Spying on Somali refugees keeps feds busy, busy, busy; and more Somalis on the way!

Our supposed surveillance of the Somali “community” in Minneapolis didn’t catch this jihadist—one of many Somali youths we raised on your dime! http://drrichswier.com/2014/06/20/jihad-cool-muslims-u-s-head-syria-iraq-join-isis-bring-back-caliphate/


Over the last 24 hours two stories came to my attention about how the federal government and local law enforcement supposedly have their hands full and are crafting programs and spending big bucks on surveillance of the Somali refugee “community” in several Office of Refugee Resettlement “preferred” resettlement cities—notably Minneapolis and San Diego.  They are looking for budding terrorist activity.

Both articles question how well the spy agencies and local FBI are doing.  Both are leading readers to conclude that spying on Somalis is a waste of money and take away their civil liberties.

The first article, published yesterday in the New Yorker is too long to keep my interest, maybe it will keep yours!  I feel like saying yes, we know about San Diego’s nest of Somalis connected to Al-Shabaab. We have written about them on many occasions (click here for our San Diego archive).

Although the writer is busy trying really hard to show that phone surveillance under the Patriot Act is catching only a small handful of little-fish funders of the jihad in Africa, I was most interested in what it never mentions!

Not once in this giant tome is there any reference to how the Somalis got here in the first place through the Refugee Resettlement Program of the US State Department.

Some readers, new to the whole Somali migration to America issue, would think that Somalis got in some migration ‘line’ in Africa and simply ‘found their way’ to San Diego.  Although there is much discussion about where they live in San Diego, again, not a word about the federally-funded resettlement contractors (Alliance for African Assistance, Jewish Family Services, International Rescue Committee, and Catholic Charities) who found them their apartments, or the State Department that flew them there.   The word “refugee” appears only once in the article and that is in conjunction with the word “camp” as in “refugee camp.”

One thing that is mentioned as if it is just your normal every day occurrence is the discussion about Somalis (refugees remember! who have escaped PERSECUTION) simply traveling back and forth to Somalia (in one case to find a wife).  If Somalia was safe enough for regular visits why in hell did we bring them here!

Through remittances your money is holding up hell holes around the world!

Then there is this section in the New Yorker piece (one of the few that got my attention!) that is only used to describe why the Somali star of the story needed to get involved with a hawala,  Shidaal Express, a money transfer agency.  (We first wrote about Shidaal Express in 2009 and have mentioned it a few times since, here).

In 2013, foreign remittances to Somalia reached $1.3 billion, which accounts for roughly half of the country’s G.D.P. Most of this money moves through hawalas, informal networks of Islamic money-transfer agents. Some U.S. hawalas are underground; some are affiliated with licensed banks. It’s difficult for authorities to track which hawala transfers buy food and other necessities in Somalia and which might be support for militant groups. But most agree that the current system is preferable to Somali émigrés’ making periodic trips with bundles of cash. “Somehow the money’s going to move,” Carol Beaumier, a former federal bank examiner, said in a recent interview with American Banker.

Although some of the $1.3 billion goes from other countries to Somalia, much of that comes from YOU (the US taxpayer)! through the myriad welfare programs and other state and federally funded “programs” Somali refugees tap into.

Only last month we learned about a fraudulent day care scheme in Minneapolis where funds skimmed from the state were allegedly being sent to Africa!

I will bet a buck that those ‘economic’ studies being used in cities by the pro-open borders propagandists at Welcoming America, which claim that immigrants and refugees bring boom times to troubled cities, do not include how much of a city’s money is leaving the country.

You can read the whole New Yorker story (hat tip: ‘Pungentpeppers’) yourself, if you find something you think needs to be flagged, add it as comment to this post.

The Intercept

The other story that came to my attention yesterday is from Minneapolis where the news magazine—The Intercept—a publication created and funded by eBay founder Pierre Omidyar exposes NSA information in the wake of the Snowden leak.

The article entitled, ‘Spies Among Us: How Community Outreach Programs to Muslims Blur Lines between Outreach and Intelligence,’ is apparently trying to make the point that the Somali “community” of Minneapolis is being snookered (and spied upon) by the FBI.

Here is how The Intercept story begins:

Last May, after getting a ride to school with his dad, 18-year-old Abdullahi Yusuf absconded to the Minneapolis-St. Paul airport to board a flight to Turkey. There, FBI agents stopped Yusuf and later charged him with conspiracy to provide material support to a foreign terrorist organization—he was allegedly associated with another Minnesota man believed to have gone to fight for the Islamic State in Syria.

To keep other youth from following Yusuf’s path, U.S. Attorney Andrew Luger recently said that the federal government would be launching a new initiative to work with Islamic community groups and promote after-school programs and job training–to address the “root causes” of extremist groups’ appeal. “This is not about gathering intelligence, it’s not about expanding surveillance or any of the things that some people want to claim it is,” Luger said.

Luger’s comments spoke to the concerns of civil liberties advocates, who believe that blurring the line between engagement and intelligence gathering could end up with the monitoring of innocent individuals. If past programs in this area are any guide, those concerns are well founded.

Documents obtained by attorneys at the Brennan Center for Justice at New York University School of Law, and shared with the Intercept, show that previous community outreach efforts in Minnesota–launched in 2009 in response to the threat of young Americans joining the al-Qaeda-linked militia al-Shabab, in Somalia—were, in fact, conceived to gather intelligence.

A grant proposal from the St. Paul Police Department to the Justice Department, which the Brennan Center obtained through a Freedom of Information Act request to the FBI, lays out a plan in which Somali-speaking advocates would hold outreach meetings with community groups and direct people toward the Police Athletic League and programs at the YWCA. The proposal says that “the team will also identify radicalized individuals, gang members, and violent offenders who refuse to cooperate with our efforts.”  [I believe they need to be watched, but this is dumb!—CAIR must be jumping for joy!—ed]

“It’s startling how explicit it was – ‘You don’t want to join the Police Athletic League? You sound like you might join al-Shabab!’ said Michael Price, an attorney with the Brennan Center.

Read it all.  Sure sounds like there is a movement afoot to throw cold water on any attempt by the federal government to monitor the growing Somali COMMUNITY for possible Islamic terrorist connections.

Meanwhile, another arm of the federal government, the US State Department, is importing new Somalis to America at record speed!

The State Department has admitted well over 100,000 in the last three decades, here.  9,000 were admitted in FY 2014 here.  And, in this fiscal year (three months old) we have already admitted 2,801.  If we keep that pace, FY2015 will see 11,204 NEW Somalis!

So while everyone has angst about keeping an eye on them, many more are coming in every single day!

And, remind me!  What does America get out of this?

Top dozen US states that “welcomed” Somali refugees since 2004

Update!  Unbelievable!  Somali youths want $4 million in Minnesota state funds to help fight terrorist leanings among their fellow Somali-Americans.  Kind of sounds like extortion doesn’t it!  (Thanks to ‘Pungentpeppers’ for spotting it)

As the world is mesmerized this morning by news from France—about French Muslims (parents were welcomed by France) who thumbed their noses at French generosity and became trained jihadists in the Middle East—and who then rewarded their adopted country by bringing carnage to Paris, I thought it would be timely to tell you about the potential problem for the US.

Not me! Follow links for the whole story! https://refugeeresettlementwatch.org/2014/08/28/minnesota-somali-refugee-believed-to-be-second-american-killed-while-fighting-with-isis/

The US has also exported jihadi fighters mostly from the Somali “community” in Minneapolis.  Just last month word spread that one more of those fighters died in battle, but where are the others?  Does the US have a plan to stop them if they attempt to return to American soil?  And, don’t you wonder why the French didn’t stop the Islamic killers as they returned to France?  Is political correctness killing them?

In the last week I came across the numbers for how many Somali refugees the US State Department and its contractors (mostly ‘religious charities’—ha! ha!) have brought to America at the UN’s direction since 2004.

Minnesota can thank Catholic Charities, Lutheran Social Services and World Relief MN (now Arrive Ministries).  If you are visiting RRW for the first time, know that these ‘religious charities’ are almost completely funded by your tax dollars!

Below are the dirty dozen states whose political leaders never said a word as Somalis were dropped off. 

The number in parenthesis is the number arriving since 2004.  You can visit our older post, here, for the numbers of Somalis resettled over the last 30 years.   We have already resettled 2,801 in this fiscal year (2015)!

Remember!  Large numbers of Somalis would not have ‘found their way’ to America without the US State Department and Christian and Jewish federal contractors!***

The total since 2004 was 79,266!

1.  Minnesota (13,010)

2.  Ohio (6,318)

3.  Texas (6,041)

4.  New York (4,517)

5.  Arizona (4,457)

6.  Washington (3,782)

7.  Georgia (3,692)

8.  California (3,087)

9.  Missouri (2,564)

10.  Tennessee (2,537)

11.  Massachusetts (2,522)

12.  Utah (2,367)

If you are interested in the number your state received, then send a comment and I’ll look it up.  In a previous post this morning we gave you the number for Kentucky.

*** The nine major federal contractors:

Unraveling Somali day care fraud in Minnesota; did taxpayer money leave the country?

Because the story is so big and growing, and I don’t know where to start, I’ll post one news story at a time from the growing scandal involving taxpayer rip-offs by Somali day care workers.  Reader ‘Pungentpeppers,’ our unofficial crime investigator, has sent a ream of stories and so I’ll dive in with this one first.

Yasmin Abdulle Ali (33) charged with 52 felony counts. Will she be deported? Don’t hold your breath!

But, before I begin I want to impress upon readers that the federal Office of Refugee Resettlement (ORR) is actually giving out micro-enterprise loans to teach immigrant women how to set up culturally appropriate day care centers in their homes!  Heck, you can get paid to take care of children in your own home and don’t have to send them out to any American (multicultural!) daycare center where they might actually learn English and meet people of different races and religions.

I don’t know if those being arrested in Minnesota ever took part in a federally-funded program, but we’ll see as the investigation continues.

This is what the ORR says on its website about its “Home-based Child Care” micro-enterprise “loans.”  (Emphasis is mine):

General Background
Microenterprise development services traditionally include business technical assistance or short-term training, credit in the form of micro-loans, and, if applicable, a revolving loan fund. The programs are designed to be culturally and linguistically appropriate for the refugee population. Initiated in 2011, the Microenterprise Development – Home-Based Childcare Program is a new program for the Office of Refugee Resettlement (ORR), designed to support home-based child care mentoring programs primarily for refugee women interested in providing child care services in their homes.

Program Description
This project will teach refugee women about state and federal child care laws, regulations and licensing requirements and about American cultural norms concerning child care and child development. By encouraging refugee women to apply their new child care knowledge and skills in the job market, the project will assist refugee women in acquiring English language skills, advancing their education, learning basic financial skill, and improving their economic opportunities.

A secondary objective of the program is to expand home-based child care business options for other refugees, to enable them to enter the workforce with confidence that their children are being cared for by individuals possessing appropriate cultural competency.

Here is a list of present contractors administering the loan program.   And, look who is eligible—non-citizens only!

All low income refugees who are not citizens are eligible for services under this program.

Now to the outrageous news from Minneapolis (Fox 9 investigation)!  Merry Christmas Minnesota taxpayers!

First food stamp fraud, then Medicaid/Medicare fraud, now this!  Is this happening in your refugee “welcoming” city?

(KMSP) – The Ramsey County Attorney’s Office says day care owners defrauded the government out of $4 million dollars and have charged 4 people with a combined 96 felonies.

The announcement comes nearly two years after the Fox 9 Investigators first reported details about the DEQO Family Centers, located in Minneapolis, St. Paul and Apple Valley. The stories detailed how the centers employed some mothers of its daycare children who qualified for state funded child care. The program helps low-income parents pay their child care costs who are working.

DEQO owners would bill the county for child care while the mothers were supposed to be working. But Fox 9 sources, who were employees for the business back in February 2013, said the jobs were not legitimate. “Sometimes they would come in, sign in their children, sign themselves in and go grocery shopping,” one of the sources said.

Ramsey County investigators say the time sheets submitted to the county by the “working” mothers had inflated hours on them, allowing the owners to bill the government for maximum child care time.

One of the people charged in the case is Yasmin Abdulle Ali (33) an owner of DEQO. She gave a tour of one of her centers to a Fox 9 Investigative producer saying that many of her customers are on assistance.

Ali’s husband, Ahmed Aden Mohamed (46) is also charged, along with Joshua John Miller (31). According to the complaint, they are also listed as owners the DEQO Family Centers.

Ramsey County Attorney, John Choi said there are many well-deserving families who are waiting in line for child-care assistance. “These criminal acts hurt our entire community, those who are in need of assistance and those who pay for it, our taxpayers,” commented Choi.

There is more, read it all and watch the news clip.  Investigators are trying to figure out where the $4 million went.  There is a connection to Ali’s brother who has been implicated in jihadist recruitment.

More to come…..

Two Minneapolis men charged in attempt to join ISIS Jihadists

Isn’t it funny (not!) that the headline everywhere on this story calls them “Minneapolis men.”  There is surely not one headline with the words ‘Somalis we raised with our tax dollars give us the finger, join Jihad!’ 

Actually, when you read the story in the Minneapolis Star Tribune you can see that one of the two actually succeeded in getting out of the US and is charged in absentia.

Abdi Nur got away and is believed to be in Syria. Taxpayer-funded eye glasses? http://www.myfoxtwincities.com/story/27478751/2-minnesota-men-arrested-on-isis-related-terror-charges

For me, it is really simple, let them go and then rescind their passports so they cannot return to America—ever!  That would really send a message!

What are we going to do with this guy—Abdullahi Yusuf—give him a slap on the wrist, put him in jail (at great expense) for a few years and have this angry wannabe jihadist hanging around Minneapolis?

We have followed this same story for years—they are always “disaffected” youths whether they joined Al-shabaab earlier or ISIS now.  And, the trouble will all go away, we are told, when they have more stuff, like youth activities and jobs.  There is virtually no mention that it might not even take a “big fish” recruiter but their desire to go help build the Islamic State might be coming directly from their weekly mosque lessons.

I was alerted to the story by seeing Omar Jamal’s face on Fox News earlier this morning.  Longtime readers know our Somali ‘Jesse Jackson’ well.  See our lengthy archive on news hound Jamal by clicking here.  Jamal was at one point convicted of entering the US illegally but nothing ever happened to him.

From the Minneapolis Star Tribune:

Two Twin Cities men accused of trying to join a terrorist organization in Syria were charged with conspiracy Tuesday by federal prosecutors, part of a continuing investigation into a pipeline used to recruit Somali-Americans to fight overseas.

Abdi Nur, 20, of Minneapolis, and Abdullahi Yusuf, 18, of Inver Grove Heights, are charged with conspiring to provide support to the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL).

Yusuf, who was stopped by FBI agents last May while trying to board a flight at Minneapolis-St. Paul International Airport, appeared before a U.S. magistrate in Minneapolis Tuesday afternoon and was ordered held in custody pending a detention-bail hearing on Wednesday. Nur, who was able to board a flight bound for Turkey last spring, is believed to be in Syria.

“These two young men conspired to travel to the Middle East to engage in a campaign of terror in support of a violent ideology,” said Andy Luger, U.S. attorney in Minnesota.

“Since … 2007, our region has lost dozens of disaffected young people to terrorist organizations that would sooner see Somali-Minnesotans die on foreign battlefields than prosper in peace and security in the United States.”

A federal grand jury convened last spring is investigating the ISIL recruitment pipeline. Federal authorities believe about a dozen Somali-Americans from the Twin Cities, including two women, have managed to fly to the Middle East after being provided assurances of safe passage by ISIL contacts.

“This is a global crisis and we will continue our efforts to prevent Americans from joining the fight,” Assistant Attorney General for National Security John Carlin said Tuesday in Washington.

With Tuesday’s charges, he said, the U.S. Department of Justice has charged more than 15 individuals with offenses “related to the foreign fighter threat in Syria.”

The Obama Justice Department is going to roll out the youth outreach program soon and that will end this foolishness!

For community leader Abdirizak Bihi, the indictments create a sense of urgency as the Justice Department rolls out its youth outreach program.

Bihi said he believes that, in addition to online recruitment videos and social media, there must be recruiters working on the ground in the United States. “There must be somebody here to plant the seeds,” he said.

“The whole community is interested to know who is behind this, who the masterminds are.

Maybe there is no mastermind, maybe it’s pretty simple—Mohammad told them to do it.

Why are there so many Somalis in Minneapolis?  See our 2011 post here, one of our all time top posts.  Thank the US State Department and its contractors—Lutheran Social Services, Catholic Charities, and World Relief Minnesota!

Minneapolis Somali teens shout “I hate gay people” in shocking video

Image is from Youtube (GayMuslimMen)

I don’t know why this showed up in my alerts today (in Somali News).  It happened five years ago and we reported on it then, but I figured it was worthwhile to mention again now that our readership has so dramatically increased.

For those of you living in normal American cities, watch the video and see what our friends in Little Mogadishu Minneapolis are up against.

Click here for the video.  The tormented gay man laughs it off (what else could he do?).  If he showed fear something worse than taunting might have happened.

Maybe, if we are lucky, some of the immigrant ‘youths’ in the film have now gone off to join the jihad (and aren’t coming back)!

For more information, see the persecution of homosexuals in Islam, here.