Immigration Minister Morrison: He will be detained one way or another pending trial.
IMMIGRATION Minister Scott Morrison has confirmed that a man accused of abducting and raping a nine-year-old boy is an Afghan asylum-seeker.
Omid Roshan, 21, has been charged with abduction, two counts of rape and three counts of committing an indecent act with a child following the alleged incident in Melbourne’s southeastern suburbs earlier this month.
He was arrested by the NSW sexual crime squad in Sydney last week after Victorian detectives learned that he had travelled interstate.
It is alleged Mr Roshan, who lived in Dandenong, asked the boy to get into his car in the neighbouring suburb of Doveton and then drove to nearby Eumemmerring before sexually assaulting him. The boy was later released.
Mr Roshan faced the Melbourne Magistrates Court on Friday and did not seek bail.
Mr Morrison yesterday confirmed Mr Roshan was an Afghan asylum-seeker who would not live in the community while facing criminal charges. “If this individual for whatever reason happens to be released by the court to face it on another occasion then he will go straight back into detention,” Mr Morrison told Sydney radio 2GB.
One sure would hope so!
Photo (here): Wouldn’t you love to see a government official in the US standing in front of a sign like this one—“Operation Sovereign Borders!”
See our complete archive on Australia by clicking here.
We first had this story last week (again thanks to ‘pungentpeppers’) and although we knew those arrested were Somalis (by their names) it was one of those ho-hum here-we-go-again stories and posted it at the facebook page ‘Diversity’s Dark Side‘ and didn’t bother to post it here.
Now after seeing it onDrudgeyesterday and in the British press (with photos) the news becomes how many stories can be written about it without saying the word Somali so that the average reader, not attuned to names like Ali Yusuf Barre, Abdirashid Yasin Duad, and Mohamed Awil Suleiman, might actually have the full picture of what is happening in the suburbs surrounding the Twin Cities.
Even the UK Mailcan’t say the ‘S’ word as one commenter to the story noted.
In the “riot” weights and barbells were thrown after an exchange of profanities. Somalis on right, victim (could he be Hispanic?) on left.
A basketball game on a court at an LA Fitness gym descended into a mass brawl involving 10-15 people which included weight plates and barbells being thrown around.
Police were called to the incident at the gym in Roseville, Minnesota, last Sunday and arrested three adults and three juveniles.
Officers arrived and tried to gain control over two agitated groups of males who were shouting profanities at each other, according to criminal complaints.
Four males were fighting with one person on the basketball court and chased him into the fitness area, the complaints said.
‘People were actually throwing two and a half, five, 10 pound weights within the building,’ Police Lt. Lorne Rosand told WCCO.
Customers and gym staff tried to intervene and separate the groups, and the LA Fitness manager tried to defuse the situation by directing the man being chased to stay by the front desk and juice bar, the complaints said.
But the suspects began to throw weight plates, barbells and a trash can lid toward the juice bar and the male target, according to the complaints.
As you read down the story, and all of the other stories, this is the only piece of information you have about who the perps are:
The three adults, Ali Yusuf Barre, 18, of Minneapolis; Abdirashid Yasin Duad, 18, of Minneapolis; and Mohamed Awil Suleiman, 20, of Burnsville, have been charged with disorderly conduct and participation in a riot.
I did see some mugshots at the very end of a TV report, but again no mention that these are Somali “refugees” we “welcomed” to America.
The news accounts, including this one, all remark about the large number of times police are called to the Roseville LA Fitness, but managers there have declined to take any action to more rigorously protect their business, now why do you think that is?
The gym has been plagued with crime in recent years. Roseville police responded to 147 incidents there in 2013 and have already gone to 24 incidents this year.
Police are frustrated with that LA Fitness as their requests to put in security cameras or have guards on site have all been denied.
‘They don’t want to take any proactive measures to prevent theft in the parking lot or inside,’ Rosand said. ‘I just hope they step up like any business in the community.’
Why so many Somalis in Minneapolis? Thank the US State Department and its resettlement contractors: Lutheran Social Services, Catholic Charities and World Relief. Diversity is so beautiful, isn’t it! Wyoming are you listening?
This is an incredible story from Illinois. A family of Romani was arrested this week for shoplifting millions of dollars of merchandise from stores over a ten year period and selling the stolen goods on eBay.
The $1.3 million home of the Bogdanov family. Photo: Alexandra Chachkevitch, Chicago Tribune
The first story sent to me today by a reader while I was away is this one from AP. Note that the only way we know they are immigrants is that the wife needed a Romani translator for her court appearance.
However, a second story unearthed by ‘pungentpeppers’ identified them as being from the former Yugoslavia. The funny thing is that you have to watch the ABC News clip (to the very end) attached to the written story to find out where they are from and that they may not even be US citizens. Amazing how skittish the media is about reporting immigrant wrong-doing.
By the way, we have taken refugees from the former Yugoslavia (thousands of them!) so they could indeed be refugees.
CHICAGO (AP) — A father, mother and daughter from a posh Chicago suburb stole $7 million in merchandise during a decadelong shoplifting spree — traveling to stores nationwide and targeting dolls, toys, cosmetics and other valuables — according to a federal complaint released Wednesday.
The three were arrested earlier this week at their $1.3 million Northbrook homeafter returning from a three-day trip through Oklahoma, Texas and Louisiana, where authorities say they shoplifted from stores. Working in tandem, the family traveled from their Chicago-area residence to hit businesses in multiple states, including Maryland, Tennessee and Florida, according to the 20-page complaint.
Branko Bogdanov, 58, Lela Bogdanov, 52, and their 34-year-old daughter, Julia Bogdanov, are charged with one count each of interstate transportation of stolen property.
Lela Bogdanov frequently donned a long black skirt with large compartments sewn on the inside during the alleged shoplifting binges and was caught on surveillance cameras leaving some stores with her skirt looking notably fuller than when she entered, the complaint says.
Standing in orange jail clothes Wednesday in federal court, Lela Bogdanov wiped away tears as U.S. Magistrate Judge Michael Mason explained her rights. She followed the proceedings through a Romani interpreter.
The Chicago Tribunestory (which has the photo) does mention their ethnicity.
For a little break from the usual immigrant-run welfare fraud (food stamps and healthcare) we’ve written about lately, here is a story from December (‘pungentpeppers’ found it recently on a Hmong website) about a different sort of fraud.
LOL! I guess you can say that immigrants bring ‘vibrant diversity’ even in their schemes to rip-off Americans.
Nhia Vue displayed ‘vibrant diversity’ in her method of fraud.
The Hmong website story ishere. But, it is originally from the Star-Tribune:
A childless St. Paul woman allegedly created library cards for 24 imaginary children in order to steal thousands of dollars in video games and DVDs from the Ramsey County library system.
Nhia Vue, who turns 23 Thursday, has been charged in Ramsey County District Court with one count of theft.
According to the complaint, she checked out 50 video games, 41 DVDs and 21 books from different county public library branches between May 13 and June 4. The items were valued at just over $4,100.
The charges said she pawned 46 games and 22 DVDs. Authorities recovered some of the items, which showed signs of tampering. Library labels were peeled off and library markings on the DVDs were blackened with a permanent marker, the charges allege.
“I’ve never had … anyone take advantage of the library system in quite this way,” Library Director Susan Nemitz said. “It’s wildly disappointing.”
“Vue admitted she doesn’t have any children and each of the accounts she created is for a fictitious person,” the charges said. “Vue claimed her problems started because she is disabled and cannot stand on her foot for a long period of time.
She is surely already on disability and food stamps!
She allegedly told authorities that she knew what she did was wrong, but that she needed money for food and spending.
How does she have a tax return at her apparent level of income?
“I didn’t look at it as stealing,” she said, according to charges. “I looked at it as borrowing. I thought I could pay them back on my taxes.”
Just last month we reported on more serious Hmong crime stories, here.
How many Hmong do you have?
Wikipedia has this summary of the numbers of Hmong living in the US thanks to the refugee resettlement program:
States with the largest Hmong population include: California (86,989; 0.2%), Minnesota (63,619; 1.2%), Wisconsin (47,127; 0.8%), and North Carolina (10,433; 0.1%), Michigan (5,924; 0.1%), Colorado (3,859; 0.1%), Georgia (3,623; 0.03%), Alaska (3,534; 0.5%), Oklahoma (3,369; 0.1%), and Oregon (2,920; 0.1%).[2][8] The metropolitan areas of Fresno and Minneapolis-St. Paul have especially large Hmong communities.[9] The City of Wausau in Wisconsin has the largest Hmong population per capita in the United States. 3,569 Hmong people live in Wausau (9.1% of its population).
Today, according to the 2010 U.S. Census, 260,073 people of Hmong decent reside in the United States up from 186,310 in 2000.[10] The vast majority of the growth since 2000 was from natural increase, except for the admission of a final group of over 15,000 refugees in 2004 and 2005 from Wat Tham Krabok in Thailand. Of the 260,073 Hmong-Americans, 247,595 or 95.2% are Hmong alone, and the remaining 12,478 are mixed Hmong with some other ethnicity or race. The Hmong-American population is among the youngest of all groups in the United States, with the majority being under 30 years old, born after 1980, with most part-Hmong are under 10 years old.[11]
Last week we had the largest Medicaid fraud bust in DC historyand as it turns out earlier in February we were given more details on the massive 2012 Texas bust as that case heads to trial. In the DC case, the ringleader was a woman from Cameroon, and in Texas, 1/3 of the cases involve Nigerians.
Where is David Lubell and “Welcoming America” with his immigrant-entrepreneurs-bring-economic-boom-times to your “welcoming” cities mumbo-jumbo. (‘Welcoming America’ is partially funded by the Office of Refugee Resettlementto get your minds right about the joy immigrant diversity will bring to your town and a large part of their campaign is to convince you that hard-working immigrants are fueling the local economy.)
Readers, increasingly we see home health care businesses listed as one of those economic enterprises refugees and other immigrants bring to multi-culti cities. (Somalis here in St. Cloud!) Now we see why!
Keep in mind, as you read this, that we don’t resettle refugees from Nigeria in any large numbers, there may be some among the asylum seekers, but I would guess the largest numbers are here because they overstayed a visa—student or tourist. Also, know that Nigerians were “winning” the diversity visa lottery in such large numbers that they are barred in the upcoming cycles from that LEGAL immigrant pipeline to America.
Dr. Joseph Megwa’s attorney asked that his nationality and immigration status not be admitted to the court! Photo:
From Dallas News. (Hat tip: the ever-vigilant ‘pungentpeppers’) Emphasis is mine:
Hundreds of North Texas Nigerian-Americans are caught up in the biggest home health care frauds ever uncovered by U.S. law enforcement.
Federal indictments were issued in 2012 against those who allegedly profited the most from half a billion dollars in fraudulent local Medicare billings. But many other Nigerian-Americans living in the area and operating small health care businesses were also involved, federal law enforcement officials say.
Those officials say most of the health care fraud in Texas is committed by Texans with no particular ethnic background. And community leaders insist most Nigerian-Americans in the health care business in the Dallas area are honest.
But law enforcement officials and leaders in the Nigerian-American community describe Dallas home health care fraud as rampant and say a surprising number of the perpetrators — a third of all cases under investigation — involve Nigerian-Americans.
Greed and lax enforcement! And, possibly a cultural predilection?
“It is embarrassing to the Nigerian community that this type of thing is going on,” said Ihekwaba, who is also president of the West Africa America Chamber of Commerce and Industry in Dallas.
“It’s greed. Greed and trying to see the easy way out,” he said. “People took advantage of lax enforcement by the federal government on this issue.”
The FBI says health care fraud is the costliest crime in America. Estimates of the losses to federal health insurance programs like Medicare and Medicaid run from $44 billion to $80 billion a year.
Dallas has some of the highest Medicare spending in the nation. While the amounts spent on hospitals, drugs and doctors are not far off the national averages, home health care spending is far above the norm.
Over $100 million in fraud allegedly funneled through Dr. Joseph Megwa.
Between 2006 and 2012, federal law enforcement authorities allege more than 230 Dallas-area home health care agencies funneled patients to Arlington physician Joseph Megwa to approve $100.5 million in care they didn’t need. The owner of the largest home care agency in the case, Nigerian-American Ferguson Ikhile of Irving, has pleaded guilty.
But, LOL! Don’t mention Megwa’s nationality or immigration status because of backlash against immigrants! If the shoe fits!
Last month, Megwa’s attorneys asked the judge in the case to prohibit prosecutors from mentioning Megwa’s nationality or immigration status because of “a backlash in this country against immigrants, particularly immigrants of color and immigrants from Africa, who are charged with criminal offenses.”
Nothing makes Americans angrier than opening our doors to immigrants who then turn around and rip us off! As a matter of fact, we think there should be a law that when an immigrant crook is indicted, their immigration status should be made available to the public, so if they are here legally, we can begin to identify which legal programs need to be tightened up.
The next time one of your pals says, ‘I’m opposed to illegal aliens, but I’m o.k. with LEGAL immigrants,’ know that they don’t know what they are talking about!
The article at Dallas Newsis a long one with lots of details about how the scam is done, so I recommend reading the whole thing.