Update: Italy allows some of the latest migrants off the ships in Sicily

Relocating the migrants would “lead down the road to hell!”

(Czech Prime Minister Andrej Babis)


Invasion of Europe news….

This is an update of yesterday’s post about Italy telling other EU countries that they needed to step-up and take in 50 each of the 450 African and Middle Eastern migrants rescued by two Frontex vessels over the weekend.


Italy rescue ship
The next generation! “New Europeans” carried ashore in Siccily


So far now, five countries have agreed to take 50 each (mostly men): Germany, France, Malta, Spain and Portugal.  So who will get the remaining 200?

Continue reading “Update: Italy allows some of the latest migrants off the ships in Sicily”

Lastest migrant ships stopped by Italy, Italian PM calls on other EU countries to take them

Invasion of Europe news…..

He is calling their bluff!

Other European countries agreed just recently to share the burden with an invasion weary Italy, let’s see how many keep their word.

Italian Coast Guard ship Diciotti with migrants arrives in Trapani
Some of the latest batch of African men ‘rescued’ at sea.

So far Germany, France and Malta have agreed to 50 each which means 300 (of the original 450) are still in limbo.

I was looking for any mention of where the 450 are at right now.

Let me know if you see that important bit of information.

From The Local:

France, Germany, Malta will take 50 rescued migrants each: Italian PM

Continue reading “Lastest migrant ships stopped by Italy, Italian PM calls on other EU countries to take them”

British report: 700,000 migrants piling up in Libya waiting for their chance to jump to Europe

Invasion of Europe news…..

I should have posted this yesterday, but it doesn’t matter if the news is a bit old.  The major point I want to make with this post is this (something that no one seems to want to get the answer to):

So where are these impoverished people from all over Africa and the Middle East (Central America too!) getting gobs of cash to pay traffickers?

Where are the investigators trying to find that answer because that answer, whatever it is, could potentially bring down the whole scam.

I have some ideas, and you probably do as well, but why doesn’t anyone (who could actually do something about it) ever seem to want the answer.

Or, do they know, and they don’t want us to know!


migrants piled up in Libya
Africans piled up in Libya waiting for the next boat out.

Continue reading “British report: 700,000 migrants piling up in Libya waiting for their chance to jump to Europe”

Highly anticipated EU "deal" on migration is a nothing-burger!

Because I’ve been telling you in advance about the pow-wow in Brussels yesterday about the migrant invasion of Europe and what the EU will do about it, I’m compelled to give you an update of the disappointing results.
They talked and talked, indeed they talked all night, and came up with what the NY Times even says is a ‘deal’ with “sketchy” details.

Aquarious cargo
Migrants on the “Aquarius” turned away by Italy precipitating the EU’s latest migration crisis TALKS.

The UK Express says it all in its headline:

EU Summit FUDGE: Merkel STILL not safe as vague immigration deal DOESN’T solve issues

Continue reading “Highly anticipated EU "deal" on migration is a nothing-burger!”

Mama Merkel update: Nothing resolved in special EU meeting yesterday, try again Thursday

Invasion of Europe news…..
As we reported last week, a special EU meeting was called for yesterday as the political pressure mounts on German Chancellor Angela Merkel to do something to control the migrant population that continues to grow in Germany.  See Merkel between a rock and a hard place in age of ‘Aquarius.’

Besties French Prez Macron and Merkel.  Macron in la-la land:   “We are living through a political crisis more than a migratory crisis today.”

I’m struck here by the similarity to our situation on the Mexican border where Donald Trump is both trying to stem the flow in to the US, and attempting to kill the catch and release policy of previous presidents (the major pull factor for those gambling on entering the US).
The answer is the same for Europe—stop the in-flow and hold for sorting all those who have gotten in by building detention centers. Sort out legitimate asylum seekers from economic migrants who can be quickly deported.
Don’t let them roam free across Europe!
Continue reading “Mama Merkel update: Nothing resolved in special EU meeting yesterday, try again Thursday”