Immigration and birthrate (not conversions) are cited as the reasons for the expansion from 2010-2020.
Of course, Biden, will be be helping that expansion as he promises to bring 125,000 refugees, many of them Muslims, to America beginning on October first—less than 4 months from now.
“The continued growth of American Muslim houses of worship and community centers also corresponds to the national increase in Muslim civic engagement and political organizing.”
(CAIR Executive Director Nihad Awad)
From the Council on American Islamic Relations:
CAIR Welcomes New Report on U.S. Mosques Showing 31% Increase in Mosque Establishments, Expanded Mosque Budgets
(WASHINGTON, D.C, 6/2/2021) – The Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR), the nation’s largest Muslim civil rights and advocacy organization, today welcomed a new report on U.S. mosques that shows a 31 percent increase in the number of Muslim houses of worship nationwide since 2010.

“The increase in U.S. mosques, participants and budgets is a sign of a healthy democracy that upholds and guarantees the First Amendment to everyone, including American Muslims. We are pleased to be a co-sponsor of an important report that provides a snapshot of the current status of mosques around the nation and what needs to be done to improve the conditions and diversity of American Muslim communities,” said CAIR Executive Director Nihad Awad. “The continued growth of American Muslim houses of worship and community centers also corresponds to the national increase in Muslim civic engagement and political organizing.”
The Number of Mosques Continues to Grow: In 2020, the US Mosque Survey counted 2769 mosques, which is a 31% increase from the 2010 count of 2106 mosques. Undoubtedly, the primary driving force for the increase of mosques is the steady expansion of the population of Muslims in America due to immigration and birth rate.
Not so good news for CAIR! Conversions aren’t cutting it!
There are fewer African American Mosques and fewer Americans are converting to Islam, so they gotta keep the immigrants coming.
Sharp Decrease in African American Mosques and the Number of African American Attendees: In 2020, African American mosques comprised 13% of all mosques, but in 2010 African American mosques accounted for 23% of all mosques—a 43% decrease; in 2020, African American Muslims comprised 16% of all attendees in mosques, but in 2010 that figure was 23%—a 33% decrease.
Conversions Decreased:The number of converts to Islam in mosques declined dramatically, from 15.3 converts per mosque in 2010. The average number of converts in 2020 is 11.3. The primary reason is the decline in African American converts, especially in African American mosques.
In other CAIR news….
Even as Brigitte Gabriel of ACT for America has toned-down her rhetoric (some would say has shut up completely) and Frank Gaffney isn’t so visible anymore, they both still come in for attack as leading anti-Muslim boogeymen proving that Leftists never ever drop their attacks so there is no sense in being conciliatory in the slightest.
During the Obama administration, Gabriel and Gaffney were outspoken critics of refugee resettlement policy because as CAIR’s Awad confirms, their population and political power is expanding through immigration.
Of course CAIR (below) is just parroting their pals at the now discredited Southern Poverty Law Center.
From a CAIR Press Release:
CAIR Urges Council for National Policy to Sever Ties with Notorious Anti-Muslim Extremists
(WASHINGTON, D.C., 6/2/21) – The Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR), the nation’s largest Muslim civil rights and advocacy organization, today urged the Council for National Policy (CNP) to sever its apparent ties with notorious anti-Muslim extremists.
Documents published by the investigative research organization Documented appear to show anti-Muslim hate group leaders Brigitte Gabriel and Frank Gaffney actively involved in the Council for National Policy.
As reported by the Southern Poverty Law Center, the CNP is “a coalition of influential right-wing leaders, political operatives, conservative media figures, members of the religious right, free-market fundamentalists and donors. The coalition operates on multiple fronts and focuses on political strategy, media and grassroots organizing. The goal of the coalition is to advocate for right-wing and anti-rights policies that favor conservatives and the religious right.”
In 2016, Hatewatch published a 191-page membership directory that included more than 400 members. The directory shows CNP membership included anti-Muslim extremists Brigette Gabriel and Frank Gaffney among many other right-wing figures. It also showed “Radical Islam” and “Islamic Fascism” to be among the interests identified by several CNP members.
“The Council for National Policy can demonstrate its repudiation of Islamophobia by severing ties with anti-Muslim extremists like Brigette Gabriel and Frank Gaffney,” said CAIR Research and Advocacy coordinator Huzaifa Shahbaz. “Refusal to sever these ties would be a clear indication that CNP has no problem with those who promote anti-Muslim conspiracy theories.
Just so you know: the Islamic doctrine of jihad by migration is known as “Hijra.”