Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society action alert to thwart "fear and hate campaign"

Update September 2:  A reader responds, here.
The Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society (HIAS) has put out an alert to its followers to tell Congress to ignore the ‘haters’ and do not suspend the refugee resettlement program (presumably a reference to the Babin bill although they never mention his name).

Melanie Nezer
This is HIAS Washington Lobbying Office head honcho, Melanie Nezer. She is the author of that report that targets us and is presently the chair of the Refugee Council USA which is the lobbying umbrella group for the resettlement contractors and other open borders groups. http://www.rcusa.org/staff

It is no surprise that HIAS is apparently out in front (ahead of the other eight federal refugee contractors) on this, on calling anyone who has legitimate concerns about the cost and scope of our present Refugee Admissions Program ‘haters.’
Remember they were behind the $35,000 report, discussed here by Leo Hohmann at World Net Daily which sought to sic the disreputable Southern Poverty Law Center on us!  We first mentioned the report here in 2014 (LOL! they call us the “resistance.”)
This is what HIAS said in an e-mail to its followers yesterday (emphasis is mine):

Will you send a message to your Member of Congress to ask them to stand up for refugee resettlement in the United States?

Even in the face of one of the worst refugee crises in recent history, there are people in our own country who are spreading fear and hatred. And unfortunately, that rhetoric is reaching policy-makers on both local and national levels.

Since its founding, the United States has been a place of refuge and protection for people who have fled conflict, persecution, and some of the worst violence in the world. With our deep historical and ethical connection to the plight of refugees, the Jewish community is coming together to make sure that our elected officials understand our commitment to the protection of refugees.

We need your help. Send a message to your Member of Congress today so that the voices of compassion and empathy can overpower those of hate.

A similar message was sent out earlier this month from at least one of HIAS local ‘affiliates.’
They direct supporters to their website where a sample text is provided for activists.  This is one bit of that text:

As your constituent, I urge you to oppose any efforts that aim to suspend refugee resettlement in the U.S.

Worried are they?
Give them more to worry about—sign the petition!
By the way, I found it curious that the Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society re-branded itself a while back and dropped the word ‘Hebrew’ from its name.  Is it because there are only a few Jewish refugees arriving in the US now and they wanted to remain relevant (and get their federal grant $$$) by bringing in large numbers of Muslim refugees?  Here in 2014, Director of Advocacy, Nezer, says HIAS wants 75,000 Syrians admitted over 5 years.  94% of the Syrians arriving so far are Muslim.  Can you say ‘death wish!’

The Toledo target area! We learn something new every day!

Beware the 100 mile radius!

If I knew how to do stuff with graphics, it would be very cool to show you how many towns are within a hundred miles of Toledo. So the best I can do is show you this map and as a point of reference. Bowling Green is about 30 miles from Toledo. Every town you see here (and beyond) could be getting refugees anytime soon!

Do you know why I still wouldn’t call myself an expert on the refugee resettlement program after 8 years?  It’s because only bits and pieces of how it works slip out inadvertently in news stories  as the UN/US State Department and their resettlement contractors (the Volags) work hard to keep as much secretive as possible.
And, there is another thing too, I have come to find out that all the different players at all the levels of action on this program, from local to state to federal and throughout the government agencies and throughout the contracting agencies, don’t have a good handle on what each other is doing.
I’ve been told that some on the ‘inside’ follow RRW so they know the full scope of what they are doing! But, that is subject for another day and so back to Toledo, OH.
This is a news story (meant to be warm and fuzzy) from the The Blade where we learned some interesting tidbits.
If we have any ‘Pockets of Resistance’ forming in Toledo, looks like this is a pretty new program and thus you should demand a public hearing before it gets too entrenched!
The most important tidbit of news that I want you to pay attention to is the mention that the subcontractors can resettle within a 100 mile radius of their office.  I knew this from hearsay, but I don’t think I have ever seen it in print!  So, all of you concerned about whether your town could get refugees, go here to the federal list of subcontractors and see if your town might be within that 100 mile radius and thus fair game to be colonized!
The Blade (emphasis is mine):

Corine Dehabey is the first welcoming face for refugees who are resettled in the Toledo area.

Ms. Dehabey, resettlement coordinator for US Together in Toledo, is also the primary facilitator for their adjustment to the area.

The organization has been quietly and steadily resettling refugees in the Toledo area for a little more than a year, the only agency in the Toledo area doing so.

The refugee community is a small but growing regional population, Ms. Dehabey said. She has placed 11 families in the Toledo area, including two before US Together opened its Toledo office in May, 2014.


Ms. Dehabey opens an average of one case a month, she said, though arrivals can be sporadic. Refugees have arrived from Vietnam, Syria, Afghanistan, Iraq, and Burundi.


During the three-month stint, refugees take classes in financial literacy, mock interviewing, and other job skills. Cases are closed typically after three months, but that does not signal the end of the agency’s relationship with families. [By the end of three months they turn the refugees over to the social services–taxpayer funded services–available in your town—ed]

“We say, ‘We close the case but we don’t close the door,’ ” she said. “I still have cases that ended six, seven months ago, and they’re coming in for services here, services there.”


The organization is filling a previous void for local services, Ms. Dehabey said. In the 10 or so years before US Together’s arrival in Toledo, any refugees settled here were handled through an agency in Ann Arbor.


Opening a branch in Toledo made sense, said Nadia Kasvin, director of the Columbus office and co-founder of US Together. Toledo was another metropolitan area to join branches in Cleveland and Columbus.

US Together is affiliated with Hebrew Immigration Aid Society, a national resettlement organization, which began plans to open an office in Toledo about five years ago. The Toledo office resettles people within a 100-mile radius of the city.

“We wanted to bring services here locally so that they’d have better access to case management,” Ms. Kasvin said. “There was clearly a gap in services.”

Toledo was also attractive because of the well-established Middle Eastern populations that would provide a ready-made community for new arrivals. US Together, which has operated in Columbus since 2003, looks to open an office in Cincinnati by the end of the year, Ms. Kasvin said. Across all locations, US Together places about 600 refugees per year.

There is more, continue reading here.
See our previous posts on Toledo, here. Toledo is getting Syrians! And, on Ohio, here.  Remember in order for Ohio to have become such a large refugee resettlement state, Governor Kasich had to have been fine with it!
Also, we learned some time ago that any state that expanded Medicaid under Obamacare was a “key indicator” about whether the state would become a priority resettlement state.
Addendum:  I should have also remembered this important post about US Together in Cleveland at Welcoming America Watch–Midwest and linked it when I wrote the post earlier today.

Pamela Geller urges halt to Refugee Resettlement Program, blasts Southern Poverty Law Center as "smear machine"

Yesterday, Pamela Geller writing at World Net Daily urged readers to contact their members of Congress to support Rep. Brian Babin’s bill to suspend the UN/US State Department Refugee Resettlement Program until the costs were thoroughly analyzed and the security issues were fully addressed.
We urge you to read her entire commentary here, but bring your attention to what she says about the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) which has been called upon by the Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society (HIAS) to expose this blog and anyone who questions the program as “racists.”   (See my previous post, LOL!, HIAS is obviously using Alinsky’s Rules for Radicals for guidance!).
Here is what we said last summer about the HIAS report (Resettlement at Risk: Meeting Emerging Challenges to Refugee Resettlement in Local Communities) siccing the SPLC on us.
And, before I get to what Ms. Geller says, I just saw yesterday that Melanie Nezer of the Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society (author of the report!) is presently chairing the lobbying consortium for the refugee contractors (Refugee Council USA aka RCUSA) and some of their NO Borders friends in Washington.

Melanie Nezer
Melanie Nezer is author of the HIAS report calling on the SPLC to smear us and is presently chairing the refugee resettlement industry’s lobbying arm in Washington.

Longtime readers know that Ms. Nezer is one of the first to call for 15,000 Syrian Muslims a year to be admitted to the US.   Now, RCUSA (and the newly re-branded HIAS) have upped the ante and are behind the drive to admit 65,000 Syrians to your towns and cities by the time Obama leaves office!
We have also learned from inside sources that RCUSA put out an alert to their member resettlement contractors (and mentioning me by name!) to NOT give out any information to any of you calling your local contractor’s offices.  What are they hiding?

Back to World Net Daily and what Pamela Geller says about the SPLC (emphasis is mine):

The only thing more dangerous than the jihadists in our midst are their patrons and benefactors.

WND reported that “the refugee resettlement industry, which includes legions of immigrant rights advocates, lawyers and community organizing groups funded by George Soros, the Rockefeller and Ford foundations, among others, churned out a document in 2013 on how to deal with so-called ‘pockets of resistance.’ The document, authored by the Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society, one of the nine government contractors doing resettlement work, advised refugee advocates to research the backgrounds of local people who oppose resettlements and turn them over to the Southern Poverty Law Center for public shaming as ‘racists’ and ‘anti-Muslim’ bigots.”

This is further proof that the Southern Poverty Law Center, or SPLC, is nothing more than a smear machine designed to destroy the forces of good. These are the tactics of totalitarians and supremacists. And this is who the media turns to for comment on the work of my colleagues and me. There is not one mainstream media outlet that does not quote the SPLC libels when reporting on my work.

Freedom-loving Americans must understand that this is what every one of us, the individual, is up against: a billion-dollar machine of destruction and hate. Churchill said of Islam: “No stronger retrograde force exists in the world.” And I would add one thing.No stronger retrograde force exists in the America today than the left.

Continue reading here.

Alert!  The most important thing any of you could do right now is to get your member of Congress to co-sponsor the Babin bill.  Who supports Babin’s modest approach, and who doesn’t! is going to tell you all you need to know about your member of Congress!

Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society can't find enough housing in San Fran for gay 'refugees' (from South Africa)

Ho hum!  So we are bringing refugees from the highly touted welcoming-to-all “Rainbow Nation” of South Africa, dropping them off in San Francisco and now whining about how there isn’t enough housing for them.  Maybe one of the well-paid staffers at the Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society (HIAS) might welcome this gay refugee to their home!
A long sob story at the Bay Area Reporter:

Isn’t HIAS PAID to take care of the refugees it resettles? Why is San Francisco gay refugee saying this: “In the U.S. I am facing homelessness,” Mayema told the Bay Area Reporter in a recent interview. “I don’t want to end up on the streets.”

“Our biggest challenge in helping these people is to find housing for them,” said Amy Weiss, the director of refugee and immigrant services at Jewish Family and Children’s Services of the East Bay. “They come with no employment history and no housing history. San Francisco is hard enough to find housing if you have an income. It is a huge problem for us and for them and to anybody resettling refugees.”

The agency is believed to be the only one in the country that has developed a specific program to work with LGBT refugees. It began four years ago when a number of Iranian LGBT refugees, who had fled to Turkey, needed help resettling in the U.S.

Since then the agency has worked with a number of LGBT refugees, mostly gay men from Africa and the Middle East. In November Junior Mayema arrived from Capetown, South Africa, where he had fled five years ago from the Democratic Republic of Congo.

Then look at this, even the UN High Commissioner for Refugees refers to the attack (the star of this story claimed he suffered) as an “alleged attack.” So, he was resettled in America even though it was never proven he was attacked in S. Africa?

UNHCR staff, after learning about Mayema’s alleged attack, referred his case for resettlement last summer. Four months later, according to the account, he was granted refugee status and, in November, arrived in the Bay Area where he received assistance from the Jewish agency and a local church-sponsored group in acclimating to his new surroundings.

And, by the way, as we admit hundreds of refugees from the supposedly welcoming country of South Africa, you can bet there are few if any persecuted white people in the group.  I wonder if a white person pretended to be gay or lesbian and said he or she was attacked, could they get in to the US from South Africa?
The sob story goes on and on, continue reading here.  It is largely a play for more taxpayer money!

HIAS targeting Toledo with Muslim refugees

We alerted readers, in February 2014, that Toledo was being targeted as a new “welcoming” community for refugees and in particular refugees from the Middle East.  See our story!  The original ABC News story is gone (it’s a good thing I snipped some of it).  Pay particular attention to the flag graphic behind the TV news anchor.

American Flag with Allahu Akbar
Screen shot from the 2014 announcement that Toledo will take Iraqi refugees. Arabic writing on the flag: Allahu Akbar! Did ABC know what they were doing when they prepared this graphic?

Now, here is the update on Toledo thanks to a new blog called Welcoming America Watch Midwest (story posted at Creeping Sharia).  I was so excited to see this news—-not that Toledo is being colonized, but the news that someone else is writing a blog on refugees!   Here is a bit of the post, but please go read the rest of it!

I was about to start a post on the parent group of Global Detroit and all the other Welcoming initiatives when it came to our attention that Afghan and Syrian refugees are being resettled in Toledo, Ohio. We have known for awhile that the address of an apartment complex’s office called Kenwood Gardens is listed on the State Department refugee resettlement subcontractor list as address for the subcontractor US Together.


This neighborhood appears to have everything a family could need to function. At the link to US Together–Toledo’s Facebook, there’s photos of another apartment for Afghan refugees. There’s a mosque, shopping center with grocery, large apartment complex, refugee resettlement contractor stationed at the apartment office building–and to top it all off, a public charter school for the kids that has an Arabic theme (the schools–elementary and middle–moved from their original Secor Rd. location into an old synagogue adjacent to the apartments). And all this is within walking distance of a huge employer, the University of Toledo (not on the above map).

Continue reading here.
Guess what!  The subcontractor US Together is an affiliate of the Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society which we know is busy resettling Muslims into American towns and cities.
This is from HIAS list of “partners:”

US Together (Columbus, Cleveland, and Toledo) – 614-310-3200

It was only 10 days ago or so we learned that HIAS thinks that the US should resettle 200,000 mostly Muslim Syrians!  Can you say death wish!