Israel set to deport African economic migrants, Canada says wait (they want more)

Canada is apparently the leading country to take off Israel’s hands some of the tens of thousands of Africans who entered Israel illegally. Israel says they are mostly economic migrants and not legitimate refugees.
Canada wants a bunch, so why they are dragging their feet isn’t clear.
And, readers, know that the US is taking some too.  I just checked data at Wrapsnet and it looks like we have taken 58 during this fiscal year as of January 31.
Here is the news at The Star:

Ottawa has reached a last-minute deal with Israel to suspend the deportation of asylum-seekers who currently are waiting for resettlement to Canada.

Israel refugees
Waiting for a ticket to Canada?

Israel is set to begin deporting some 37,000 asylum-seekers, the majority of them Sudanese and Eritreans, in April after Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s government issued them expulsion notices.

The asylum-seekers, most of them deemed by Israel to be economic migrants rather than refugees in need of protection, can either leave voluntarily for a “safe” African country and receive $3,500 and a plane ticket, or face imprisonment.

The Canadian government is under the gun to resettle 1,845 of the African refugees whose sponsorship applications are currently in process, some for years.

“Canada does not support policies of mass deportations of asylum-seekers. The rights of asylum-seekers and refugees are laid out in the Geneva Convention on the Status of Refugees, of which Israel is a signatory,” said Adam Austen, press secretary for Foreign Affairs Minister Chrystia Freeland.

Joanne Beach
Working on finding more churches willing to sponsor one of Israel’s illegal aliens!

“As the country that resettles the highest number of African asylum-seekers from Israel, we are in direct contact with the Government of Israel to convey Canada’s concerns about the situation.”


Joanne Beach, director of justice and compassion for the Christian and Missionary Alliance in Canada, which has a sponsorship agreement with Ottawa, said Canada must do its utmost to expedite the resettlement of refugees.

“The alliance is still concerned for the welfare of those at risk of deportation in Israel who do not have applications currently in process. We are appealing to churches to consider entering into a sponsorship agreement or partnering with a Canadian Jewish organization to help those at imminent risk of deportation from Israel,” said Beach.

More here.
This post is filed in my Canada category and my Israel and Refugees category.

Brave Israeli journalist disguised as Syrian 'refugee' enters German belly of the beast

Invasion of Europe news….
He entered Germany to show how easily an Islamic extremist could get in pretending to be a Syrian refugee and he infiltrated the Muslim Brotherhood there.
See my earlier post this morning, here.
Now if we only had journalists like this one….
From the Unhived Mind:

Prominent Israeli journalist Zvi Jecheskeli, who went undercover as a devout Muslim, has revealed how easy it may be for Islamists to pass through Germany’s borders and become a “Syrian refugee.”

Screenshot (214)
Not just about Germany. He said of the USA: “The biggest revelations in this series are in the United States.”

Jecheskeli spent several years risking his life to film a documentary on the role and influence of the Muslim Brotherhood in the streets of Germany, France, Britain and Turkey. While the organization is legal in some countries and has affiliated political parties, its outlawed as a terrorist group in others, including Russia, Saudi Arabia and Egypt. [The Muslim Brotherhood is LEGAL in the USA.—-ed]

Infiltrating the ranks of the Muslim Brotherhood is a challenge indeed, as the group is “known for its distrust” of outsiders, whom they would “never” allow a glimpse into their plans, Jecheskeli told Die Welt.

His five-part series, entitled “False Identity,” recently began airing on Israeli Channel 10.

The Israeli intelligence service, Mossad, kept close taps on Jecheskeli and wired him with secret cameras and microphones in order to rescue him in case of emergency.

The challenge was to find out whether a Muslim fundamentalist can legally enter Germany and make contacts with fellow Islamists. For his daredevil tour, with the help of acting and retired Mossad agents, he transformed into Sheikh Khaled Abu Salaam, aka Abu Hamsa.

“I wanted to talk about the dangers that Europe is exposed to by radical Islam. I am not bound by the codes of political correctness and can openly speak the truth,” Jecheskeli, Israel’s best-known expert on the Arab world, told Die Welt.

In his investigation, the 47-year-old journalist, who speaks perfect Arabic, shows how easy it is for the Islamists to smuggle followers to Europe, the newspaper reported. “All you need to get asylum in Germany is a Syrian passport.” And that proved to be as easy as pie.


“With Allah’s help, you are starting a new, Islamic life here,” the German social worker with Palestinian roots tells Jecheskeli while giving him advice on how to trick German authorities and bring his family to Europe.

More here.
My Invasion of Europe archive is here.  Go here for an extensive archive on Germany.
Readers: Let me know if you find out how to see this film in English.

Trump Administration cuts funding for special UN agency for Palestinian 'refugees'

International refugee industry heads are spinning as the Trump team has withheld funding for UNRWA.  That is the United Nations special agency that we have funded for more than 60 years that supposedly takes care of those who were displaced when the modern state of Israel came into being.
They should have long ago been resettled in other Sunni Arab countries, but their demand for a “right of return” to the land Israel occupies is responsible for the continued unrest in the Middle East.

yossi Beilin
The New York Times found one-time liberal politician Yossi Beilin to refer to Donald Trump as “ignorant.”

If they want a “right of return” then Christians and Jews can demand a “right of return” to all the places (they once lived) that have been taken over (through violence) across the Middle East and North Africa by marauding Muslim hordes.
As I said in a previous post on the topic—tell me at what time in world history were the lands of the world fairly distributed.
Believe it or not, the New York Times has a fairly balanced article on the subject once you get past the usual sob-story about a hungry ‘refugee.’  (Is this J-school 101: start with a sob-story to emotionally soften up readers?).
Here are a few paragraphs, you can read the rest yourself. Of course they found someone willing to call the President “ignorant.”

The United States, its [UNRWA’s] biggest donor, announced this week that it was withholding $65 million from a scheduled payment of $120 million. The Trump administration said it was pressing for unspecified reforms from the agency, while also seeking to get Arab countries to contribute more. [US taxpayers want to know why any of this is our financial responsibility!—ed]


The Trump administration’s move, which added to a deficit of around $150 million on the agency’s budget of nearly $1.25 billion, brought new attention to a sprawling agency that functions as a quasi-government in some areas of the Middle East and has courted controversy throughout most of its history. And it revived politically loaded questions about just who should qualify as refugees — and what is the proper role of the organization charged with caring for them.

The agency, known by the acronym Unrwa, was set up in 1949 to aid those who fled or were expelled from their homes during the Arab-Israeli war of 1948. Meant to be temporary, it defined refugees loosely and expanded that definition over time. One key difference between it and the office of the United Nations high commissioner for refugees, critics say, is that the agency routinely allows refugee status to be passed down for generations. Another is that it does not remove people from its list who have acquired citizenship in a new country, so the number always increases.

Further down there is an explanation about why Lebanon won’t give citizenship to Palestinians.

Very few have been granted Lebanese citizenship for fear that taking in so many Sunni Muslims would upset the country’s delicate sectarian balance. And many Lebanese have long argued that giving them rights and services would lessen the pressure on them to return to what is now Israel.

That is it in a nutshell! No country (either Christian, Jewish, Buddhist, Hindu or Shiite) wants large numbers of Sunni Muslims as citizens! 

Sunni Arab countries like Saudi Arabia don’t take them either, why…..
….because by leaving the Palestinian Arabs in perpetual limbo the pressure continues on Israel.
Read the whole story here.
In my view, it is this type of dramatic move by the Trump Administration that could finally force a resolution to the conflict. At least it is worth a try!
See my whole category ‘Israel and refugees’ here.

US taxpayer-funded resettlement agency has it nose (again) in Israel's business

Many American Jewish groups are angry with the Israeli government because it is now taking steps to remove tens of thousands of economic migrants who entered Israel from Africa before it had built its great border wall.
If US private activist groups want to pressure Israel that is their business, however, when one of those groups is paid millions annually from the US Treasury it becomes our business what they do.  Of course it is the Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society (HIAS) I’m talking about. 
Why are we paying them a dime to take care of the refugees they resettle in the US while they muck around in world affairs?
Where is Congress? Cut them off!
And, let me be clear at the outset (before I get broad brush anti-Jewish comments). HIAS is first and foremost driven by its Leftwing view of the world (a borderless world). Just as there are Catholics (Lutherans, Evangelicals etc) on the political Left and on the political Right, so too are there Jews on both ends of the political spectrum.
HIAS is NOT working here on behalf of Israel! (I hear all the time from readers who say that HIAS is working for Israel!)
Israel is in the same situation the US is in with thousands upon thousands of mostly economic migrants (not refugees) who got in to the country illegally and if permitted to stay would drastically change the country, for the worse. Anyone in their right mind knows that borders cannot be completely erased if a country wants to survive.
The difference is that since Israel is smaller it will die faster than we will if they do nothing about people like these:

Jewish protesters
Protesters in front of the Knesset. So what do you think? Do you believe these people who got in to Israel illegally are going to be beneficial for the country going forward?

Israel is said to be planning to begin deportations in the spring and the International Left (including HIAS) is haranguing the Netanyahu government in hopes of stopping it.
Here is The Jerusalem Post to explain what they are doing.

They want Israeli pilots to not fly the deportation planes!

(That is one of the mean tactics the mean Leftwing learned from Saul Alinsky to go after those who will hurt first—some poor pilot just doing his job.) 

Amid growing reports that the government is planning to deport tens of thousands of migrants from Sudan and Eritrea to Rwanda in March, an online campaign has been launched to beseech Israeli pilots not to fly asylum-seekers to what many activists deem a death sentence.

The campaign, initiated this week by the NGO Zizim Community Action, calls on the public to send letters to the Israel Aviation Association and the Israel Pilots Association, which includes all the pilots in the country, to refuse to fly migrants to any dangerous African country.

According to the NGO’s CEO, Raluca Gena, the online campaign is the first step toward a series of activities against what they, and many other human rights organizations and Jewish communities around the world, are calling an immoral deportation.


Presently, approximately 35,000 Eritrean and Sudanese asylum-seekers live in Israel. Among their 13,764 asylum applications submitted since 2013, only 11 have been approved by the Interior Ministry as of July 2017 – 10 Eritreans and one Sudanese.

HIAS CEO Mark Hetfield speaking at anti-Trump rally that HIAS organized in New York last February.  Rep. Keith Ellison was a keynote speaker.  More than half of HIAS’s budget is funded (involuntarily) by you from the US Treasury.

Outside of Israel, prominent leaders of the North American Jewish community sent a public letter to Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on Monday urging Israel not to imprison or deport tens of thousands of Sudanese and Eritrean asylum-seekers.

Rather, the leaders – who sent an initial letter regarding the controversial issue to Netanyahu in November – urged him to allow North American Jews to help resolve the matter.***

Signatories include Mark Hetfield, president and CEO of the Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society (HIAS), the global Jewish nonprofit that protects refugees; Rabbi Jill Jacobs, executive director of T’ruah: The Rabbinic Call for Human Rights; Rabbi Jonah Dov Pesner, director of the Religious Action Center of Reform Judaism; Jeremy Ben-Ami, president of J Street; and Nancy Kaufman, CEO of the National Council of Jewish Women.  [This is a who’s who of  American Leftwing Jewish groups.—ed]

“The government of Israel recently announced its plans to imprison or potentially deport tens of thousands of Sudanese and Eritrean asylum-seekers unless they leave voluntarily before April,” the letter states.

“The ultimatum follows a mounting campaign of escalation on the part of the Israeli government to pressure the roughly 38,000 African asylum-seekers remaining in Israel to self-deport. While Israeli authorities contend that the population in question – most of whom entered Israel between 2007 and 2012 – are economic migrants, HIAS and other rights groups argue that they are asylum-seekers and refugees deserving of protection.”

Israel does (or did) have a program where economic migrants who self-deported received a financial payments, but I don’t know if it is still in use.
More here.
***You should know that HIAS has been working with the US State Department to bring some of those so-called ‘refugees’ to the US directly from Israel.  The numbers are small so far (9 this fiscal year), but if you think this story isn’t about you, it is!
They aren’t planning to bring more of them to the US and other western countries, are they?
See my complete HIAS archive by clicking here. And for more on Israel and refugees, I have a whole category on the topic here with 164 previous posts.

HIAS out of the closet says Daniel Greenfield, Sarsour support confirms

Thanks to several readers who sent it, here is yet another reason for the US government to cut off funding for refugee resettlement groups who have become out-of-the-closet political agitation groups. 


Longtime readers know that HIAS receives millions of taxpayer dollars to place refugees in unsuspecting towns and cities and they have led the charge in the courts against Donald Trump’s efforts to keep us safe by limiting certain migrants entry in to the US.

HIAS also recently helped organize an anti-Trump rally along with CAIR in Washington, DC, here.

And, they invited Rep. Keith Ellison to speak at an anti-Trump rally here.

(Sure hope HIAS is keeping its pots of federal and private money separate! Is there a funding firewall at HIAS?)


Here is Greenfield on Mark Hetfield’s latest:

Is this the moment when Mark Hetfield and HIAS officially joined the anti-Israel lobby?

hias (with gun)

Mark Hetfield had already hijacked HIAS and transformed it from a Jewish organization to a radical left-wing group concerned entirely with Muslim migration.

Hetfield’s HIAS had already attacked Israel and collaborated with the anti-Israel group, J Street.

But signing a statement in support of Linda Sarsour, an Islamic anti-Semitic activist who celebrated throwing stones at Jews, is Mark Hetfield’s official coming out party.

The immediate trigger for this was having Sarsour head a New School panel accusing Jews of exploiting anti-Semitism. That’s quite a show for a woman who is quite comfortable with Louie Farrakhan and the Nation of Islam.


Previously, Mark Hetfield had avoided getting his hands dirty. Now he no longer seems to care.

Continue here for more and to follow links.

Go here to see my ever-expanding file on HIAS (aka Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society) one of the US State Department’s nine federal resettlement contractors.

Here are the nine (LOL! I haven’t named them often enough lately). I sure hope all of them have built firewalls between their federal funding and the money they use for political activities.