I would have some respect for the Catholic Bishops if with each of their statements like this one they publish a disclaimer along with it.
The disclaimer would go something like this: It should be noted that the largest share of the money we use for helping refugees and the “children” coming across the border comes from the federal government.
Here is their annual report for 2012. Out of a revenue stream of $71 million they got $69.6 million from US taxpayers (numbers are rounded, reference to travel loan fees is your money too).
***Update*** Jesuit Refugee Service: Waahhhh! we need more of your money! (thanks to Joanne)
From a USCCB press release on World Refugee Propaganda Day:

Children crossing border should be seen as refugees fleeing persecution
WASHINGTON–On World Refugee Day, celebrated June 20, Bishop Eusebio Elizondo, auxiliary bishop of Seattle, and chairman of the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops’ (USCCB) Committee on Migration, called upon the U.S. government to do more to assist vulnerable Syrian refugees in the Middle East and to protect the rights of children crossing the U.S.-Mexico border.
“The Syrian refugee crisis in the Middle East has reached a point of humanitarian disaster,” said Bishop Elizondo. “Although the United States has provided overseas support to these refugees, other forms of relief, including possible resettlement of the most vulnerable, should be seriously considered.” The United States has resettled a total of 42 refugees this year, compared to a Syrian refugee population of over two million persons.
Bishop Elizondo also talked about the current migration of children from Central America as a refugee situation. As many as 47,000 unaccompanied children have crossed the U.S.-Mexico border since the beginning of the year in order to escape violence in their home countries.
“These children are indeed fleeing for their lives and must be looked at through a protection lens, not through an enforcement lens,” said Bishop Elizondo. “We must not send them back if they have valid protection claims.
The USCCB and the Lutheran Immigration and Refugee Service are two leading federal contractors retained by the Office of Refugee Resettlement to take care of the illegal alien children. Refugees and illegal alien kids are “clients” of the contractors. So why don’t they ever tell the public that!
By the way, the USCCB want 15,000 Syrians to be admitted to the US this year.

Glen Beck, get your facts straight!
The other day I heard Glen Beck suggest that the charity affiliated with his company should help take care of the illegal kids (unaccompanied minors).
His audience went berserk and many told him that was the final straw with their support for Beck’s charity and his show.
One example Beck used to demonstrate his point of view—that Christian charity dictates that we care for these kids—was a Catholic Church in Texas taking in the illegals. Glen was praising the parishioners.
I think Beck, like most of the general public, has no clue about the millions of tax payer dollars being doled out to ‘churches’ to take care of the so-called “refugees.”
Keep it up Bishops! Call the illegal alien teenagers “refugees” and you do more to tarnish the positive image the word “refugee” had enjoyed for decades than anything the “anti-refugee resettlement backlashers” could ever do!
See our extensive (and growing daily!) archive on the so-called “unaccompanied minors” crisis by clicking here. It extends back several years.