Never mind that no one really knows what it was about yet.
Update August 8th: Don’t miss Leo Hohmann’s detailed account of the story (so far), here. And, here, another story about the mosque and questionable activities there.
Minneapolis (AP) — The Dar Al-Farooq Islamic Center in suburban Minneapolis, like other U.S. mosques, occasionally receives threatening calls and emails. But leaders say they’re more frightened after a weekend attack in which an explosive shattered windows and damaged a room as worshippers prepared for morning prayers.
Gov. Dayton visited the Somali mosque yesterday. The story gives me the opportunity to tell new readers that the gov will be remembered for his 2015 admonition that if you don’t like the new (refugee-infused) Minnesota, get out!
“We feel like it’s much deeper and scarier than like something random,” Mohamed Omar, the center’s executive director, said Sunday. “It’s so scary.”
No one was hurt in the blast, which happened around 5 a.m. Saturday. Windows of the imam’s office were shattered, either by the blast or by an object thrown through them. The FBI is seeking suspects and trying to determine whether the incident was a hate crime.
Not Minnesota? Or, maybe the new Minnesota?
Gov. Mark Dayton, who joined other public officials and community leaders for a meeting inside the building Sunday, described the bombing as “so wretched” and “not Minnesota.”
“This is an act of terrorism. This is against the law in America,” Dayton said at a news conference afterward, the Star Tribune reported .
In a story about the bombing in the Africa Times we are reminded by the reporter that there is a large Oromo population there too. I wonder why they brought that up?
Minneapolis-St. Paul is home to the greatest concentration of Somali immigrants in the United States. It also has a large Oromo population, among significant communities coming from Ethiopia, Kenya, Liberia and Sudan.
As soon as the feds catch the perp, we will let you know. Or, if you see the news before I do, let me know!
Apparently Mohamed Noor still won’t talk to police investigators in the wake of the worst disaster for advocates of ‘diversity hires’ in America—the shooting by a Somali former refugee of an unarmed woman, an immigrant, who had called 911 looking for help.
Former presidential candidate Rep.Michele Bachmann, not silent in her home state: Where is the grand jury? And, could this have been a hate crime?
Not only has the police chief resigned, announced by the mayor at a tempestuous press conference, but the people of Minneapolis are out for the mayor’s head as well. Here is one report from The Guardian (foreign press isnt’ giving up on the story!).
A day before submitting her resignation, Minneapolis Police Chief Janeé Harteau, in her first public statement on the killing nearly a week ago of an unarmed woman by a Somali refugee cop, called her death “unnecessary” and said it went against the protocol and training given to her officers.
“Justine [Damond] didn’t have to die,” Harteau, the city’s first openly lesbian police chief, said at a press conference Thursday night. Harteau had been hiking in Colorado all week in the aftermath of the shooting.
Harteau said based on current information about the case, there was no justification for officer Mohamed Noor’s decision to shoot Damond, a 40-year-old bride-to-be and yoga instructor who had moved to the U.S. from Australia to be with her fiancée.
Harteau submitted her resignation Friday in the wake of the fatal shooting at the request of Mayor Betsy Hodges, according to a statement from the city.
Noor has refused to talk with police investigators since the July 15 incident.
Noor is not talking (to investigators) but he has reportedly talked to friends in the Somali community. Time for a grand jury! Sure hope they keep him under surveillance. Too many Somalis simply disappear before they can appear in court when in legal trouble.
Former Minnesota Congresswoman Michele Bachmann said Harteau has to accept a large part of the blame for putting an unqualified officer on the street.
“Finally the female chief of Minneapolis police came out and said Justine Damond should still be alive. She said Mohammad Noor had no reason to shoot Justine,” Bachmann told WND. “He violated police policy and training. Noor refuses to cooperate with investigators. He refuses to give a statement.
“Firing him isn’t enough, the question is whether a grand jury will be impaneled.Manslaughter charges should be considered,” she added.
“Again, will the prosecutor and police department work to determine whether this was in fact a hate crime. Clearly it wasn’t premeditated, but was it a gut reaction of Mohammad Noor resulting from his cultural beliefs? What mosque did he attend? What are his beliefs?”
Another mystery about what happened last Saturday night involves a missing two minutes from the official police log of the incident.
Hohmann continues:
As noted by a media outlet in Damond’s native Australia, the 9-1-1 tape reveals a “critical missing two minutes.”
A timeline pieced together through the bride-to-be’s 911 calls and a newly released police incident report shows Damond was shot two minutes after police officers arrived at the alleyway behind her home.
“What it doesn’t explain is what happened in those two crucial minutes that prompted officer Mohamed Noor to draw his gun, reach over his partner and discharge his weapon through the open window, delivering a fatal shot to Ms Damond’s abdomen,” reports, an Australian outlet.
Go here for the rest of the story and the actual time line.
For new readers!
Don’t miss this post from 2011 where we first learned how so many Somalis ‘found their way’ to Minnesota. Hint! The US State Department hired Catholic, Lutheran and evangelical contractors*** to place them there because the welfare was so generous and as I later learned, some big industries needed cheap labor including a window company in Owatonna and poultry plants scattered around the state including near St. Cloud and Wilmer.
***Federal contractors/middlemen/lobbyists/community organizerspaid by you to place refugees in your towns and cities. At this minute they are sending ‘abstracts’to Washington which are their personal wish lists and plans for who will be ‘welcomed’ to your towns for the upcoming fiscal year that begins October 1, 2017.
Because their income is largely dependent on taxpayer dollars based on the number of refugees admitted to the US, the only way for real reform of how the US admits refugees is to remove the contractors from the process.
….and the reporter uses none other than Omar Jamal as a source for her story!
“After Minneapolis officer in police shooting is named, Somali community braces for backlash”
I had no intention of writing again todayabout the alleged shooting by a Somali police officer of an unarmed white woman in Minneapolis, but I couldn’t resist when I saw the Washington Postraising the obligatory issue of fear of Islamophobia in the sensitive ‘Somali community’ and quoting Omar Jamal. When Somalis are in the news, so is Omar Jamal. So, watch for his spin on the shooting! Longtime readers know we have followed the storied career of WaPo source, Omar Jamal, for years. (See my huuuge Omar Jamal file, here)
“Community leader” Jamal was convicted more than a decade ago on immigration fraud charges, but was never deported. Since then, he has managed to become the Somali ‘Jesse Jackson’ always ready and willing to run to the media to speak for (and cover for) the ‘Somali community.’
Perhaps one of his best media spin jobs occurred in 2008 when he said, move along, there was nothing to see, only a Somali nut job, dead in a hotel room in Denver, in advance of the DNC convention with enough cyanide in the room to kill hundreds.
LOL! I am posting this to keep my Omar Jamal file up to date in case any reporters first google information on their sources! Herereporter Katie Mettler at the WaPo revealing how the ‘Somali community’ and Omar Jamal went to work to figure out which of their Somali police officers was being fingered as the shooter. (Emphasis below is mine)
When Mohamed Noor joined the Minneapolis police force and was assigned to patrol the city’s southwest corner, the Somali community there — the nation’s largest — threw a party for him to celebrate.
He was the first Somali American officer to serve in Minneapolis’s fifth precinct and one of fewer than a dozen Somali American officers in the department. His presence on the squad brought Somali activists some pride and reassurance at a time of Islamophobia in America and nationwide racial tension stoked in part by shootings of black people by white police officers.
Now that same Somali community is bracing for a backlash against Noor that has already begun.
…..several Somali leaders in Minneapolis said in interviews with The Washington Post that they were aware of the officer’s involvement.
“There is no question that he is the officer,” Somali activist Omar Jamal told The Post. “We knew this right after the shooting, but we didn’t want to release the name.”
See one of several posts on the other Noor—Mohamud Noor. The Confederation of Somali Community in Minnesota has in the past received federal grant money.
Witnesses at the scene Saturday night said that the officer who fired his gun appeared to be Somali, Jamal said, so he and others in the community began contacting all the Somalis in the department. They knew the shooting took place in the fifth precinct, where Noor is the only Somali officer.
“We came to know that, ‘Oh gosh, that’s him,’ ” Jamal said. “Then the word spread fast.”
The report stoked fear among Somalis in the Twin Cities, who have worked for decades to become part of the city’s fabric. There are now Somalis on the police force, the city council and in the Minnesota House of Representatives. But the largely Muslim population of Somali Americans in the region still face Islamophobia and innuendo about terrorism.
“They fear this will be just another event used to create animosity toward the Somali community,” Mohamud Noor, executive director at the Confederation of Somali Community in Minnesota, told The Post. [See my Mohamud Noor archive—ed]
Other Somali officers in the police department are “nervous,” Jamal said.
“They’re not talking at all,” he said. “You can feel the pressure, because you know, the difference now is ‘one of you guys did it.’ ”
“The fact that the police involved in the shooting is Somali makes it a different matter,” he said.
Oopsy! Now the narrative has changed!
Mohamud Noor, who is not related to the officer, is also a city council candidate. He and others in the Somali community have protested other police shootings in the region along with Black Lives Matter, but this one “changes the narrative,” he said.
Usually, they are protesting the death of black men at the hands of police, he said. Now it is a white woman reportedly shot by a black officer.
He hopes the conversation will focus on police reform, not racial stereotypes.
So will the Somali political activists divorce themselves from Black Lives Matter?
There is more from reporter Katie here.
Maybe readers of the Washington Post are wondering why and how Minneapolis got its large Somali community in the first place and Katie can start here with her next report…. Thank first and foremost Catholic Charities and Lutheran Social Services (federal refugee resettlement contractors) for changing the demographic make-up of Minneapolis. Now other cities in Minnesota are going the same way. See here.
Update:I couldn’t help myself and wrote another post on this story when I saw the WaPo quoting our old friend Omar Jamal, here.
Mainstream media is already trying to direct your attention to an excuse for the shocking shooting of an unarmed woman (in pajamas) by a Somali refugee police officer—a “diversity” hire. Now we hear that there were firecracker sounds nearby. If it was that simple why then has the shooter, Mohamed Noor, reportedly refused to talk to police investigators.
Leo Hohmann at WND has an update.
Former Congresswoman and presidential candidate, Michele Bachmann wonders if there will be questions about a possible crime of bias. Not likely!
Given the political makeup of the city’s leadership and its desire to hire more black officers, especially those with roots in the Somali community, it is highly unlikely that investigators will seek to find out if Noor was motivated by his own religious bias in the killing of Justine Damond, said former Minnesota Rep. Michele Bachmann.
Michele Bachmann raises an issue that you know is on many minds.
The question that needs to be answered is, was this shooting a mistake or was it a “cultural seizure” by a Muslim officer who snapped and acted irrationally at the sight of a woman in her pajamas?
“The shooting makes no sense, and Noor comes from the mandated cover-up women culture,” Bachmann told WND. “That’s why I’m wondering if they’ll ask whether his cultural views led him to shoot her.That’s something, if true, I can’t imagine the progressives would allow to get out.
“Minneapolis race-baiters traffic in imagined bias,” Bachmann added. “This may have been real bias. But will we ever know?”
If the mainstream media won’t go there (and we highly doubt any investigators in the police department will) , and ask the questions you know would be asked if the situation were different, we will join Bachmann (as Hohmann reported):
….because of Minnesota’s political culture, most notably its iron-clad commitment to political correctness, the strange shooting of Justine Damond may never get an honest investigation, says Ann Corcoran, who has followed the refugee influx into more than 300 U.S. cities and towns over the past decade.
The influence of the Council on American-Islamic Relations, or CAIR, and Muslim politicians like Rep. Keith Ellison, D-Minn., is enormous and cannot be overstated, Corcoran said.
“This is conquered territory, so they will never even ask the pertinent questions, let alone get to the answers,” said Corcoran, who blogs at Refugee Resettlement Watch.
“Just imagine if the situation had been flipped and it had been a young, attractive Muslim woman who called 9-1-1 and ran out in her pajamas, thinking she was going to get help, only to be shot and killed by a white officer,” Corcoran added. “Think about the outcry that would have sparked from Minneapolis’ liberal mayor and her cohorts. They would have played the race card and the religion card immediately. But because it was a black Muslim officer, you hear nothing about race or religion as a possible motivator.”
Corcoran said she also doubts there will be any calls to the Minneapolis hate-crimes hotline.
Read the whole story hereand learn how the city of Minneapolis has twisted itself into pretzels attempting to hire police officers that reflect the diversity of the population there. Thank first and foremost Catholic Charities and Lutheran Social Services (federal refugee resettlement contractors) for changing the demographic make-up of Minneapolis. Now other cities in Minnesota are going the same way. See here. Expect to see the whole sorry incident swept under the rug within days….
As if they don’t have enough problems with the tens of thousands of Somalis living in Minnesota, the Minneapolis city council passed a resolution yesterday, welcoming Syrians to join the gang in Minneapolis. Minneapolis Mayor Betsy Hodges (right) in Somali language Youtube here:
Frankly, I’ve wondered why so few Syrians have been sent (by the US State Department) to Minnesota so far and wondered if the DOS was worried that there could possibly be some tensions created with the added diversity in the city where Somalis are king.
Arab Muslims (98% of Syrians entering US right now are Muslim) and black Africans aren’t always the best of friends, and the Syrians will add competition for the same welfare dollars as the Somalis enjoy now.
See screenshot from below showing how many Syrians have been placed in Minnesota. I went back to FY2012 and only these few are recorded so far (with none in FY 2017 to date).
The Minneapolis City Council and Mayor Betsy Hodges approved a resolution today supporting the resettlement of Syrian refugees in Minneapolis and calling on other Minnesota communities to support a national effort to resettle the country’s most vulnerable refugees.
The resolution notes that “hundreds of thousands of Syrian refugees are making life and death decisions to flee Syria and neighboring countries because they are unable to access shelter, health care, education or protection, and neighboring countries have closed their borders to new arrivals.”
More than 14,000 Syrian refugees have resettled in the United States since the beginning of the conflict in 2011. The Twin Cities is a leader in welcoming refugees and has resettled more than 12,500 refugees from 40 countries, including Syria, since 2011. [Only 5 from Syria have been placed in Minnesota so far—-ed]
“Minneapolis has long stood as a place of welcome for refugees from throughout the world, including those seeking resettlement from Syria,” said Mayor Betsy Hodges. “Today we restate our City’s commitment to welcome Syrian families to make homes and new lives here.”