Northern Maine Community College and Maine Community Foundation are partnering to bring Somali immigrants to Aroostook County to explore agricultural opportunities.
Officials from the college and foundation were joined Saturday by 45 Somali immigrants, including children, from southern Maine on a tour of farm operations in Aroostook County held on Saturday.
NMCC Pres. Timothy Crowley
The purpose of the tour is to introduce the Somalis to smaller-scale agricultural prospects in the region.
This effort stems from ideas germinated at a March 2016 conference at the college in which local business and civic leaders spoke about being more proactive in the face of a continuing decline in Aroostook County’s work force.
The vote could still come this week, but faces an uphill challenge as groups like the ACLU oppose attempts to save little girls from torture because it goes against their politics as reported at WGME 13:
The ACLU is against the bill saying it’s “nothing more than an attempt to single out behavior that is commonly attributed to certain religious and ethnic communities.”
Leo Hohmann at WND on Sunday, gives us a full accounting of the situation. The key takeaway is that AG Jeff Sessions is not turning a blind eye to the barbaric practice as did his immediate predecessors—Eric Holder and Loretta Lynch.
Female genital mutilation is a form of human trafficking that Maine legislators are currently choosing to allow in their state, say child advocates.
Lewiston is the epicenter of the Somali community. Catholic Charities is responsible for their arrival in Maine. See my huge Maine archive here:
Maine will try again on Aug. 2 to become the 25th state to ban the barbaric Third World practice that involves cutting the genitals of young girls.
Liz Yore is an attorney who has served as general counsel to child welfare agencies and a former member of the National Center for Missing and Exploited children. As an international child advocate, she said she never thought she would see such a gruesome practice taking root in America, preying on its defenseless little girls.
Yet, it’s been a struggle to get some lawmakers to see the necessity of passing state bans on the FGM.
The fickle nature of the federal FGM ban, adopted in 1996, was exposed for all to see under President Obama – his Department of Justice under Eric Holder and Loretta Lynch simply closed its eyes to female genital mutilation, never prosecuting a single case.
That lack of interest in a form of torture on young girls persisted even though the evidence is now breaking open, thanks to a federal investigation in Detroit launched by U.S. Attorney General Jeff Sessions.
What Sessions’ staff is discovering is that it’s not just Minnesota and Michigan that are at risk. There’s a secret underground of at least eight states involved.
Maine has been identified as one of the eight “high risk” states, largely because of its large population of Somali refugees. More than 97 percent of women in Somalia have had their genitals mutilated by the time they reach adulthood. The numbers are similar in Egypt, Sudan and Indonesia.
And, on this last point above about where the barbaric practice is carried out, do not believe the lie being spread in many media outlets that it is mostly practiced by an obscure sect in India!
Here is my FGM archive. You will see that FGM hotspots correlate with the top refugee resettlement states.
But, is it the obligation of the US taxpayer to pay the Episcopal Church millions annually for THEIR Christian charity? Of course that is one of the major moral questions that has driven this blog for ten years! Bishop Lane in a 2009 story about the Episcopal church in Maine going bankrupt.
You can read the Bishop’s opinion piece at the Bangor Daily News:
With the news that the U.S. Supreme Court has allowed a limited version of the president’s travel ban to go into effect, we should recall our moral obligation to assist refugees seeking a chance to rebuild their lives and create a better future for their families. As the world searches for solutions to the largest refugee crisis in global history — more than 22 million people worldwide of whom fewer than 1 percent will ever be resettled in another country — we in Maine must do our part.
It is easy to be charitable with someone else’s money!
I searched the Bangor Daily News piece for any mention of the fact (published in their own publication) that the church is receiving 99.5% of its funds for refugee resettlement from the taxpayer. Episcopal Migration Ministries(the church’s refugee resettlement wing) is not even a separate legal entity, so our money goes directly to the church!
Therefore we, or Mainers, don’t need any lectures about moral duties! Christian charity should be privately given, not extorted from every taxpaying American! The first and foremost Congressional reform needed with our process of resettling refugees in the US is to bar the phony charitable non-profit middlemen*** from receiving federal dollars for their ‘charitable’ work.
I have a huge archive on Maine and its problems with refugees and asylum seekers, click here.
*** Nine federal contractors that monopolize refugee resettlement in the US:
A variety of migrants had a shoot-out in Portland, ME in 2015 and the result was that one young man (believed not to have known the shooters) died. Nancy Laxson with a photo of her son murdered by Majok. Photo and 2015 story here: Before I give you the story (thanks to reader Frank), you must know that anyone granted asylum, as was the case with this Sudanese killer, is then considered a refugeeand all of the protections, and welfare goodies that refugees we flew in on your dime receive, are also available to the successful asylum seeker.
To have been granted asylum, Majok arrived in the US on his own and convinced federal authorities that he would be persecuted if returned to Africa. (#ThisIsARefugee)
When you read through stories about him,see here for example, you see that he had several run-ins with law enforcement over the years. I would like to know in what year he was granted asylum (before or after his criminal activities began?). (Reminder: Sudan is one of 7 countries on Trump’s earlier ‘travel ban’ EO.)
From the Portland Press Herald:
Gang Deng Majok pleaded guilty to murder Friday in the shooting death of Treyjon Arsenault, the 19-year-old Westbrook High School graduate who was gunned down inside a Portland recording studio on Memorial Day weekend in 2015.
Screenshot of photo of admitted murderer Majok. I left the ad from one of the nine major refugee contractors (the IRC) in my shot. You probably get these ads popping up wherever you go on the internet too!
Majok, who was sentenced to 30 years by Justice Andrew M. Horton, agreed to change his plea rather than risk a trial.
Arsenault’s mother, Nancy Laxson of Scarborough, said she struggled with the decision to pursue the plea agreement, but is now relieved to see the sentencing completed before Sunday, which would have been Arsenault’s 21st birthday.
Laxson also was critical of authorities for not deporting Majok, a Sudanese national who had been granted asylum and had pleaded guilty to a string of misdemeanors.
It was not immediately clear whether someone with asylum status could be deported after being convicted of a misdemeanor. Majok will be subject to deportation after he completes his sentence for Arsenault’s murder.
According to authorities, Majok and one of Majok’s associates, Johnny Ouch of Westbrook, got into an argument with Mohamed Ali, a longtime rival of Ouch. [Was Mohamed a Somali?—ed]
The argument escalated and Majok and Ouch started shooting, according to Ouch’s attorney.
Many more details here.
We have a huge archive on Maine, click here. BTW, Maine attracts a lot of asylum seekers due to the structure of its welfare program. The Gov was trying to change that awhile back, but not sure if he did.
Editor: If you visit RRW often, you know that we occasionally post comments (and guest opinion pieces) from readers. This was sent to our gmail account a few days ago and I wanted you to see it. I’ll make an observation at the end.
From someone whose family has lived in Lewiston for almost 100 years:
I just wanted to give you an update on what Refugee Resettlement can do to a city, Lewiston, ME is the home of my Grandparents, since the early 20’s, yes the 1920’s.
Most of my siblings were born in and around Lewiston, as well as my Mother, aunts, uncles, cousins, etc.
Protesting the Somali flow to Lewiston as early as 2002!
I was really surprised when I returned after being away for about 20 years, to see the Somalian refugees in the town. I don’t mind other people, but the sheer numbers of people, then I spoke to my cousins who have lived there all their lives, and they explained the issues of crime, school violence, poverty, rejection of American values, and the general hatred of women by the Somali refugees.
They kept saying, we can’t get out here to look at a location where family used to live, and how the area had really gone down hill since the refugees arrived. Some of my cousins were victims of violence from Somali Gangs, and that the schools were in shambles because they couldn’t handle the language and culture issues that arise when you dump 15,000 Somali’s on a small town in Maine.
The destruction is irreversible, and horrific, I cried when I saw some of the town and how much it had changed. For example Kennedy park was a beautiful place where my Mom and sisters went to picnic and how nice it was. We were told to stay in the car because Somali drug dealers had taken over the park, and it wasn’t safe.
This type of immigration, the dumping of large numbers of refugees, does not work, it doesn’t help integration.I’m from Orange County California, I went to school with Mexican Gangs, who had their territory, Vietnamese gangs that arrived in large numbers in the 70’s and Korean Gangs that had arrived in the 60’s. Immigrants do not integrate when we drop them in large numbers, it doesn’t work, they don’t integrate.
I love the diversity of America, I am the product of immigrants, but all you have to do is look at what we have done in the past to see that mass integration [does he mean mass immigration?—ed] does not work. We need to drop these immigrants in small numbers across America so they can integrate and become part of the culture instead of allowing them to cluster in large numbers which means that integration will be slow if at all.
My thoughts on this issue of numbers and integration…
First, the Open Borders Left wants to use the word ‘integration’ rather than the word ‘assimilation,’ see here.
But, more importantly readers should know that refugees move in America—especially Somalis who got to Lewiston many years ago after they ‘discovered’ Maine’s generous welfare (see here).
Somalis can be placed (and they are) all over America by the resettlement contracting agencies, but often quickly move to be with their own kind of people in Minneapolis, Columbus, Seattle, San Diego, Lewiston and elsewhere. So for all of you pushing for your governors to block resettlement (it will help some), remember though that you can’t stop secondary migration!
Say for example, the Refugee Admissions Program eventually allows certain states (governors) to stop the placement of refugees in their states, and say Vermont wants refugees and New Hampshire doesn’t, then they will place them in Vermont, but then encourage them to move over to New Hampshire after a few months. Likewise as Minnesota opens its arms to more Somalis they will eventually drift in to neighboring states! (Hijra!)
So, yes, integration/assimilation can’t happen when ethnic enclaves build in certain cities, but…..
The real problem, in my opinion, is that the overall numbers being admitted to the US are too high!
We need an immigration time out!
This post is filed in our ‘comments worth noting/guest posts’ category,here. Our Lewiston archive is here.