James Delingpole writing at Breitbart tells us why he thinks the unnamed German official might very well be correct.
No time to snip much of it, so read it all here.
Delingpole: ‘Civil War Is Coming to Europe’ Warns German Politician
“Civil war is coming to Europe,” a German city politician told me this week.
I shan’t mention his name – it was an off-the-record briefing and, anyway, in Germany there are penalties for this kind of frankness.

But he was only repeating what plenty of other people say in private in Germany where I’ve spent the last couple of weeks, soaking up the atmosphere, people-watching, gauging the public mood in the wake of Angela Merkel’s open invitation to perhaps three million immigrants – most of them fighting-age males from Muslim countries.
Three million is higher than the figure admitted by the German authorities, which tend to put it closer to 1.5 million. My source tells me the higher number is closer to the mark.
Why is Germany inflicting this immigration on itself?
Apart from desperation to show itself in a good light to make amends for World War II and the Holocaust, there are two main reasons.
Economics: there is a view abroad, mostly promoted by the mainstream liberal-left but also by squishy conservatives, that Germany’s ageing population needs an influx of fresh blood. If native Germans won’t breed at replacement rates, then “guest-workers” must be imported to keep the economy going strong.
Anti-Nationalist, Post-Borders New World Order: this the world-view promoted and funded by George Soros and his acolytes, an article of faith for many on the hard left. Encouraging immigration from apparently inimical foreign cultures will ultimately make us better people. It will solve the disgusting problem of white privilege. We will interbreed and cross-pollinate and abandon our unhelpful nationalistic identities which have led to so much chauvinism and war in the past.
And here is his wrap-up:
I welcome articulate disagreement.
But in order for it to persuade me it will have to answer a simple question:
When there is such a huge and growing gulf between where our governing, globalist elites are on Islam and immigration – and where ordinary people are on Islam and immigration – how can there ever, possibly, be a happy ending?
Read Delingpole’s whole thesis here.
There is no comfortable middleground which leaves only a fight to the death (aka a civil war).
See my ‘Invasion of Europe’ archive here.