent and skills for entry-level jobs that many native-born Americans may not necessarily want to do. [What is this, ‘may not necessarily want to do?’ Might they necessarily want to do it if wages were higher? Aren’t wages depressed when large numbers of low-skilled refugees move in?—ed]
Baltimore Mayor Stephanie Rawlings-Blake has seen the value in resettling refugees in her town. Foreign-born workers earned about $1 billion in wages in 2011, with immigrants holding more than 27,000 jobs. They also own 21 percent of the city’s businesses, about three times more than the native-born population, a Baltimore City government report found. Beyond Baltimore, many other cities have found that resettling refugees could help grow the economy by allowing refugees to buy homes, learn English, and eventually become citizens. [Think Progress of course does not report on how much the immigrants take from the community in social service costs, school expenses, and certainly the criminal justice system!—ed]
So the star of this story came to the US after being an illegal alien in Malta!
Switching subjects! This is the first time I have seen a media reference to the fact that ever since the Bush Administration the US State Department has been scooping up aliens/economic migrants who came to the island nation of Malta from North Africa ILLEGALLY, and presto-chango declaring them refugees! I’ve been writing about this subject for almost nine years, this is just one recent post.
Do you know that when someone lands in Europe (for example) and asks for asylum that they are to be granted asylum in the first country in which they land (or rejected for asylum). But, the George Bush State Dept. changed all that for Malta. We now take hundreds of Malta’s illegal aliens/economic migrants off their hands and transport them to America! So, the star of Think Progress’s story was not a real refugee. He was an alien who got to Malta and was living there for several years before, as he says, he chose to come to America! WTH! (See here, he was not a refugee!)
Admitted as a refugee to the United States in April, G.T., who asked for his real name to be withheld because he still has family back in Eritrea, didn’t always have a life this consistently American. He spent nine months trudging through Eritrea to Sudan, then another four months to Libya. From there, he took a perilous journey by boat to Malta, where he worked for three years and four months. While his own journey to Malta happened a few years before the European Union began facing a crush of refugees from Africa and the Middle East, his trek was hardly different from the one undertaken by millions of refugees traveling across the Mediterranean Sea.
In Malta, G.T. was happy “when I heard that there was a chance to go to America. Everyone knows that America has good opportunities,” G.T. told ThinkProgress in a phone interview. “That’s why I prefer to choose to come here.
Endnote:Think Progress ironicallyillustrates its story with a photo of Baltimore’s Inner Harbor which was created when some very rich and powerful developers, working in collusion with elected officials, condemned the homes and apartments of many of the city’s poor (including African Americans!) to develop the Inner Harbor. So poor people got the shaft and the supposed champions of the poor at Think Progress are apparently too dumb to know. One more reminder that ‘humanitarianism’ is only the cover used by the rich and powerful to line their pockets.
One of the great myths of our times—large numbers of immigrants will resuscitate dying cities.
We’ve written several times previously about Baltimore Mayor Stephanie Rawlings-Blake hoping to boost the population (and the economy!) of Baltimore city by bringing in thousands of impoverished third worlders.
Didn’t we see in the recent riots that African American gangs in the city don’t appreciate diversity in the same way as the mayor, go here to see what I mean.
Mayor Rawlings-Blake working with Muslim Brotherhood affiliated charity Islamic Relief USA to bring in more refugees from Africa and the Middle East. http://irusa.org/press-releases/rebuilding-a-city-rebuilding-lives-baltimore-welcomes-refugees/
In keeping with my new vow to keep it short. Here is the gist of the latest repeat of the same old news, this time fromThe Economist(hat tip: Cathy). Please read the whole propaganda piece yourself. (See what I mean below***)
IN COMMON with colleagues across the rich world, the mayor of Baltimore, Stephanie Rawlings-Blake, worries about refugees sent to her city by federal officials—a quota that this year, for the first time, may include hundreds of Syrians. Less typically, a big anxiety for Ms Rawlings-Blake is that too few refugees will settle in her home town.
Baltimore, a once-thriving port and factory town, has lost a third of its population since 1950, dropping to about 622,000 souls.
Like other north-eastern cities, it has grappled with economic decline, shrinking tax rolls and the toxic legacy of race laws which corralled black residents in districts blighted by bad schools and crime.Urban-renewal projects have brought tourists and professionals back to some districts after decades of white flight. But one of Ms Rawlings-Blake’s favourite projects—to attract 10,000 new families to Baltimore—remains a far-off dream.
For more than a decade, Maryland’s largest city has been used as an entry point for refugees, with federal agencies led by the State Department sending 700-800 there each recent year from such troubled places as Nepal, Iraq and Eritrea. About two-thirds moved on after a few years…. [Surprise! Not!—ed]
There ismore here. Go here for our previous posts on Baltimore.
***And see here, the British publication The Economistis all for “free immigration!” Here is what the oh-so-intelligent beings at The Economistbelieve in:
Sen. Ben Cardin, D-Md. and Sen. Barbara Mikulski, D-Md.: Let’s spend more taxpayer dollars to bring in more Syrians more quickly!
We are always reporting on other states, but we mustn’t forget our home state of Maryland! Although, as Maryland readers will attest, this is not exactly earth-shattering news!
Here theBaltimore Sun reports on efforts by Senators Ben Cardin and Barbara Mikulski to obtain more funding to speed up the resettlement of mostly MuslimSyrians to the US and to Maryland.
And, although it is at the end, Sun reporter, Ian Duncan, does tell us that the Sessions’ hearing last week revealed that thorough security screening of Syrians is virtually impossible.
Maryland’s senators are seeking ways the U.S. government can do more to aid Syrian refugees, joining other officials in the search for a balance between the humanitarian urge to help those who are suffering and the security concerns of admitting masses of people to the United States from a region that has been cracked apart by terrorism.
Sen. Ben Cardin called this week for more funding to process refugee applications, and Sen. Barbara A. Mikulski has asked homeland security officials how better technology could speed the vetting process.
About 7,000 refugees from around the world were resettled in Maryland from October 2008 through September 2013, according to the U.S. Office of Refugee Resettlement. The Baltimore office of the nonprofit International Rescue Committee had found homes for 26 Syrians this year through mid-September.
Cardin urged the Senate Appropriations Committee to boost funding for the agencies involved.
“We must support funding to significantly increase the number of refugees screened and admitted into the United States,” Cardin and other Democrats wrote in a letter to the panel’s leaders.
Although it is at the very end of his story, the reporter does mention the important hearing held by Senator Jeff Sessions last week.
The process is also colored by concerns that the self-proclaimed Islamic State in Iraq and Syria could try to sneak operatives posing as refugees into the United States.
At a recent hearing, Sen. Jeff Sessions questioned whether immigration officials know enough about individual candidates to determine who might pose a national security risk.
“We have little or no information about who the people are, no background information, no ability to determine whether they are radicalized now or might become radicalized after their arrival in the United States,” the Alabama Republican said.
More here. Adding Muslim diversity to Baltimore!
Be sure to check out some recent posts on refugee resettlement to Baltimore here andhere. An Islamic charity affiliated with the Muslim Brotherhood is ‘helping’ refugees resettle in Maryland. I wonder if they assist ol’ Ben and Babs with a little campaign help as well, just as CAIR is doing in CT,here, for another Democrat Senator. Where is Governor Hogan on all of this? Does anyone know?