UN organization distributes 10,000 more illegal migrants throughout Europe

Invasion of Europe news……
Update: See how a German teen outsmarts a would-be ‘refugee’ rapist. Sort of related to this story, but I had such a good laugh I wanted to share it right away. Click here.
We need to be paying more attention to the International Organization for Migration (IOM) which previously, although funded with government funds, was a separate organization from the United Nations. It became part of the UN just last year (see here).  The US funds a large chunk of IOM, but I have never seriously looked in to how much.

This is IOM’s own photo—beware ‘robust’ young men carrying blue and white bags!

Here we learn that they are happy to spread 10,000 of the illegal aliens who arrived in Greece and Italy throughout Europe.  The largest numbers were moved to France, the Netherlands and Germany!

But they are not satisfied with 10,000, they hope to move another 106,000 in the next two years!

What is not clear is if those seeded throughout Europe have even had their asylum claims processed!
So, is it up to the receiving countries to accommodate them and determine if they are legitimate refugees?  If they aren’t legit refugees, then must that country try to deport them?

From an IOM news release today:

Belgium – Over 10,000 asylum seekers have now been relocated from Greece and Italy to other European Union (EU) member states through the EU relocation programme, according to IOM, which is facilitating the operation.

This week, 168 people left Greece for Estonia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Norway and Portugal. Another 81 people were relocated from Italy to Spain. This brings the total number of people relocated under the scheme to 10,189 since its launch in October 2015.

While IOM welcomes the 10,000 milestone and continuing efforts to relocate eligible asylum seekers, it acknowledges that this number is far too low and is calling for a robust push to meet the goals of the two-year programme – the provision of 106,000 places in other EU member states. [They love the word ‘robust,’ look for it in almost any warm and fuzzy story about refugees.—ed]


France (2,702), the Netherlands (1,216) and Germany (1,099) have received the most asylum seekers to date under the scheme.


As of 31 December 2016, Syrians comprised the majority of EU relocation beneficiaries (58 percent), followed by Eritreans (27 percent), Iraqis (12 percent) and other nationalities (3 percent).


Women accounted for 39 percent of those relocated…

I just love it when they think they are so clever by mentioning the number of women.  Does this mean that 61% are males? And, btw, dumb choice of photo for their press release!
For our complete ‘Invasion of Europe’ archive, click here.  I warn you it is huge as we have been reporting on the slow death of western Europe for years.

IOM: Mediterranean migrant ships won't stop until Europe finds ways to let them come legally

Invasion of Europe News….

Sheesh! The International Organization for Migration (IOM) yesterday said, don’t stop the boats and the boat people from Africa and the Middle East, find ways for them to migrate legally to Europe. (See former Australian Prime Minister Tony Abbott tell the Europeans to turn back the boats, here.)

Scene from the movie that fizzled ‘The Good Lie.’

The IOM was for years a quasi-non-profit organization (getting most of its money from governments) and a US refugee contracting agency whose job it was, and still is, to get refugees ready to fly to your towns and cities. You will see refugees in US airports with blue IOM bags.
Now the agency has been folded in to the United Nations and it is one more reason to sever our ties with the UN!
Here, yesterday, they reported on the number of illegal migrants who have arrived in Europe in 2016.

Switzerland – IOM on Friday (06/01) reported preliminary totals for all 2016 migrant and refugee arrivals to Europe via the Mediterranean Sea, as well as estimated fatalities. Arrival totals were 363,348 split almost evenly between Italy and Greece, with much smaller numbers arriving in Malta, Cyprus and Spain. Fatalities and missing migrants reached at least 5,079 although IOM emphasizes that some incidents reported in the month of December and earlier have not been fully accounted for.

According to IOM’s Missing Migrants Project, incidents off Spain, Morocco and Tunisia have been reported whose victim totals could add another 300 or more fatalities to the 2016 total. The year 2016 already is the deadliest for migrants ever recorded by IOM in the region.

The probable addition of several hundred more fatalities recorded in 2016 only deepens the tragedy, said IOM Director General William Lacy Swing, who added, Europe’s frustration with a seemingly endless cycle of migrant rescue followed by reports of shipwrecks and more drownings won’t end until governments throughout the region find a way to manage migration comprehensively.

“Migrants and refugees aren’t coming because they believe their lives will be rescued at sea once they leave Africa or Syria or wherever conflicts drives people to seek safety,” Ambassador Swing said. “They’re leaving because they believe their lives will be doomed if they stay. The answer lies in finding creative means to permit safe, legal and secure migration, be that through work visas, family reunification or temporary protected status. [UNHCR is searching for “alternative pathways” to move the third world to the first since most of these migrants are not legitimate refugees.—ed] Instead of doubling down on tactics that don’t work, let’s use this New Year to try something that’s actually new.”

Italy and Greece suffer the most.

Read the whole article, these numbers are way down for Greece, but up for Italy.
See our complete ‘Invasion of Europe’ archive by clicking here.
Editor: I hope to get a lot of things posted today, yesterday was a wipe-out due to computer problems!

Invasion of Europe 2016 off to a quick start!

Below is a map posted at the website for the International Organization on Migration (IOM) that tells us (that less than 8 weeks into 2016) over 100,000 migrants have reached Europe (and this is still winter!).
We don’t talk about it often, but you should know that the IOM is also a US federal contractor and prepares refugees for their trip to America among other things.
Notice that the vast majority of illegal migrants are coming through Turkey to Greece, so does that mean Turkey is behind the invasion of Europe?  I think you can say that!
map arrivals Europe 2016
More here!
Be sure to check my favorite map, the interactive one, that tells us how many are coming each day and how they are spreading out throughout Europe.
For our complete ‘Invasion of Europe’ archive, click here.
For new readers:  You might find it informative to visit our category ‘where to find information’ (over 400 posts, but just scroll through the titles).

'Church' refugee resettlement contractors bring in millions as debt collection agencies

Perhaps the most wonderful thing about all of the burgeoning interest in how the UN/US State Department Refugee Admissions Program works, is that we are discovering that there are some real investigative reporters out there like this one (Jeffrey McDonald) at Religion News Service.

Kentucky syrians
This airport photo is from our post on the first Syrians arriving in KY. Note that ‘Dad’ is carrying an IOM bag. The IOM arranges airfares after receiving money from the US taxpayer. https://refugeeresettlementwatch.org/2015/02/15/first-syrian-refugees-arriving-in-louisville-ky-helped-with-grant-from-islamic-charity/

For eight years we’ve commented about this little known aspect of how the resettlement contractors (six ‘religiously-oriented ones) are getting a little extra boodle by pressuring refugees to repay their airfare loans (the original funding came out of the US Treasury and was distributed to the International Organization on Migration to buy plane tickets).  I have several posts on the practice, but here is one from 2010 I found interesting when having a quick look.
In fact, where I live, in 2007, a stressed-out refugee took a letter he didn’t understand to an ESL teacher to ask exactly what it meant—it was a letter from a resettlement agency telling him he needed to start paying back the airfare, or else.  The “or else” would be a poor credit rating (you can imagine how some former camp-dwelling third-worlder was confused!).
So, if you are saying, well of course they should pay it back!  This is the part that is so egregious—-the resettlement contractor pockets 25% of what the agency wrings out of the refugee.  It does not all return to the US Treasury.
Here is the story I was so excited to see! From Religion News Service (hat tip: Joanne):

(RNS) Faith-based agencies that resettle refugees in America stand to gain more than a clear conscience if the United States — after what is expected to be a fierce debate in Congress — accepts a proposed 10,000 Syrian refugees next year.

More refugees also means more revenue for the agencies’ little-known debt collection operations, which bring in upwards of $5 million a year in commissions as resettled refugees repay loans for their travel costs. All nine resettlement agencies charge the same going rate as private-sector debt collectors: 25 percent of all they recoup for the government.

I think it’s actually more than $5 million because in one recent year I saw that the US Conference of Catholic Bishops had pulled in $3 million (in one year).  Later in the story reporter McDonald says he found that the USCCB got $3.4 million from their debt collection work.

Human rights industrial complex is having an internal conflict over the boodle.

Now get this!  Even in their own circles they have noticed a little hypocrisy from those who lecture us about our moral duty to “welcome the stranger.”

Moral duty has become a prominent feature of the refugee debate.


As resistance to refugees grows, so also do calls for moral action on their behalf. Some refugee advocates are now urging resettlement agencies to help the cause — and boost their own moral authority — by forgoing their 25 percent commissions if possible and letting newly arrived refugees keep that money. So far, none has heeded that call.

“It would be wise, if they can afford it, to let the refugees use whatever resources they have to help their self-sufficiency,” said Eva Millona***, executive director of the Massachusetts Immigrant and Refugee Advocacy Coalition. “It would add more credibility.”

What the heck, give it to the refugee?  How about foregoing their commission and giving all of it back to the US taxpayer!  (I’m betting none of this little cozy arrangement was spelled out in the original Refugee Act of 1980.)
McDonald goes on to explain how “churches” need this cold hard cash for their ‘good works.’
Read the whole thing!
These are the nine contractors resettling refugees and acting as debt collectors:

***More here on Eva as she and the NO Borders gang get ready for their big pow-wow later this month (where they will be talking about us!).  The event was planned long before all hell broke loose with the refugee program.
One more thing….
It occurs to me that maybe we don’t give the contractors their cut but instead use that 25% of returned airfare money to fund our proposed Repatriation Fund! What do you think?

Action Alert:  Call your members of the House and Senate at 202-224-3121 and ask them to vigorously oppose the Refugee Resettlement funding contained in the Omnibus Spending Bill that will be voted on by 12-11-15! Please call by this Friday, Dec. 4th.

Agenda 2030: UN sets goal for sustainable development, has 15 years to get it done

This is something I want you to be aware of, and perhaps encourage one of you to delve deeper into—the “2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development”—which has recently added migration to its core mission.
I think that stalling refugee resettlement to America may stall their global agenda, wouldn’t you agree?

“Ms. [Amina] Mohammed, 54, has served as the top United Nations diplomat responsible for corralling countries to commit to a spectacularly ambitious set of global development goals, meant to save the planet and its most vulnerable people. Known as the Sustainable Development Goals, or Agenda 2030 after the deadline for meeting them…” http://www.nytimes.com/2015/09/26/world/africa/un-adopts-ambitious-global-goals-after-years-of-negotiations.html?_r=0
This is all I know, the subject popped up in a tweet today so I followed the threads to this news from the International Organization for Migration which is the US federal contractor that prepares refugees for their move to America.

On 25 September 2015, world leaders made history by adopting the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development in New York. This wide-ranging and ambitious agenda, which includes the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), marks the culmination of over two-years of negotiation and broad, inclusive consultations with stakeholders from across the world.  [I bet there was no taxpayer rights group among the “stakeholders.”—ed]

For the first time, the issue of migration has been included in the global development framework, representing a marked shift from the Millennium Development Goals and a timely recognition of the diverse interlinkages between migration and development.

It is now up to the international community as a whole to ensure that we achieve these global goals over the next fifteen years, making the world a better place for all, including migrants.

We know that the UN High Commissioner for Refugees is picking most US-bound refugees.  By slowing third world migration to the US, you are helping to slow the United Nations’ goals for us!  That is enough incentive for me!
If you are up to doing some research, I’d be happy to post what you find!