It is so maddening to see how the Leftwing Open borders media spins the news!
Here USA Today trumpets:
Refugee admissions plummet under Trump, USA TODAY analysis finds
Before you even read their analysis, look at this chart we posted two days ago showing monthly admissions for the last ten years. We pointed out that at this point in the fiscal year (the end of April) we actually admitted more refugees than we did in that period for the last ten years. See also this morning’s numbers report. Trump is on target (we are unhappy to say) to bring in just slightly less than the average number for the previous ten years, but you would never know that from reading the mainstream media! Kay Bellor of Lutheran Immigration and Refugee Services told USA Today: “The statements from this administration about refugees are shocking to me…It’s language I’ve never heard used with refugees…” Photo:
See the chart that comes directly from the US State Dept. data below:
Notice that Obama had a month (FY2014) at 1,810 (did USA Today trumpet a plummet?)
Notice that Obama had two very low months in FY11, 2,034 and 2,190 (did USA Today trumpet a plummet?)
Notice that Obama had many months where the numbers were in the 3,000s. (did USA Todaytrumpet a plummet?)
And, don’t miss the fact that Obama, in many years did not reach his ‘ceiling’ and in fact never set one anywhere near 110,000 until he was on his way out of office!
Indeed, if Trump keeps his present pace he will exceed Obama’s years of FY11 and FY12.
Notice that George W. Bush’s numbers were in the 2,000s and 3,000s for many months.
The number of refugees arriving in the United States has dropped sharply this year because of President Trump’s threats to bar their entry, even though his order for a total 120-day ban has been blocked twice by federal courts, a USA TODAY analysis of government figures shows.
The U.S. accepted 2,070 refugees in March, the lowest monthly total since 2013, according to State Department data. April ended with 3,316 refugees admitted, the second-lowest total since 2013.
The lying sacks only went back to 2013 where they could find a number that works for them, but how did they manage to overlook October 2014?
Read to the very end of the story and see what Mark Krikorian had to say. And, USA Today finally does get to the crux of the matter—-the contractors are worried about their cash flow if Trump does follow-through and cap resettlement at 50,000.
The big test for Trump comes in September when he sets the level for FY18 and we will be watching.
BTW, there used to be “scoping meetings” in May (held by the US State Dept) to ask the public what the numbers and nationalities should look like for the upcoming fiscal year. We will be watching to see if Tillerson’s DOS goes back to that practice. The Obama Administration curtailed those meetings in its final years because they really didn’t want to hear what the general public had to say!
Sheesh, they are busy and must be rolling in your dough, but they better not be! They better be keeping very good records to show that they aren’t using federal grant money for their immigration “advocacy” campaigns!
Just a few days ago we told you about how the multi-million dollar Lutheran Immigration and Refugee Services (LIRS),which operates on approximately 97% government grant money, was sending 50 refugees to Washington to lobby in June, here. That sure better be paid for out of private donations and NOT your tax dollars as well.
LIRS CEO Linda Hartke. Back in April LIRS was lobbying for amnesty. On your dime?
Here is their latest lobbying effort, this time on behalf of “unaccompanied minors” who are being lured here by Obama Administration policies.
LIRS shamefully leaves out the fact that they are a government contractor with the Office of Refugee Resettlement (along with the US Conference of Catholic Bishops) and are being paid to take care of those mostly teenage kids!
WASHINGTON, May 27, 2014 /NEWS.GNOM.ES/ — Lutheran Immigration and Refugee Service today announced the launch of a national advocacy campaign, led by youth and young adults, to bring attention to the influx of unaccompanied alien children (UAC) crossing the borders into the United States. This year, more than 60,000 refugee minors are expected to enter the U.S. from Central America and other regions. That number is expected to double in 2015. The “#Act of Love” campaign urges the White House and lawmakers to designate the situation an emergency and fund it accordingly.
At a press conference in Washington on Tuesday, young people from across the U.S. expressed their concerns for the refugee children and detailed plans for a social media campaign which includes a petition written and signed by young people and addressed to President Obama, Speaker John Boehner, and Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid. It urges lawmakers to provide adequate emergency funds to address this humanitarian crisis, improve protections for children and collaborate with UN agencies, other NGOs and faith communitiesto offer safety to children. “We must protect victims of trafficking, survivors of torture, and migrant children who are subject to abandonment, abuse or neglect,” the petition states. “These kids have compelling humanitarian needs that require a response.”
You too can join the #ActOfLove campaign by putting news you want to share at that twitter hashtag!
The full petition and details regarding the #ActofLove campaign can be found at
And get this, they list an affiliate in Casper, Wyoming! I thought Republican Governor Matt Mead was only studying whether to set up a program in Wyoming? Getting a little ahead of themselves aren’t they!
Heck, maybe they could set up some group homes in Wyoming for the illegal alien teens!
The Lutheran church has all the right in the world to lobby Congress for whatever it wants, but what is so infuriating about this news release is that we know that US taxpayers foot almost the entire budget of the Lutheran Immigration and Refugee Services (LIRS) and thus we pay for their “advocacy.”
LIRS headquarters near Baltimore’s Inner Harbor. They need taxpayer $$$ to keep it all going!
Here is what we reported a year ago when LIRS was lobbying for the Gang of Eight amnesty bill. LIRS budget:
Have a look at a recent Form 990 for Lutheran Immigration and Refugee Services, page 9. They had income in that year of $31,653,748 and, of that, you, the taxpayers of America, gave them $30,376,568. Their CEO makes $204,186 in salary and benefits. Where is the ACLU? No separation of church and state here! The church is the state!
Here (and below) is their entire press release yesterday (emphasis is mine).
I find it unspeakably shameful that they should use your tax dollars and the refugees themselves to lobby the federal government for more money and more refugees (LIRS is paid by the head for each refugee they resettle).
What happened to private Christian charity?
World Refugee Day Academy to be Held in Baltimore Event will convene over 50 former refugees
BALTIMORE, May 23, 2014 /NEWS.GNOM.ES/ – As part of its 75th anniversary celebration, Lutheran Immigration and Refugee Service (LIRS) will host World Refugee Day Academy, a three-day event for former refugees focusing on building advocacy, community organizing, and leadership skills. The event will take place June 18-20, 2014 in Baltimore and Washington, DC.
Fifty-one participants, including two training facilitators who are also former refugees, were selected from a pool of applicants with demonstrated leadership experience, strong ties to their local communities, and a desire to mobilize in support of pro-refugee policy. The participants hail from 27 different states and represent 18 nationalities of origin. Each individual’s inspiring story of overcoming hardship to become a community leader illustrates the courage and perseverance of former refugees. The Academy schedule is as follows:
~Wednesday, June 18th: Academy participants will take part in advocacy training on issues impacting refugee communities and will prepare for visits with elected officials on Capitol Hill.
~Thursday, June 19th: Participants will travel to Washington, DC to meet with Senators, members of the House and their staffers in an effort to share their personal stories in support of pro-refugee legislation.
~Friday, June 20th: Agenda will focus on developing essential skills for community organizing and leadership. Participants will work together to plan year-long initiatives for their local communities. After they return home, the network of World Refugee Day Academy participants will serve as a support system and resource for the work of each leader in his or her community.
For more information about LIRS or World Refugee Day Academy, please contact Folabi Olagbaju at 202-626-7931. Media interested in attending Capitol Hill meetings on June 19th may contact Miji Bell, 410-230-2841.
Founded in 1939, LIRS is nationally recognized for advocating for and with refugees, asylum seekers, unaccompanied children, immigrants in detention, families fractured by migration and other vulnerable populations, and for serving migrants through 60 grassroots legal and social service partners across the United States. Celebrating 75 years of service and advocacy this year, LIRS has helped more than 500,000 migrants and refugees rebuild their lives in America.
Press Contact: Miji Bell
There are a few things you can do:
If you are a Lutheran and think this stinks, let church leaders know. Tell LIRS too what you think. Then tell your elected officials how you feel and ask for oversight hearings to begin to reform this out-of-control federally-funded program.
To counter LIRS propaganda campaign, it is even more important for you to send comments to the US State Department by May 29thand send those comments to your elected officials in Washington next week and throughout early June.
Sure sounds like it or there would have been no need for reporter Eric Crest to try to defend the refugee program in Fargo/Grand Forks, ND. And, no one in this news account is denying that Kokouvi Mawuena Afidegnon is a refugee. See our earlier report on the attack, here.
Only a few bad apples!
Hatchet man!
Here is the report at Valley News Live(be sure to watch the video!):
North Dakota has become a refuge for thousands of immigrants. In fact every year Lutheran Social Services assists over 300 people from various countries in getting to North Dakota to start a new life. But it’s no secret that some of those folks turn to a life of crime, sometimes very violent crimes. Valley News team’s Eric Crest gets at the under belly of this issue and exposes a more accurate portrayal of North Dakota’s newest residents. All in an effort to share with you how a string of crimes shouldn’t represent this new community as a whole.
After allegedly throwing a hatchet through a window this West Fargo man now faces charges of attempted murder. It’s when crimes like this occur within the African American demographic of our population that social media ignites. Every time a perceived foreigner commits a similar act of violence comment get out of control.
One person recently wrote of the crime this way, “if he’s not from here, send him back to where he is from.”
Another comment says, “that’s what we get for letting him in our states.”
And one more comment tries to point the finger directly at what he deems the problem. He stated “don’t want knife wielding neighbors from Muslim countries? Here’s the contact info for Lutheran Social Services.”
We asked LSS if they believe they give new Americans the tools they really need to succeed?
“If someone falls off the path it’s a disappointment. It’s sad, and not what we would hope,” says Darci Asche of Lutheran Social Services.
Lutheran Social Services makes clear that it only takes care of refugees for a limited time—until their federal grant money runs out!
“We pay the first month rent and deposit. We furnish the apartment, we fill it with household items like beds and furniture. We do it all through a federal grant,” explains Asche.
Financial assistance is only provided for eight months. Which is basically enough to cover the cost of rent. They want to get these new Americans into the work force so they can become self sufficient. [They may want to get them a job, but the reality is quite different!—ed]
Lutheran Social Services says that while they do offer limited financial support for about the first year of a refugees stay in America, it doesn’t last forever. Adding that most [ ed?] of their clients find gainful employment rather quickly. All of the services that they help refugees and immigrants get in contact with are also available for the general public. [Yes, and we all know that we have a welfare money tree growing in Washington and each state capital!—ed]
Reader Gary reminded me just this week of the murder conviction of a Somali in North Dakota who killed four there in 2011. See our North Dakota archive here.
For new readers! When we began writing RRW, all of the media coverage of refugees was ridiculously sweet (I called the stories “refugees-see-first-snow stories.”) and so we felt that some of what we needed to do, besides educating the general public about how the program works, was to BALANCE the news coverage so that communities might have a more realistic view of what they were getting themselves into when “welcoming the stranger.”
I’m amazed these days at the increasing number of crime stories involving refugees and I think it’s a function of two things—the numbers are now too great (statistically more bad apples would be in the group) and the cultures from which they come are increasingly alien to our way of life. When you watch the video associated with this news story, note that the blond woman who heads Lutheran Social Services talks about her grandparents coming to America and how they made it.
There were a couple of huge differences between the era that saw her family arrive and today’s refugees. First, our country was built by Europeans and her ancestors were also European, and secondly THERE WAS NO SOCIAL SAFETY NET (AKA WELFARE). Her grandparents had to make it on their own or return to their home country.
And, in fact, the numbers ultimately became so great (early in the 1900’s) that we actually had at least a four-decade long hiatus in legal immigration until Ted Kennedy in 1965 succeeded in passing the Immigration and Nationality Act. In 1980 Kennedy again was the chief sponsor of theRefugee Act (which set up the present system where non-profit contractors are paid to resettle refugees from all over the world).
Every time I hear that old canard or a reference to it—we are a nation of immigrants—I want to barf because it is so misinformed!
While Australia and New Zealand increase the number of detainees—migrants who have arrived illegally on their shores and asked for asylum, in the US the Open Borders lobbyists, including federal refugee contractors at the US Conference of Catholic Bishops and the Lutheran Immigration and Refugee Services, if it were up to them, want no one detained.
Is there (more) money in it for the contractors? That is what I want to know!
Keegan Hamilton (a freelance reporter from NYC who writes for the Village Voice) has picked the wrong poster boy for his detention sob story published at the Houston Press!
Reporter Keegan Hamilton really lays it on thick in this propaganda piece.
Hussein Mohamed, the Somali star of the story, had a legal pathway to America (see yesterday’s post, 3,708 Somalis came to the US legally in the first six months of this fiscal year). He was living safely in Kenya (not Somalia) when he launched his trek to America. And, it strains credulity that he had a life savings large enough to pay traffickers the cash needed for his half way around the world travels to the Mexican border.
From the Houston Press ‘For Many Refugees, the Journey to America Ends in a Cold Jail Cell’ (wahhhhhh!):
Hussein Mohamed took a hard road to America. Born into a minority clan in a nation rife with ethnic conflict, the boyish 24-year-old with gangly limbs and intense brown eyes describes fleeing his village in Somalia in 2012 after gunmen threatened to kill him. Mohamed says he was forced to quit his jobs as an English teacher and taxi driver and escape to neighboring Kenya. After making his way to South Africa, he forked over his life savings to human smugglers, who shipped him across the Atlantic to Brazil and guided him north through the jungles of South and Central America into Mexico. [I bet if you gave this one paragraph to the average American and asked if he should be detained while his asylum claim is adjudicated, 90% of those asked would say ‘incarcerate him.’—ed]
When he finally arrived at a border crossing in Brownsville, Texas, this past summer, Mohamed thought he’d safely reached the end of a harrowing ten-month journey. He had no inkling of the ordeal awaiting him on the other side of the Rio Grande.
Mohamed approached a U.S. Border Patrol agent and recounted his story.He explained that he wanted to seek asylum, a classification of refugee status granted to people who arrive in the United States having fled persecution in their homeland. He was immediately handcuffed and placed in immigration detention: a cold, cramped cell in a privately owned and operated prison facility. Soon after, along with hundreds of other detainees, he was herded onto a cargo plane and transferred without explanation to a jail in Newark, New Jersey. [Newark—eeek!—ed]
Then we are told about his dreams of a job and a family in California—blah! blah! blah!
Instead, he will likely be deported, shipped back to the war-torn country on the Horn of Africa he worked so hard to escape. Mohamed’s request for asylum was denied because he lacks a passport or other documents to confirm his identity. [He could be al-Shabaab—ed] He has filed an appeal, and his detention ticks on indefinitely. [He is safe and is fed, right!—ed]
There are no statutory limits to the amount of time a non-citizen like Mohamed may be held in immigration detention. When the process goes smoothly, asylum seekers tend to be released in a matter of weeks. Many end up imprisoned for much longer. [Obviously for a reason!—ed]
So how many ‘poor souls’ like Mohamed are in detention? A measly 6,000 (in the last three years) out of the tens of thousands who arrive each year asking for asylum.
Approximately 6,000 survivors of torture — exiles from Iran, Myanmar, Syria and other nations with brutal regimes — were detained in immigration jails while seeking asylum over the past three years, according to a 2013 report by the Center for Victims of Torture.
Now, are you ready for it! Below is the most revealing paragraph in this whole pathetic propaganda story! The Lutherans have a contract to get asylum seekers out of detention and house them in your neighborhoods.
The Lutheran Immigration and Refugee Service (LIARS oops! LIRS) is a federal refugee contractor (96% of their income comes from you!) and they seem now to have parlayed that role into one where they are the guardians of people like Hussein Mohamed in several US cities. Recently they lobbied the administrationfor a relaxation of detention for illegal aliens, are they looking for future ‘clients’ for their ‘services’?
Thirty two detainees have been released into the care of LIRS (and signed up for welfare) in the last 20 days in the trial project! They say they aren’t being paid yet for this effort (although remember 96% of their funds already comes from taxpayers, did Keegan know that? Did he ask how they would pay for this pilot project?), they want to convince Congress that this is what should be done—halfway houses you might call them—for thousands eventually. LOL! Like any good business they are expanding their client base!
Though the political climate looks bleak for advocates of asylum reform, an ongoing pilot project offers a glimmer of hope. The project allows Immigration and Customs Enforcement officials at facilities in New York City, Newark, San Antonio, Chicago and Minneapolis-St. Paul to release select detainees seeking asylum into a program coordinated by the Lutheran Immigration and Refugee Service. As of March 31, the program has helped secure temporary housing and social services for 32 people, including survivors of torture, victims of domestic abuse and LGBT individuals, all of whom would otherwise have remained jailed indefinitely.
Read it all, Keegan does eventually discuss the frauds in the asylum racket, but having chosen Hussein Mohamed (if that is his name because he came with no papers), he obviously thinks Mohamed (with the gangly limbs and intense brown eyes) can’t possibly be a fraud.