Israeli high court decision infuriates residents of Tel Aviv

This is more about the on-going controversy surrounding African ‘asylum-seekers’ who got into Israel before their border fence was complete.  The Israeli high court has ruled that Africans imprisoned in Israel must be given a trial.

African men stand in charity food line in Tel Aviv. Obviously all African migrants are not in Israeli prisons.

One political leader who is vehemently opposed to the decision, said what so many people haven’t the nerve to say to liberal promoters of refugee resettlement—-why don’t you take one to your neighborhood?  Better still go one step further and open your own homes to them?   Indeed that would be true Christian or Jewish charity!

Here is the story in the Failed Messiah (as always emphasis is mine):

On Monday, Israel’s High Court of Justice ruled that the government is not allowed to imprison African refugees years without trial. Until now, the government has detained some African refugees for as long as three years under the Knesset’s Prevention of Infiltration Law amendment, even though they have not been charged with crimes and have not had trials. The court ruled 9-0 that the Prevention of Infiltration Law amendment amendment is unconstitutional.

There are reportedly currently 1,750 African refugees imprisoned without trial. Most of those are Sudanese and Eritrean.

The government has 90 days to comply with the ruling.

The High Court’s decision infuriated right wing Knesset members, Yeshiva World reported, and also enraged many Israelis living in South Tel Aviv where large numbers of African refugees congregate.

MK Eli Yishai of the Sefardi haredi Shas Party lashed out at the court’s justices yesterday in an interview with Israel Radio.

“[The justices and left wing refugee advocates should] take one [African refugee] home to their own area and then talk to me,” Yishai reportedly fumed. He also insisted that African refugees have destroyed southern Tel Aviv with crime and with their lifestyle and said he would continue his efforts imprison all of them, despite the High Court’s ruling.

Yishai justified his open defiance of the High Court of Justice by claiming that his first loyalty is to the citizens of Israel and the State of Israel – not to the African refugees he refers to as “infiltrators.”

Justice Minister Tzipi Livni said the court’s ruling forces her and her Knesset colleagues to find another solution to the problem.

“Most of them are not refugees as they wish us to believe…If there is no solution we will have to find one. There is the issue of addressing the border and preventing infiltrations and then the matter of how we deal with those already in the country,” Livini reportedly said, indicating that deportation may have to be that answer.

Under international agreements signed by Israel and international law, deporting many of these refugees would be illegal.

The Knesset’s Interior Committee Chairwoman MK Miri Regev was even more blunt than Livni.

“[the court’s decision] is the Garden of Eden for the infiltrators and hell for southern Tel Aviv residents,” Regev reportedly said. She wants to pass a bill immediately to overrule the High Court’s ruling so the “infiltrators” can be kept locked up.

There is more read it all.

Our Israel and refugees archive is here.

Photo is here.

What is this Jewish Ethiopian refugee doing in America?

The story in the Connecticut Jewish Ledger begins:

With a limited English vocabulary, Fitsum Anafu Tsema Molla has few ways of describing events of the first 38 years of his life. Oftentimes, “not good” serves as the perfect catchall.

Today, Fitsum sits in the quiet lobby of a West Hartford synagogue – where he is now a “regular ” – thousands of miles from anything resembling home, and communicates his harrowing life story, one “not good” at a time.

Headlined An Ethiopian refugee living in Hartford struggles to live a Jewish life, the piece recounts a tale of woe.  The 38-year-old Fitsum was born just before a Marxist government took over Ethiopia and the Jews were targeted — 2,500 killed and 7,000 made homeless.  Fitsum’s father was shot in 1978 and remained paralyzed and in a hospital until he died in 1993.

During the 1980s thousands of Ethiopian Jews were brought to Israel in a covert operation.  But Fitsum stayed with his father, as conditions for Jews got worse and worse.  In 1997 he snuck into Kenya, where Jews are not liked.  He was brutally attacked a number of times and carries scars all over his body from knife wounds.

Finally, Fitsum’s cries were heard and an alphabet soup of acronyms, representing a multi-course meal of refugee organizations, entered his life. The Refugee Consortium of Kenya learned of Fitsum’s plight and on Oct. 9, 2010, referred him to the Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society (HIAS), a Jewish organization dedicated to rescuing and resettling imperiled refugees. At some point – when exactly is unclear – the United Nations High Commissioner of Refugees (UNHCR) officially designated Fitsum a refugee according to the 1951 Convention relating to the Status of Refugees and labeled him an assault victim in need of medical service….

With the UN’s blessing in hand, HIAS passed the case on to the U.S. Refugees Admission Program, which interviewed Fitsum in October 2010. Several months later, he was interviewed again, this time by U.S. Citizen and Immigration Services, and approved as an immigrant. The State Department placed him with the Hartford branch of Catholic Charities, ­­an organization that provides resettlement services for refugees from around the world.

There’s more to the story, but at this point my head began to spin.  Fitsum was referred to HIAS and he ended up in the U.S.?  He could have gone to Israel at any time in his life and be given entry as a Jew.  Not only that, but his father was Israeli!  Father was described as an engineer so he wasn’t an uneducated guy.  He must have known his son stayed with him although he could have gone to Israel during the airlift.  So why didn’t he say, “Son, when I’m gone, get yourself to Israel”?  But since apparently the father didn’t think ahead for his son, why didn’t HIAS get him resettled in Israel?

Instead, Fitsum ended up with Catholic Charities in Hartford, Connecticut, which settled him in an apartment with a Muslim roommate who “objects to his Judaism.”  He avoids being at home and sometimes rides a bus all night to avoid the situation.  He couldn’t hold the jobs he got and believes he has medical problems that hamper his functioning.  With all those beatings, he could be brain damaged, and from the description of him in the article it seems quite possible.  If he were in Israel, he would be getting top-notch medical care, but here he is just one more pathetic refugee.

Fortunately, all is not hopeless.

Fitsum and Rabbi Pincus [from the Jewish Ledger, Connecticut edition, 9/11/13]

Fitsum finds respite from strife at Congregation Beth Israel, in West Hartford. When he asked Catholic Charities about access to a synagogue, they contacted Rabbi Michael Pincus, who spread open arms to a new congregant. …  Beth Israel has been an almost-literal savior for Fitsum. He attends minyan there Monday through Thursday and visits for weekly Friday night services as well. As he tells it, Beth Israel is the only good thing he has going.

…. word of Fitsum’s plight has spread, and the Jewish community is rallying to action. Soon after meeting Fitsum, Pincus spoke to Bob Fishman, executive director of the Jewish Federation Association of Connecticut (JFACT). Fishman spoke with Gough at Catholic Charities, whom he says was very receptive to his concerns about Fitsum’s circumstances and happy to work with JFACT on solving Fitsum’s issues.

According to Fishman, Catholic Charities, which cannot comment publicly on the specifics of Fitsum’s case, will organize mediation between Fitsum and his roommates. They will also explore options for moving him from his current home and finding him a more suitable job, Fishman says.

Mediation?  Are they nuts?  What are they going to do, tell the roommate (or roommates; it’s unclear) that Jews aren’t really apes and pigs and they should be nice to Fitsum?

Then, in light of what I’ve said before, this takes the cake:

As Pincus, JFACT and Catholic Charities scurry to make his life more pleasant – or at least more bearable – Fitsum remains motivated by the most ingrained allegiance his father passed down: love for Israel.

“My father’s country is my country,” he says. “If I sacrifice, I sacrifice for Israel. I’m working for Israel.”

Three days before Anafu’s death, he passed on to his son an Israeli flag, and Fitsum has clung to it throughout the ensuing 20 years. Fitsum says Anafu spoke every day about Israel and dreamed every night about Jerusalem. He says, if possible, he would happily relocate one more time. The holy land would be a presumptive ultimate destination in his constant search for a place where his Judaism is accepted and celebrated. Fishman says he and Pincus are already working to make aliyah possible.

Somehow Fitsum kept an Israeli flag, and now talks of going there, but never thought of trying to get to Israel before, either from Ethiopia or from Kenya.  Maybe he was too ignorant to know he could have gone there and been accepted, but why didn’t any of the agencies and bureaucrats whose hands he passed through think of that?  Perhaps it’s ingrained dislike of Israel.  Perhaps … I was trying to think of another reason, but I can’t.  Nobody in the refugee business could be unaware that any Jew can settle in Israel.  Let’s hope his Jewish helpers can get him to Israel, where he can have some kind of a life.

Four Israelis arrested in Tel Aviv for beating African migrants

The African “asylum-seekers” have been sleeping in a park in Tel Aviv.

African migrants sleep in Tel Aviv park.
Photo: Ronen Zvulun/Reuters

Regular readers know we have been following the on-going tension in Israel as thousands of mostly Africans came across the Egyptian border in recent years and asked for asylum.  The flow was slowed when Israel built a substantial border fence, but the political battles are on-going as to what to do with the thousands already there.

See our entire category on Israel and refugees for more.

Here is the story from the Jerusalem Post:

Four men driven by a hatred of foreigners beat and robbed African migrants in south Tel Aviv in recent months, before they were arrested Monday by Tel Aviv police.

Tel Aviv police said Tuesday that the four men operated in the neighborhoods of Hatikva, Shapira, and the area around the Central Bus Station. They would single out foreigners walking around these neighborhoods and then would attack them “using great cruelty” – police said – using bottles and sticks to beat them into submission.

Police said the robberies were of secondary interest to the men, who were driven by a hatred of foreigners and were looking to beat and terrorize them, robbing them as a sort of afterthought.

The men, all aged 22 and 21, are themselves residents of south Tel Aviv, and will be brought for a remand extension at the Tel Aviv Magistrate’s Court on Tuesday.

In April, Tel Aviv police arrested five Israeli males, including two minors, for carrying out a series of attacks on Africans in south Tel Aviv.

Of course we don’t condone what these men have done, but frankly it is human nature to protect one’s territory so it’s not unexpected.   I think it has a name—Ethnic nationalism.  It is something the multiculturalists would like to stamp out permanently.

How long before we in the US have migrant camps like this one, and the ones in Germany, France, and Holland?

Addendum:  Here is an earlier story where an Israeli cabinet member says the migrants must be dispersed.

WaPo: Reader questions motives of Hetfield and Schwartz

The other day I posted on the Israel-bashing by American Jewish elitist Leftwingers here.   Now I see that a WaPo reader from Maryland has some good questions for the pair of refugee advocates.

Tiny Israel will die if Hetfield and Schwartz get their wish.

This letter to the Post is from Melvin Farber of Silver Spring:

In reading the Aug. 4 op-ed “Strangers in Israel,” I wondered what point authors Eric P. Schwartz and Mark Hetfield were making. The column wasn’t a call to action by the United Nations, the United States or the world to help Eritreans. Except for two sentences about Sudanese refugees in Egypt, it didn’t ask why Eritreans weren’t seeking asylum in the Arab world, on the African continent or in the Muslim and Christian worlds. The point seemed to be to single out Israel for criticism.

The authors singled out Jews for not living up to the authors’ view of Judaism, as mentioned in the Bible or as promoted by Israel in general terms about refugees. There are more than 190 countries in the United Nations, representing 7 billion people, living on nearly 58 million square miles of land. Israel has a population of about 7 million, living on 8,300 square miles of land. Why are these authors not criticizing the world, the United Nations, the United States, the Arab League, the European Union, the African League, the Christian world or the Muslim world for the tragedy in Eritrea and elsewhere and the plight of their refugees, rather than criticizing Israel?

Yes!  I’ve never heard this pair say boo! about Saudi Arabia for instance when that country sends asylum seekers packing! I repeat:  Why do they hate Israel so much?  Or, like good hypocrites everywhere on the Left, are they just using the refugee issue to bash Netanyahu?

Why do American Leftwing Jews hate Israel so much?

Update August 11th:  A Washington Post reader asks Hetfield and Schwartz, why the Israel bashing?

Honestly, I don’t get it.  Why would the likes of Mark Hetfield (Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society) and Eric P. Schwartz (formerly the Asst. Sec. of State for Population, Refugees and Migration for Obama) want Israel to become overloaded with African migrants?  Anyone in their right mind can see that a small country (no matter how prosperous) overwhelmed by needy people will eventually fall.

Why do they want Israel to die?

Eric P. Schwartz, a George Soros groupie

Those Israelis working and paying taxes will not be able to sustain the social services needed by large numbers of poor and uneducated migrants as the numbers grow and they begin to vote.  The destabilization of government (this is the Cloward-Piven strategy) will happen in Europe (is happening!) and in the US too, just over a longer time frame.

Here Hetfield and Schwartz pen a joint scolding of Israel in the Washington Post. (Israel Turns its back on African refugees) The Op-ed is a week old (I don’t see where it got much attention).  You might first want to visit our category on ‘Israel and refugees’ to get an idea of the huge problems and public tension being created by the African illegal aliens there.

There is a lot of boiler-plate guilt-tripping in the piece (kind of like the ‘nation of immigrants’ propaganda we get in the US), so you can go read most of it yourself.

Hetfield and Schwartz:

The Israeli government sent 14 Eritreans back to their country of origin last month after they formally abandoned their requests to remain in Israel. Many more such returns are expected. Israel is seeking to address its refugee challenges by promoting the fiction that it hosts few, if any, Africans fleeing persecution, only “infiltrators” and “illegal work migrants.” The action is a troubling departure from Israel’s proud tradition of refugee protection.

Mark Hetfield: HIAS

Gee, maybe this is about whacking the Netanyahu government?  Hetfield and Schwartz surely don’t like the fence!  The two continue:

With the Netanyahu government’s recent construction of a 144-mile Sinai border fence between Israel and Egypt, the flow of asylum seekers has been reduced to a trickle. But Israel must still deal with the 55,000 asylum seekers within its borders, and the government’s statements, record and plans are troubling. Eli Yishai, who served as interior minister until this year, recklessly stoked anti-immigrant sentiment and xenophobia by repeatedly referring to asylum seekers as “infiltrators” and urging large-scale detention of migrants. In May 2012, he declared that south Tel Aviv, where many migrants reside, “has turned into the garbage can of the country.”

Read it all (if you feel like it).

Taking the sugar off the table!

As for the detention business, recently a commenter to one of RRW’s other posts said a country must “get the sugar off the table” in order to stem the illegal migrant tide and that is exactly what detention could do.

The WaPo gives us this bio for Hetfield and Schwartz:

Eric Schwartz was assistant secretary of state for population, refugees and migration from 2009 to 2011. He is dean of the Humphrey School of Public Affairs at the University of Minnesota and a board member of the Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society (HIAS). Mark Hetfield is president of HIAS.

We have written a lot on Schwartz (another Soros protege’) over the years, click here.  And, Hetfield (President of one of the top nine federal refugee contractors) has become increasingly visible and vocal especially as he has taken a leading role in backing the Gang of Eight amnesty legislation (before and after some donors questioned whether HIAS should be involved in pushing amnesty).