‘Sundance’ at the Conservative Tree House blog has been doing great research on the federal grants for the illegal alien children. Thanks to several of our readers for sending a post from Sunday and another one from yesterday.
What a relief to know that so many bloggers and now ‘real’ reporters too! are catching on to the raid on the federal treasury by groups completely unaccountable to US taxpayers and pretending to do their ‘good-works’ entirely out of Christian charity (Hey, do you think Glen Beck has finally figured it out?).

From ‘Sundance’ on Sunday:
Using information within the TAGGS system for Health and Human Services we are able to identify the recipients for Grants specifically designated for “Unaccompanied Alien Children”, or UAC’s.
With that data, a few more search tools, some time and a little more research, we are able to identify the locations of facilities throughout the country where the HHS grants are being directed and the UAC’s are being transferred/housed. There are essentially two broad types: Residence Care, and Transitional to Foster Care Services.
From the FY 2014 HHS Grants we can identify the communities where direct HHS UAC funds have been sent. We can identify the specific facility, or the organization supporting the foster care placement. If you live in, or close to, one of the listed cities below, the UAC’s transfers are already in your community.
Go to the website for more and to see the list, click here.
Then yesterday they focused on one of the “big three” they had previously identified (here).
A Texas Media outlet has just caught on to something we discovered and have shared with you. Previously we identified the BIG THREE large non-profit corporations getting massive grants from DHS and HHS. These were the “faith based groups” President Obama met in Dallas 7/9/14.
They are, listed smallest to largest:
- #3 Bronze – U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops, and/or, U.S. Catholic Charities $70,000,000+
- #2 Silver – Southwest Key Programs Inc $122,000,000+
- #1 Gold – Baptist Child and Family Services Emergency Management Division (BCFS-EMD) $270,000,000+
Today we focus on one. “Southwest Key Programs Inc”….
There is more, read on.
For all of our coverage over the last few years on ‘unaccompanied minors’ go here.
Secrecy and unaccountability is the problem!
I know some will argue that these “charities” can do a better job then if federal agencies were completely in charge, but that’s debatable. For me, the problem is the secrecy in their operations and the total lack of accountability by these groups pretending to be private non-profits driven only by a religious charity motive and not accountable to any elected officials. As I have said before, just try doing a Freedom of Information Act request for one of these arms of government—yes, that is what they are. They will then hide behind their ‘private non-profit’ shield!
And, I don’t know about this Baptist bunch, but I can assure you that the other federal refugee resettlement contractors*** are always lobbying Congress for more refugees, for amnesty, and for more money (and these Leftists use your money to do their lobbying!!!).
***The contractors (we may have to start adding grant recipient big dogs Baptist Children and Family Services and Southwest Key Programs to our list):
- Church World Service (CWS)
- Ethiopian Community Development Council (ECDC) (secular)
- Episcopal Migration Ministries (EMM)
- Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society (HIAS)
- International Rescue Committee (IRC) (secular)
- US Committee for Refugees and Immigrants (USCRI) (secular)
- Lutheran Immigration and Refugee Services (LIRS)
- United States Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB)
- World Relief Corporation (WR)