….as our ‘Invasion of Europe’ series continues!

The invaders from the Middle East have shifted their migration routes in the desire to get to those “welcoming” EU countries like Germany which seems to be the biggest magnet these days for the world’s needy.
Germany was the number one destination in the world for asylum seekers in 2013, imagine what it was in 2014!
According to the UNHCR, in 2013 alone, the top five countries receiving asylum claims were led by Germany (109,600), USA (88,400), France (60,100), Sweden (54,300) and Turkey (44,800). No wonder the Germans are marching in the streets.
Here is what is happening in Hungary (hat tip: ‘Pungentpeppers’).
From Yahoo.news:
With the Mediterranean Sea becoming too treacherous and other routes blocked by barbed-wire fences, would-be migrants are taking a new route into the Europe Union: through Hungary.
Coming from as far away as Afghanistan and Syria and as near as Kosovo and Albania, thousands of migrants a week are crossing into Hungary and requesting asylum, turning the country into an EU transit hot spot.
The surging number of immigrants has encouraged far-right and anti-Islam movements across Western Europe. It is also causing strains in remote places like Asotthalom, a Hungarian village near the border with Serbia, where a trickle of migrants three years ago has turned into a flood.
Lt. Col. Gabor Eberhardt, chief of the border police in Szeged, said this year proceedings were launched against more than 26,000 people of 61 nationalities for illegal border crossings in his territory. That compares to 34 in 2004, the year Hungary joined the EU.
Hungary has seen 35,000 asylum requests so far this year — compared to 18,900 in 2013 — and the flow of migrants has soared in the last few months. There were 683 asylum requests in March but 9,125 in November and a projected 12,500 in December.
They are moving on for better deals farther west in Europe. Germany is their number one target.
Of the 18,900 asylum requests in 2013 made to Hungary, over 11,000 were abandoned, supporting the notion that most migrants are moving on to other destinations.
Like many other Kosovars, they are headed to Germany, one of Europe’s strongest economies.
We have written a lot about Turkey and how it helps facilitate the flow to overburdened Bulgaria, see our archive on Bulgaria by clicking here. Now, Turkey is a major conduit, this time into Hungary. Looks to me like Turkey is facilitating the Hijra (don’t forget to read The Modern Day Trojan Horse!).
According to refugee officials, migrants heading to Hungary often use smuggling rings to travel across Turkey and up through the Balkans. Once they make it into Hungary, which belongs to the EU’s free travel area known as Schengen, they face borderless travel across most of the 28-member bloc.
Czech Republic demonstrations!
In the Czech Republic there are demonstrations for and against the country accepting Syrian refugees in the wake of that “pledging” meeting (the one where the US invited 9,000 mostly Muslim Syrians).
Here is the news about the demonstration which, by the way, is probably why we had a rush of readers from the Czech Republic this last week. According to this report those wanting Syrians to come to the Czech Republic outnumbered those who opposed (but I don’t believe that would be the case if the general public was polled). So far, the government in Prague says they aren’t taking any Syrians except perhaps sick children.
From Ceske Noviny:
Prague – About 300 people met in front of the Czech government seat in Prague over the question of Syrian refugees today, most of them calling for the Czech Republic to accept Syrian kids and their families, and a few dozens speaking against their acceptance.
Here is what those opposed said:
On the opposite side of the street, opponents to the refugee inflow unfolded banners with the inscriptions “Government, don´t allow yourselves to be blackmailed,”“Support to Muslim migration is not humanism but treason,” and “Let´s help in Syria, let´s not import jihad here.”
The pro-refugee demonstrators believe they will change the minds of Czech politicians, so the anti-Muslim migration side needs to work even harder.
Every country in Europe must close its borders NOW!
Update: Poland says it will take 100 Syrians in 2016, here.