Syrian Islamist: Kill Buddhists in Burma!

The Religion of Peace directs us to this story at NOW News:

Jihadists don’t much like monks because monks are willing to stand-up for their religion. Note the “no OIC” on this banner—brave, very brave!
AP Photo/Khin Maung Win

Syrian Islamist have been attempting to smuggle Muslim extremists into Myanmar, a Syrian Islamist source told NOW.

According to the source, “many attempts have been made to send Jihadists to Myanmar for the sake of our brothers.”

“Contacts with Islamist groups in Pakistan, India and other surrounding countries are being made in order to facilitate their entry into Myanmar.”

The source, however, added that “these attempts have failed.” [so they say—ed]

Speaking to NOW, Salafist Sheikh Bilal al-Masri called on Muslims to attack Buddhists and their interests.

“I decree that every person who can get to a Buddhist should kill him because they are killing our people and the Muslims cannot be blamed for their reaction.”

So why do we care?  We care because your local friendly Catholic Charities would like nothing better than to add more Rohingya Muslims from Burma (aka Myanmar) to their diversity-is-beautiful collection of refugees for your multi-culty edification.  And, we need to be informed about who we are “welcoming” in the next batch of poor and downtrodden Burmese just yearning for a better life.

See our Rohingya Reports category with our 139 previous posts on this topic.

Related update:   Here is a report on those eight Buddhist fishermen beaten to death by Rohingya in a detention center in Indonesia.

Will it be Malians next?

I’m beginning to see a pattern.  Some conflict (these days largely instigated by Muslims, by Jihadists) ensues, government collapses, US sticks its nose in (think Bosnia),  US State Department “welcomes” the refugees created by the conflict, American resettlement contractors get lots of money to resettle them in your towns, they need jobs (meatpackers rejoice!) and social services which you pay for, eventually the conflict ends (think Afghanistan), we stabilize relations (think Somalia), and the refugees go home!  Not!  They don’t go home.  They stay and become Democrat voters.

I have nothing further to say except that I guess it’s time for yet another google alert—refugees Mali— but I do want to save two links here for future reference.  One is the State Department briefing today on Africa, here.  And, the other is this very amusingly written bit in the Washington Post entitled the “9 questions about Mali you were too embarrassed to ask.”(great music there before the Islamists banned it.)

I have a sinking feeling we will be hearing a lot more about Mali in the weeks and months ahead, and my fervent hope is that Obama isn’t going to turn that country over to the “rebels” as he did Egypt and Libya.