Finland: Moroccan Muslim asylum seeker was targeting women in terror spree

“Then a person ran towards us shouting ‘He has a knife’, and everybody from the terrace ran inside. Next, a woman came in to the cafe. She was crying hysterically, down on her knees, saying someone’s neck has been slashed open.”

(A witness)

Surely you know what happened in Finland on the heals of Barcelona, but here from Reuters we get more facts on the killer and the poor innocent women who were sadly in the wrong place at the wrong time.

Over the years we have written a few posts on Finland, but it isn’t as easily accessible (or slovenly welcoming) as other Scandinavian countries like Sweden and Norway.

This Reuters story is surprisingly unrestrained and relatively free of whitewash (or is that because those quoted weren’t pulling punches and speaking in politically correct terms?):

HELSINKI/TURKU, Finland (Reuters) – Finnish police said on Saturday that an 18-year-old Moroccan man, arrested after a knife rampage that killed two people and wounded eight, appeared to have targeted women and that the spree was being treated as the country’s first terrorism-related attack.

Finland’s loss of innocence. Photo:

The suspect arrested following the attack on Friday after being shot in the leg by police in the city of Turku had arrived in Finland last year, police said. They said they later arrested four other Moroccan men over possible links to him and had issued an international arrest warrant for a sixth Moroccan national.

Finnish broadcaster MTV, citing an unnamed source, said the main suspect had been denied asylum in Finland. The police said only that he had been “part of the asylum process”.

The case marks the first suspected terror attack in Finland, where violent crime is relatively rare.

“The suspect’s profile is similar to that of several other recent radical Islamist terror attacks that have taken place in Europe,” Director Antti Pelttari from the Finnish Security Intelligence Service told a news conference.


Both of those killed in the Turku attack, and six of the eight who were wounded, were women, the police said. The two who died were Finns, and an Italian and two Swedish citizens were among the injured.

Ville Tavio (Finns party): Asylum system is primary means of entry for terrorists.

“It seems that the suspect chose women as his targets, because the men who were wounded were injured when they tried to help, or prevent the attacks,” said Crista Granroth from the National Bureau of Investigation.

“The act was cowardly … we have been afraid of this and we have prepared for this. We are not an island anymore, the whole of Europe is affected,” Prime Minister Juha Sipila said. [Well, maybe not Poland and Hungary that have closed their borders to Muslim migration!—ed]


Some members of the nationalist Finns party, which was kicked out of the government in June for their new hard-line anti-immigration leadership, blamed the government for what they said was too loose an immigration policy.

“The asylum system is the primary road for illegal immigration, used also by the terrorists. Harmful immigration can be controlled only by reducing Finland’s attractiveness, or by border controls,” said Finns party lawmaker Ville Tavio.

Much, much more here.

What is asylum?  (As opposed to refugee resettlement)

In the refugee resettlement process, wannabe refugees must prove they are persecuted, the UN screens them (supposedly!) and a country accepts them and flies them in.

For asylum, the wannabe refugee makes his or her way to a ‘safe’ country and then applies for asylum (or often called political asylum).  They are supposed to make a case that they would be persecuted if returned home.  Europe is dealing with mostly asylum seekers (many are phony and are really economic migrants) who are basically loose in the country until their cases can be processed.

And, are often loose because they have been rejected and no one has made them leave!

So, it is a misnomer when you hear the Left and political leaders refer to asylum seekers as refugees. They are not legitimate refugees until their cases have been processed and the governmental body responsible has granted them asylum.

See my Finland files here.  Invasion of Europe archive is here.

Barcelona: “Clash of civilizations” says Polish interior minister

Invasion of Europe news….

From the New York Daily News yesterday:

Poland’s interior minister says “Europe should wake up” after the Barcelona attack and realize it’s dealing with a “clash of civilizations” that proves his government’s point that accepting migrants is a tragedy for Europe.

Mariusz Blaszczak says Friday his country is safe because “we do not have Muslim communities which are enclaves, which are a natural support base for Islamic terrorists.”

The ruling Law and Justice party has taken a strong anti-migrant stance, refusing to accept any refugees in a European Union resettlement plan, creating tensions with Brussels.

Blaszczak insisted late Thursday on state TVP that Warsaw will not succumb to EU pressure because it is putting Poland’s security needs first.

He said: “The refugee resettlement system is a system that is encouraging millions of people to come to Europe.”

The logic of his remarks is inescapable.

For my complete ‘Invasion of Europe’ archive, go here.

Malaysian government ticked-off at UNHCR for not sharing refugee data, fear ISIS infiltration

Thanks to Joanne for sending this very useful story about how a government of a Muslim country, fearing terrorist infiltration of the refugee flow in to their country, can’t get the UN High Commissioner for Refugees to share data on those the UNHCR has given refugee ID cards to in Malaysia!

Why should this interest us in America?

Because already in this fiscal year (2017) we have admitted refugees of several nationalities to the US from this ‘refugee’ pool maintained by UNHCR in Malaysia!  (See below from Wrapsnet)

Before I even give you the story, keep in mind that as of June 30th, 2017, 2,704 ‘refugees’ have arrived in the US from Malaysia!

From Free Malaysia Today:

Story entitled:

Let us vet your refugee database, govt tells UNHCR


Fear of Islamic State militants and other undesirables entering the country under guise of refugees sees home ministry pressing for more cooperation from UN agency.

PETALING JAYA: With concerns over the movement of Islamic State (IS) militants into Sabah and other entry points in the country, the government has asked the United Nations agency responsible for refugees to share its database of refugees in Malaysia, Channel NewsAsia reported.

Deputy Home Minister Nur Jazlan spoke of the fear that some IS militants may have slipped into Malaysia and obtained refugee cards issued by the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) in order to move freely in the country.

Some refugees being processed to the US from Malaysia are Burmese Rohingya Muslims. Photo:

“The UNHCR has issued cards but the home ministry is not involved in the process of vetting at all. They don’t collect biometric data.

“This does not help our enforcement effort especially on transnational crime, human trafficking and terrorism. So we want to know whether any IS links have penetrated their numbers,” Nur Jazlan was quoted as saying by the Singapore-based news broadcaster.

There are said to be about 150,000 refugees and asylum seekers currently carrying the UNHCR card.

“The refugee numbers reported by the UNHCR keeps increasing. And since the Malaysian public now is very concerned about the presence and high numbers of foreigners, it’s time the government identifies and closes all loopholes where they can enter. And the UNHCR route is one of them,” the deputy minister told CNA.


The UNHCR website reveals that there are 149,200 refugees and asylum seekers registered with the agency in Malaysia as of June 2017.

About 90% of these refugees are from Myanmar, with the remaining made up of Pakistanis, Sri Lankans, Yemenis, Somalis, Syrians, Iraqis, Afghans and Palestinians.

More here.

Of course I am sure you are saying, well golly, most of these are from Muslim countries and so is Malaysia, so why can’t they stay there? (But that would not help advance the Hijra!).

Here is a screen shot of the data base page showing that in this FY alone we process 2,704 that the UN has chosen for us in Malaysia!



To learn more about processing countries, go here.

This is what I want to hear from Comey today….he could, in the end, redeem himself!

….but, of course I won’t be holding my breath (well, and I likely won’t be watching the show anyway!).  Before I get to what I am dying to hear and all Americans should hear from Comey, just a quick comment.
I watch CNN the first thing every morning to get a feel for the Leftwing mood for the day and was much surprised that although they were all still on pins and needles to hear the great (anti-Trump) revelations they hope will come from former FBI Director Comey the giant slayer, nevermind that his prepared remarks were milquetoast, the tone from Cuomo and Camerata had changed since yesterday.

I predict no one is going to love Comey at the end of the day.  However, he could redeem himself by using the knowledge he has hinted at in the past to prepare a treatise on how to thwart future Islamic terrorism.

Hmmm! It sounded like they might be getting ready to throw Comey under the bus.
Of course, I have no way of predicting, but I’m guessing Comey will be sorry he agreed to do the Senate show today because it sounds to me that they will be coming after him with pitchforks from both sides of the aisle.
Sorry for the digression.
This is what I want from James Comey:
I want Comey to give the American public more information on why he said we can’t screen Syrian refugees as he did here in 2015 because I am sick to death of hearing the federal refugee contractors’ propaganda about how ROBUST the screening process  is.

300 refugees being watched by the FBI!

And, I want Comey to give further explanation for a comment he made in his last official testimony (ignored by most media!) before Congress when he said in early May:

Then we have another big group of people that we’re looking at who we see some contact with foreign terrorists. So you take that 2,000 plus cases, about 300 of them are people who came to the United States as refugees.

Frankly, no matter what, Comey is cooked politically, so he could do a great service to America if he tells American citizens now what he knows about the Muslim refugees entering the US and those second generation jihadists growing up among us in your town and mine.
I know he can’t do it today (no one will ask him about those past statements which are surely more significant than any he could make about Russian meddling), but he should go home, put his information together and go public with the facts, and tell us how America can be safe from the scourge of Islamic terrorism!  That, in my mind, would save him the ignominy he surely now deserves.
Related! Don’t miss Ann Coulter (All we need is love, and deportations!), click here.  Every line in her recent column is a punch in the gut to the politically correct ‘leadership’ around the world!  If the FBI is watching thousands what on earth are they waiting for—waiting for them to kill people (just like in the UK!).

Trump: In wake of latest Islamic terror attack, come on Supremes! we need the travel ban

….And, although he didn’t say it (yet?), we should all be urging that Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg recuse herself due to her outrageous and injudicious comments about Donald Trump during his campaign for the Presidency.  After all, the justices will be deciding a case that hinges almost completely on Trump’s campaign comments. What about hers!

Here is quintessential Trump on twitter since last night’s terror attack in London:

On Thursday, I am sure you know that the Trump Justice Department appealed the 4th Circuit Court of Appeals decision on the temporary so-called travel ban from six Muslim majority countries. (Obviously that is what Trump is talking about in that tweet last night.)

I checked Wrapsnet this morning to see how many refugees have been admitted since Trump was inaugurated from these six countries. The total, as of today is 4,554, in just the refugee category for migration to America. See below***

I want to impress upon readers again that the 4th Circuit only addressed the ban on travel (for any class of traveler/immigrant/refugee) from the six countries shown here at right. The Maryland case did not address the refugee CEILING and the power of the President to set it (and change it!).
It was the Hawaii judge (case before the 9th Circuit) that addressed the overall 120-day refugee moratorium that would have applied to all countries and all ethnic and religious groups as well as addressing the reduction in the overall CEILING for FY17 from Obama’s dream number (110,000) to 50,000.
The 9th Circuit has not yet (as of this writing) handed down its decision. It has been my contention all along that the President did not need the EO to reset the CEILING on refugee admissions or to halt the entire program for 120 days, and I expect an honest 9th Circuit to throw out that portion of the Hawaii judge’s decision.
The DOJ’s appeal of the 4th Circuit decision to the Supreme Court is being expedited.  See reports here, here and here about the case (s).
Here is the text of the 4th Circuit ruling.

Travel ban will not rid us of Islamic terrorists already here.

(Remember, former FBI director Comey, in his last testimony to Congress said there are 300 US refugees being watched by the FBI!)

There are calls for Justice Ginsburg to recuse herself from Trump travel ban case because her animus toward the President has been so evident.

In my opinion there is an inordinate amount of emphasis being placed on temporary slowdowns on entry to the US and not enough on pressuring the US Muslim ‘leadership’ to get their people, who live here already, under control because in fact, many terror attacks and  thwarted terror attacks (and those extremists being watched) here involve second generation Muslim immigrants/refugees who were radicalized in their homes and mosques on US soil!
Maybe, a halt to Muslim immigration and refugee admissions could serve as an impetus for them to get their house in order!  It is worth trying to find out!
I’m not holding my breath that the Muslim ‘community’ will reform itself.
But, by limiting Presidential power which a ruling against Trump will do, there will be even greater long-term ramifications for keeping the country safe for decades to come (no matter who is President).

Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg should not hear the case!

There is an excellent legal argument here  (read it!) suggesting that she is so biased against Donald Trump that she should recuse herself from the case.  Really the heart of the 4th Circuit case is whether Donald Trump’s campaign rhetoric can be used to dismiss an important policy decision. So, she shouldn’t be able to sit in judgement of campaign statements and be looking in to his heart!
*** We admitted 4,554 refugees from the six countries the Trump Administration (and before it the Obama Administration) recognized as terror-producing countries.
However, I submit that it was a huge mistake to leave out Afghanistan, Burma (Rohingya), Eritrea, Ethiopia, Pakistan, Uzbekistan and Iraq, and possibly others! By the way, there are many other immigration/visa programs admitting entry from these countries besides the UN/US Refugee Admissions Program.
These are the refugee numbers from the six known terror breeding grounds since January 20th up to today:

Iran (808) I didn’t check today, but most Iranians we take are not Muslims

Libya (0)

Somalia (1,668)

Sudan (425)

Syria (1,637)

Yemen (16)