UNHCR (UN High Commissioner for Refugees) Antonio Guterres got an earful from refugees when he visited a Bulgarian refugee shelter Friday. He called on other European countries to help the beleaguered Bulgarians who were swamped with 10,000 refugees coming across their Turkish border this past year alone!
Antonio Guterres (left), former President of the Socialist International, talks with refugees in Sofia.
But get this! 4,000 were other-than-Syrians, so who were they?
SOFIA (AFP) — UN refugee chief Antonio Guterres on Friday called for the European Union to step up support for countries like Bulgaria coping with an influx of Syrian refugees living in overcrowded camps.
The EU needs to mobilize and show “solidarity … especially when some countries like Bulgaria have more limited resources and are at the external border of the union,” Guterres told journalists after visiting a refugee camp in Sofia with EU humanitarian aid commissioner Kristalina Georgieva.
Bulgaria, the bloc’s poorest member, has been completely overwhelmed by the arrival this year of almost 10,000 refugees — 60 percent of them Syrian — crossing over illegally from Turkey.
Bulgaria taking some action to stem the tide:
Bulgaria started turning non-Syrian refugees back at the border this month and plans to build a 20-mile fence in one area.
Refugees: we want out of here, we want to go farther west into Europe!
“We thought that this is Europe but we were mistaken. We want to head west as soon as possible,”said a 34-year-old Syrian refugee, Yusuf Kuka, at the Vrazhdebna camp on the outskirts of Sofia on Friday.
“We have waited for two months already, in vain, and the conditions here are dangerous for the children,” added another refugee, Ralfa Gennan, from the city of Homs.
They complained about the lack of enough living space, the shortage of blankets, and the poor hygiene in the few toilets and bathrooms in the building. [Perhaps Guterres arranged for the delivery of cleaning supplies.—ed]
We want passports out of here!
About 100 women and children blocked Guterres’ way out of the courtyard, shouting “Passports! Passports.”
See all of our previous posts on poor Bulgaria by clicking here. Don’t miss Israel’s Mossad to the rescue, here.
Israeli intelligence agency Mossad will help Bulgaria with the Syrian refugees, it became clear from the words of Interior Minister Tsvetlin Jovchev in a TV program on Nova TV, Standart daily reports.
The Deputy Prime Minister was on a week-long visit to Israel a few days ago and confirmed that the Middle Eastern country will help Bulgaria in securing the refugee situation, due to Israel’s experience in the area.
Jovchev also noted that he hopes that the forecast of 200,000 immigrants in Bulgaria will not prove true. “We have over 10,000 illegal aliens now. Part of them – more than 1,000 – have not sought refuge and will have to be expelled out of the country. About 8,000 of them declared that they seek protection. Around 3,000 of the applicants will not receive such because they have no reason to want it “explained Jovchev.
Keeping the jihadists out of Europe!
Jovchev confirmed the information that there are jihadists in Syria, who aim to return to Europe – perhaps through Bulgaria. However, he assured that the government uses all its resources to keep the terrorists out of the country.
We have written much on Bulgaria’s plight, click here for our complete archive.
Sofia’s Banya Bashi mosque where migrants congregate.
Bulgaria is being swamped with refugees, mostly Syrians, coming across the border from Turkey and seeing Bulgaria as their gateway to Europe. Tensions are mounting as locals believe their country is being invaded (most Bulgarians are Eastern Orthodox).
Police in Bulgaria’s capital city Sofia have stepped up security in streets nearby the landmark Banya Bashi mosque after a group of men in their 20s seriously assaulted a man they apparently mistook for a refugee and attempted to batter their way into a building housing refugees.
The victim of the assault, a Bulgarian of Turkish extraction identified in media reports as named Georgi “Metin” Dimitrov (28), remained in hospital on November 10 2013 in serious conditions, in a coma with severe head injuries.
Two men, aged 28 and 29, have been arrested in connection with the assault on “Metin” Dimitrov. Both are said to be from Sofia.
The assault of “Metin” took place after the group attempted to break into a building where migrants were living. They broke down the gates but the migrants managed to keep them from entering the building. The group moved off, encountering the Bulgarian and setting on him.
Looks like the violence isn’t one-sided:
Bulgaria’s Chief Mufti, spiritual leader of the country’s Muslim community, condemned the assault on Dimitrov, who worked at the Iliyantsi market and at the mosque. The Chief Mufti urged Muslims to remain calm in the face of provocations.
Acts of violence against people, regardless of religion and ethnicity, were unacceptable and deeply objectionable, said the Chief Mufti’s office, which condemned the assault on the Bulgarian man on the night of November 8 as well as the earlier incident in which a Bulgarian shopkeeper was stabbed, allegedly by an Algerian illegal migrant.
Mosque is where the migrants congregate:
Since the significant increase in the number of refugees, many from Syria, coming to Bulgaria, the area near the mosque has become a gathering place for migrants from the Middle East and North Africa.
Anti-refugee rallies held, racist hate speech charges brought:
The previous week, anti-refugee and anti-migrant rallies by nationalists VMRO and ultra-nationalists Ataka were held in Sofia and Elhovo. Statements by people involved with the VMRO rally, including the party’s deputy leader, have led prosecutors to open pre-trial proceedings against six people for allegedly using racist hate speech.
The Bulgarian government is planning a border fence to slow the flow from Turkey, but keep in mind, Turkey could also stop the flow on their side of the border if they wanted to!
As we have been reporting recently the tiny, economically poor, country of Bulgaria (on the border with Turkey) has become a gateway to the European Union with 8,000 Syrians arriving in Sofia this year alone.
Putting this “time bomb” story together with a New York Times story from Friday (hat tip: Judy) entitled, Right Wing’s Surge in Europe Has the Establishment Rattledone can readily see why and how the resurgence of the European right wing has the Socialists worried.
From Novinite, here is some of the ‘human time bomb’ story (emphasis mine):
As refugees flock to the country, aid agencies warn other European nations to be better prepared.
Bangeen and many other refugees in Bulgaria carry a message for Europe’s leaders, who have put off discussing an overhaul of the bloc’s asylum policy until next June and are quietly hoping that the two million Syrian refugees will stay in Turkey, Jordan and Lebanon.
But the evidence in Bulgaria suggests otherwise. As Syria’s war shows no sign of ending, people want a more permanent home than a tent in the desert. Nearly 8,000 men, women and children have arrived in Bulgaria so far this year – up from 2,000 last year. And they are not planning on building their lives here.
“No way, no one will stay here,” says 23-year-old English language student Mazen Mustafa, who is aiming for Germany or Austria. “You see the situation here. It is too bad. If we get our travel documents, we will leave this country.”
So why no debate before June? European Parliament elections will be held in May and the right wing populist parties are gaining strength:
Calls for more humanity from EU governments reached a peak last month, when 330 Somalis and Eritreans drowned off the coast of Italy while trying to reach Europe. A week later, dozens of Syrians died in a similar shipwreck between Malta and Italy. Human rights groups want the EU to provide more legitimate ways for asylum-seekers to reach safe havens without risking their lives.
But with anti-immigrant parties expected to do well in European Parliament elections in May, there is little appetite for such a debate. Governments are instead reinforcing their borders.One reason Syrians are flooding into Bulgaria at a rate of up to 100 a day is because Greece last year completed a fence along much of its border with Turkey. Bulgaria is doing the same soon. This means Syrians fleeing war will have to find another route into Europe, most likely on the dangerous sea passage.
New York Times:Europe’s Tea Party movement with one difference! The European right wing populist parties don’t want to get rid of the welfare state, they simply want to assure that the welfare is not given away to hordes of refugees and illegal migrants from Middle Eastern and African hell holes.
Just as Australia’s recent national election centered on the issue of immigration as the motivating factor for voters, EU elections in May will likely do the same:
All over, established political forces are losing ground to politicians whom they scorn as fear-mongering populists. In France, according to a recent opinion poll, the far-right National Front has become the country’s most popular party. In other countries — Austria, Britain, Bulgaria, the Czech Republic, Finland and the Netherlands — disruptive upstart groups are on a roll.
This phenomenon alarms not just national leaders but also officials in Brussels who fear that European Parliament elections next May could substantially tip the balance of power toward nationalists and forces intent on halting or reversing integration within the European Union.
Pork meatballs for the children!
The Left might wish for “integration” but it is human nature to defend one’s distinct culture when threatened with annihilation. The NY Times began its article by making a joke about a politician defending a Danish (pork) meatball. They can snicker, but they don’t ‘get it!’
It’s the country class vs. the ruling class in Europe too, continued the NY Times:
In some ways, this is Europe’s Tea Party moment — a grass-roots insurgency fired by resentment against a political class that many Europeans see as out of touch. The main difference, however, is that Europe’s populists want to strengthen, not shrink, government and see the welfare state as an integral part of their national identities.
The snarks at the NY Times can’t resist calling anyone who wishes to defend their right to have their Danish children served pork meatballs “nativists.”
But the soaring fortunes of groups like the Danish People’s Party, which some popularity polls now rank ahead of the Social Democrats, point to a fundamental political shift toward nativist forces fed by a curious mix of right-wing identity politics and left-wing anxieties about the future of the welfare state.
Maybe there is some hope for Europe after all! But, one thing is for sure, the EU can’t wait until June to begin policy discussions. The time bomb is ticking.
Update! What do you know, Bulgaria is building a fence, check it out here.
As I scoured my alerts this morning I see there are several about Bulgaria struggling to cope with the Syrian refugee flow coming across their border from Turkey. Previously I speculated that the flow out of Turkey toward Bulgaria instead of Greece was due to Greece’s strengthened border security. This article confirms that.
See all of our recent coverage of poor Bulgaria’s predicament, here.
About 100 people are arriving at Bulgaria’s border with Turkey daily, and the numbers are rapidly increasing. In the past, Bulgaria received, on average, 1,000 migrants and asylum seekers per year. This year, more than 6,500 have arrived, leaving officials scrambling to find housing and funds to accommodate them.
Arrivals have increased steadily since August, and at the current rate, the ministry of the interior estimates it will have received 11,000 to 15,000 by year’s end – the vast majority Syrian.
“We see that the government is overwhelmed, and that the reception capacity has been depleted,” said Cheshirkov.
Smugglers who used to lead migrants from Turkey into Greece are increasingly moving them to Bulgaria instead, in part due to the construction of a 10.5km fence at one of the most popular crossing points along the Turkish-Greek border.
Bulgaria, a country of just 7.5 million people, is one of the poorest in the European Union.
“We are just at the beginning of this crisis,” Vasil Marinov, deputy minister of the interior, told IRIN.
Of course no one ever says a word about how Turkey, which is financially and militarily in a better situation, should be stopping them on their side of the border!