Ceuta and Melilla are Spanish territory where Africans are storming the border fences.
We told you about thisalmost two weeks ago and posted a map at right. Spain has territory on the Moroccan coast and obviously Morocco is allowing tens of thousands of African migrants through its country in their attempt to break into the Spanish territory.
The New York Times has now joined the fray with a piece aimed at making Spain look bad (what else!). Hat tip: ‘pungentpeppers.’
MADRID — About 80,000 African migrants are heading for Spain’s two enclaves along the Moroccan coast, leaving Spain struggling to contain the efforts that are coming in larger and increasingly coordinated surges in recent days.
The Spanish interior minister, Jorge Fernández Díaz, said Thursday that the situation at the enclaves, Ceuta and Melilla, was a problem not only for Spain, but for all of Europe, and needed to be handled “in cooperation with the European Union.”
The government of Prime Minister Mariano Rajoy has faced intensifying criticism — within Spain and from the union — over its defense of the enclaves.
As Mr. Fernández Díaz noted on Wednesday, the first day of his two-day visit to the enclaves, “There are 40,000 people in Morocco who are waiting to cross illegally into Spain, and 40,000 more at the border between Mauritania and Morocco.”
They are mostly economic migrants and only a small number will be able to claim asylum. If I were the EU, I’d be putting the screws to Morocco. Just as the good professor said of Canada recently—they are paralyzed by the toxin of multiculturalism.
Asha Omar (19) granted asylum in El Paso, Texas in 2010, tells the improbable tale that she “made her way” by herself to America with a stop in Cuba before reaching the Mexican border. http://www.lcsun-news.com/las_cruces-news/ci_17039428
This is not a surprise. The only surprise is that any major news outlet (Fox News) is reporting it. We have long known that Somalis are among the OTMs (other than Mexicans) targeting the US border. And, I have long suspected that some NGOs are quietly urging the asylum seeker ruse. See our post from 2011where we called for a Congressional investigation—3 years ahead of the House Republicans—about asylum fraud!
Police found six Somali migrants who were abandoned in the southern Mexican state of Chiapas by the people traffickers they hired to smuggle them into the United States, officials said.
The men had been lost for eight days, the Chiapas Attorney General’s Office said in a statement.
The Africans were found near the border with Guatemala and were dehydrated, the AG’s office said.
The migrants were provided with medical assistance, food and legal assistance.
“After being rescued, the migrants said they were abandoned upon entering Mexican territory by the traffickers who claimed to be taking them to the United States,” the AG’s office said.
Mexico is a safe country (Cuba as well!) and so therefore we expect these Somali aliens supposedly fearing al-Shabaab to ask for asylum there as international law demands.
The US Conference of Catholic Bishops’ migration office, which you (US taxpayers) are presently funding for the majority of its budget, has released a report predicting 60,000 illegal alien ‘kids’ will cross US borders this year. Some will be released to relatives and others will come under the Bishops’ care.
They say the ‘kids’ are escaping lawlessness at home and they deny that push factors include a pending ‘amnesty’ or Obama’s welcoming Dreamer policies. So because there is lawlessness around the world we are expected to welcome the kids!
This is a long article, but it is well-worth reading the entire thing for an insight into this latest phenomenon surely aided and abetted (if not entirely hatched) by the open borders lobby.
Kevin Appleby, lobbyist for the USCCB and author of the report: kids are not being drawn by Obama’s lenient immigration policies or the promise of amnesty. (Right!)
60,000 Unaccompanied Minors Could Arrive in U.S. in 2014, Warns Bishops’ Report
…last November, staff from the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops’ Department of Migration and Refugee Services, the largest refugee resettlement agency in the world, organized a mission to Mexico and Central America to examine the reasons for increased number of young migrants crossing the border.
The resulting report, issued in January by the USCCB delegation led by Bishop Mark Seitz of El Paso, Texas, warned that an estimated 60,000 undocumented minors — referred to in U.S. law as “Unaccompanied Alien Children (UAC) — could arrive in this country before the close of 2014.
“The delegation found that a series of interrelated factors have contributed to this dramatic increase in migration and that a ‘perfect storm’ of a number of these root causes has coalesced to create this phenomenon,” according to the report. [LOL! they later say that none of the perfect storm has to do with a pending amnesty or Obama’s policies!—ed]
Report: It is all about a breakdown in the rule of law where they live. So, I guess that means it’s o.k. to break our laws too?
Poverty, weak educational opportunities and a bleak future with no job prospects were part of the problem. The report also noted that many youngsters hoped to be reunited with family members, especially parents who may already be working in this country.
However, the most urgent reasons for the “fear and hopelessness” that spurred teenagers to embark on a harrowing journey to the United States were “generalized violence at the state and local levels and a corresponding breakdown of the rule of law.”
Numbers dramatically increasing:
The majority of unaccompanied minors are taken into custody by the U.S. border patrol, placed in a shelter and then released to relatives, with the Departments of Homeland Security and Health and Human Services providing most of the initial services.
Last year, an estimated 20,000 minors passed through the “shelter release” program run by the HHS Office of Refugee Services, almost double the number of 2012. In the first quarter for this fiscal year, 9,881 minors had already been placed in shelters, with daily costs averaging about $400 per person, according to a recent report in The Wall Street Journal. [Taxpayer dollars pay the Bishops to take care of those not released, but articles like this one never make that clear—ed]
The USCCB and Lutheran Immigration and Refugee Services (not mentioned here) are the two major federal contractors paid by the Office of Refugee Resettlement to take care of the ‘kids.’ We previously learned that when the kids reach the age of 18 they are free in America!
At the national level, the USCCB department of Migration and Refugee Services lobbies to improve options and services for undocumented minors, and oversees a country-wide network of mostly Church-affiliated agencies that administer foster care programs.
The USCCB also provides the kids with lawyers, according to the article.
A nod to the critics:
Critics of the federal shelter release program argue that by facilitating family reunification and providing services like free education, the shelter release program is encouraging young migrants to make a hazardous journey and to violate U.S. laws.
There would be no USCCB Office of Migration and Refugee Services without your money.
Go to page 11 of the USCCB 2012 annual report, here.
Note that out of a total revenue stream of $70.9 million, government grants and contracts were an astounding $65.9 million. They also garnered another $3.6 million from refugee travel loans (that is your money too!). We loan money for refugees to get to America and then the USCCB, acting as a collection agency, collects the money from the refugee and returns some portion of it to the taxpayer, but keeps a cut for its labors.
So, if my math is correct, this means that 98% of the USCCB’s immigration work is funded by YOU! And, that would mean that 98% of lobbyist Appleby’s salary is paid by you (remember they are actively supporting amnesty legislation). We have heard, but have never seen published officially anywhere, that the US State Department covers the entire cost of their DC office as well!
See our complete archive on ‘unaccompanied minors’ here.
Thanks again to ‘pungentpeppers’ here is an update from the stalemate in Calais where hundreds of Middle Easterners and Africans have congregated for months demanding they be let into the UK. (See our previous Calais posts here).
Camping in Calais where camps are divided by ethnic groups (by their own choosing!)
In a clear ploy to tug at heartstrings,The Independentbegins and ends with sob-stories about the poor men who scratched together thousands of dollars to get this far in order to break into what they call “The House” (the UK).
But the British government again lays out the cold hard truth—in the European Union, legitimate asylum seekers are to ask for asylum in the first safe country in which they land. For these men was it Italy, Malta, Greece, Bulgaria—any of the border countries? And, indeed if they were legit, they could ask for asylum in France.
Going one step further, the UK says the condition of French “camps” is France’s problem! Yup!
The French government has asked Britain to consider a renegotiation of the agreement which led to the closure of Sangatte and share more of the financial and policing “burden” caused by the migrants. The French interior minister, Manuel Valls, said last month that the situation in Calais had reached an “impasse”. The response from his British opposite, Home Secretary Theresa May, has been a polite restatement of the status quo.
A Home Office spokeswoman said tonight: “The conditions of any camps in France and the policing of them is the responsibility of the French authorities. If individuals have a genuine need of protection they should claim asylum in the first safe country they reach.”
Indeed, the real passion and anger is among those with the least power and the most to lose.
For two consecutive weeks, the streets of Calais have been the scene of demonstrations by angry migrants waving placards proclaiming “Freedom to move”, “Liberté” and “No border, no nation – stop deportation”
The list of grievances of the marchers – Afghans, Kurds, Sudanese, Eritreans, Egyptians, Syrians – is long and multifarious, from an unrealistic demand for Britain to open its border to a plea for the “basic dignity” afforded by washing facilities and an end to what they say is harassment by French police.
We have written a lot lately about the spike in the number of illegal alien children coming across US borders without their parents—most recently here in December. Those that aren’t turned over to family members (who may themselves be illegal aliens), end up in the care of the Office of Refugee Resettlementand at least two federal refugee contractors—the US Conference of Catholic Bishops and the Lutheran Immigration and Refugee Services––which of course are paid by you to take care of the kids.
One of the “kids” LIRS took care of. LIRS caption: Rather than be forced to become a child soldier, Tesfaye Gebre fled Eritrea as an unaccompanied refugee minor. Photo Credit: The Lutheran/Lisa Helfert
Here is a story from the DC Clothesline a few days ago, that explains more about the steep rise in the numbers and how the Obama Administration is complicit in this human trafficking scheme (hat tip: Cathy):
US District Court Judge Andrew S. Hanen, in a December ruling, claims that the Obama administration’s Homeland Security Department has been openly violating US law by conspiring to smuggle illegal immigrants into the United States.As if all the other scandals that are enveloping this administration weren’t enough, it seems they are now openly aiding an invasion of our country, which again, should be declared as treasonous.
The accusations were contained in the judge’s ruling against Mirtha Veronica Nava-Martinez, who plead guilty to attempting to smuggle a ten-year-old El Salvadorean girl, identified only as Y.P.S. in the ruling, into the United States in violation of federal law. Nava-Martinez was caught at the Brownsville & Matamoros Bridge checkpoint.
Patricia Elizabeth Salmeron Santos had solicited human traffickers, of which Nava-Martinez is an admitted trafficker, to smuggle her daughter into Virginia. She eventually agreed to pay $8,500 (paying $6,000 in advance) to traffic her daughter into the country.
The Texas federal judge accused DHS of delivering children, illegally smuggled into the US to their illegal immigrant parents.“This action makes the DHS complicit in aiding that Mexican drug cartels that control the people smuggling rings,” writes Hanen. He added that the “government is not only allowing (illegal immigrants in the US) to fund the illegal and evil activities of these cartels, but is also inspiring them to do so.”
Judge Hanen wrote that in more than one case that has been before his court, members of Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE), a federal agency under DHS, have arrested human traffickers, who are smuggling children illegally into the US, then “delivering the minors to the custody of the parent illegally living in the United States.”
Read it all, there is much more with lots of links. The article does not mention the role of the Office of Refugee Resettlement and it contractors, but know that thousands of ‘kids’ not immediately sent to family members are now in your (the taxpayers’) care.
See also the Center for Immigration Studiesreport (The Reality of Childhood Arrivals: Seamy, not Dreamy) from mid-December highlighting another similar case.