I’ve never thought this was a good argument to be pushed by the supposed ‘humanitarians’ receiving millions from the US taxpayer to place refugees in hundreds of US towns and cities, but they are doing it in the age of Trump. Report was released on World Refugee Propaganda Day. https://www.rescue.org/report/unwelcome-state-refugee-resettlement-america
Hurting most from the slowdown in the arrival of fresh grunt laborers (aka refugees), according to a new report from the International Rescue Committee headed by former British Labor Party official, David Miliband, are employers in key U.S. industries—including manufacturing, hospitality and meatpacking!
Why must US taxpayers subsidize big business?
If those industries can’t fill their labor needs, maybe they need to raise wages!
And, besides why is it the taxpayers’ duty to subsidize globalists like the BIG MEAT giants by supplying them with third world laborers while paying fake humanitarian groups, like the IRC, gobs of money to sign them up for welfare to supplement those meager wages before moving on to the next fresh batch of paying clients. Continue reading “International Rescue Committee says US businesses need more low wage workers”→
….where is his resignation announcement from the International Rescue Committee(one of nine federal refugee resettlement contractors***) where, from his perch in Manhattan, he sucks down a salary of nearly $700,000 a year partially funded by US taxpayers? Miliband in Manhattan Make up your mind Miliband!
Why should American taxpayers support your dalliances in British politics?
FromSky News today:
David Miliband, Nick Clegg and Nicky Morgan warn against ‘hard Brexit’
Former foreign secretary David Miliband has urged all parties to come together to prevent a “hard Brexit”.
Saying “Europe is Britain’s anchor”, Mr Miliband made an impassioned speech saying he is “alarmed” at the state of negotiations on Britain’s exit from the EU.
Mr Miliband, an ex-Labour cabinet minister, shared a platform with Liberal Democrat former deputy minister Sir Nick Clegg and the Conservative chairwoman of the commons treasury committee, Nicky Morgan.
Miliband and George Soros
Speaking at a Tilda Rice Mill in Rainham, Essex, the trio repeated their statement from a joint article for the Mail on Sunday that Britain was being “held to ransom” by hardline Brexiteers.
They say a hard Brexit threatens jobs and living standards in the UK.
Mr Miliband, who now heads the New York-based International Rescue Committee aid agency, denied he was seeking to launch a new, centrist political movement when asked by the BBC Radio 4 Today programme.
More here.
Just a reminder to readers, this is a page from a recent Form 990for the International Rescue Committee.
Doing well by doing good! (and not just Miliband): https://refugeeresettlementwatch.org/2018/03/03/breitbart-roundup-refugee-contractors-whine-as-revenue-plummets/
*** Nine federal contractors:
The number in parenthesis is the percentage of their income paid by you (the taxpayer) to place the refugees and get them signed up for their services (aka welfare)! From most recent accounting, here.
If you are wondering, I post this list every chance I get because we have new readers daily and because I want all of you to know that for reform to be possible these nine fake non-profits have to go.
The stated reason to consider moving the US Refugee Admissions Program (USRAP) to the independent USAID is to save money by bringing our admissions program and humanitarian foreign aid together under one roof. What will new Secretary of State Pompeo do? (outgoing Rex Tillerson appeared to have been hands-off when it came to refugees). I’m in no position to judge the wisest place to move it, but I am eager to see the little fiefdoms fall and cozy relationships broken between resettlement contractors and DOS bureaucrats. And, I have long maintained that refugee admission decisions should not be used as part of our foreign policy wheeling and dealing!
As early as 2012 (when the State Department did formerly invite comment on the program), I gave 10 reasons for a moratorium and this is my number seven:
7) Congress needs to specifically disallow the use of the refugee program for other purposes of the US Government, especially using certain refugee populations to address unrelated foreign policy objectives—Uzbeks, Kosovars, Meshketians and Bhutanese (Nepalese) people come to mind.
If I were to write that today, I would be adding those Australian detainees we are magically transforming in to legitimate refugees for your American towns!
Either people are legitimate refugees deserving a shot at a better life and have no other options, or not. The program shouldn’t be used in any carrot/stick foreign policy wrangling.
But, that is exactly what a spokeswoman for the International Rescue Committee is arguing at Foreign Policyin a story entitled:
White House Weighs Taking Refugee Programs Away From State Department
Mike Pompeo’s first test could be a plan to remove refugee aid from Foggy Bottom
It is that time of year when homeowners and hobby gardeners are out with high hopes for their small crops of spinach, beans and tomatoes.
It is also the time of the year we can expect warm and fuzzy stories about how refugees are gardening with the help of their federal resettlement contractors and your tax dollars!
Refugee gardeners in Tucson. https://www.rescue.org/announcement/growing-new-roots
This story from Baltimore reminded me that I haven’t mentioned this additional source of payola for refugee contractors—-Refugee Agricultural Partnershipgrants—lately.
In addition to the per head refugee payment the contractors receive to place refugees, there are myriad grant programs available for the nine contractors and their subcontractors to keep their coffers full.
The Office of Refugee Resettlement actually gives out hundreds of thousands of dollars (about $1.5 million in the latest allotment) to the contractors (the VOLAGs) to help refugees plant gardens.
In Baltimore we learn that gardens run by the International Rescue Committee connect refugees to the earth, their cultures and their neighbors (or so we are told).
Keep reading to learn exactly how much this all costs you, and who is raking in the big bucks! Continue reading “Rich International Rescue Committee gets richer with grants for refugee gardens”→
When I saw this Washington Post Op-edpenned by British National David Miliband whose organization, one of nine federal refugee contractors*** (the International Rescue Committee) depends on just short of a half a billion! (see below) from the US Treasury each year, I thought it was kind of dumb to bite the hand that feeds them (and offers him, Miliband, a comfortable annual income of nearly $700,000). Perhaps I am wrong, maybe David Miliband is giving most of his nearly $700,000 annual salary as charitable gifts to the refugees he sends to your towns. Does anyone know?
But, this is what the arrogant and entitled Far Left does because they have come to expect those millions as their just rewards for their ‘humanitarian’ zeal. Of course I can’t resist an opportunity to write about “Moneybags” Miliband either.
From the WaPo(which has never to my knowledge ever looked in to the cushy deals and ginormous taxpayer-funded salaries the resettlement contractors have been receiving over the years). There is nothing more annoying than a British Leftist lecturing us, and Trump, about retreating from our US principles and practices!
David Miliband is president and chief executive of the International Rescue Committee.
At a time of widespread need, the United States is in headlong retreat from the principles and practices that for so long has made it a global beacon. It is no exaggeration to say that if current trends continue, the U.S. government will have no refugee resettlement program at the end of this administration.
In other policy domains, scholars have asked whether the Trump administration is malevolent or incompetent. In the case of refugees the answer is clear: There is animus towards this program and that is being translated into action in a highly organized and efficient manner. It is the worst of all worlds.
Despite the success of this bipartisan program, it is being slowly and silently strangled. Bureaucratic means are being used to subvert an agreed interagency decision. There have been no hearings in Congress, no accounting for the result.
Here is one of many deceptions Miliband regularly peddles. He says the 45,000 CEILING, the CAP, is a target! It is not! The President only needs to stay under the ceiling he himself set. If he wants to exceed the ceiling he would have to consult with Congress.
It is not too late to arrest the decline. Congress should be calling on the administration to expedite refugee interviews to hit the 45,000 target. Homeland Security should speed up the process for vetting refugees, which already takes far too long. And there is no excuse for the shortfall in issuance of special admissions for brave Afghans and Iraqis who have put their lives on the line for the United States.
More here.
I agree with Miliband that Congress should look in to the UN/US Refugee Admissions Program for other reasons, but frankly they are all a bunch of do-nothings on both sides of the aisle.
Below is a screenshot of the most recent Form 990 for the IRC. Government grants is your money!
(For salaries of officers, scroll past page 9. They are on a ‘continuation sheet’ that follows page 12. Eleven officers are in the 6-digit salary range!) The IRC would have a hard time surviving without the infusion of federal dollars at this incredible level each year!
*** I post the contractor list almost every day because I want new readers to know exactly who is responsible for driving the US Refugee Admissions Program (in addition to the UN!). The IRC is the financially largest of the contractors. However if you add up the US Conference of Catholic Bishops and all the individual Catholic Charities that receive federal funding the Catholics might be getting the most boodle.
The number in parenthesis is the percentage of the nine VOLAGs’ income paid by you (the taxpayer) to place the refugees, line them up with (low paying) jobs in food production and cleaning hotel rooms, and get them signed up for their services (welfare)! From most recent accounting, here.