Just so you know! The Refugee Act of 1980 gives the President the responsibility to set the annual refugee cap. President Donald Trump has set the cap for this year at 18,000.
If elected Prez, Joe Biden would dramatically raise the cap higher than anything the Obama Administration ever did—to 125,000.
Increase the number of refugees we welcome into the country.
With more than 70 million displaced people in the world today, this is a moment that demands American leadership. Offering hope and safe haven to refugees is part of who we are as a country. As a senator, Joe Biden co-sponsored the legislation creating our refugee program, which Trump has steadily decimated. His Administration has reduced the refugee resettlement ceiling to its lowest levels in decades and slammed the door on thousands of individuals suffering persecution, many of whom face threats of violence or even death in their home countries. We cannot mobilize other countries to meet their humanitarian obligations if we are not ourselves upholding our cherished democratic values and firmly rejecting Trump’s nativist rhetoric and actions. Biden embraces the core values that have made us who we are and will prioritize restoring refugee admissions in line with our historic practice under both Democratic and Republican Administrations. He will set the annual global refugee admissions cap to 125,000, and seek to raise it over time commensurate with our responsibility, our values, and the unprecedented global need.
Bernie is cagier and doesn’t stipulate a cap! However, he says he will welcome 50,000 (or more!) climate refugees in addition to other refugees.
Lift President Trump’s refugee caps and live up to our nation’s ideals and international law by welcoming those displaced from their homes.
Create a new program to welcome migrants displaced by climate change, and set a floor of accepting at least 50,000 climate migrants in his first year in office.
Note to PayPal donors! I want to thank all of you who send me donations for my work via PayPal. I very much appreciate your thoughtfulness. However, PayPal is making changes to their terms of service and I’ve decided to opt-out beginning on March 10, 2020.
But were they US citizens legally permitted to vote?
As you may know I watch CNN in the morning for a few minutes so I know what the talking points and marching orders are for the Left on any given day. Today I learned that the Bernie Sanders campaign is drumming up support from immigrant/refugee enclaves in the US and did so successfully in Iowa.
If you had any doubts that the Democrat/Socialist’s strategy is to use more immigration to turn America blue, look no further than Bernie’s presidential bid.
Needless to say, when CNN reported this morning on how Iowa meat packing companies were fertile ground for organizing, I perked up.
JBS US headquarters in Greeley, CO. My photo from 2016 road trip to visit meat packing towns. JBS is a Brazilian owned company!
Long time readers know that I have made it an important element of RRW to report on how refugee admissions are driven by meat packer’s desire for a steady supply of cheap, captive labor in the form of refugees and other immigrants.
Here is a detailed account in a socialist publication bragging about how Bernie appealed to the workers at one pork plant in Iowa owned by JBS the Brazilian-owned company I have been writing about for more than ten years!
How Bernie’s Iowa Campaign Organized Immigrant Workers at the Factory Gates
The first caucus-goers in Iowa yesterday were immigrant workers at a meat processing plant — and they all voted for Bernie Sanders. Here’s how they were organized, and why it shows once again that Bernie’s campaign is like nothing we’ve seen before.
At the time of this writing, we are still awaiting results — and a lot of answers — from the shambolic Iowa caucus. But two things we already know: Bernie Sanders appears to have come out on top, and we’ve never seen a presidential campaign like his before in American politics.
On Monday at noon, Iowa’s first caucus-goers filtered into a union hall in Ottumwa. Fourteen of them were there to caucus for Bernie Sanders, almost all immigrants, primarily from Ethiopia but also from Honduras and Macedonia. They were workers at JBS Pork, the largest employer in Wapello County.
Two-and-a-half thousand workers are employed at Ottumwa’s JBS plant. They come from nearly fifty countries.
Bernie Sanders’s platform has a lot to offer workers like those at JBS. It calls for stronger unions, higher wages, better benefits, and an end to at-will employment, for starters. Labor scholar Barry Eidlin called Sanders’s Workplace Democracy Plan the “most serious, comprehensive, and equitable plan for promoting workers’ rights ever proposed by a major US presidential candidate.”
In a strategy more reminiscent of labor organizing than anything typically seen in presidential politics, the Sanders campaign assigned several people — including field organizers Tristan Bock Hughes, Charisa Wotherspoon, Devon Severson, and the campaign’s National Labor Organizer Jonah Furman — to post up at the gates of the JBS meat processing plant. For several nights, they canvassed outside the factory from 10 PM to 3 AM, engaging workers in conversation as their shifts ended. The campaign organizers spoke to workers in multiple languages about their lives, their work, and Sanders’s platform and campaign.
The campaign’s strategy was to find people enthusiastic about Sanders and convince them to not only caucus for him, but to get their coworkers to caucus for him as well. An example of one such person was Wendwosen Biftu, an Ethiopian worker who was excited about Sanders from the beginning. After being canvassed outside the plant, Biftu came to the field office with his ten-year-old daughter, who helped translate for him, and expressed an interest in organizing others to caucus for Sanders.
Ethiopians are likely refugees. He doesn’t speak English, is he a US citizen? Sure hope someone in Iowa is checking the voter rolls!
On Monday evening, Sanders campaign press secretary Briahna Joy Gray confirmed on CBS that this was indeed the official strategy. “A group that normally isn’t reached out to, pork packers, predominately Ethiopian immigrants, caucused and voted overwhelmingly for Bernie Sanders,” Gray said of the Ottumwa workers, adding that she believes the Sanders campaign is “most able to build the kind of grassroots, broad-based, working-class support that’s required to defeat Donald Trump in a general election.”
This 2017 post is one of many posts I have written over the years about what I have dubbed BIG MEAT—the giant globalist meat companies changing America by changing the people. See how Lutheran Immigration and Refugee Service is involved and Ottumwa is mentioned.
As Dems turn their backs on a screwed up Iowa caucus and head to New Hampshire, Bernie Sanders, for one, is tapping into the immigrant/refugee community there for new socialist voters.
How One Campaign Is Organizing An Often-Overlooked N.H. Voting Bloc: Immigrants and Refugees
At first, the scene at the Manchester field office for the Bernie Sanders campaign looked pretty typical: Volunteers milled around after a presentation from campaign higher-ups, fielding invitations to sign up for canvassing shifts from campaign staffers armed with clipboards.
Suraj Budathoki, Bhutanese refugee, constituency director for Bernie Sanders’ presidential campaign in New Hampshire.
But in one corner of the room, a smaller group huddled together, listening intently to field organizer Susmik Lama, who was delivering a parallel set of instructions for the final weeks of the campaign — in Nepali.
While the pace of refugee resettlement has slowed in recent years, New Hampshire is still home to thousands of refugees and immigrants — including a large population hailing from Himalayan nations like Bhutan and Nepal.
Just so you know!
In 2006, the Bush Administration told the UN that we will take 60,000 over 5 yearsof the displaced ‘Bhutanese’(really people of Nepali origin) living in UN camps in Nepal. We had no national interest in the squabble between Bhutan and Nepal, nor did we have any wars going on in that region of the world!
As of today, according to the Refugee Processing Center, we have admitted 96,174 Bhutanese people to the US since Bush said 60,000 max.
Over 10,000 were placed in Pennsylvania, the top state for their resettlement. NH ‘welcomed’ over 2,000.
They are here now, voting the Republicans out of office whenever and wherever they can!
NHPR continues:
Refugees and immigrants can vote in U.S. elections after applying for U.S. citizenship, but engaging with these communities has — until now — been an afterthought for many local campaigns.
Suraj Budathoki, a former Bhutanese refugee who now works for the Sanders campaign, has made it his mission to change that.
“The Democratic Party thinks that votes of immigrants and refugees are sure votes for them; that’s a mistake,” he said. “They don’t tend to go to those people. They think that they’re going to come to them, vote for them. But they never go to their community and talk to them.”