Here is the AP storyfrom Saturday published at the Eagle Tribune.
The timing of the arrest is suspicious (is the FBI helping Hillary again, will she bring it up in the debate on Wednesday as an example of right wing extremism?), but otherwise we will wait and see what comes of this. Tyson Foods Garden City, KS: Wherever you have Tyson Foods you will find cheap refugee labor. I didn’t make it to Garden City this summer on my tour of mostly American meatpacking towns, but visited many others with large numbers of Somali and other immigrants fueling ethnic tensions as the US Dept. of State provides refugee labor for BIG MEAT.
For background, you might want to see our archive on Garden City, KS (click here) where Tyson Foods has long been a draw for cheap refugee laborers. For more information on refugee resettlement in Kansas generally, go here.
One of my all-time favorite posts on Garden City is one from 2010 where Somali Muslims wanted a taxpayer supported cemetery to set aside a section just for Muslims so they wouldn’t have to be with infidels even after death.
For serious students of the history of Somalis and Tyson Foods in Kansas see our entire category on Emporia, KS by clicking here. It is a classic case of how a flood of refugees pushed a town over the edge. (Tyson ultimately closed the plant and moved refugees elsewhere.)
This is a bit of the AP story from over the weekend.
WICHITA, Kan. (AP) — Three members of a Kansas militia group were charged Friday with plotting to bomb an apartment complex that’s home to Somali immigrants in the western Kansas meatpacking town of Garden City, a thwarted attack prosecutors say was planned for the day after the November election.
The arrests were the culmination of an eight-month FBI investigation [suspicious timing?—ed] that took agents “deep into a hidden culture of hatred and violence,” Acting U.S. Attorney Tom Beall said.
A complaint unsealed Friday charges Curtis Wayne Allen, 49; Patrick Eugene Stein, 47; and Gavin Wayne Wright, 49, with conspiring to use a weapon of mass destruction. Their first court appearance is Monday.
Prosecutors said the men don’t yet have attorneys. Publicly listed phone numbers for the men couldn’t immediately be found.
The men are members of a small militia group that calls itself “the Crusaders,” and whose members espouse sovereign citizen, anti-government, anti-Muslim and anti-immigrant extremist beliefs, according to the complaint.
Continue reading here.
It looks like it is Catholic Charities that is resettling refugees (including many Muslims) in to Garden City. See here.
Editor:I am still combing through my hundreds of e-mails to find the testimony you sent to the US State Department in response to the DOS request for public comment on the “size and scope” of the UN/US Refugee Admissions Program for FY2017.
The day before the deadline for submission of testimony I noticed (maybe you were all ahead of me and noticed!) that the dates were wrong in the Federal Register. I happened to see a comment sent by lawyers to the DOS asking that the comment period be re-opened because citizens, who might like to have testified, didn’t think the notice was for a comment period this year, but for last year. See here. Kansas Governor Sam Brownback withdrew the state of Kansas from the federal refugee program last month, however, that effectively gives the job of resettlement over to a non-profit group in the state with no elected official responsibility. It was a good first step, but without step 2 (filing a states’ rights lawsuit), it is essentially meaningless.
From Sue:
FR Doc 2016-09267
FY 2016 U.S. Refugee Admissions Program
U.S. Assistant Secretary of State for Population, Refugees, and Migration
Anne C. Richard
The U.S. Refugee Admission Program is out of control. It wreaks havoc on local communities – economically, socially and culturally. The program favors Islamic peoples and others that have no respect for our customs, laws or citizens.
We the people; we the taxpayers are funding these programs. It is our hard earned money that is used to bring in thousands of immigrants at a time when our country’s economy is at a breaking point. The immigrants, not Americans, are given preferential treatment at every turn – housing, education, medical assistance, food and employment.
There are factions of these groups of people that are violent – towards each other and everyone else. Domestic abuse is not uncommon and that spill out into our communities in the form of rapes and murders against women and children. Strict and time consuming protocols tie the hands of our police on all the federal, state and local levels. Criminals go unpunished. If they are deported, they make their way back into our country because the system is broken.
Each and every immigrant needs to be thoroughly vetted before being allowed into our country. The program, as it is now, is run more like a cattle business. Immigrants are treated like cash cows by the local contractors which have made a business of raking in federal dollars for their non-profit programs. This is detrimental to many immigrants as well as to the local communities. The immigrants receive a crash course in how to survive in America and then are cast out into the community. Is it no wonder that some will turn to theft, drugs and other crime to try and survive?
Professional immigrants are also given preferential treatment. Foreign doctors, scientists and other professionals are recruited into hospitals, research institutions and business. They can bypass the strict requirements our own college students must abide by. How can American students fairly compete within this infrastructure?
Public schools, colleges and universities are not immune to the lure of federal dollars to accommodate foreign born students. Rather than teach foreign grade school children about our country’s history and culture, in many cases, the opposite is happening. Our children are taught and indoctrinated into foreign cultural beliefs. At a time when Christian values and faith are mocked and denigrated, Islam is being promoted as a religion of peace. Make no mistake, I support clear, unbiased education. Let the facts speak for themselves, but how can this happen when Islam mandates a political correctness for themselves and not for all others?
Throughout American history, immigrants have assimilated peacefully into our culture. They became Americans. The Islamic Nation will never assimilate into our culture but instead, will expect Americans to be dominated by their customs and laws. We cannot allow this to happen.
Books have been written about the immigration problems facing our country. Numerous articles, research and statistics are available that are beyond the scope of this comment section. More public input is necessary to work through the many problems that plague this program and are detrimental to our nation. Checks and balances, outside the government agencies, are necessary. If the system cannot be fixed to the satisfaction of the American people; perhaps it should be dismantled. The money could be better spent on helping our own citizens who are in dire need of it.
This is the thirteenth testimony in our series leading up to the deadline for comments to the Dept. of State on May 19th. Go here for where they are archived to see what your fellow citizens have said.
I intend to keep posting testimonies, a few a day, until I have exhausted my long list! I had no idea so many of you would respond to my offer! But, thank you for your hard work!
They are talking big about not being bothered by the news from Kansas and New Jersey, but believe me they are getting nervous!
Who is “they?” That would be the open-borders cabal that includes the American Civil Liberties Union (as we are learning here), and Human Rights First (see our previous post). It surely includes the nine major federal contractors responsible for placing refugees in your towns as well. Sue Christie sue!
If they are so confident that refugee resettlement can continue without slowdown if a governor takes the state out of the program, then why is the ACLU bothering to badger Christie?
For new readers, it all began recently with the move by the Tennessee legislatureto vote to sue the feds on States’ Rights grounds.
Once a state opts-out of the program (TN opted-out nearly ten years ago), the federal government claims they can simply assign a non-profit group to run things for the federal government in that state. But, it’s looking like they haven’t a legal leg to stand on and so if a governor withdraws his/her state and follows up with step #2—suing the federal government when they assign a non-profit group to determine how state and local tax dollars are expended—this program could be ground to a halt.
Here is what we just learned from North
TRENTON — The American Civil Liberties Union of New Jersey is calling on Republican Gov. Chris Christie to reconsider withdrawing from a federal refugee resettlement program.
The group sent Christie a letter Tuesday arguing that the state has a long history of welcoming refugees from across the world.
Christie’s office did not immediately reply to a message seeking comment.
The group says the letter comes in response to the Christie administration’s decision last month to notify the U.S. Refugee Resettlement Program that it intended to pull out.
For new readers, in addition to New Jersey and Kansas, these (below) are the so-called Wilson-Fish states where the federal program is being run by mostly unaccountable-to-the-taxpayers non-profit groups.
Folks in NJ and Kansas need to thank your governors and urge them to take step #2!
And, if you live in one of these states tell your governor to look at the Thomas More Law Center case. Wilson-Fish states (one city) and which NGO is running the program there:
And, one last thing, for the life of me I have never been able to understand how the ACLU can look the other way on the separation of church and state when these ‘religious’ groups are paid by the taxpayer to resettle refugees. I guess it’s simply the fact that these ‘religious’ groups are on the political Left as is the ACLU!
Big news! That’s for sure! Texas? Maybe Maine and Florida?
From Michael Patrick Leahy writing atBreitbarta few hours ago!
Gov. Sam Brownback’s recent decision to withdraw the state of Kansas from the federal refugee resettlement program may be just the first step in a full-fledged battle with the Obama administration over state sovereignty issues.
If more governors opt out, thus throwing the program into bureaucratic chaos, Obama might not get his Syrian Muslim quota. Boo hoo!
“We are aware of the legal argument and watching for developments,” Gov. Brownback’s spokesperson Eileen Hawley tells Breitbart News about the lawsuit the Tennessee General Assembly has declared it will file on Tenth Amendment grounds against the federal refugee resettlement program.
Hawley’s comment is just the latest indication of growing state resistance to the Obama administration’s efforts to increase the resettlement of Syrian refugees, even in states that have made clear they do not want them.
Several states currently participating in the program may be considering withdrawing as well.
“Our contract is up in one month and we are currently evaluating our options,” a spokesperson for Gov. Greg Abbott of Texas tells Breitbart News.
The spokesperson was referring to the contracts*** between the State of Texas and local resettlement agencies, or VOLAGs, for the operation of the federal refugee resettlement program in the state.
“The Governor in conjunction with the refugee coordinator ” were identified by the spokesperson as the responsible parties evaluating current options. [One option is to opt-out!—ed]
Sources tell Breitbart News that Maine and Florida are two additional states that may be considering withdrawal from the federal refugee resettlement program.
Remember readers, the feds argue that if states opt-out as provided for in the original 1980 Act, the feds can simply assign a non-profit group to run the program in the state. The Thomas More Law Center claims that such action is not constitutional according to the Tenth Amendment. Additionally, it appears to critics that the Wilson-Fish* amendments do not contain the authority for the federal government to pass on to an unelected, non-governmental entity the right to make decisions which expend state and local tax dollars.
This is a two step process and in order to possibly succeed, the state must withdraw, become a so-called Wilson-Fish state, and then file a lawsuit described in the Breitbart story, continue reading here.
Maybe if the whole system is thrown into legal chaos, Obama won’t get all of his Syrians in by September 30th.
Our coverage of Kansas and New Jersey is here. And, the most recent post on Tennessee is here.
*Is yours a Wilson Fish state: Alaska, Alabama, Colorado, Idaho, Kentucky, Louisiana, Massachusetts, Nevada, South Dakota, North Dakota, Tennessee and Vermont.
*** This makes me laugh, I’m told that Anne Richard, the Asst. Sec. of State for Population, Refugees and Migration claims they don’t have contracts with the non-profit groups.
Sheesh, where have I been. I apologize if some of you notified me that Chris Christie withdrew New Jersey from the program earlier this month too (So sorry! I can’t read everything coming in to me!).
Gov. Chris Christie made the first move, does he understand the opportunity that gives him for the next move—suing the federal government in a Tenth Amendment case?
Now here is the lengthy and informative article from Miss Elise at the Huffington Post(we have reported on her pro-open borders writing previously) about Governor Sam Brownback’s (former great enthusiast for the refugee program) change of heart.
See our previous two posts on Kansas hereandhere. And, come on Texas, join the crowd!!!
Emphasis below is mine:
Fifteen years ago, then-Sen. Sam Brownback (R-Kan.) gave an impassioned speech in support of refugee resettlement. He called helping and taking in refugees “some of the most noble and ennobling things we can do,” and said the United States should admit “substantially” more than 80,000 people, the ceiling at the time.
“I want to ensure that any refugee dealing with our system sees the best of who we are and what we represent,” he said at an event ahead of World Refugee Day in 2001. “We are a better nation because of the refugees and asylees amongst us.”
If refugees currently dealing with the system are going to see the best of America, though, it will be in spite of Brownback. Now governor of Kansas, he announced Tuesday that his state would no longer work with the federal government to resettle refugees, the final step in a months-long effort to keep out Syrians that now is directed toward refugees in general.
His decision won’t have a major impact on refugee resettlement to Kansas — although the governor has implied that he’s effectively banning the program in the state, all his withdrawal means is that another agency will have to coordinate the services for it to function in Kansas. [Remember “services”=your financial support of refugees.—ed]
But Brownback’s shift was troubling for refugee resettlement groups.
Here we learn something we didn’t know about those regulations that the Office of Refugee Resettlement crafted from thin air (with no legislative authority!).
If a state does not participate, it must give the government 120 days notice and another agency will be tasked with coordinating assistance. New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie withdrew his state from the program this month as well, citing concerns about Syrian refugees, and other states have elected in the past to participate only partially or not at all.
Christie gave the 120 day notice and presumably by August another agency (A NON-PROFIT GROUP) will be assigned the duty. We assume Governor Brownback also gave the official notice and thus both governors could sue the feds as per the Thomas More Law Centerstates’ rights case, and the State of Tennessee’s planned legal challenge. Can the federal government and non-profit groups expend state and local tax dollars without any state or local say so, we think not! Also, experts tell us there is no authority in the so-called Wilson-Fish amendment to the Refugee Act of 1980 to turn the program over to unelected private organizations.
Nevertheless, defiant advocates for more refugees for your towns and cities say that refugees will continue to get their services (code for welfare) and you will continue to pay!
That [resettlement] will continue, and they will continue to get services from the state. The four staffers in the Kansas Department for Children and Families currently working on refugee resettlement will be reassigned to other roles, but the overall work of the agency won’t change, department spokeswoman Theresa Freed said.
Lots more at the HuffPo here. The media will try to make it sound like you think you can bar anyone from moving to a state. This is America, you can’t bar the movement of people legally present. This is about whether state and local taxpayers have any right to determine what they pay for and whether unelected private groups can carry out government functions of this nature. Come to think of it, Governor Christie and Maryland Gov Larry Hogan are pals—maybe he can be persuaded to pull Maryland out as well! A cautionary note: We would all love to find a silver bullet to get this program either stopped completely or reformed, but it won’t be that simple. The 35-year-old refugee industry involves billions of dollars and entrenched non-profit groups, many with political agendas involving open borders and changing the demographic make-up of the country. Therefore, do not hang your hat on lawsuits (as important as this one could be) and whether some Congressional white knight will come to the rescue, continue all you are doing at the grassroots level to bring attention to the program through whatever means possible (within the law of course!).
Go here and don’t forget to send in your testimony! Tell your governors and other elected officials to go on the record too!