Hungarian PM Orban says that EU following Soros' migration plan

He also suggests Italy will soon attempt to close its borders.  I won’t hold my breath on that one, political correctness has most of Europe by the short hairs.
Invasion of Europe news…..

One of many NGO ships bringing African migrants to Italy.

From Breitbart London (which has been doing a great job of reporting on the invasion):

Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán has claimed the European Union are implementing migration plans designed by left-wing billionaire Geroge Soros to bring in a million migrants per year to Europe with the help of his army of NGOs.

Orbán claimed the EU and Soros wish to bring in the one million migrants annually to create an EU immigration force to undermine the national sovereignty of member states, Die Presse reports.

Hungarian Prime Minister Orban: Soros is to blame for invasion of Europe.

According to Orbán, many heads of government across Europe agree with his government’s policy on migration but will only say so in private. He also said that because of the recent surge of migration into Italy, he expected the southern European nation could soon join Hungary and others in wanting to secure their national borders.

The Italian government have already made several steps toward securing their border after they saw 13,500 migrants arrive by naval vessels and NGO rescue ships in a 48-hour period. The NGO ships have been accused by Italian prosecutors of cooperating with people smugglers and Italy has even threatened to close its ports to their boats if the traffic continues at the same pace.

Orbán also mentioned former Libyan dictator Muammar Gaddafi who once warned that if his government should fall, then millions of people would flood Europe from Africa. The Hungarian prime minister said that although Gaddafi was no democratic ruler, Western interventionism in Libya was partly responsible for the current crisis.

BTW, it was Soros’ pal Hillary Clinton who is responsible for getting Gaddafi out of the way, see here. Watch her laugh like a mad woman!

Come on Donald! You visited Poland, now invite Viktor Orban to the White House and give him a lavish state dinner—make the heathen rage!

Tell the President, here, to invite the brave Orban to the White House!  Soros might be a friend of your son-in-law, but he is not your friend.
All of my ‘Invasion of Europe’ news is here.  The archive extends back to about 2011.

Actor Clooney: Do as I say, not as I do!

These super rich Lefty celebrities have no shame!
George Clooney is reportedly moving his young family to his Los Angeles mansion which is deemed safer (from Jihadists) than is his property in the UK or his Italian get-away mansion at Lake Como.
From Breitbart (hat tip: Brenda):

Report: Open Borders Advocate George Clooney Moving Family Back to Trump’s America for ‘Security Reasons’

Actor and immigration activist George Clooney will move to Los Angeles with his wife Amal and newborn twins Ella and Alexander due to security concerns at his England estate, according to a report.

In 2016, Clooney and his wife praise German Chancellor Angela Merkel for her welcome to the migrant invaders (not using those words of course!). Italy as an escape? maybe not so much!

Life & Style magazine reported last week that the 56-year-old Oscar-winner will move his newly-expanded family to his mansion in Studio City, California, after deeming his 17th century mansion in Sonning, England to be not sufficiently safe for them.

“As soon as Amal found out she was pregnant, he hired former Secret Service agents to assess all his properties and make recommendations for improvement,” an unnamed Clooney “insider” told the magazine. “His mansion in Studio City [Calif.] was deemed the most secure, and it’s within minutes of an LAPD station.”


In May, British government officials disclosed that 23,000 known jihadi terrorists are believed to be residing in Britain, far more than the 3,000 that had initially been reported.


In February of last year, the actor met privately with German Chancellor Angela Merkel, and praised the German leader’s acceptance of refugees from Syria and other countries. The same month, Clooney told Sky News in an interview that the United States is not doing “enough” to help Syrian refugees, and that 10,000 refugees per year was too low a figure to be admitting into the country.


In July of last year, a makeshift refugee camp was established in Lake Como after the Swiss government decided to close its southern border with Italy. Dozens of refugees arrived from African and Asian countries were housed in tents close to the Clooneys’ home, with a local tour guide telling the Daily Mail that the refugee camps were a “big problem because of the huge numbers [of refugees] who are arriving all the time.”

More here.
Bill Gates woke up and smelled the coffee, any chance Clooney will get it?
This post is filed in my ‘Laugh of the day’ category.  I have another good laugh for later (or tomorrow), so come on back!
Click here for my complete archive on the Invasion of Europe.

European nationalists meet: European migration policy a daily disaster

Invasion of Europe news…..

Obviously timed to follow the Inauguration of Donald Trump, nationalist leaders from five European countries met in Koblenz, Germany today to declare a new day for Europe.

#WeWillMakeOurCountriesGreatAgain (use the hashtag whenever you can!)

Representatives from France, Germany, the Netherlands, Italy and Austria declared that a “patriotic spring” was on the horizon for 2017.
From AP (emphasis is mine):

KOBLENZ, Germany — French presidential hopeful Marine Le Pen declared Saturday that 2017 will be the “year of the awakening of the people of continental Europe” as she joined fellow nationalist leaders in Germany at the beginning of a year of high-stakes national elections.

The mood was celebratory a day after Donald Trump was sworn in as U.S. president, following a campaign buoyed by anti-establishment and protectionist themes.

“Yesterday, a new America. Today, hello Koblenz, a new Europe!”

Dutch anti-Islam leader Geert Wilders said as he opened his speech at a congress center on the banks of the Rhine river, under heavy security.

“The people of the west are awakening. They are throwing off the yoke of political correctness,” he said. “This year will be the year of the people … the year of liberation, the year of the patriotic spring.”

Wilders’ anti-Islam Party of Freedom could win the largest percentage of votes in the March 15 Dutch parliamentary election, though it is shunned by rivals and highly unlikely to be able to form a coalition. Le Pen is among top contenders in France’s April-May presidential vote. In September, Frauke Petry’s four-year-old Alternative for Germany party hopes to enter the German parliament.

The meeting of the Europe of Nations and Freedom group in the European Parliament also featured Matteo Salvini of Italy’s Northern League and Harald Vilimsky, the general secretary of Austria’s Freedom Party, which last year narrowly failed to win the country’s presidency.

“We are experiencing the end of one world and the birth of another,” Le Pen said. “We are experiencing the return of nation-states.”

The first “real blow to the old order” was last June’s British vote to leave the European Union, she said — followed closely by Trump’s election. The new U.S. president, she said, “will not support a system of oppression” in Europe.

More here.
They must turn the migrant tide back this year, or I can’t see how Europe survives!
Go here for our complete ‘Invasion of Europe’ archive.

Report: Berlin Islamic killer came through Italian island of Lampedusa in 2011

Two years later, in 2013, the Pope went to Lampedusa to welcome the African migrants to Italy!


The Pope welcomes the African migrants to Lampedusa, Italy in 2013. See our post where he lectured Italians to be more welcoming, and to “cry” for the migrants.

From The UK Sun (see the pictures):

The ISIS extremist ploughed a lorry into festive shoppers at a Berlin Christmas market on Monday night.


Rewind five years, and just days after arriving on Lampedusa trouble-maker Amri was involved in the burning down of a migrant shelter.

We have the Pope and Mama Merkel to blame for the invasion of Europe.
See all of our ‘Invasion of Europe’ news by clicking here.

Are NGO "rescue" ships in the Mediterranean helping to destabilize Europe?

Yes, say investigators whose information is pretty persuasive. They say Americans are involved too.

Invasion of Europe news…..

Rescued off the coast of Libya in 2015 with the help of MOAS’ Phoenix.

A few days ago, an American reader sent me a story about the supposedly non-profit groups that have furnished rescue ships operating in the Mediterranean.  I didn’t have time to look at it carefully (and I knew I had previously written about one such ship, here), but when a longtime reader from Malta sent me more links yesterday, I spent a little time just now going over reports.
The allegations are that the ‘non-profit’ ships may be working in concert with human traffickers in Libya and that they are not simply picking up (mostly economic) migrants in European waters, but meeting the Africans and Middle Easterners who want to get to Europe in the waters right off Libya.  In such locations any foundering vessel would logically be returned to the African coast, the shortest distance by far, but are intercepted and taken all the way to Italy.
(By the way, any mention of Libya gets my blood boiling because we know it is now a gateway for invaders of Europe thanks to Hillary Clinton—a story I followed from its outset!)

Here is one story on the allegations against these ‘non-profits.’
The Way:

For two months, GEFIRA using have been monitoring the movements of ships owned by a couple of NGOs, and, using data from

Gerira [GEFIRA?] have kept track of the daily arrivals of African immigrants in Italy. It turned out we have witnessed a massive scam of illegal human trafficting.

NGOs, smugglers, the mafia in cahoots with the European Union have shipped thousands of illegals into Europe under the pretext of rescuing people, assisted by the Italian coast guard which coordinated their activities.

Human traffickers contact the Italian coast guard in advance to receive support and to pick up their dubious cargo. NGO ships are directed to the “rescue spot” even as those to be rescued are still in Libya.

The Catrambones on board the Phoenix. Our story is here in February 2015.

The 15 ships GEFIRA observed are owned or leased by NGOs have regularly been seen to leave their Italian ports, head south, stop short of reaching the Libyan coast, pick up their human cargo, and take course back 260 miles to Italy even though the port of Zarzis in Tunis is just 60 mile away from the rescue spot.

The organizations in question are: MOAS, Jugend Rettet, Stichting Bootvluchting, Médecins Sans Frontières, Save the Children, Proactiva Open Arms,, Sea-Eye and Life Boat.

Go here to see a video explanation of this investigation.
And, then learn more about the  Louisiana-born owner of one ship we told you about in February 2015 (photo at right). The last line of the newest story is this:

One cannot help but wonder whether the MOAS people are honest saviours or they are on a mission to destabilise Europe even further.


MOAS stands for Migrant Offshore Aid Station. It is a Malta-based non-governmental organisation, which set itself the task of patrolling the Mediterranean and rescuing people in high seas, lifting them up from dinghies, rafts and boats onto the Phoenix, the MOAS-owned trawler, a vessel complete with drones for scanning the waters, and ferrying migrants from places several miles off the Libyan shore to Sicily. The organisation is run by Chris Catrambone (35) and his wife Regina.

Continue reading here.
And, by the way, in February of this year, we reported that the ‘Phoenix’ was headed to Asia to rescue Muslim Rohingya, but I don’t know if that ever happened. (I’m always surprised by how much information is here at RRW that I’ve forgotten about!)

Even if the ‘rescue’ ships are doing nothing illegal, their very presence simply encourages more migrants to attempt sea crossings.

For our complete ‘Invasion of Europe’ archive, click here.