We have reported on the case of Jamshid Muhtorovfor several years,click here for background. The other Uzbek jihadist making the newslately is Fazliddin Kurbanov.
A Muslim refugee who was frustrated and angry about life in the U.S.
Yesterday a judge in Colorado sentenced Muhtorov to 11 years for conspiring to aid a terrorist group in Uzbekistan. The AP story is entitled:
Uzbek refugee given 11 years for supporting terror group
What is so noteworthy about that headline?
The fact that the word refugee is used. Back in the day (LOL! when I first started writing this blog!), the headline would have read “Colorado man given 11 years for supporting terror group.”
The article would have then given only his name leaving you wondering where he came from and how he got here!
Little by little the times are changing and refugees who commit crimes are being identified.
The refugee arrival numbers would have to really take off in the next few months for the Trump Administration to get anywhere near the CEILING they proposed last September of 45,000 for FY18 which ends on September 30th. So far, in 4 months, 6,704 refugees have been placed with almost every state seeing a few at least. Only Hawaii, Delaware, Mississippi and Wyoming have seen none. However, as regular readers know, Wyoming is the only state that has never had a program. Which will hold the record?
Will Trump break George Bush’s record?
At this rate, we could see around 20,000 admitted for the whole year which would give President Trump the distinction of the Prez admitting the lowest numbers in the history of the Refugee Act of 1980. (Kennedy, Biden, Jimmy Carter) George W. Bush holds the present record of two years in the 20,000’s. In the immediate wake of 9/11, Bush admitted 27,070 in 2002 and 28,117 in 2003.
Here is where the 6,704 for FY18 have been distributed so far:
From WRAPSNET, the State Department’s Refugee Processing Center. I know numbers are hard to read. http://www.wrapsnet.org/admissions-and-arrivals/
Top Ten ‘welcoming’ states so far this year are:
New York
North Carolina
Broken record alert! Reducing numbers for a few years is good because it gives some overloaded communities a reprieve, however, unless the law is reformed nothing will be permanent and the post-Trump era could see a huge push to make up for what the Open Borders Left would see as lost time.
This post is archived in my ‘refugee statistics’ category, here.
But, the UN still has 8,500 more to go to completely clean out their camps in Nepal.
The other day I mentionedthat the US under Obama committed to helping the UN clean out some of its African camps of the people from the DR Congo and I predicted the resettlement would go way beyond the 50,000 (over 5 years).
After all, the US State Department has a track record….
Bush Asst. Sec. of State for PRM, stunned the UN in the fall of 2006 with news that the US would lead in cleaning out the camps.
New readers may not know that in 2006, the Bush Administration said, oh sure, we will take 60,000 over 5 yearsof the displaced ‘Bhutanese’(really people of Nepali origin) living in UN camps in Nepal.
Never mind that we had no strategic interest and no responsibility for the Bhutan/Nepal quarrel.
The mostly Hindu ‘Bhutanese’ ended up in camps in Nepal when the country of Bhutan said they wanted only their people in their country (formerly known as Shangri-La). Nepal refused to take in its people flooding out of Bhutan causing the UN to build camps.
So, I presume looking for more docile third world workers, George W. Bush said sure!
We were only supposed to take 60,000 over five years. But guess what?
We are now up to 94,473 (2,000 more are being processed) in nearly ten years!
I’m telling you, once the spigot opens, closing it becomes almost impossible! Just look at the Somalis who we have been admitting for 30 years!
Nov 19, 2017-As the decade-long third country resettlement programme of the Bhutanese refugees living in eastern Nepal draws to a close, the fate of the those still in the camps hangs in the balance.
The Ministry of Home Affairs (MoHA) and the UN refugee agency in Kathmandu confirmed that the third country resettlement scheme is closing down after the last batch of refugees leaves by the end of December.
Currently there are around 8,500 refugees in the camps in Jhapa district but both sides—Nepal government and the UNHCR—have yet to find alternatives for them.
There was pressure on Nepal government to locally assimilate the refugees in Nepal, but Kathmandu has been constantly saying that these refugees should be repatriated to Bhutan.
LOL! So much for sharing in the responsibility with 7 other countries! https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bhutanese_refugees
Nearly nine out of 10 Bhutanese refugees (90 percent) have been resettled since the launch of the third country resettlement programme in 2007, with nearly 111,000 refugees resettled in eight different countries. “Globally, far less than 1 percent of refugees are resettled. Thus, the resettlement programme for Bhutanese refugees in Nepal is truly exceptional,” the office said. The UNHCR, together with the international community, is working closely with the government of Nepal to find solutions for the remaining refugees, the UNHCR added. According to the UN office, with nearly 111,000 refugees resettled in third countries and only 8,500 of them remaining in Nepal, the opportunities to achieve durable solutions at this juncture are great.
[In 2006 we were told there were 100,000 that needed to be spread around the world, but see now they are up to nearly 120,000. Where did the extra 20,000 come from? Wandering in from the neighborhood?—ed]
Quick facts
Approximately 120,000 Bhutanese fled from their country and arrived in Nepal to become refugees from Bhutan in the early 1990s
They were lodged in several camps in Jhapa in eastern Nepal
The third country resettlement programme was launched in 2007
In the last one decade, nearly 111,000 refugees from Bhutan have been settled in various western countries, with the US alone receiving more than 90,000 of them
Nearly 2,000 refugees are currently undergoing screening process under the third country resettlement programme
The UN refugee agency says it is set to close down the third-country resettlement programme by early next
The last batch is likely to leave in December after which an estimated 8,500 Bhutanese refugees will remain in Nepal
For my extensive file on the Bhutanese resettlement to America, click here. You will see in early posts how hard the people fought to NOT be distributed around the world.
And, if you want to know how many your state ‘welcomed’ here is a map today at Wrapsnet.
Top ‘welcoming’ states are Pennsylvania, Ohio and Texas (making sure those states turn reliably blue, so dark blue you can’t read the numbers on the map!)
Michael Patrick Leahy at Breitbartdid some number crunching yesterday and the conclusion is that if the Trump Administration continues to admit refugees at this historically low level, our refugee admissions this year will be way below the CEILING Trump set in September for this fiscal year (45,000).
Will President Donald Trump beat George W. Bush’s record?
The number of refugees admitted into the country during the first month of FY 2018 by the Trump administration plummeted to 1,242 – an 87 percent decline from the 9,945 admitted during the first month of FY 2017 by the Obama administration.
The percentage of refugees admitted who are Muslim declined dramatically as well, from 45 percent in October 2016 to 23 percent in October 2017, according to the State Department interactive website.
George W. Bush still holds the record for the two lowest admission years in 2002 and 2003. Why so low? Fear of terrorists getting in to the US in the wake of 9/11.
Of particular note is the precipitous drop in the number of refugees admitted from the seven countries whose citizens were temporarily banned from traveling to the United States under the first travel ban, Executive Order 13679, issued by President Trump on January 27, 2017.
In October 2017, the first month of FY 2018, only 275 refugees from these seven countries — Iran, Iraq, Libya, Somalia, Sudian, Syria, and Yemen — were admitted to the United States under the Refugee Admissions Program.
In contrast, in October 2016, the first month of FY 2017, a total of 4,581 refugees from these seven countries were admitted into the United States under the Refugee Admissions Program (1,352 from Somalia, 1,323 from Iraq, 1,297 from Syria, 414 from Iran, and none from either Libya or Yemen.)
This would beat the Bush record!
Should refugee admissions continue at this same pace for the remaining eleven months of FY 2018, the total number of refugees admitted for the entire fiscal year would be less than 15,000, which is 30,000 below the 45,000 cap for refugees set forward in the Trump administration’s presidential determination announced in September.
If it should be 15,000 that would be the lowest number admitted since the creation of the present system of admitting refugees. However, anything above George W. Bush’s two lowest yearsof 27,070 (2002) and 28,117 (2003) would not set any records. In both those years the CEILING was set at 70,000 (so much for ceilings having any meaning!).
Leahy continues:
The refugee resettlement industry — which receives almost all of its estimated $1 billion annual funding from the federal government — is already feeling the budget pinch resulting from the diminished number of new arrivals. [And, that is why you are seeing so many refugee ‘forums’ in various states seeking to gin-up negative media publicity against Trump—ed]
The harsh political reality now facing the refugee resettlement industry is that neither the Trump administration nor Congress have much inclination to meet that 45,000 annual refugee ceiling.
Want to see where the refugees went in the first month of FY18. Here is a map from Wrapsnet(October 1-31, 2017). Top ‘welcoming’ states were Texas, Ohio, California, New York and Washington.
Sorry to split the map. I couldn’t figure out how to get it on one page for the screenshot! Alaska welcomed 9 and Hawaii (the state begging for more diversity) again got zero!
For more on numbers, see my ‘refugee statistics’ category here.
Needless to say, Yahoo News (here) is carrying the federal contractors’ water on the issue of the Presidential determination due any day on how many impoverished third worlders we would admit starting on October first.
I don’t want to go over the whole Yahoo story, and if you saw my post this morning, you got the gist of it. (LOL! You might want to check it out for the comments!).
But, this one paragraph made me so mad, I knew I wouldn’t sleep:
Even after the 9/11 terrorist attacks, a time of clear national emergency, President George W. Bush set the year’s cap at 80,000 and only paused the system for two months while the country got back on its feet. [They conveniently leave out the extremely low admission numbers that followed.—ed]
You see how they skew the facts to put Donald Trump in the worst light—he is worse even than that Bush they all hated so much, and that is saying something.
Here are the facts about the numbers after 9/11 (couldn’t reporter Flaherty look them up, or did she simply take the word of the advocates who are paid by the head to resettle refugees!)
Look at this data from the 2007 ORR Annual Report to Congress a chart (p.4) showing CEILINGS (aka CAPS) and numbers actually admitted going back to 1983…..
First, that 2001 ceiling of 80,000 was set by Bill Clinton in September of 2000. The 2001 fiscal year began on October 1, 2000. Bush didn’t take office until January 2001.
Yes, Bush suspended the program for a few months (fear of terrorists among the refugees?). (So the precedent for suspending the program already exists.) Then he did set the ceiling at 70,000 the following year.
But what do you see?
In the two subsequent years Bush admitted only 27,070 and 28,117 respectively.
But, Trump is a monster for admitting over 50,000 this year?
And, for any reporters looking for the truth, here is the table since 2007:
I was too lazy to get the chart through this August. This one is posted here: https://refugeeresettlementwatch.org/2017/07/09/supreme-court-is-giving-permission-for-the-refugee-ceiling-to-be-surpassed-for-first-time/
What do you see? The sainted Obama only bumped up his ceiling in the final year of his presidency and even he had two of his eight years in the 50 thousands.
So how about a little honesty from the media from time to time?