So says a publication called ‘Facing South.’ Notice that two of the top three states with the most foreign born population are turning from red to blue, and they have promised to flip Texas one day too. Progressives know that most new immigrants vote D (so they can continue to receive their taxpayer funded services).
I want you to read this story (even if you don’t live in the south).
I found it interesting because of its implication that once again southerners are anti-foreigner, but I do want to make it clear that the concern about pouring third world poverty into any state North, West, East or South is growing, and that it is a concern that was growing long before Donald Trump came on the scene.
Security concerns are also driving citizens to get organized politically as well.
In fact as I wrap up my ‘listening tour’ of the heartland, I can assure you that changing America by changing the people is not sitting well anywhere.
From reporter Allie Yee:
“Southern states like Tennessee, South Carolina and Alabama have had some the fastest rates of growth nationally among their foreign-born populations. And while immigrants make up only a small share of most Southern states’ population — and refugees an even smaller share — the arrival of new languages, complexions, cultures and religions has elicited reactions from local communities ranging from wariness to outright hostility and even violence.
The anti-refugee reaction is intertwined with the rise of anti-Islamic sentiment in the region.”
Reader TipTipTopKek asked the following in a comment to the post last night with the map of the US. He/she wants to know which states receive the most refugees on a per capita basis.
I would love to see these raw numbers reconfigured in two different ways:
First, as a per capita number based on the total population of the State
Second, as a per capita number based on the NON-HISPANIC WHITE population of the State
My suspicion is that, generally speaking and with Wyoming as an obvious exception, the highest RAPEfugee flows have been into the WHITEST States.
Maybe some one of you is good with numbers, I’m not, however we have previously posted the map below which shows the distribution of refugees to states on a per capita basis, but we don’t know which states are the whitest. I’m guessing the Dakotas, Nebraska, Idaho and Vermont are examples of states with large white populations and they definitely are getting more than their share of refugees. There is no doubt there is a method to the madness—the UN/US State Dept. is seeding diversity.
What is this you ask? It is a map distorted to show which states are disproportionately receiving refugees based on their overall populations for years 2009-2012. The number in each state is the number of refugees resettled per existing residents of the state.
Editor: All of our ‘comments worth noting’ arearchived here.
Invasion of Europe news…..
In the wake of the latest Islamic terrorist attack, this time in Belgium, a writer who says he is weary (he should be he has been writing and warning about the escalating Islamic violence in Europe for at least ten years, maybe longer, but that’s when I began reading Fjordman’s work) penned an essay posted at Gates of Vienna last week. We live in incredible times! The invasion of Europe is happening before our eyes and the invaders are being welcomed!
This is the section that jumped out at me:
After the many Islamic terror attacks in Europe in 2015 and 2016, several Western political leaders have stated that we are at “war.”[8] Yes, we are. But at war with whom? Are we supposed to wage war against an enemy we don’t even dare to name?
The cause of this situation is very simple: Mass immigration in general and Muslim immigration in particular. Western Europe did not have these problems 50 years ago. The eastern half of Europe that has not been widely subjected to Muslim immigration does not face the same problems today. All those who have promoted or accepted Muslim immigration are responsible for creating entire urban districts full of people who are plotting to murder us. And yet, they still continue.
What is that? The lie that America’s Muslims are better assimilated and we won’t have these problems.
Maybe we don’t have it as bad as Europe yet, but we will when American cities have the large Muslim populations cities like Brussels have. It is only a matter of numbers!
I’m too lazy to do all the searching around for those population percentage numbers, but here is a 2014 article at Gatestonereporting on the high Muslim populations of cities in Belgium and The Netherlands (Fjordman thinks Holland is next).
The number of Muslims in Brussels—where roughly half of the number of Muslims in Belgium currently live—has reached 300,000, which means that the self-styled “Capital of Europe” is now one of the most Islamic cities in Europe.
In 2013, Muslims made up approximately 26% of the population of metropolitan Brussels, followed by Rotterdam (25%), Amsterdam (24%), Antwerp (17%), The Hague (14%) and Utrecht (13%), according to a panoply of research.
We hear the refrain constantly—the US is bad because we support Israel, we kill women and children in the Middle East and so many of us are ‘Islamophobic’ (LOL! Some of us like Donald Trump), but what did the people of Belgium do to justify being brutally murdered in the name of Islam? Nothing as far as I can tell. They have “welcomed” the Muslim migration with open arms, accommodated them, and still get kicked in the teeth! The comforting lie….
Have you noticed this? A whole host of talking heads, elected officials, ‘humanitarians’ and so forth are running around saying that in America it’s different, our Muslims don’t live in impoverished situations and they have upward mobility, yada yada yada. First of all, that theory assumes that there is no Islamic component to their lives, but it isn’t true and it won’t be true if we continue to import over 100,000 (more?) a year to America.
We already see the beginning of the ‘disenfranchised’ Muslims in Minneapolis where there exists a large Somali Muslim population where 63% of Minnesota’s Somalislive below the poverty level. So, if you want to blame violent Islamic terrorism on poverty, we have that too!
It is very simple, once the Muslim population reaches a certain level (exactly what that point is will vary), the Islamists among them become emboldened and ‘moderates’ fear them and protect them because they all know that this is about theHijra, the migration, the creation of Islamic caliphates around the world.
The smart ones are being patient, working their way in our political system, while it’s the young hot heads, the ones who can’t wait for the generations-long change the migration take-over requires who jump the gun and want to kill us (and do kill some of us!).
Maybe in some strange way, we should welcome some Islamic terror attacks which help to alert us, wake us up! so hopefully we can stop the great demographic takeover before it is too late. The only way to save America from the same fate as Europe, is to enact a moratorium on Muslim immigration—NOW!
For our complete archive on the ‘invasion of Europe’ going back years, click here.
Yes, gloats Adam Winkler at the Washington Posta few days ago. He says that the decline in the white American population that is happening before our very eyes will inevitably erode the numbers of those (mostly older, white, rural people he says) who strongly defend their second amendment rights. The growth in minority populations, he predicts, will be dooming the NRA’s chances of surviving for too much longer. Law professor Adam Winkler wants you to know that as refugees and other immigrants pour into America you will be losing your gun rights. (Of course he is thrilled about it).
Obama is changing America by changing the people! That is a fact! Refugee resettlement is one of the myriad immigration programs designed to accomplish that. If Hillary follows him in office, the process will continue unimpeded. I had to laugh, although it isn’t really funny, but the good professor Winkler mentions “whites” five times in this article—white voters, white rural, less educated, in sneering tones (he is really saying white hicks). Everyone else is “minorities”—no mention of blacks or browns—just Asians, Hispanics, etc. Why can’t we be called something other than our skin color?
We have a proud European heritage, but we are relegated to being labelled simply as “whites” by the erudite Professor Winkler.
LOL! If we referred to ourselves as ‘whites’ that often we would be accused of being white supremacists!
The Washington Post:
The National Rifle Association’s days of being a political powerhouse may be numbered.
Why? The answer is in the numbers.
Support for, and opposition to, gun control is closely associated with several demographic characteristics, including race, level of education and whether one lives in a city. Nearly all are trending forcefully against the NRA.
The core of the NRA’s support comes from white, rural and relatively less educated voters. This demographic is currently influential in politics but clearly on the wane. While the decline of white, rural, less educated Americans is generally well known, less often recognized is what this means for gun legislation.
Polls show that whites tend to favor gun rights over gun control by a significant margin (57 percent to 40 percent). Yet whites, who comprise 63 percent of the population today, won’t be in the majority for long. Racial minorities are soon to be a majority, and they are the nation’s strongest supporters of strict gun laws.
Continue here.
I’m repeating my appeal from earlier in the month—young patriots please have more babies! And, if you needed another reason to demand a halt to mass migration into America, this is it!
One more thing, Professor Winkler begins his piece with a mention of the Oregon shooting—but no mention of the fact that the shooter was a brown guy!
If you haven’t read Mark Steyn’s 2008 ‘America Alone,’ you must. He spells it out in very clear terms. Western civilization is doomed unless people of European descent get busy and start producing large families, now! (I wish I were young enough to help!) But, sadly, in America, and probably Europe as well, many of the well-educated (intelligent?) young people of forty years ago bought the notion that we would be greedy and hurt the planet if we produced more than two children (our replacements!)—less then two and you were a hero!
While the third world never got that message, as you will see by scrolling through this list of World Fertility Rates for 2015 (thanks to Kurt for bringing this to our attention).
It is no surprise that African nations dominate the list of the most fertile! Here are a few selections:
Niger: 7.27 children per family
Somalia: 5.99
Ethiopia: 5.81
Rep. of Congo: 5.31
Those three (Somalia, Ethiopia, and Rep. of Congo) are all now supplying the US with large numbers of ‘refugees.’
From the Middle East/Asia:
Afghanistan: 5.33
Iraq: 3.32
Pakistan: 2.75
Syria: 2.6
Then the US is still holding its own (I expect they are counting our Mexican immigrant fertility rate as well):
US: 2.06
And, here we see why Europe is dying (I wonder if they take into account the African and Middle Eastern immigrant births that would explain France and the UK still sort of up there). Imagine if they only factored in the white European fertility rate!
Ireland: 1.99 (get it up just a bit higher!)
France: 1.94
UK: 1.89
Netherlands: 1.78
Norway: 1.76
Denmark: 1.73
Sweden: 1.67
Spain: 1.49
Switzerland: 1.49
Russia: 1.45
Germany: 1.44 (in deep trouble!)
Austria: 1.43
Italy: 1.43
Poland: 1.34
Check out the whole list here—fascinating!
For the year 2049 they estimate much more reasonable fertility rates, but I don’t see how they get there (perhaps just fabricated to make us all feel better). Remember this guy? He says they are coming not as workers to Germany, but as conquerors to breed with the European women as “Germany is old and decrepit!”