Sec. of Homeland Security visits Somali “community” in Minneapolis, hears complaints

Says he wants help in identifying immigrants with bad intentions.  (Well, he didn’t exactly say that.)

In response, Somalis welcome federal help in keeping their youths from wanting to join the jihad, say they need more taxpayer funded stuff to keep them here.  (Well, not exactly in those words.)

Jeh Johnson with Somalis in Minneapolis. Somalis don’t want any airport profiling as they travel in and out of the US.

It seems pretty simple to me, don’t profile at airports as they leave the country, just let them leave and then strip them of their passports!

From Fox9 Minneapolis (emphasis is mine):


Secretary of Homeland Security Jeh Johnson was in the heart of Minnesota’s Somali community Friday to listen and let local leaders know they aren’t alone. He encouraged grassroots efforts to build safe, strong and proud neighborhoods, telling the Muslim community this is your America too.

“I want to encourage people to be participants in our public safety, in our homeland security.” Johnson said. “This is your country too.”

Johnson talked about several hot button issues, insisting he is focused on community engagement.

“Muslims are always being targeted because they happen to be Muslims,” Abdirahman Mukhtar, with Pillsbury United Communities said.

The secretary’s agenda includes racial profiling and the extremist recruitment of young Muslims to fight in wars overseas.

“This is an exercise in trust,” Johnson said.

The secretary explained that efforts to block the pipeline that is sending potential fighters from the Twin Cities to far off places like Somalia and Syria starts on the ground in neighborhoods like Minneapolis’ cedar-riverside.

The message from the White House is the federal government needs help.

“If you see somebody who may be headed in the direction of violence, someone disaffected, angry in some way, help us to help you in the community,” Johnson said. “I don’t consider that snitching.”

“We are very happy that we are getting the right attention,” Abdirizak Bihi, a Somali community leader said.

Somali community leaders welcomed the cabinet level visit that included meetings and roundtable discussions with law enforcement and other stakeholders.  [‘Stakeholders’ never include those critical of the government—ed]

The hope is that Washington gets the message that there are problems on the ground here that need addressing to keep young immigrants from becoming disillusioned and influenced by terrorist organizations.

They need more job training, education, and nice places to live (and for you to pay for it!).

“There’s no employment opportunities, no job training, college readiness, the achievement gap,” Amano Dube with Pillsbury United Communities said. “They don’t have an appropriate place to live.”

And, LOL! don’t you dare profile them at airports as they try to get to Somalia or to the Middle East to join ISIS!  It continues to be a great mystery to me why so many “persecuted” Somalis are always flying back and forth to Somalia and East Africa.  How persecuted could they be?

BTW, more Somalis are arriving in Minneapolis every day thanks to the US State Department and its contractors.

New Somalis arrive in Minneapolis in droves after 2008 dip; end up in homeless shelters

I didn’t mean to make this Somali Sunday but here are our two other posts just this morning (here and here) on the impact of Somalis arriving in extremely large numbers in the US right now as part of the Obama Administration’s increasing focus on Somali refugees (Syrian and Iraqi Muslims feature prominently too).

This is some really good reporting at the Minneapolis Star Tribune yesterday by reporter MILA KOUMPILOVA .  Hat tip: ‘pungentpeppers’

As I began reading the news, I was expecting to see no information about why the Somali pipeline to America came to a grinding halt in 2008—the discovery that a large number (thousands) of Somalis had lied on their application to come to America to join family members who were found to be not related at all to the applicants. 

I am happy to report it is all here.

US State Department: We want them to stay where we have allocated money through a contractor for them. They want to be with their own people in Minnesota. Nevertheless, we will keep bringing them in! Photo:

The article also sheds light on how Somalis resettled in other cities are hightailing-it to Minneapolis to be with their own kind of people (something we would be vilified for should we admit we want to be with our own kind of people).

As they move too quickly to Minnesota they leave behind their financial support (welfare set-up) that comes through the original refugee resettlement contractor.

We won’t be able to highlight as much of this as we would like, because it is jam-packed with information, but here are a few nuggets that interested me.  Be sure to read the whole article yourself!

Star Tribune (emphasis mine) setting the stage:

A week af­ter the Unit­ed States gov­ern­ment re­set­tled them in Con­nec­ti­cut this sum­mer, Nur Ali and his wife, Mahado Mo­ha­med, had de­cid­ed: They were mov­ing to Minnesota.  [Lucky Connecticut!—ed]

Tales of the state’s large So­ma­li com­muni­ty had in­trigued them back in the Ken­yan ref­u­gee camp where they had mar­ried and had five chil­dren. Now, a So­ma­li man they met in Hartford told them all re­cent ar­ri­vals head to Minnesota, home of “Little Moga­dis­hu.”

After a major dip in 2008, the year­ly num­bers of new So­ma­li refu­gees in Minnesota have re­bounded stead­i­ly. The num­ber of So­malis re­set­tled in the state has more than trip­led in four years. As resettlements nationally have picked up, more So­malis are also arriving here after brief stints in other states — often trading early support from resettlement agencies for the company of more fellow Somalis.

“You tend to go some­where you can con­nect,” said Mo­ha­mud Noor, the head of the Con­fed­er­a­tion of So­ma­li Community in Minnesota. “Be­fore peo­ple even ar­rive from Af­ri­ca, they know they are com­ing to Minnesota.”

But without the Twin Cities family ties of earlier arrivals, these newcomers often can’t lean as heavily on longer-term Somali residents. Mary’s Place, a Minneapolis home­less shel­ter, has be­come ground zero for fami­lies like Ali and Mo­ha­med’s. Somali participation in the state’s public food assistance program doubled in the past five years. Meanwhile, the Minneapolis School District, its So­ma­li stu­dent en­roll­ment up 70 percent since 2011, launched eight class­rooms with in­struc­tion in both Eng­lish and So­ma­li to help new­comers catch up.   [So who pays for all this?—you do!—ed]

State Department discovers massive fraud in family reunification program for Somalis!

Ali and Mohamed are part of a new wave of Somali refugees. Until 2008, the state resettled only refugees reuniting with family here.

But that year, DNA tests showed only about 20 percent of ap­pli­cants in a ref­u­gee fam­i­ly re­u­ni­fi­ca­tion program, most of them from Af­ri­ca, were ac­tu­al­ly re­lated to their stateside sponsors. The program was sus­pend­ed, even as So­malis ar­gued a broad­er defi­ni­tion of fam­i­ly was as much a factor as fraud. The num­ber of new So­ma­li ar­ri­vals plum­met­ed, from a high of more than 3,200 in 2006 to 180 in 2009.

Mean­while, more strin­gent back­ground checks for refu­gees in 2010 snarled the ap­pli­ca­tion proc­ess. Lar­ry Bart­lett, the U.S. Ref­u­gee Ad­mis­sions program di­rec­tor, says the stream­lin­ing of se­curi­ty checks since and the re­sump­tion of the fam­i­ly re­u­ni­fi­ca­tion program in 2012 led to the re­cent in­crease in So­ma­li ar­ri­vals — a trend he ex­pects to con­tin­ue in the next few years.

Somalis move even though their benefits don’t follow!

When these refugees move too soon after arriving in a different state, they get cut off from resettlement agencies there responsible for finding homes and jobs for them. Noor, whose group tries to assist newcomers with navigating the transition, says the fed­er­al gov­ern­ment needs to do more to dis­cour­age this early migration. At the U.S. State Department, Bart­lett says staff members strive to honor refu­gees’ host city pref­er­ence. Some refu­gees even sign a docu­ment af­firm­ing they are going to the city where they want to stay.

“The prob­lem with mov­ing quick­ly is that the bene­fits don’t al­ways fol­low you,” Bart­lett said. “We re­al­ly try to im­press that upon them.”  [So, does the contractor still get its cut of each refugee’s allocation?—ed]

 Read it all!

Who is responsible for the Somali mess in Minnesota besides the aforementioned US State Department?  Lutheran Social Services, Catholic Charities, and World Relief Minnesota.   See one of our top posts (from 2011) of all time here.

Minnesota readers should be sure to save this important and informative story.

From America’s first Muslim-dominated state comes Minnesota pork protest

It is not yet the first Muslim state in America, but it sure is vying to be number one.  Did you know it was a basic human right to have pork-free foods clearly designated at food pantries for those who are illiterate and can’t read labels?  And, did you know that you infidels are expected to pay for that!

This is the stealth jihad in all its glory!

Be sure to watch the video clip where Somali refugees arrive with a beligerant protest sign that says:  WE ARE HERE TO STAY!

Clearly designated Halal food is a basic human right because our people can’t read labels. Imam Hassan Mohamud. Photo and bio:

From CBS Minnesota (hat tip: Caroline):

MINNEAPOLIS (WCCO)Food shelves can be a life line for people dealing with poverty and hunger.

But many in the Somali-American community say finding a food shelf that caters to their religious dietary restrictions is almost impossible.


A group of first-generation Somali Americans says they need help in developing a food shelf that specializes in healthy foods that do not contain pork or pork byproducts.

“It’s about human rights also, basic human rights to get the proper food and also healthy food,” said Imam Hassan Mohamud.

With signs in hand, they marched to the Hennepin County commissioners’ office to ask Peter McLaughlin for help. Most live in his district and feel he can help them help themselves.


To get the food shelf up and running will cost $150,000, but McLaughlin says there is no plan on how much would be needed to sustain it.

The group hopes to present a proposal to the county commissioners during its budget meeting on Nov 13.

And, I said the Europeans are dumb.

Why so many Somalis in Minneapolis?  Thank Catholic Charities, Lutheran Social Services and World Relief Minnesota.

You can count on those Minnesota Somali refugees to keep providing us news

Now it is being reported that several Somali ‘refugee’ women have left Minneapolis and the ‘good life’ to join the Jihad in Syria.  Hey Jamal, this woman does not sound like she has “limited opportunities.”

Minnesota Senator Al Franken is on the case!

“Troubled” funny-man Franken campaigning at the Somali Mall in Minneapolis.

From the Star Tribune (hat tip: John):

A 19-year old Somali woman from St. Paul left for Syria two weeks ago to aid fighters for a terrorist group, according to a family member with direct knowledge of her departure. Her disappearance marks the first time that family members have confirmed that a Somali-American woman has left the country to support terrorists in the Middle East.

The woman used a borrowed passport that her family believes was provided by a recruiter, according to a relative who spoke Wednesday to the Star Tribune on condition that his identity — and hers — be withheld. He said that the family found a copy of the passport used by the woman to leave the country, reportedly on Aug. 23. The next night, the family contacted the FBI and police to report her missing, and told authorities the identities of those they believe recruited her locally.

He said the FBI told the family that two other local women had also gone to Syria.

U.S. Sen. Al Franken said over the weekend that the FBI has told his office “in the nature of about a dozen” people from Minnesota have left the country to join the terror group operating in Syria.

Franken talking tough in election year?

Franken on Wednesday asked the Justice Department to commit resources to address the threat by Americans, including Minnesotans, who have traveled to the Middle East to fight with ISIL.

In the letter, Franken also said that he was “troubled” by President Obama’s recent statement that his administration had not yet put together a comprehensive strategy to address the growing threat posed by ISIL.

“We must act diligently and responsibly to prevent Americans from taking up arms with ISIL, or from re-entering our country if they do. This requires that the Justice Department use all relevant legal authorities and all appropriate resources at its disposal,” the letter said.

More here…

2008 Franken v. Coleman campaign

This is so funny to me because six years ago, then Senator Norm Coleman and challenger Franken were falling all over themselves courting the Somali vote (amid swirling allegations of voter fraud).

I distinctly remember Coleman, at the time, putting pressure on the State Department to re-open the fraud-ridden family reunification program for Somalis which the State Dept. had halted with the discovery of the lies Somalis told on resettlement paperwork.

All of our coverage in 2008 of their kissing-up to Somalis campaign is archived here.

By the way, when we attended a 2009 Senate Homeland Security hearing on the earlier departure of Minnesota Somalis to join Al Shabaab, neither Coleman or Franken attended (locked in a recount where some believe the Somali vote cheered on by Rep. Keith Ellison was pivotal in Franken’s victory).  The other Senator from Minnesota, Amy Klobucher, did not attend either although she had constituents testifying.

Why so many Somalis in Minneapolis? Click here.

More are coming all the time…. next!  Here!

Dead Somali ISIS fighter worked for Delta at Minneapolis-St. Paul Airport

That is what Breitbart is reporting (posted at Drudge).   This news does not surprise us because we know that Somali refugees, in addition to the taxi business, are employed at airports nationwide.  A few years ago a reader from Washington State expressed concern to us about the number of Somalis employed at Seattle’s Sea-Tak Airport.

So if the avowed Jihadist Muhumed worked for Delta, why the whining from apologists about “vulnerable kids”?

Abdirahmaan Muhumed, one of the refugees we welcomed to America recently died as an ISIS fighter. Photo:

From Breitbart:

According to a report from Minnesota Twin Cities FOX affiliate KMSP that aired Tuesday night, Abdirahmaan Muhumed, the second known American killed while fighting for ISIS in Syria, previously worked for Delta Global Services, a wholly-owned subsidiary of Delta Air Lines.

KMSP noted that according to sources, Muhumed’s position with Delta Global Services required a security clearance at the Minneapolis-St. Paul International Airport in order gain access to the tarmac and unfettered access to planes.

Muhumed’s employment with Delta Global Services was confirmed by two former employees that acknowledged working with Muhumed.

Muhumed died in the same battle as Douglas McCain, an ISIS fighter also from Minnesota.

See our first report on Muhumed here.  See also this morning’s post on Minneapolis (aka Little Mogadishu).

What is it about the Islamic imperative to wage Jihad that most Westerners don’t get?