Ireland is bottom of the European league table when it comes to offering asylum to refugees – including those from war torn Syria – according to a new report.
The Eurostat report says: “The three largest groups of beneficiaries of protection status in the EU28 in 2013 remained citizens of Syria (35,800 persons or 26 percent of the total number of persons granted protection status), Afghanistan (16,400 or 12 percent) and Somalia (9,700 or 7 percent).
Ireland allowed only 150 out of 840 applicants asylum status while 55 others received interim permission to remain in the state.
The figures put the country at the bottom of the league along with the Baltic and some south-eastern European states.
Click herefor our complete ‘invasion of Europe’ series which we haven’t had much time for lately due to the stepped-up invasion of America. All of our posts on Ireland are here.
Update May 14th: More sharia creep in Ireland, here.
Or, so we are told by the media. For a quick departure from the news-rich Boston refugee terrorist story, here’s an article making the rounds over the last few days—republished here at CathNews New Zealand:
They even have their own magazine! Cool huh?
Muslim immigrants are finding a much more welcoming atmosphere in traditionally Catholic Ireland than in Europe or America, according to an article in The Atlantic magazine.
Muslims make up just 1.1 per cent of the 4.5 million people in Ireland, but their ranks are swelling due to immigration, births and, in some cases, conversion.
The 2011 census recorded 49,204 Muslims, nearly a quarter of them school-aged children, but the number is projected to reach 125,000 by 2030.
However, not everything is so peachy as the Irish Refugee Council just yesterday blasted the government for keeping ‘asylum seekers’ in temporary “institutionalized accommodation.” (Watch the film!). In the US we let most asylum seekers join their family members already here and they live among us. Come to think of it, maybe Ireland has a better idea?
THE State could be left apologising for another national scandal if asylum seekers are kept institutionalised, it was claimed.
Retired Supreme Court judge Catherine McGuinness also warned Justice Minister Alan Shatter “could be chased through the courts” if the youngsters of immigrants are not treated as equals in line with the children’s referendum.
Up to 300 people marched through Dublin to his department as part of a national day of action to end Direct Provision, the hostel-style accommodation for asylum seekers.
Ms McGuinesss said the institutionalised accommodation was created as a “panic reaction” to the large number of asylum seekers who arrived in Ireland during the boomand has been allowed to drag on with no outside observation.
So-called “asylum seekers who arrived during the boom” were most likely ECONOMIC MIGRANTS and not true REFUGEES SEEKING PROTECTION.
See our entire archive on Ireland, here, and you will see there have been many problems with the mostly Muslim migrants going to Ireland. They even took Rohingya Muslims! Poor Ireland they thought their Catholic/Protestant “troubles” were bad.
I don’t know if they do or they don’t, but this author has written an entire book on how Irish society is reacting to the third worlders arriving on the Emerald Isle. Type ‘Ireland’ into our search function* and see that Muslim Somalis and Rohingya are among the refugees resettled there.
Here is a blub from the book entitled ‘The Exclusion of Refugees and Asylum Seekers from Irish Society‘ by Zoe Hughes.
The author reports that even the mainstream news media in Ireland has a negative view of refugees — that’s a new one on me!
Irish government policy towards refugees and asylum seekers is increasingly restrictive and geared towards confining their participation in and excluding them from Irish society. This is evident from a regime created through institutions and policies that stratify rights in accordance with race-based administrative categories, with refugees and asylum seekers occupying the lowest levels. This trend is also reflected in the media in Ireland where negative framing of refugee and asylum issues as threats to security and to the moral fabric of society has normalised these policies of exclusion. The fact that the media is mainstream society’s main source of information about marginalised groups like asylum seekers and refugees, and the fact that the government and policy-makers have the greatest voice within the media has important implications for the way in which the public view refugees and asylum seekers. [Fascinating—if true, why is the media in Ireland not as politically correct as elsewhere in the West?—ed]
* In fact we have written a lot about Ireland over the years, so do type ‘Ireland’ into our search function for dozens of mentions. One post in particularabout Irish writer Kevin Myers from 2008 just caught my eye. Myers on Somalia in an article no longer available at the Irish Independent:
Somewhere, over the rainbow, lies Somalia, another fine land of violent, Kalashnikov-toting, khat-chewing, girl-circumcising, permanently tumescent layabouts.
LOL! Maybe Ms. Hughes has a point, you would never see a line like that (or the previous one I didn’t repeat here) in the American media!