Swimming pool near-riot adds one more reason why anti-immigrant tensions are rising in Germany

Diversity is strength, right?

Lately we’ve reported on the growing tension over the large numbers of illegal aliens (mostly from Muslim countries) coming into Germany and asking for asylum.   Here is just one recent post from last Friday about the growing anger and the resultant backlash.

Now the Daily Caller publishes an opinion piece about one possible reason for the growing tension—-the parallel societies being encouraged by Islamists.   You may have seen the story already, but it’s important to post it here as we chronicle the death throes of Europe (slowly being killed by multiculturalism).

And, since I probably won’t be able to post it due to time constraints, be sure to see this article (BBC) which says a large segment of the immigrant tide to Germany is made up of Chechens (famously hard-line Muslims).   Of course we remember that the Tsarnaevs (Boston Bombers) are Chechens.

Daily Caller (emphasis mine);

An aggressive response from heavily-armed police to an Arab family at a Berlin swimming pool has provided yet another vignette of the difficulties Western societies face coping with Muslim immigrants’ dramatically different mores. The incident provides a disturbing glimpse into the parallel societies of some Islamic communities in Europe, which find true integration into their adopted homelands incompatible with Muslim piety.

One of the Arabs is taken away in handcuffs.
Photo Berliner Zeitung

On July 27, medics attempted to treat an injured woman from an Arab family at the Columbiabad pool in Berlin’s Neukölln district, the local Berliner Zeitung (BZ) recently reported. The woman’s clan members present took offense at the male medics touching a female family member. The violation of Muslim norms prohibiting such touching by unrelated individuals offended the family’s honor, one witness reported. Tirades of insults followed and two family “heavyweights” began to punch the defenseless medics. Other family members also joined in the assault.

Pool security alerted the police, who arrived with ten patrol cars and police dogs, as pictured in BZ online. In addition to nightsticks, pictures also showed some of the officers wearing bulletproof vests, as Germany’s national tabloid Bild noted. Witnesses reported that only after using pepper spray were the police able to quell the angry family members. A picture taken after the pool riot showed the police leading a man away in handcuffs.

No integration?  Here is one solution—-stop Islamic immigration to Europe!

The hazards of bathing in Neukölln, among other frictions of multiculturalism, raise questions concerning how easily this socialization can occur. Strict rules against contact with unrelated women as well as female body coverings are paradigmatic for a culture seeking isolation from, and indeed dominance over, non-Muslims. Concerning Germany’s Turkish immigrant population, one intelligent German friend of mine commented to me in the mid-1990s that “they do not want to integrate.”

Any attempt at integrating Muslims into Western societies demands challenging some of these traditional norms and, as the Berlin police at Columbiabad demonstrated, sometimes outright coercion. The inherent problems in any such cultural rapprochement have thus prompted politicians like Holland’s Geert Wilders to demand restrictions upon an Islamic immigration deemed inherently difficult for Western societies to digest socio-politically. Irrespective of policy proposals, dealing with Islamic immigration in Europe and elsewhere will be no walk on the beach.


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