Muslim woman investigates groups behind "Women's march," finds Soros everywhere

Longtime pals!

When I saw the headline for this story pass by yesterday, I said to myself, so what else is new. We have been writing about Soros for years (see here) especially as it relates to his one-world goal of erasing borders and flooding first world countries with impoverished migrants.
His role in helping open the flood gates in Europe is well documented.
But, this morning, thanks to Judy, I read the article by a Muslim woman, published in, of all places, the New York Times.
You should read it! See what one diligent investigator can do!
Entitled: ‘Billionaire George Soros has ties to more than 50 ‘partners’ of the Women’s March on Washington.’

In the pre-dawn darkness of today’s presidential inauguration day, I faced a choice, as a lifelong liberal feminist who voted for Donald Trump for president: lace up my pink Nike sneakers to step forward and take the DC Metro into the nation’s capital for the inauguration of America’s new president, or wait and go tomorrow to the after-party, dubbed the “Women’s March on Washington”?

The Guardian has touted the “Women’s March on Washington” as a “spontaneous” action for women’s rights. Another liberal media outlet, Vox, talks about the “huge, spontaneous groundswell” behind the march. On its website, organizers of the march are promoting their work as “a grassroots effort” with “independent” organizers. Even my local yoga studio, Beloved Yoga, is renting a bus and offering seats for $35. The march’s manifesto says magnificently, “The Rise of the Woman = The Rise of the Nation.”

It’s an idea that I, a liberal feminist, would embrace. But I know — and most of America knows — that the organizers of the march haven’t put into their manifesto: the march really isn’t a “women’s march.” It’s a march for women who are anti-Trump.


To understand the march better, I stayed up through the nights this week, studying the funding, politics and talking points of the some 403 groups that are “partners” of the march. Is this a non-partisan “Women’s March”?

Revelation! So, it was Soros who funded the Southern Poverty Law Center report naming me one of the top 15 anti-Muslim extremists in the US.

Asra Q. Nomani continues…..

Thank you Georgie for the artwork and the honor!

On the issues I care about as a Muslim, the “Women’s March,” unfortunately, has taken a stand on the side of partisan politics that has obfuscated the issues of Islamic extremism over the eight years of the Obama administration.

“Women’s March” partners include the Council on American-Islamic Relations, which has not only deflected on issues of Islamic extremism post-9/11, but opposes Muslim reforms that would allow women to be prayer leaders and pray in the front of mosques, without wearing headscarves as symbols of chastity. Partners also include the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC), which wrongly designated Maajid Nawaz, a Muslim reformer, an “anti-Muslim extremist” in a biased report released before the election. The SPLC confirmed to me that Soros funded its “anti-Muslim extremists” report targeting Nawaz. (Ironically, CAIR also opposes abortions, but its leader still has a key speaking role.)

Read it all.
Visit my posts yesterday on how a refugee resettlement contractor, Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society, was promoting the march and see what (one of many Soros groups) is spearheading.

Laugh of the day: see what Soros is spending money on to help refugees

I have much more to say about the subject of Refugee Resettlement as a business opportunity (with humanitarianism as the cover for those with a financial interest) for another day.  However, I came across a list of companies working to benefit refugees and got a chuckle out of the write-up on Soros, here.

Soros Fund Management pledges to invest up to $500 million in companies leveraging their resources and ingenuity to aid refugees worldwide, doubling down on the premise that the private sector can lead global change. These investments will target startups, established companies, and social impact initiatives, including businesses started by refugees themselves. While investments will cross a variety of sectors, Soros sees particular potential for emerging digital technologies to help refugees gain access more efficiently to government, legal, financial, and health services, thereby improving the quality of life of millions around the world.

Translation: Soros wants to be sure the refugees have ready access to “services” (aka welfare) = your money!

I don’t understand why these globalists are never concerned about American/European poor people!

Note to Soros and Sutherland on DC rally this Sunday: the jig is up

Writer Willliam Jasper at The New American isn’t pulling any punches as he lays out the strategy and the actors for this Sunday’s Rally for Refugees in Washington, DC. (We told you about it here).

Breitbart London also confirmed the link between Sutherland and George Soros and the globalists plan to open borders world wide.

Here is Jasper yesterday (emphasis is mine):

The professional Soros migration/refugee agitators are rallying the street radicals to come to Washington, D.C., this Sunday, August 28. The aim of #DCRally4Refugees is to whip up the appearance of popular support for the UN’s September 19 Refugee Summit and President Obama’ plan to “surge” thousands more Syrian “refugees” into American communities.

The #DCRally4Refugees is being organized by dozens of radical-Left groups funded by billionaire hedge fund mogul George Soros (shown) and his Open Society Foundations. As we reported last week, hacked documents from the Open Society Foundations (OSF) database have confirmed what was long known to readers of The New American: that the plethora of “grassroots” NGOs lobbying for the United States to take in more refugees and more migrants is, in reality, a phony Astroturf setup of professional revolutionaries financed by corporate globalists.

Moreover, OSF’s secret e-mails, memos, and reports posted by the hacktivists also reveal the incestuous, behind-the-scenes coordination among the Soros-financed street revolutionaries and their high-level consorts in the Obama administration and the United Nations.

One of the key globalist Insiders in the planned massive refugee resettlement scheme is the UN Secretary General’s Special Representative on International Migration Peter Sutherland. As we have pointed out in previous reports, Sutherland, the former chairman of Goldman Sachs International and British Petroleum (BP), is a top-level member of the Trilateral Commission, the Bilderberg Group, the Transatlantic Policy Network, and other world-government-promoting organizations, and is one of the key architects of the ongoing Muslim migration tsunami that is currently devastating Europe. Sutherland will also be one of the principal speakers at the UN Refugee Summit in September, according to the UN’s press office.

As part of its effort to project the appearance of popular support for more refugee resettlement, the #DCRally4Refugees is urging activists to sign online and postcard petitions to Congress stating their strong support for the refugee influx and their opposition to legislative efforts in Congress that would impede the planned migration deluge.

Continue reading here to follow links.  There is much more including a full list of the sponsors of Sunday’s planned propaganda stunt. Mysteriously absent is one usual player—-the US Conference of Catholic Bishops/Catholic Charities.  Boy would I like to know what that is all about!
Jasper’s list seems to have omitted Lutheran Immigration and Refugee Service which was in the original list.  But, the USCCB is absent and thus 8 of 9 federal resettlement contractors will be backing the event which is ultimately aimed at bringing more money (your money!) into their coffers.
We previously reported on Sutherland’s role in changing Europe by changing the people, here.

Drudge headline: Soros promoting worldwide refugee crisis as "new normal"

Invasion of Europe news……

We have been writing about George Soros’ role for years in directing and manipulating the worldwide refugee crisis, but now thanks to leaked e-mails (and one important memo, so far) we are seeing the extent of it.  Soros is a power-hungry one-worlder who also likes money and I feel some sympathy for the refugees who are used as pawns and the naive do-gooders who think his interest and greedy global corporations’ interests are driven by humanitarianism.  What a joke!

George Soros (right) getting an award from the International Rescue Committee (David Miliband center). The IRC is one of the nine major US refugee resettlement contractors. On the left is Soros’ son Jonathan. Soros as you know is a Hillary pal. Learn more here:

Here is the breaking news today at Drudge (from the Daily Caller):

A leaked memo from left-wing financier George Soros’s Open Society Foundations argues that Europe’s refugee crisis should be accepted as a “new normal,” and that the refugee crisis means “new opportunities” for Soros’ organization to influence immigration policies on a global scale.

OSF program officer Anna Crowley and program specialist Katin Rosin co-authored the May 12 memo, titled “Migration Governance and Enforcement Portfolio Review.” The memo focuses on an OSF program called the International Migration Initiative, which aims to influence immigration policy.

The nine-page review makes three key points: OSF — which doles out millions to left-wing causes — has been successful at influencing global immigration policy; Europe’s refugee crisis presents “new opportunities” for the organization to influence global immigration policy; and the refugee crisis is the “new normal.”

Continue reading here.
There is also a story at Breitbart, here, about Soros’ role in helping to improve the image of Somalis throughout Europe.
Click here for some of our earlier posts where we wrote about Soros’ advocacy work in Norway, Finland and Sweden on behalf of Somalis.
There is more here about other mega-wealthy businessmen who are in Soros’ camp looking to assure the free flow of cheap labor across borders everywhere.  Their only impediment is you!
About the photo! Just think about it, those creeps (yes creeps) including David Miliband, the former BRITISH foreign secretary, are deciding the future of American states like Montana! (The IRC is about to open an office in Missoula.)
There is only one way to begin to try to save America from the inevitable fate facing Europe—help Donald Trump become the next President of the United States.

Guest comment: Hannity interview explains why refugee flow so dangerous to us

Editor:  From time to time I post guest columns from readers.  Although a few days late, this is a very welcome piece.  I heard the interview live driving through South Dakota the other day and thought—you must all hear this!  Thanks to reader Julia for being on the same wavelength and sending me her comments. (Emphasis is mine)

Rich Higgins and Raheem Kassam Warn Against the Inflow of Refugees

Sean Hannity questioned Rich Higgins and Raheem Kassam on his radio show about “why President Obama is insisting 10,000 ‘refugees’ from the Middle East [be] brought immediately to America, and why Democratic nominee Hilary[sic] Clinton advocates increasing numbers by ‘500 per cent'” in light of the non-stop killing, raping, and groping by refugees and migrants in France, Germany, and Belgium and when Obama’s advisers say that terrorists may infiltrate the refugee population.
Higgins is a former official with the Department of Defense’s Combating Terrorism Technical Support Office & Irregular Warfare Support Program. Kassam is Editor-in-Chief at the Breitbart London bureau.

Behind bars in France, Marxist, Carlos-the-Jackel married his French lawyer in a Muslim ceremony.

As to Hannity’s question, Higgins answered, “I think that they’re so keen to have them coming in here because their Muslim Brotherhood advisers are telling them that is best for the West.”
Kassam added that “powerful liberal open borders activists such as George Soros” were responsible as well. His message to them: “it’s very hard to fight for social justice if you’re dead.”

“‘And the most galling element of it,’ [Kassam] continued, ‘is that we have the BBC, and the New York Times, and Sky News (editor note – Rupert Murdoch), and all of these other guys who are basically saying: ‘well, a backpack killed these people, a machete killed them.’ No. These are Syrian migrants who have faked being refugees. Some of them have been turned down in terms of asylum status, and they happen to have bombmaking knowledge and explosives at the same time?”

Higgins emphasized that the “outcome of this enemy isn’t just the killing, it is the political [expansion] of the shariah law, of Islamic law, in the west and we see our media compliant with Islamic law already – they won’t tell us the truth about it.” Higgins continued his warning:

“[and] to build on [Kassam’s] comments on the Socialist-Islamist nexus, in 2003, Carlos the Jackal, the Terrorist, in his book Revolutionary Islam said that only a coalition of Marxists and Islamists can destroy the United States and what we see happening right now is that de facto alliance – both in the tactical sense – in the neighborhoods where these NGOs are working with these refugee groups – they’re not actually refugees, they’re immigrants or Muhajirun is the more appropriate technical term for them and this is all part of the Hijra . . . Hijra is a term from Islam . . . this is a Hijra – it is an act of moving here – they call it the process of settlement – they are not coming to immigrate and to actually become Americans or to subscribe to the Constitution – they’re coming here as a process of settlement.”

When the Obama administration says ISIS is on the run because it may have lost some “occupied territory” or lost “some leaders to drone strikes”, read what “Carlos the Jackal” surmised below and realize that ISIS is adaptive and “the only destination to which [it is] on the run is the next step in [its] strategy or the next attack . . . and [w]e have to stop falling into the ‘lone wolf’ trap, the insistence that if [ISIS] leaders aren’t texting instructions to [its] operatives, an attack somehow has less strategic importance or is not directly connected to [its] . . . plan.”

“Carlos the Jackal”

“Carlos the Jackal” a/k/a Ilich Ramírez Sánchez, is “a Venezuelan now serving a life sentence for murder in France,” He “saw that only revolutionary Islam could recruit the large numbers of killers and martyrs necessary to destroy the United States.”

“Carlos had also concluded that the United States could not be destroyed by any military rival. What was needed was a campaign of terror . . . [and] that terrorism is ‘the cleanest and most efficient form of warfare.’ By killing civilians, he argue[d], the terrorist saps the morale of the enemy and forces its leadership to submit to the demands of the revolution or surrender.”

“. . . [Carlos] dwell[ed] on the necessity for all Muslim men to grow beards and all Muslim women to wear the “revolutionary” head-cover (the hijab) invented in Lebanon in the 1970s. He sa[id] that beards and the hijab can be used as tools of terror, to dishearten the Americans by reminding them that “their enemy Islam” is in their midst.” See. See also.

Editor: So the question we (who understand this) have is this:  They are telling us that they are coming for us, so why don’t more people believe them?
For more guest comments and op-eds, click here, and see our category called ‘comments worth noting.’