That is how you have to read his opposition to Trump’s latest effort to keep us safe and reform how refugees (coming from terrorist hotbeds) enter the US.
This is rich! In March Senators Cardin and Klobuchar (D-MN) called for more government transparency and emphasized the importance of OPEN government! Gee sounds exactly like what we want and what those Minnesota citizens were asking for in St. Cloud.
Here, in yet one more whinny article (believe me there are dozens!) where the contractors and others in the refugee industry are wailing about Trump’s latest effort to bring the UN/US Refugee Admissions Program under some reasonable control, Cardin throws his two cents into the debate.
Even members of Congress weighed in strongly. Cardin — a vocal opponent of much of Trump’s foreign policy — released a scathing statement Thursday on what he called Trump’s “odious” effort to “completely disrupt and dismantle the U.S. refugee resettlement program piece by piece.”
In particular, he accused the new restrictions of being an “unreasonable ban that largely affects Muslims” and “more evidence of the Trump administration’s indifference and lack of humanity towards thousands of vulnerable refugees.”
Cardin has a lot of Muslim constituents in Maryland—rich ones—building new mosques. Of course he is pandering!
The Trump Administration should know by now that they can’t keep stuff like this quiet because they have permitted the blabbermouths in the deep state to run wild.
“White House chief of staff John Kelly reportedly told other members of the Trump administration that if it were up to him the number of refugees admitted into the U.S. would be between zero and one,” say leakers in the Trump White House or State Department.
Hereis the latest from The Atlantic. I don’t really want to put an inordinate amount of emphasis on this screening for terrorists activity because I don’t think it is our greatest threat from out-of-control immigration/refugee resettlement.
Our greatest problem (IMHO) is the enormous social and cultural upheaval from large numbers of migrants (of any sort) entering the US who will not assimilate and don’t have any respect for our laws and our Constitution as designed. And, on top of that, we, the taxpayers, pay for it all!
If Islamic terrorism is our greatest concern, how are we going to screen-out the 2-year-olds who enter the country and grow up two decades later (under the influence of the local mosque) to become Jihadists?
(Yes, the Boston bombers were refugees because they were, under the law, a category of refugee—successful asylum seekers. And, yes, Somalis who have tried to kill Americans came as little children, as refugees!).
Let me ask this: If this security screening issue gets ironed out, does it mean our gates will be opened wide to allow uncontrolled migration from across the globe?
Honestly, I’m getting weary of being dragged down the screening rabbit hole…
….but, since I’m sure you want to know what the latest Trump Administration screening project entails, here is some news about it (albeit with a Leftist slant):
The Trump administration issued an order Tuesday that resumed the resettlement of refuges in the United States, but said the applications of citizens from 11 “higher-risk” countries would be considered on a case-by-case basis during a new 90-day review period. The administration has so far declined to name the countries officially and publicly but two officials—one from the administration and the other from an advocacy group—separately confirmed that the countries were Egypt, Iran, Iraq, Libya, Mali, North Korea, Somalia, South Sudan, Sudan, Syria, and Yemen.All of those countries—except North Korea and South Sudan—are predominantly Muslim.
Six countries on the list—Iran, Libya, Somalia, Syria, Yemen, and North Korea—were not a surprise: They were also on the latest version of the administration’s travel ban that was announced last month and is currently blocked by the courts. But that travel ban also included the citizens of Chad and Venezuela. Tuesday’s refugee list, on the other hand, included the citizens of Iraq, Mali, Sudan, South Sudan, and Egypt. The restrictions imposed last month were an outright ban on travelers—but not refugees—from those countries. Tuesday’s announcement does not constitute a ban. Rather, it is a list of 11 countries whose citizens will be subject to additional security screening if they apply for refugee status in the U.S.
Schwartz is more than President of Refugees International. He is a Hard Left Soros protege who ran the State Department refugee program in the early years of the Obama Administration.
The 11 nations on Tuesday’s list made up a significant proportion of refugees accepted by the U.S. in the last fiscal year, which ended September 30. Of the 53,716 refugees accepted by the U.S. in that time, 23,357 were from the 11 listed countries (about 43 percent), according to data maintained by the State Department’s Refugee Processing Center. The breakdown of the number of refugees accepted from each of the 11 countries in the last fiscal year is as follows: Egypt, 9; Iran, 2,577; Iraq, 6,886; Libya, 3; Mali, 6; North Korea, 12; Somalia, 6,130; South Sudan, 176; Sudan, 980; Syria, 6,557; and Yemen, 21. [I’m grateful that someone took the time to do the numbers—ed]
“This is remarkable. The administration has had more than six months to review this policy under the March EO [executive order on travel], and they’ve come back in October to re-impose what will largely be seen as another unreasonable ban that primarily affects Muslims,” said Eric Schwartz, the president of Refugees International, a group that advocates for refugees. Although the move announced Tuesday is not a ban, refugee advocates say it is tantamount to one because of the additional security requirements that are often time-consuming.
“I hope they at least have the decency to be transparent about what they are doing, and name the nationalities affected,” Schwartz said. “It is a cynical and tragic manipulation of administrative process, and conflicts with U.S. values and interests.”
I was more interested in the portion of the new EO that calls for the Justice Departmentto evaluate the whole Refugee Program over the next 180 days.
And, gee, maybe the Administration will take its job more seriously than that bunch running the House of Representatives. See yesterday’s House hearing.
Excellent commentary by Daniel Greenfield at Sultan Knish in case you missed it on Saturday.
World War III will start in France! says Greenfield:
Interior Minister Gerard Collomb made it official. France is “in a state of war”.
It’s not just rhetoric. Bombs turn up in a posh Parisian suburb. Two young women are butchered at a train station. And it’s just another week of an Islamic World War III being fought in France.
From the November attacks in 2015 that killed 130 people and wounded another 400+, to the Bastille Day truck ramming attack last year that killed 86 and wounded 458, the war is real.
French casualties in France are worse than in Afghanistan. The French lost 70 people to Islamic terrorist attacks in Afghanistan. And 239 to Islamic terrorist attacks in France.
The French losses in Afghanistan were suffered in over a decade of deployment in one of the most dangerous Islamic areas in the world. The French losses in France were suffered in less than two years.
There’s something very wrong when Afghanistan is safer than Paris.
For our complete ‘Invasion of Europe’ archive click here.
The only reason we aren’t yet France is that the numbers of Islamists here are still relatively low compared to most countries in Europe. It is just a matter of numbers and time.
The ‘kids’ (unaccompanied alien minors?) were from Iraq and Syria. Both received government-supported foster care from a couple known for their welcome to needy ‘kids.’
Penelope Jones with the Queen. Sorry, this is the first thing I thought of, click here:
Of course we have to wonder if they were even kids when they got into the UK, but that’s a story for another day….
***Update***Daniel Greenfield at Frontpage magazine has more details, here.
Here is just one of many accounts today of what is going on with the latest UK Islamic terror investigation.
Two men who are believed to have been fostered by the same couple are being questioned by police over the Parsons Green bombing.
Police investigating the Parsons Green Tube bombing are questioning two suspects after searching three properties over the weekend.
An 18-year-old was arrested at Dover ferry port on Saturday morning and a 21-year-old was arrested at a fried chicken shop in Hounslow, west London, on Saturday night. Neither have been named.
Syrian refugee being questioned. Balding 21-year-old (!) was facebook friends with Penelope.
The younger man is suspected of planting the device, which exploded on a District Line train in London on Friday morning, injuring 30 people.
He and the other man, reported to be from Syria, are being questioned by police on suspicion of offences under the Terrorism Act.
Both men are believed to have spent time in the care of Penelope and Ronald Jones, who received MBEs [Member of the Order of the British Empire—ed] for services to children and families in 2010.
…. the 18-year-old who has been held is understood to be an Iraqi orphan who had moved to Britain when he was 15.
That is what the Daily Mail is suggesting, here. Ho hum, so what else is new!
But, what is so funny (not the terror attack), but the fact that Trump must have blurted out prematurely that Scotland Yard knew about this creep weeks before.
Video – London Bomb Update – Trump Was Right – 18-Year-Old Refugee Kid Was Known To Police
Then here is just a bit of the news:
The stunning turnaround in the British bombing story. The first tweet that President Trump sent out after being informed of the London bombing hinted that British police knew who did it. Trump received criticism from UK politicians for being ‘unhelpful’. We wonder whether anyone will apologize. It would seem that police and British politicians knew all along.
Trump will make his maiden speech to the UN on Tuesday. I wonder what he will say about Islamic terrorism here and in Europe. And, what will he say about our refugee admissions for the coming fiscal year (while we have so many hurricane homeless citizens)?
As said yesterday, police had arrested an 18-year old in the port city of Dover, suspected of plotting and carrying out the attack on the metro of Parsons Green which wounded over 30 people.
In the afternoon, a house in Surrey was raided. A house where an older couple takes in refugee children.
Ms Penelope Jones, 71 years old, and her husband Ronald, 88 years old, have raised 268 foster children in the house over three decades and the last eight of those have been refugees from countries like Iraq and Afghanistan.
Whilst there has been no official confirmation, the British press has puzzled all the pieces together.
The teen who did it seems to be a ‘problematic foster child’ who was arrested two weeks ago already near where the attack took place.
He was a refugee taken in by a foster family who has taken in many children like him in the past.
Addendum: Did you ever know anyone, maybe in your own family, with that brain/mouth connection? It goes like this: Whatever is most recently in the brain comes out in mouth within moments. Just saying!