Note to Antonio Guterres! Terrorists do use refugees as cover to get into Europe

When we attended the Georgetown gig the week before last, the UNHCR Antonio Guterres brought the audience to laughter as he went through a little pantomime about why on earth would an Islamic terrorist bother to get into the migrant stream flooding Europe when he might simply fly in, to say, Germany.

Chuckles reverberated through the auditorium at Georgetown University Law School on October 29 when UNHCR Guterres explained in detail why it would be ridiculous for a terrorist to infiltrate the migrant flow to Europe…. yuk! yuk! yuk!

Surprise! Not! We see that in fact an Al-Qaeda bigwig did attempt to get into Italy hidden among ‘refugees.’

Here is one of several accounts, this one from Leo Hohmann at World Net Daily.
I want you to pay particular attention to the fact that only because he had been PREVIOUSLY FINGERPRINTED was he caught.  So the next time you hear a US State Department official say with all seriousness that refugees are screened using “biographic and biometric data” for security screening—remember if there is no database with names and fingerprints (the most common biometric information) they have no way of cross-checking anyone, let alone the hundreds of thousands of migrants on the move out of Africa and the Middle East.

Warnings about terrorists infiltrating the ranks of the Muslim boat people washing ashore daily on Europe’s beaches are no longer just warnings.

For the second time in the past few months, a known terrorist with direct ties to an international terror organization has been caught trying to enter Italy posing as an asylum seeker.

Tunisian-born Ben Nasr Mehdi came to Italy on migrant boat from the failed state of Libya (thanks Hillary!).

Tunisian-born Ben Nasr Mehdi was discovered among 200 refugees in a migrant boat off the coast of Sicily on Oct. 4. He was first arrested in Italy in 2007 and sentenced to seven years imprisonment for plotting terror attacks with a group that has since been linked to ISIS. He tried to return to Italy last month in a boat that was attempting to cross the Mediterranean from Libya.

But authorities tried to hide the story, fearing their political opponents would use it to create “panic” among the population, the German channel n-tv reported. The story finally got out several weeks after Mehdi was detained last week.

“This is a totally predictable story to everyone but Angela Merkel and her supporters in Europe (which group includes most of the EU governments and media),” wrote blogger Thomas Lifson for the American Thinker.

Although he gave a false name, migration officers identified Mehdi through finger print records, according to the Independent.


If he had not already been arrested and convicted, he would not have had fingerprints in the terrorist database.

Continue reading here.
On October 29th, at Georgetown, wouldn’t Guterres already have been aware of the Italian arrest on October 4?  How do these people look at themselves in the mirror?

Clarion Project: 13% of Syrian refugees support ISIS

This should be no surprise!
From The Clarion Project (Hat tip: Diana):

refugee camps in Turkey
The survey was done among Syrian refugees in Turkey, Lebanon and Jordan which is exactly where Syrians destined for America are coming from.

A poll published in November 2014 by the Arab Center for Research and Policy Studies found that 13% of Syrian refugees have positive feelings towards the Islamic State terrorist group. The data should raise questions about the risks posed by the acceptance of Syrian refugees into the United States.

The poll surveyed 900 Syrian refugees equally split between Turkey, Lebanon and Jordan. The think-tank found that 4% expressed a positive opinion of the Islamic State (ISIS) and another 9% expressed a “somewhat positive” opinion of the terrorist group. Another 10% only view the group negatively “to some extent.”

Continue reading here….
97% of the Syrians admitted to the US in FY2015 were Sunni Muslims.
Director of the FBI James Comey told Congress recently that we cannot properly screen them.
Here are the states where Syrians have been resettled this month (the first month of the 2016 fiscal year).

FBI Director confirms (again) that they can't thoroughly screen Syrians entering the US

Update:  97% of the Syrians we admitted to the US in FY2015 are Muslims chosen by the UN, here.
This time it is not a lower level official from the FBI, but the Director himself who testified to Congress two days ago that they cannot guarantee Islamic terrorists won’t get into the US in the Syrian flow that is about to start in earnest as we speak (FY 2016 began October 1).

FBI Director Comey: No data means we can’t crosscheck all the refugees entering the US.

And, for those who doubt me, there is further confirmation in this news account at The Hill that the UNITED NATIONS is choosing the Syrians for us!  And, because the UNHCR is choosing them, we are already getting a vast majority of Syrian Muslims and not Christians!

Federal officials say “gaps” remain in their ability to screen Syrian refugees headed into the country, even as their ability to check incoming migrants has improved.

During a Senate Homeland Security Committee hearing on Thursday, FBI Director James Comey sounded a cautious note that is likely to be picked up by critics of the White House’s plan to welcome more refugees into the U.S.

“My concern there is there are certain gaps … in the data available to us,” Comey said.

“There is risk associated of bringing anybody in from the outside, but specifically from a conflict zone like that,” he added.
“There is no such thing as a no-risk enterprise and there are deficits that we face.”

In particular, the lack of solid on-the-ground intelligence assets in Syria has clouded the U.S.’s ability to crosscheck the backgrounds of every refugee hoping to come to the U.S., Comey and other national security officials told the Senate panel.


Obama administration officials have insisted that the vetting will be thorough, despite concerns about the lack of intelligence.

Any refugees headed to American shores would first be recommended by the United Nations, the Obama administration has said, and then meticulously screened by various U.S. agencies.  [They have not been able to say how they could possibly be “meticulously” screened—ed].

Read it all.

Judicial Watch: Obama Administration admitted over 1,500 immigrants with connections to terrorists last year

806 of them were refugees….

Update:  I see that Leo Hohmann at WND has a bit more on this story, here.
Here is the news at the Daily Caller (hat tip: Skip at The Flying Camel Dog):

The Obama administration granted asylum to more than 1,500 foreigners with ties to terrorist organizations last year because they were deemed to have provided support to the groups “while under duress.

Judicial Watch

The figures are contained in an annual report that U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) sent to Congress this month. The conservative watchdog group Judicial Watch obtained the report and published it online Tuesday.

During fiscal year 2014, USCIS applied exemptions to 1,519 foreigners with ties to terrorist organizations who applied for discretionary relief. Of that total, 806 of the foreigners granted discretionary relief were for refugee applicants while another 614 were applicants for lawful permanent resident status.

Of the 1,519 with terrorist associations, 627 provided material support, “while under duress,” to undesignated terrorist groups. Another 189 provided material support, “while under duress,” to designated terrorist groups.

Read it all, here.  LOL!  What are the odds a few of them lied in their interviews?  And, this is such B.S. about fingerprints.  Yes, sure there are fingerprints on all the foreign fighters going in and out of the Middle East these days!
All of us should be enormously grateful for the work Judicial Watch does for us every day.  If you have a few extra bucks to spare, send it to them!

Germany: ISIS recruiting among refugees

Invasion of Europe news……

Of course, what else would you expect!
From the UK Express:

Hans Georg
Germany’s Security Agency head Hans-Georg Maassen: we fear Islamists are exploiting refugees. (Duh!)

There are now 7,900 Salafi*** jihadists roaming the streets of Germany, according to Germany’s security agency, with many trying to lure asylum-seekers into their ranks.

The agency – the Office for the Protection of the Constitution – said numbers had risen from 7,500 in June.

Agency head Hans-Georg Maassen, said: “We are very concerned Islamists in Germany are trying, under the cover of humanitarian assistance, to exploit the situation of the refugees for their own ends and to proselytise and recruit among asylum-seekers.”

So far 740 radical Muslims had left Germany to join jihadists in Syria and Iraq, 20 percent of them female. Around one-third have returned to Germany, while about 120 of them have been killed.

He said spies are keeping close watch on jihadists given their “significant radicalisation potential” within the migrant community.

He added: “We are keeping a particularly close eye on unaccompanied minors among the refugees, who could be easy targets for Islamists.

See our complete ‘Invasion of Europe’ archive by clicking here.  More on Germany here.
*** In Germany they use the word ‘Salafi’ to accurately describe the Sunni Muslim extremists, while in the US, the media, if it mentions it at all, simply says ‘radical Islam’ assuming you are too dumb to be given the grown-up words.  See simple discussion of the Salafi movement, here.   Don’t you just want to pop those Fox News commentators every time they say radical Islam!