CAIR Crows: Muslims are Winning Big in Local Elections

Yes, and they will win even more as their population grows largely through legal immigration.

One might wonder, as I did here in 2007 why if refugees and Muslim migrants of all stripes were eager to assimilate did they need to place their people (representing their religion) into local, state and federal government?

Imam Hendi with Obama. See my 2007 post about Hendi’s visit to Saudi Arabia.

And, just imagine, I asked then, if we would blatantly say—we want Catholics, Jews, other Christians as our leaders—wouldn’t all hell break loose in the media?

Yet, no one seems to care if CAIR says we are electing our people, Muslims, everywhere we can!

I’m referring to a post I wrote in the summer of 2007 where a US Imam, Yahya Hendi, went to Saudi Arabia to brag about how they planned to elect Muslims to political office throughout America.  It is worth a read now.

ISIS might be taking the fire jihad route, but their co-religionists at CAIR etc. are changing America by changing the people.

Here is the election news that has CAIR celebrating (hat tip: Cathy):

CAIR, Jetpac, MPower Change: 26 American Muslim Candidates Win in Nov. 5 Elections for Total of 34 Muslims Elected in 2019

WASHINGTON, Nov. 6, 2019 /PRNewswire/ — The Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR), the nation’s largest Muslim civil rights and advocacy organization, and Jetpac, a nonprofit organization dedicated to increasing American Muslim representation in politics and the media, and MPower Change, one of the largest Muslim-led social and racial justice organizations in the United States, today reported 26 American Muslim electoral victories nationwide in yesterday’s off-year election.

[NOTE: These results are preliminary and subject to change.]

In Lewiston, Maine Somali Safiya Khalid   was elected to city council. Lewiston is a classic study on how enclaves of refugees can change American towns. Someone should write a book about the city’s transformation in only a couple of decades.

Throughout 2019, CAIR, Jetpac and MPower Change have identified at least 34 Muslim candidates who won elections in local and statewide races across the country. More than 80 Muslims ran for office this year at the local and state level.

“These electoral victories clearly indicate that American Muslims are stepping up and showing their commitment to public service,” said CAIR National Executive Director Nihad Awad ***.

“We congratulate these Muslim trailblazers who are creating a more inclusive democracy for everyone.”

“American Muslims are running for office in large numbers because more of us are realizing that we have a unique perspective that will help fix massive inequities in healthcare, education, and the criminal legal system,” said Jetpac Executive Director Mohammed Missouri.

“We’re also aware that staying on the sidelines while anti-Muslim bigotry runs rampant will increase the threat to our community. A truly representative Democracy will help us get out of this dark era as a stronger society.”

“What do Muslim Americans do during a time of heightened Islamophobia under a xenophobic administration? We run for office and win,” said MPower Change’s Executive Director Linda Sarsour .

“Muslim Americans are engaging in the democratic process in unprecedented ways and we can’t wait to continue this wave in 2020 to save our democracy.”

Looks like Virginia is the big winner….


  • Pious Ali – Portland City Council (reelection)
  • Safiya Khalid  – Lewiston City Council


  • Fazlul Kabir – College Park City Council (reelection)


  • Mehreen Butt – Wakefield Town Council (reelection)
  • Afroz Khan – Newburyport City Council (reelection)
  • Sumbul Siddiqui – Cambridge City Council (reelection)


  • Nadia Mohamed  – St. Louis Park City Council
  • Abdisalam Adam – Fridley School Board (appointed in 2018 to fill a vacant seat but elected by the public for the first time yesterday)

New Jersey

  • Jamillah Beasley – Irvington Municipal Council (reelection)
  • Mustafa Al-Mutazzim Brent – East Orange City Council (reelection)
  • Denise Sanders – Teaneck Board of Education (reelection)
  • Raghib Muhammad – Montgomery Township Board of Education
  • Adnan Zakaria – Prospect Park City Council (reelection)
  • Esllam Zakaria – Prospect Park Board of Education (reelection)


  • Omar Tarazi – Hilliard City Council


  • Omar Sabir – Philadelphia City Commission


  • Buta Biberaj  – Loudoun County Commonwealth’s Attorney
  • Ghazala Hashmi  – Senate District 10
  • Babur Lateef – Prince William County School Board (reelection)
  • Harris Mahedavi – Loudon County School Board
  • Abrar Omeish  – Fairfax County School Board
  • Sam Rasoul – House of Delegates District 11 (reelection)
  • Ibraheem Samirah – House of Delegates District 86 (reelection)
  • Lisa Zargarpur – Prince William County School Board


  • Turan Kayaoglu – Puyallup School Board
  • Zahra Roach – Pasco City Council

Continue reading here.

***Nihad Awad joined forces with refugee contractor Church World Service on the steps of the US Capitol here recently where they demanded more refugee resettlement to Anytown, USA because what do they need the most to change America—more of their people!

Another Governor Tells Trump to Send More Refugees to His State

Washington Democrat governor Jay Inslee has jumped to the commands of Open Borders Inc. and is telling the President that Washington state doesn’t have enough refugees (plenty of homeless people, but not enough refugees).

Washington ‘welcomed’ the second highest number of refugees in the last year, second only to (blue state here we come!) Texas.

Jay Inslee: Refugees add to our cultural landscape!


See my right hand side bar, here at RRW, where I am keeping tabs on the governors who are preemptively (before any procedure is put in place) telling the White House they want more, and more, and more refugees. Washington is the fourth state to tell the President to give them more!

See here that the Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society is leading a campaign to pressure governors.

Welcoming Washington as a Port of Entry?

By the way, rumors are swirling that there isn’t enough housing for all of the refugees who have gone to the state of Washington already and that refugee contractors are secretively moving some into northern Idaho (demonstrating a significant flaw in the Trump Executive Order).

Press statement from Inslee’s office:

Inslee welcomes refugee resettlement in Washington

Gov. Jay Inslee notified the U.S. Department of State today that Washington will continue to welcome refugees, pursuant to the president’s executive order (EO 13888) that requires state and local consent.

“As the state that resettled the second highest number of refugees last year, we are honored to remain a place of safety and security for those fleeing persecution and violence,” Inslee wrote. “Refugees contribute to all sectors of our economy – as teachers, service members, doctors and more – while adding to our cultural landscape. They are an integral part of Washington’s past, present and future.”

In the letter, Inslee committed to work with localities across Washington on the written consent that the federal government now requires of them. Later this week, Washington state’s refugee coordinator at the Department of Social and Health Services will send a letter to local jurisdictions with further information on the new executive order and how to ensure refugee resettlement can continue unimpeded.

The letter also documents Inslee’s concerns with the Trump administration’s cuts to refugee resettlement and the imposition of new written consent requirements.

“I remain troubled by this administration’s deep cuts to refugee resettlement and disappointed that my call for a considerably higher number of refugees went unanswered,” Inslee wrote. “Further, I have significant concerns about the imposition of written consent requirements upon states and local jurisdictions as a condition to receiving new refugees for resettlement.”

Of course they would rather not go on record supporting the importation of more third world poverty to their states, but since they are going on record it should be clear what you must do in the four states that have already blasted the President—tell them what you think.

Indeed let all governors know that this isn’t a political freebie for them if they oppose the President’s 18,000 ceiling for FY2020.

Your best message: Take care of Americans First!

Lawyers for Canada Refugee Hopefuls Say US Unsafe for Them

This story gave me a good laugh!

Okay, we agree! All of the tens of thousands of supposed ‘refugees’ who flowed north claiming they fear our President have permission to stay in the safer country—Canada.

Trudeau and Immigration Minister Ahmed Hussen get four more years to work their magic and transform Canada!

In fact, Canada is now especially safe as it has re-elected Mr. Welcome himself, Justin Trudeau, for another four year term as prime minister.

(Reminder: An asylum seeker is not yet a refugee and the words should not be used interchangeably.)

From Reuters (hat tip: Joanne):

U.S. not ‘safe’ for refugees, rights groups argue in Canadian court

TORONTO (Reuters) – The United States is unsafe for would-be refugees and a Canada-U.S. agreement that compels asylum seekers to first apply for U.S. sanctuary ought to be ripped up, lawyers for refugees and rights groups argued in a Canadian federal court on Monday.

Under the Safe Third Country Agreement, asylum seekers at a formal Canada-U.S. border crossing traveling in either direction are turned back and told to apply for asylum in the country they first arrived in.

Lawyers for unnamed refugees who had been turned away are challenging the agreement, saying the United States does not qualify as a “safe” country under President Donald Trump. Human rights groups, including Amnesty International and the Canadian Council for Refugees, have also joined the case, which could change the way the two countries cooperate on refugee issues.

More than 50,000 people have illegally crossed the Canada-U.S. border to file refugee claims over the past three years, walking over ditches and on empty roads along the world’s longest undefended border. Some asylum seekers have told Reuters they might have stayed in the United States had it not been for Trump’s immigration rhetoric and policies.


On Monday, the plaintiff’s lawyers said Canada had failed to adequately review the United States’ status as a safe country.

Refugee lawyer Andrew Brouwer cited examples of asylum seekers being returned to the United States and subject to incarceration and solitary confinement for weeks, with little access to counsel.

More here.

Please Canada!  Keep the 50,000!

See my Canada category (220 previous posts) by clicking here.

It is Official: President Caps Refugee Resettlement at 18,000 for this Year

Fiscal year 2020 began on October first, but President Trump only signed the final determination two days ago.

The primary reason given for the lower than normal number is that there exists a massive backlog of asylum claims for those who are already in the country and are insisting they are refugees too!

Suffice it to say the wailing in the refugee industry has begun! 

Their PR machines have been working overtime for 4 weeks in an attempt to get the President to change his mind on the 18,000 cap announced in the closing days of September.


Because refugees chosen by the UN and flown-in represent paying clients that keep the nine major contractors afloat.  Asylum seekers, may eventually seek the ‘services’ of the contractors, but there is no per head grant money coming with them (at least not yet!).

If the ‘humanitarians’ are looking for immigrants to love and help, there are plenty of asylum seekers they could help with their own private charitable donations, right—not to mention poor and vulnerable Americans!

The United Nations quickly put out a statement saying the UN High Commissioner for refugees is “troubled” by the final decision by the US government to admit ‘only’ 18,000 third world refugees over the next 11 months.

And, the first contractor out of the box, Church World Service, says this:

Inhumane Presidential Determination Banning Refugees is Signed

Historic low admissions goal will dismantle the life-saving refugee program and America’s legacy of welcome.

New York City–Last night President Trump signed his discriminatory and cruel Fiscal Year 2020 refugee admissions goal that will cap admissions at 18,000 and limit arrivals based on category and country of origin. The signing of the presidential determination will now end the unprecedented moratorium on refugee arrivals that has blocked refugees from arriving in the United States since October 1st of this year.

CWS President and CEO Rev. John L. McCullough issued the following statement:

CWS CEO Reverend John McCullough getting arrested while protesting OBAMA deportations. He apparently likes to get arrested and most recently joined CAIR in cuffs on the US Capitol steps protesting TRUMP’s refugee slowdown.

“President Trump has ripped our country’s welcome mat out from under the most at-risk refugees in the world, people we have pledged to protect. The dire consequences of this refugee ban will last for years if not decades to come as the refugee resettlement program is dismantled and our nation’s legacy of compassion and welcome is finally snuffed out.

Families who have waited years to be reunited have little hope of ever being together again. Refugee communities within the U.S. will lose their support systems as the infrastructure in place to support them disappears.

“While we are thankful that some refugees who have had their cases put on hold while we awaited this policy to be signed will now be able to arrive, the number of people who will find protection is tragically low and simply unacceptable. Thousands of lives are at stake. People of faith across the nation implore Congress to step in and block the destruction of the life-saving refugee resettlement program, and restore it to historic norms before it is too late.”

Thanks to a reader for sending me the State Department’s press announcement yesterday!


President Trump signed the Presidential Determination on Refugee Admissions for Fiscal Year 2020, following consultations with Congress conducted by the State Department, along with the Department of Homeland Security and the Department of Health and Human Services. Our Departments will work closely to implement the President’s program, which provides for the resettlement of up to 18,000 refugees in the United States this fiscal year.

America’s support for refugees and other displaced people extends well beyond our immigration system. It includes diplomatic efforts around the world to find solutions to crises, like our support for the legitimate government in Venezuela against Maduro’s tyranny. Addressing the core problems that drive refugees away from their homes helps more people more rapidly than resettling them in the United States.

Keep refugees close to home until they can return and rebuild their countries!

Our support for displaced people also takes the form humanitarian assistance, and in Fiscal Year 2019 the United States contributed nearly $9.3 billion to supporting crisis response globally, the largest contribution of any country in the world.Helping displaced people as close to their homes as possible better facilitates their eventual safe and voluntary return. Their efforts to rebuild their communities help restore affected areas to stability, which is always in America’s interest.


Indeed, the security and humanitarian crisis along our southern border has contributed to a burden on our immigration system that must be alleviated before we can again resettle large numbers of refugees. Therefore, prioritizing the cases of those already in our country is simply a matter of common sense.The diplomatic agreements the United States has reached with our Western Hemisphere neighbors to address illegal immigration and border security will allow us to refocus resources on reducing the current backlog of asylum cases that now encompasses more than an estimated one million individuals.

One thing that never made sense to me is the fact that supposedly the contractors are so worried about saving refugees and yet are at the border egging-on more economic migrants to come in illegally.

If your concern is truly for refugees and their well-being, it makes no sense that one would support importing competition for refugee admissions.  But it makes all the sense in the world if your goal is to change America by changing the people and that begins with hauling in more future Democrat voters.

Get the report!

One of the most useful documents available on the program each year is the report to Congress that accompanies the Presidential Determination.  For serious students of the US Refugee Admissions Program it is worth reading and saving.

Click here.

I admit I haven’t read it all yet, but will!  Here are a couple of charts that jumped out at me.  They support the President’s assertion that asylum claims are swamping the system (many will turn out to be illegitimate).

(For newbies, asylum seekers get here on their own and say they will be persecuted if returned to their home country. They go through one of two legal processes and if determined to have a legitimate claim to refugee status they are given all the welfare goodies and services that refugees flown-in receive.)

Incredible!  Look at the column on asylum grants!

And, then below see the charts on the backlog in the two systems available for migrants to claim asylum (to say they are refugees).  Many of these migrants came across our southern border, applied for asylum and disappeared!

Again, the report is here.

So what happened to considering the views of citizens when placing refugees?

I see no reference in either the statement from the White House on Friday or from Secretary Pompeo about local communities and state governments having any say in the placement of refugees as the President had announced on September 26th, see here.

Did they already give up that idea?

Nice sentiment, but flawed, here.

Utah Governor Tells Trump that His State Wants More Refugees

I told you here a week ago that Refugee Industry political organizers have begun a campaign to get letters from governors in support of more refugees into the White House.

So far, that I know of, the governors of Pennsylvania and Oregon have sent letters at the request of refugee contractors and open borders activists in their state.  Now comes Utah’s Republican governor—Gary Herbert.

From the Salt Lake Tribune:

Gov. Gary Herbert wants more refugees to resettle in Utah

Utah Gov. Gary Herbert wrote a letter to President Donald Trump asking that more refugees be sent to Utah to resettle, saying there is plenty of room and resources for those in need.

Birds of a feather! Mitt Romney endorsed Herbert for governor in 2009.

The Oct. 24 letter comes after the Trump administration cut the number of refugees the United States would accept over the next year to 18,000, and as the number of displaced people across the world has reached more than 70 million, according to the United Nations refugee agency.

Utah Gov. Gary Herbert wrote a letter to President Donald Trump asking that more refugees be sent to Utah to resettle, saying there is plenty of room and resources for those in need.

I guess we can add Utah to the list of states that have run out of vulnerable Americans to care for!

The Oct. 24 letter comes after the Trump administration cut the number of refugees the United States would accept over the next year to 18,000, and as the number of displaced people across the world has reached more than 70 million, according to the United Nations refugee agency.


The same day the Trump administration announced those reduced refugee program numbers, it also issued an executive order giving states the power to accept refugees — or not.

Former refugee from Somalia, Aden Batar, runs the refugee resettlement program for Catholic Charities in Utah.


Aden Batar, director of Migration and Refugee Services for Catholic Community Services in Utah, said he’s seen firsthand that fewer refugees are coming into the state and applauds Herbert for his effort to get more to settle here.

He said Utah has enough jobs, housing and other resources to accommodate a larger influx of refugees.


This isn’t the first time Herbert has spoken out on behalf of refugees.

In 2015, he broke ranks with many of his Republican counterparts in other states by not trying to block Syrian refugees from resettling in Utah after deadly terrorist attacks in Paris.

More here.

You can see a copy of the letter itself at the Salt Lake Tribune.  One question I would put to governors who write a mealy-mouth letter is this:

Put a number on it!  How many refugees does Utah want?  

If you are wondering, the Mormon church is not a resettlement agency yet, but they do give handsomely to some of the nine supposed ‘religious charities’ that monopolize all refugee resettlement in America.

See my archive on Utah hereYou will see they have had their share of problems with refugees and not all refugees in Utah are happy!

I’m going to post a sidebar here at RRW with a list of governors who have told the President they want MORE refugees.  If you see a news story in your state about your governor opposing the President on refugee admissions, please send it my way.