We have reported on the rise of the rightwing in Bulgaria, the poorest of the 28 European Union countries, as it struggles to deal with thousands of Muslim “refugees” (not only Syrians) coming across their border from Turkey. Why isn’t Turkey stopping them when they get to Turkey’s border? That is what we want to know?
Blogger Ruslan Trad
But, this story in theStandart (and reprinted from the International Business Times) looks to me like it’s designed to whip-up a frenzy of anti-right sentiment linking the Bulgarian right to Greece’s controversial Golden Dawn. And, they rely on a blogger they describe as a Syrian/Bulgarian, founder of theForum for Arab Culture(in Bulgarian language we presume), who produced these pro-Palestinian youtube clips (here and here). He would hardly be an unbiased source. Emphasis below is mine:
Bulgaria nationalist groups have launched civil patrols to round-up migrants in the country in a hate attack strategy that is reminiscent of Greece’s neo-Nazi Golden Dawn group, The International Business Times reports.
The Balkan country has seen a surge in xenophobic attackssince a wave of refugees escaping from the horrors of the civil war in Syria, 2,000 km south of the capital Sofia, has entered via the Turkish border.
From June 2013, more than 10,000 refugees reached Bulgaria and human rights organisations expect tens of thousands to make the journey in the coming months.
The surge of nationalist sentiment, which led to the creation of the new Nationalist Party of Bulgaria, is fuelled by the government’s lack of preparation, information and adequate response to the refugee crisis, according to Ruslan Trad, Syrian-Bulgarian blogger and founder of Forum for Arab Culture.
“Lack of information leads to aggression and fears. And these fears are used by nationalist factions,” he told IBTimes UK.
“We have no clear information for the refugees: who are they, what’s their ethnic and religious composition.
Wouldn’t that last bit concern you no matter what your home country is that is being overrun?
Read it all. Trad appears to be the source for the whole piece.
Where they could face “inhuman or degrading treatment” say the UN bullies.
If you are wondering what this is all about, the European Union has this dumb thing called the ‘Dublin Regulation’ which says if ‘asylum seekers’ trek across some poor border country—like Bulgaria, Greece, or Malta—and seek asylum in some other European country then they can be sent back to the poor border country and apply there. You can see how this might deter the migrants who are asylum shopping, but imagine what it does to the poor border country that couldn’t handle the influx in the first place.
Bulgaria’s rightwing Ataka Party is expected to do well in May EU elections.
BERLIN – The United Nations’ refugee agency is urging European countries to hold off returning asylum seekers to Bulgaria, citing problems with access to basic services and with asylum procedures.
Under the “Dublin procedure,” European Union countries return illegal migrants to the first EU country they entered. Bulgaria is on the bloc’s eastern edge and has seen increasing numbers of asylum seekers in recent months, among them people fleeing Syria’s civil war.
The U.N. High Commissioner for Refugees urged other countries Friday to suspend returning migrants to Bulgaria because of risks they could face “inhuman or degrading treatment”; it plans to review the situation in April.
April! More likely Mayafter the EU Parliament elections so they don’t tick-off the rightwing so much that they defeat some of the socialists who now run the EU!
It says Bulgaria has made progress but problems remain with asylum seekers’ access to food and health care, registration delays and risks of arbitrary detention.
You can see that my sympathies are with Bulgaria. For more on Bulgaria’s “refugee crisis,” click here.
Ataka leader Bozhinov: we have a lot of our own poor people to take care of! Photo: Dmitry Kostyukov for The New York Times
George Soros and his open-society one-worlderswill have their hands full as the unexpected (maybe not so unexpected!) flowering of the political right is coming sooner and faster than it might have if there wasn’t such a drive on (led by the UN) to pressure Europe to take in Muslims, most recently the Syrian Muslims.
Here the New York Timeswrings its proverbial hands over Bulgaria’s growing right wing power in a “news” piece filled with words meant to prejudice readers toward a leftwing view of the situation.
In fact, one interesting thing about the European rightwing is that although they are against unfettered immigration, they still believe in the social safety net that most socialist countries of Europe offer their citizens. But, here is the crux of it and it comes late in the article:
“We are not a party of xenophobes,” he (Ataka leader) said. “But Bulgaria has lots of poor people of its own that need taking care of before refugees.”
Whether it’s Europe, Canada or the US, the average citizen asks these same logical questions as I said here last week in the post about Canadian health care.
One of the most troubling questions for community members in a city or town where large numbers of refugees are arriving is—why are we doing this when we have our own needy people not being cared for?
I hear it all the time. It goes something like this: ‘we have people (Americans/our neighbors) going hungry, homeless in the streets, or the elderly in need of attention and care and yet we can bring in tens of thousands of impoverished people from elsewhere in the world? Why are our own needy so much less attractive?’
Here is the New York Times(anti-rightwing ‘opinion’ piece with my emphasis!):
SVILENGRAD, Bulgaria — After spreading turmoil and desperate refugees across the Middle East, Syria’s brutal civil war has now leaked misery into Europe’s eastern fringe — and put a spring in the step of Angel Bozhinov, a nationalist activist in this Bulgarian border town next to Turkey.
The local leader of Ataka, a pugnacious, far-right party, Mr. Bozhinov lost his seat in the town council at the last municipal elections in 2011 but now sees his fortunes rising thanks to public alarm over an influx of Syrian refugees across the nearby frontier.
Membership of the local branch of Ataka, he said, had surged in recent weeks as “people come up to me in the street and tell me that our party was right.” Ataka, which means attack, champions “Bulgaria for Bulgarians” and has denounced Syrian refugees as terrorists whom Bulgaria, the European Union’s poorest nation, must expel.An Ataka member of Parliament has reviled them as “terrible, despicable primates.”
The Socialist led government is corrupt and survives with the help of the rightwing which has given the rightwing leverage to push for things like the new border fence (mentioned later in the story).
The influx of Syrian refugees has sown divisions across the European Union as the refugees add burdens on governments still struggling to emerge from years of recession. But Bulgaria is perhaps the most fragile of all the European Union’s 28 members. Modest as the numbers of refugees are here, the entry of nearly 6,500 Syrians this year has overwhelmed the deeply unpopular coalition government and added a volatile element to the nation’s already unstable politics.
The arrival of the refugees and public fury over the stabbing of a young Bulgarian woman by an Algerian asylum seeker “has opened the floodgates” for far-right nationalists, said Daniel Smilov of the Center for Liberal Strategies, a policy research group in Sofia, the capital. “They see this as their big chance.” [Note, it’s not just Syrians trying to get through Bulgaria, but African Arabs like the alleged stabber in this case—ed]
No matter how inflammatory its message or small its numbers, Ataka has had outsize leverage since inconclusive parliamentary elections in May left it critical to the survival of Bulgaria’s new socialist-led government, which has been besieged for months by protesters demanding its resignation over complaints of cronyism and corruption.
Like many populist parties in Western Europe, Ataka mixes right-wing calls for law and order and restrictions on immigration with economic policies that veer sharply to the left.
Ataka: Illegal migrants are Islamists and scroungers!
Ataka’s one constant has been its vicious rhetoric against foreigners and minorities. Alfa Television, a station operated by Ataka, denounces the refugees as radical Islamists and scroungers who will only bring violence and deeper poverty to Bulgaria.
Mr. Bozhinov, the Ataka leader in Svilengrad, said he had nothing against legal immigrants. But he fumed against those who sneaked across the thinly guarded border from Turkey, seeing them as a threat to Bulgaria’s and Europe’s security and economic well-being. They should be either sent back or moved on to richer countries willing and better equipped to take them, he said.
“We are not a party of xenophobes,” he said. “But Bulgaria has lots of poor people of its own that need taking care of before refugees.”
Whether it is Bulgaria or America, that legitimate sentiment runs deep!
We’ve been led to believe that the majority of the asylum seekers coming across from Turkey into an overloaded Bulgaria are Syrians, so how the heck did Algerians get there too? Algeria is in Africa after all.
Most migrants are entering Bulgaria through Turkey, so why is Turkey allowing them to cross their country on the way to Western Europe—is it the Hijra?
The UN yells at Bulgaria for xenophobia, for detaining asylum seekers, and for trying to stem the tide of migrants into their country, but why aren’t they telling the Turks to stop the hordes at the Turkish border?
Here is the news about the riots. The Algerians were protesting because they want to be free to roam Bulgaria and perhaps move farther West into Western Europe. Just like those “refugees” in Norway, these aren’t destitute men looking for a roof and a meal, they are criminals!
Emphasis is mine:
Bulgarian police used batons to put down a protest by Algerians at a temporary refugee centre in the town of Lyubimets on November 30, the Interior Ministry in Sofia has confirmed.
Confirmation of the incident came in an Interior Ministry statement on December 7, following local media reports.
The Algerians began a protest over frustration at being kept for a long time at the centre, embarking on a hunger strike and trying to prevent refugees from other countries eating, Interior Ministry officials alleged.
There were clashes when police sought to intervene.
Two migrants had broken arms and another a head injury after the clashes. The three were given medical treatment and were returned to the centre.
In the course of the rebellion, property was damaged, television cables were ripped out, doors broken down, safety grilles pulled off radiators and metal bedsteads used to make barricades to prevent police entering.
According to the Interior Ministry, police had to use force after attempts at negotiations failed and there was “fierce resistance”. The ministry said that two police also were injured.
UNHCR reprimands Bulgaria for trying to save itself from invasion!
“We are alarmed by a recent increase in xenophobic violence such as a reported attack on three asylum seekers, including two Syrian men, in Sofia this past week,” UNHCR said.
“We urge the authorities to take steps to stem the rising tide of xenophobia in Bulgaria. We are concerned by reports the authorities are planning to increase the use of closed facilities for asylum seekers, particularly single men.
“And we urge the authorities to find alternatives to detention. Seeking asylum is not a crime, and the use of detention should be a last resort.”
The deployment of about 1400 police officers along the Turkish border and the construction of a 30km fence there have already reduced the numbers of people able to enter Bulgaria, the statement said.
The UNHCR said that there have been “concerning reports” of Syrians being pushed back at the border in recent weeks – contrary to the principles of international law. It is important that people fleeing for their lives are allowed access to a safe haven and are able to seek international protection, the statement said.
They are coming across from Turkey. Turkey is a safe haven! so why isn’t the UNHCR telling Turkey to keep the refugees?
I think its because the UNHCR and the government of Turkey are perfectly happy flooding Europe with Muslim migrants! It is called al-Hijra and Turkey is in the Caliphate re-building business.
What makes groups like Amnesty International not understand that citizens of a country sooner or later won’t tolerate being invaded—sooner in small relatively poor countries like Bulgaria where citizens see the impact of being overrun more quickly?
Heck, I’ll bet Amnesty has been pretty ticked-off at the US for “invading” Muslim countries. So, why when Muslims invade a Christian country are the citizens to lie down and take it?
Jezerca Tigani of Amnesty International: “Xenophobic and racist violence will not be tolerated.”
For new readers, click here, for our complete archive on Bulgaria being swamped by mostly Syrians flooding across their border with Turkey.
Amnesty beats on Bulgaria. Here is the latest newsabout attacks on migrants in Sofia and Amnesty’s demands (emphasis is mine):
Bulgaria’s authorities must send a clear message that they will take all necessary measures to curb the growing spate of attacks against refugees and migrants on the streets of the capital city Sofia, Amnesty International said.
The call comes after two Syrian men in their 20s and 30s were injured in a violent attack in Sofia’s Zaharna Fabrika district. A third man targeted in the attack reportedly escaped unscathed. This was the seventh such assault on the city’s streets since the beginning of November 2013.
“So far, instead of investigating and bringing the perpetrators of these violent attacks to justice, the Bulgarian authorities have sought to downplay them as run-of-the-mill muggings and crimes. Bulgaria is obliged under international law to thoroughly investigate any possible hate motive behind these crimes. Hate crimes are an affront to human dignity,” said Jezerca Tigani, a Deputy Director of Europe and Central Asia Programme of Amnesty International.
“The Bulgarian authorities must take a clear and public stance that xenophobic and racist violence will not be tolerated. Refugees and migrants must be protected from any further harassment and violence.”
Bulgaria is working on Plan B—secure the border, build a fence, slow the flow:
Separately, the Interior Ministry said that there had been a decrease in the number of people entering Bulgaria seeking refugee status, halving in the past month.
In October, there were 3626 illegal entrants, but in November the number dropped to 1652, according to the Interior Ministry.
The reason for the decrease in the number was intensified border controls and new security measures, the ministry said. An additional 1400 police had been deployed in the border area and construction of a fence at the Bulgarian-Turkish border had started.
Maybe Ms. Tigani could yell at Turkey for allowing the migrants to wander across Turkey and slip into Bulgaria. International refugee law requires legitimate asylum seekers to apply for asylum in the first safe country they enter—that would be Turkey!