Massachusetts (again!) Ghanaian pooping ‘bush boy’ bites off roommate’s thumb

Diversity is strength alert!

For a little levity, because we need it sometimes…..

From the Berkshire Eagle  (hat tip: ‘pungentpeppers’).  I’m imaging the reporter writing this with a straight face:

PITTSFIELD — A Pittsfield man was found guilty of a felony for nearly biting off part of his roommate’s thumb last winter during an altercation over bathroom etiquette.

RRW Geography Lesson—Bush boy from Ghana goes wild!

Michael Mensah, 57, was convicted on Thursday of assault and battery causing serious bodily injury. He was acquitted of a felony charge of assault and battery with a dangerous weapon.

It took a jury of three men and three women less than an hour to reach a verdict.

On the afternoon of Feb. 11, Pittsfield Police responded to a Summer Street residence for a report of a domestic incident and were greeted at the door by a naked man with part of his thumb hanging by a tendon. Mensah, his roommate, was found in his room lying on his bed complaining of pain to his back, neck and head. His shirt was covered in blood and the bathroom “clearly showed signs of a bloody fight.”

Both men were taken to Berkshire Medical Center for their injuries.

On Thursday in the Jury of Six session in Central Berkshire District Court, Stephen Quam, 61, testified that part of his right thumb had to be removed.

He said doctors told him because it had been bitten off there was no way to reattach it.

He showed the jury his thumb, which appeared to be missing the first phalanx, including the nail.

In court both men had very different versions of what took place that day, although they agree that the argument was about the use of the bathroom.

According to Quam, who is also from Ghana, he went in to shave his head with a pair of clippers while Mensah was using the toilet. Mensah also is a Ghanian national. [Not US citizens, yet you lucky Mass. taxpayers paid for this trial replete with costly interpreters!—ed]

He said he made a comment to his roommate about not telling him he was going to defecate.

“The room began to smell,” he said through an interpreter. 

This enraged Mensah who attacked him, pushing him into the bathtub, choking and punching him before biting his thumb, which had ended up in Mensah’s mouth.

“Part of my thumb came off,” he testified.

During the attack Quam was injured when the clippers he was using landed on his foot, he said.

Quam testified that he never struck his roommate that day.

Mensah told the jury he was using the toilet when Quam came in uninvited and began to shave his head. He said he had to “poop” and did so. Quam then came up to him, began thumping him on the head with his fingers and called him a “bush boy.”

The interpreter explained this was a very derogatory phrase in Ghana.

Migration Policy Institute. 17% of those brains leaving Ghana were in the US by 2001.

When Mensah was finished using the bathroom he tried to leave the room, but was pushed by Quam and fell into the bathtub. He said Quam choked him with one hand and punched him with the other. He eventually bit Quam’s thumb to get him to stop beating him, he said.

Believe it or not, there is a little more!  Here…

So what I wanted to know is, where did all these Ghanians come from?  Or more specifically how did they get here?

I learned that “welcoming” Massachusetts is loaded with them.

This is how I found out all about the migration history of ‘bush boys’ (really, more than I wanted to know) here at the Migration Policy Institute.  Can you believe it!  Ghana is worried about a BRAIN DRAIN!

 The Ghanaian population in the United States has grown rapidly over the last decade and a half, particularly between 1990 and 2000, when the population jumped from 20,889 to 65,570, or 210 percent. Family reunification, refugee resettlement, and the strong economy of the 1990s are the factors driving this increase. Many believe these figures to be undercounts, and nonofficial estimates reach as high as 300,000.

Of course that means there are a whole bunch of illegals here besides the “refugees” (just waiting for the Obama amnesty!).


Phoenix Liberian gang-rape case dragged on for five years due to cultural unawareness of US legal system

Hey, how would you like to use that excuse if you were in trouble with the law, surely they all had American lawyers familiar with our legal system!

Result in most portions of the case—case dismissed.  No deportations!

‘Pungentpeppers’ spotted this update of a story we reported extensively back in 2009.  (Here are six posts dating from July to December 2009).  Why so many Liberians in America, they are “temporary” refugees, here.

The case involved 4 boys who lured an eight-year-old girl into a backyard shed and raped her.  Without going back and reading the old stories, I recall that her parents blamed the girl.  (Were they Muslims?)

And, isn’t this great news, after finding child abuse in the girl’s home, she is sent back to these same parents.

From Arizona Central:

Rape was led by a teenager who admitted guilt and was sentenced to probation.

The child abuse case against two Liberian immigrants whose 8-year-old daughter was sexually assaulted at a Phoenix apartment complex in 2009 will be dismissed pending their compliance with the state Department of Child Safety.

Maricopa County Superior Court Judge Bruce Cohen ordered that the couple, who were arrested in 2009 on unrelated allegations, meet with him three times over the next year to ensure that all child services requirements have been met.

After one year of compliance, the case will be dismissed, Cohen said.

Maricopa County Attorney’s Office spokesman Jerry Cobb said such agreements are not uncommon.

The parents were arrested in July 2009 after their daughter was gang raped at their apartment complex near 43rd Avenue and Thomas Road by four underage boys, police records show.

The case against the parents is unrelated to the rape, but signs of child abuse surfaced as police investigated the sexual assault, records show.

During the investigation, detectives found evidence of abuse that dated back two years, records show.

The Republic is not publishing the names of the parents to protect the privacy of their daughter, who was returned to her parents’ custody last week.

The four boys, who are also Liberian immigrants, were arrested following the reported rape, records show. Police said the boys lured the girl into a shed at the apartment complex and took turns sexually assaulting her.

One of the boys was taken to a juvenile rehabilitation center and placed on probation, records show. The other three were ruled incompetent to stand trial because of their lack of cultural awareness of the United States’ legal system, records show.

The case against the parents took five years to resolve, mainly because they were unfamiliar with the U.S. judicial system. The couple was ordered to be educated in American court proceedings, as well as other cultural differences, records show.

Additionally, the two speak a language so obscure that the court had to call an interpreter from Minnesota to translate the proceedings over speaker phone on Friday.

Note this last line about an interpreter—all of you towns and cities “welcoming” refugees (Athens, GA!) must be aware of the fact that you are on the hook for the cost of interpreter services for just about anything your refugee needs (including when they end up in our criminal justice system).  Imagine what this case cost Maricopa County!

By the way, Phoenix is a “preferred resettlement site” chosen by the US State Department, ORR, and their contractors.

Boston: Somali former refugee charged with rape (possibly more than one)

Just for a little change of pace tonight from the ever-expanding crisis on the border, ho-hum we will return to our never-ending Somali crime stories.  This time from Boston last week….

Somali Said Said facing rape charges in Massachusetts. Photo: Boston Globe

From the Boston Herald (Hat tip: crime sleuth ‘pungentpeppers’):

A second reported rape in the Seaport District by a livery driver in less than a year has the city’s taxi union and a South Boston state representative demanding a crackdown before another young woman is attacked in the trendy nightspot.

“This is a real public safety issue, particularly for women in my district,” said Southie state Rep. Nick Collins. “It’s something that we have to resolve and I’ll be looking to work with the city to come up with some new legislation.”

Said Said, 40, of 97 Doane­ St., Quincy, was ordered held on $35,000 cash bail yesterday at his arraignment in South Boston District Court after pleading innocent to charges of aggravated rape, unarmed robbery and receiving stolen property.

Police allege that at midnight Sunday, Said, who is of Somali descent, picked up a woman in a livery mini­van outside Legal Harborside restaurant on Northern Avenue and took her to a deserted South Boston location, where he raped her and stole her cellphone, cash and credit cards before dropping her off on State Street.

 He used the victim’s credit card.  Pretty dumb wouldn’t you say!

Police said they were able to track down Said after he was reportedly caught on surveillance camera using the alleged victim’s credit card to make a purchase at a Walgreens Pharmacy in Quincy.

The victim identified Said in a photo array set up by Boston police,­ according to court documents.

Attack is similar to one that occurred last summer:

Sunday’s alleged assault was eerily similar to an attack that occurred Aug. 6, 2013, when a woman told police she flagged down a livery sedan in South Boston thinking it was a taxi and was instead driven to a secluded area in Newton, where she was raped and assaulted by the driver.

The Boston Globe has more, here.

Using this opportunity to educate all of the new readers the ‘unaccompanied children’ are bringing to RRW, see this important testimony to the US State Department by a former refugee resettlement worker in Boston.

Buffalo: In mecca of diversity, Puerto Rican kid kills Iraqi kid

Buffalo, NY has become a grand experiment in multiculturalism as resettlement agencies pour refugees into the area and other NGOs make the area a magnet for illegal aliens and phoney asylum seekers.  See this 2012 post about the changing demographics of Buffalo—-Christians and Jews moving out, Muslims moving in.

For more on Buffalo immigrant crimes see our entire Buffalo archive here.  When immigrants supposedly rebuild decaying cities, crime abounds.

Don’t miss this 2013 post about the US State Department sending an official delegation to Buffalo late last year — problems developing?  Gee, I wonder if the State Department will help foot the bill for court expenses that the local welcoming Erie County taxpayers will have with this trial.  Heck, they will need a Spanish interpreter and an Iraqi court interpreter!

Thanks to several readers for sending links on the latest murder case involving a refugee, this time as the victim—‘pungentpeppers’ and Creeping Sharia especially.


Mourners leave the Masjid Al-Eman Mosque on Connecticut Street after the funeral of 13-year-old Ameer Al Shammari, Tuesday, May 6, 2014. (Derek Gee/Buffalo News)


From Buffalo News (emphasis mine):

A 13-year-old Black Rock boy has confessed to killing Ameer Al Shammari, also 13, law enforcement officials say.

The boy, identified by authorities as Jean Sanchez, was arrested at about 3:30 a.m. today after homicide investigators developed leads that helped them to identify the suspect.

Sanchez has been charged as an adult with second-degree murder, an official told The Buffalo News.


Neighbors and family friends believe the killing was tied to Ameer’s attempt to retrieve an iPhone that was stolen from him Friday. Police Commissioner Daniel Derenda said today during a news conference that the stolen phone may figure into the killing.


Ameer’s funeral was held this morning in the Masjid al-Eiman & Islamic Center at 444 Connecticut St. The casket was brought into the mosque at about 9:45 a.m.


After the funeral, Ali Kadhum, executive director of the newly formed Iraqi American Society, described the family as shattered by their son’s death.

“The father told me he is not able to carry this sadness,” said Kadhum, who also serves as president of the Buffalo Immigrant Refugee Empowerment Coalition.

For more details on Sanchez  and how the police think the murder happened go here, also at Buffalo News.

The murdered boy had been in the US for 18 months.  There are questions about whether a gang might have been involved in his beating death.

By the way, Iraqis represent the largest ethnic refugee group we admitted to the US in fiscal year 2013—just short of 20,000 (click here).   I’m pretty sure we are approaching the 100,000 number for Iraqis invited to America (no time to dig out the numbers this morning).

Utah! Why the h*** do we have to put up with this?

‘Pungentpeppers’ sent us this story from Utah a couple of days ago—it’s about Afghan refugees bringing their Islamic culture clashes and their violence to your communities.    It is long, and annoys me so much I could barely read the article.

And, for Utah political leaders, what the heck are you thinking allowing your lovely state to be the doormat for the kinds of people resettlement contractors are dropping off?  Didn’t you get an earful with the gruesome murder trial of a Burmese Muslim man who was convicted earlier this year for raping and killing a little girl (she died in excruciating pain)?

For citizens of Utah, if the culture clashes aren’t bothering you, aren’t you at least asking elected officials what all this crime and violence is costing taxpayers?

By the way, if you are thinking it’s the Mormon Church dropping off the Muslims, it isn’t.  The federally-funded refugee contractors in Utah are:  The International Rescue Committee, Catholic Community Services, Jewish Family Service and the Asian Association of Utah.

Haji Rahimi, the patriarch of the family.

Now here is the lengthy and complicated tale of the Afghan refugees, clashing, quarreling (and killing).

Read the sob story that opens the article.  I am so cynical, I don’t believe it.   I think the family fabricated their tale of woe to get in here.

From City Weekly:

After the tale of woe:

After a year of waiting, Haji Rahimi, his wife, three daughters, son Nisar, the two widows of their eldest sons and their children were granted political asylum in the United States in 2000. They flew into Chicago, and from there to Utah, where they settled.


But while the Rahimis thought they’d left violence behind them, the very cultural values that Haji had advocated against in Pakistan were waiting for them in Utah. Nazir’s relationship with Nargis Mullahkhel—an Afghan single mother in the middle of a divorce, at odds with her family’s strict cultural values—led to friction, then violence between the two families, and ultimately to the death of Nargis’ 19-year-old brother and Nazir spending five years in prison for his killing.

Although the police who investigated the killing never got to the bottom of exactly how and why it happened, the Rahimi family’s story and court documents suggest that at the heart of the tragedy lies not only a clash between modern and traditional Islam, but also the struggle of immigrant families to both assimilate within American society and retain their cultural identities, even if those identities may sometimes chafe with American cultural values and laws.

Chafe with American values and laws?  Chafe with?  WTH!  Why are we putting up with ‘retaining cultural identity’ when it ‘chafes with’ ours?

Diana West nailed it!

Remember the Iraqi and Somali Muslims are pouring into the US right now, and soon the flood gates will open for more Afghans and Syrians to arrive in your “welcoming” cities.

For more on Utah, click here.  We have a lengthy paper trail on problems there.