9/11 Mastermind explains why they call it the 'Religion of Peace'

Get the book! https://www.amazon.com/Enhanced-Interrogation-Motives-Islamic-Terrorists/dp/1101906847/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1483361554&sr=8-1&keywords=enhanced+interrogation+mitchell

This is the 5th in my series on James Mitchell’s ‘Enhanced Interrogation’ where the CIA contractor tells us how Enhanced Interrogation Techniques did work to reveal not only upcoming planned terror attacks, but also revealed the mindset behind the Islamic supremacists’ view of how things should be in the world.
Our initial interest was in Khalid Sheikh Mohammed’s assertion that the Islamists’ plan is to conquer America through immigration and by out-breeding us, but that violent attacks would ultimately wear us down and prepare us for submission.
See previous posts here, here , here and here.

Make it your new year’s resolution to learn more about Islam!

P.S. I sure hope Donald Trump takes time to read this book!

Mitchell's 'Enhanced Interrogation:' "Violent jihad is the religious duty of every True Muslim"

You will find it at Amazon.

This is installment #4 in my series on the important book by James Mitchell: ‘Enhanced Interrogation.
See previous posts here, here and here.  In my first post we told you that 9/11 mastermind Khalid Sheikh Mohammed said that Islam will dominate America one day through demographic change—through the Hijra (migration!) and by out-breeding us—because they can’t get the job done entirely through violence.
I think everyone of you should know what was learned by using ‘Enhanced Interrogation Techniques’ on “high-value” detainees.
Get the book!
Continued to the next page….

Infidels! Make it a new year’s resolution to learn more about Islam!

Mitchell's 'Enhanced Interrogation:' Islam from the horse's mouth

KSM was educated in North Carolina. Interrogators had no need for interpreters.

The ‘horse’s mouth’ is none other than 9/11 mastermind, Khalid Sheikh Mohammed.
This is the third installment in my series on the incredible book by one of the interrogators who after 9/11 helped keep America safe by encouraging captured Islamic terrorists to talk.  KSM did a lot of talking and ‘educating!’  Here (below) is one more snip from the book you must read.
My previous posts are here and here. In the first post, we reported that KSM said they would take over America through immigration and out-breeding us.
BTW, there is a discussion in the book about KSM’s admission that, in 2002, he personally beheaded Wall Street Journal reporter Daniel Pearl after his captors learned Pearl was Jewish. I don’t plan to tell you any of that graphic information. Get the book.
If you have read anything about Islam and the goals of its adherents, this is not new news!  However, to hear it from KSM is pretty powerful:
Excuse my poor quality photos!

Mitchell's 'Enhanced Interrogation' a must read

You must read this book!

We previously mentioned the recently released blockbuster book that describes how after 9/11, the Bush Administration’s efforts to keep us safe yielded results and informed us about what the Islamists are working toward.
It is nothing short of world domination by Islam.
We need to believe what they say! (But even to the end of his Presidency, I’m not sure Bush believed them.)
I’m planning to give you some snippets going forward about what the interrogators learned from Khalid Sheikh Mohammed  who we have previously reported spent informative years among us as a college student in North Carolina (read Richard Miniter’s Mastermind).
This is the second important point (for me) which I want to share from author James Mitchell (the first we reported earlier, that they would eventually overcome us through immigration and out-breeding us):

Iranian kills his brother (in North Carolina)….

…..and what about The Muslim Issue?

I know this “accidental” shooting of a brother by his brother has nothing to do with anything (uh, oh, except there was a gun involved!).  Brothers of all sorts can get drunk, argue and kill each other anywhere in the world.

But, the story in The Muslim Issue gives me an opportunity to remind you about North Carolina, a preferred resettlement state for Middle Easterners, and to introduce you to The Muslim Issue, a blog I just recently noticed.

Here is the news from North Carolina:

North Carolina man shoots brother to death in chest after believing he was an intruder: police

Wilmington police arrived to the home of brothers Ali and Vahid Dastmalchi last Friday. Ali, 65, said he mistook Vahid, 63, as a burglar after he lunged at him at the front door in the dark. He fired a handgun at Vahid, fatally wounding him in the chest, police said. No charges were filed Friday.

Read on, turns out they were drunk and arguing earlier in the day.

We don’t know if they are refugees, but there is a good chance they are (they could also be Christian Iranian refugees, I’m not sure any of the reports say they are Muslims).

North Carolina is one of the Nation’s top resettlement states and if you visit WRAPS here (arrivals by destination city by nationality) you will see that we resettled over 13,000 refugees to that state in the last 5 years.  102 of those were Iranians (small compared to the 1000 plus Iraqis the state “welcomed” in that same time period).  Why North Carolina?  In fact, why certain states and not others?

North Carolina’s refugee problems have received a fair amount of attention here at RRW over the years.  When you type ‘North Carolina’ into our search function you will see what I mean.

North Carolina as training ground for terrorists?

One of my best stories about North Carolina is about the fact that many Middle Easterners were drawn to colleges there (the colleges were desperate for paying customers) and the infamous Khalid Shaikh Mohammed was one of them!  Although not a refugee of course, KSM was here legally on a student visa.   Here is just one line from my post about KSM’s time in Greensboro in the early 1980’s.

Did you know Khalid Shaikh Mohammed the terror mastermind, really Osama bin Laden’s brain, went to college there, in Greensboro, along with hundreds of other Middle Easterners?

And, bet you didn’t know that KSM’s cousin, Ramzi Yousef, was an asylum seeker.  After interviewing him in 1992 the INS released him into the general US population and then he bombed the World Trade Center the following year—never did come back for his asylum hearing!

Now to The Muslim Issue (the blog that posted the Iranian kills his brother story)….

I don’t know who writes it.  Based on its archives it’s only been around for 6 months or so.

Here is what the blogger says in his or her ‘about’:

The Muslim Issue is focused on compiling news reports and government statistics demonstrating the effect of Muslim influence on Western society; particularly Europe, UK and the U.S. Many of the statistics demonstrate a growing concern for our future security and social safety, based on the consequence of a growing Muslim immigration.

Islam is the ultimate human evil in today’s world and always was through history. In spite of this millions of Muslims following this ideology have been allowed to immigrate into the West with devastating consequences. The result is growing and festering efforts to establish a Caliphate in the Western world.

Muslims repeatedly claim that Islam is a religion of peace, of rights for women and of harmony that offer the world the ultimate peace and justice. Nothing could be more laughable and absurd. At present there are 51 Islamic countries (Muslim majority population) in the world. Every single one of them are placed on the UN’s Human Rights watch list. In spite of this the UN wants to endorse a blasphemy law protecting Islam. Incidentally this correlates exactly to the agenda Muslims have across the West to establish a caliphate across the world. One of the ways to go about, is to suffocate our freedom of speech and legal system.

The fact is that not a single country in the world has ever benefited from a growing Islamic influence. On the contrary. Muslim migration into non-Islamic nations have always been a disaster. The association has eventually ended in Sharia law with persecution, safety issues, wars, sodomy, antisemitism, violence, slavery, despair, poverty, rape waves, struggles and grief.

I detect a kindred spirit!  Will add this website to our blogroll!

And, LOL!  Don’t forget to read about the Islamic Doctrine of Immigration!  Instead of a Trojan Horse, The Muslim Issue has a Trojan Pig just below its masthead.

Update:  After I posted this The Muslim Issue re-posted an earlier post on the twenty steps to a caliphate in Europe and America, here.  Any of it sound familiar?