Sweden: whole school class of girls had genitals mutilated

Diversity is strength alert!


Oh my God!


As long-time readers know, Sweden is my bet for the first European country to fall to Islamic dominance.  We have an extensive archive, click here, on the insane Swedish Leftists who have opened their doors wide to any Muslim migrants who can get there!

Here is a story from last week (posted on World Refugee Propaganda Day no less) about a shocking discovery in Sweden!   All the girls in one school class were mutilated!

From Breitbart (hat tip: Judy).  Emphasis is mine:

School health services in the small Swedish city of Norrköping have found 60 cases of female genital mutilation (FGM) among schoolgirls since March, with evidence of mutilation found in all 30 girls in one class, 28 of the most severe form.

In Sweden, where the EU’s Institute for Gender Equality (EIGE) says that FGM “is considered to be a serious problem,” the law enables genital examination of children to be carried out without parents’ consent.

FGM has been a crime in Sweden since 1982 and can be punished by up to four years in prison, increased to 10 years if judged to be an aggravated offence.

According to EIGE, concerns about FGM became widespread in Sweden in the early and mid-1990s with the influx of Somali migrants: “The first national action taken in the field…was initiated after alarming testimonies from the healthcare sector indicating the existence of FGM among many — if not all — women that originated from FGM-practising countries.”

If they are “refugees” who fear for their lives, what the hell are they doing going back to their “home country?”

Now the daughters of immigrants are in danger of undergoing FGM. According to the Local, the risk of becoming a victim of the procedure increases in the summer when many schoolgirls visit their parents’ home country: “We’re working to inform parents that they could face prison if they come back and their children have undergone female genital mutilation,” said Petra Blom Andersson, student health coordinator in Norrköping.

Mutilation carried out abroad has been a crime in Sweden since 1999.

In 2013, Somalis were the third largest group granted asylum in the EU countries, according to a Eurostat figures reported yesterday by Breitbart London, with almost 10,000 granted protection. Sweden gave refugee status to 26,400 people last year, more than any other EU country.

You know this is happening in America too!  The silence is deafening!

Norway: Muslim migrants sending their kids “home” for schooling

Well, so much for these migrants to Norway being there for asylum, for protection from persecution, if they think it’s perfectly fine to return kids (alone!) to Pakistan, Iraq and Somalia for a proper education.

A politically-correct Institute for Social Research says it’s because the kids aren’t doing well in Norway because they don’t speak Norwegian well enough.  Give me a break!  Toward the end of the story we learn the real reason—no Muslim schools in Norway and so the kiddies aren’t getting their Islamic training!

This is the photo accompanying the story. Check out the kid’s face as the Moms try to look away!

So, are the Muslim immigrants wanting to become part of Norwegian society or are they invaders?  See Al-Hijra.

From The Norway Post (emphasis mine):

Several hundred Somali-Norwegian children are sent to schools in Somalia, Kenya, Egypt and the UK, according to a recent report. The main reason is that their parents are unhappy with the Norwegian school system.


“Parents often experience that their children are regarded as weak students, mostly because they do not speak Norwegian as well as other kids their age. It worries these parents that their children are not challenged enough in Norway,” says Hilde Lidén at the Norwegian Institute for Social Research (ISF).

Lidén is one of several researchers that have looked at the phenomenon that many children with a minority backgorund are sent abroad to attend school. It is most common among children with a background from Pakistan and Iraq, she reports.

13% of Somali kids in Norway (in one year!) have left the country and authorities don’t really know where they are!  Could they be on the US border claiming to be “unaccompanied minors?”

Just under 1900 children, or 13 percent of all children with a Somali background, emigrated in 2012. Around 60 percent of these children are likely to have moved out of Norway alone. However, this is only an indication of how many that may have moved abroad to attend to school, as there are no exact figures available.

Finally, the OTHER reason they may have left—to get a STRONG cultural and religious indoctrination into Islamic supremacist thinking.

Lidén points out that there may also be other reasons for why a family chooses to send their children abroad temporarily. To ensure that the children receive a strong cultural and religious foundation from their home country is one of them.

Aftenposten writes that several parents have reported that if there was a Muslim school option in Norway they would be more likely to let their children stay at home. Their mothers, however, are worried that the children do not learn enough about Islamic culture and values in Norway without attending an Islamic school.

Hey, here is an idea!  The whole family could stay in the home country and they wouldn’t have to live with the dilemma!

Norway has problems, see our previous posts.

Bulgaria refugee story reads like scare tactics; pro-Palestinian blogger the source

We have reported on the rise of the rightwing in Bulgaria, the poorest of the 28 European Union countries, as it struggles to deal with thousands of Muslim “refugees” (not only Syrians) coming across their border from Turkey.  Why isn’t Turkey stopping them when they get to Turkey’s border? That is what we want to know?

Blogger Ruslan Trad

But, this story in the Standart (and reprinted from the International Business Times) looks to me like it’s designed to whip-up a frenzy of anti-right sentiment linking the Bulgarian right to Greece’s controversial Golden Dawn.  And, they rely on a blogger they describe as a Syrian/Bulgarian, founder of the Forum for Arab Culture (in Bulgarian language we presume), who produced these pro-Palestinian youtube clips (here and here).  He would hardly be an unbiased source.  Emphasis below is mine:

Bulgaria nationalist groups have launched civil patrols to round-up migrants in the country in a hate attack strategy that is reminiscent of Greece’s neo-Nazi Golden Dawn group, The International Business Times reports.

The Balkan country has seen a surge in xenophobic attacks since a wave of refugees escaping from the horrors of the civil war in Syria, 2,000 km south of the capital Sofia, has entered via the Turkish border.

From June 2013, more than 10,000 refugees reached Bulgaria and human rights organisations expect tens of thousands to make the journey in the coming months.

The surge of nationalist sentiment, which led to the creation of the new Nationalist Party of Bulgaria, is fuelled by the government’s lack of preparation, information and adequate response to the refugee crisis, according to Ruslan Trad, Syrian-Bulgarian blogger and founder of Forum for Arab Culture.

“Lack of information leads to aggression and fears. And these fears are used by nationalist factions,” he told IBTimes UK.

“We have no clear information for the refugees: who are they, what’s their ethnic and religious composition.

Wouldn’t that last bit concern you no matter what your home country is that is being overrun?

Read it all.  Trad appears to be the source for the whole piece.

Our growing archive on Bulgaria can be found by clicking here.  Time to read about Al-Hijra, the Islamic doctrine of immigration!

Saskatchewan, Canada: not in my cab!

Canadian radio talk show personality John Gormley recently discussed a troubling issue in the rapidly growing multicultural mecca of Saskatchewan—cab drivers who will not allow the blind with guide dogs to ride in their cabs.

Here’s what I don’t get, why does some radio talk show guy, described as a rightwinger who says provocative things, have to begin his opinion piece with a paean to multiculturalism and how wonderful the immigrant transformation is for Saskatchewan?  Is it what he believes, or a nod to political correctness?  Frankly, it sounds rather mealy-mouthed!  Is that how one must speak in Canada?

John Gormley at the Leader-Post (emphasis mine):

Radio host Gormley a proponent of immigration to Saskatchewan where a transformation is underway!
Photo: Michelle Berg , The StarPhoenix

As a proponent of immigration to Saskatchewan – a great place too long undiscovered by the rest of the world – a transformation has been underway, as people from here and newcomers alike, discover and develop immense opportunities.

Beyond record population growth, we are also experiencing an evolution in culture, the arts and the ethnic makeup of our communities.

But, but, but….

And with a large influx of people, particularly from varied ethnic groups, come some challenges of tolerance.

There’s the story of Saskatonian Mike Simmonds, who encounters problems trying to take taxicabs with his guide dog.

Simmonds, known as the blind comedian, is a gentle and polite guy loathe to point fingers, but he alludes to “certain taxi drivers” reluctant to transport dogs in their cabs – guide dogs or otherwise.

On my radio show, after speaking with Simmonds, we heard from Gerry Nelson of the Canadian National Institute for the Blind (CNIB), who makes the point bluntly: more than ever lately, he’s been experiencing refusals of service for having a guide dog.

But, surely if Canadian law is explained to the drivers they will want to respect those laws!


This is easily fixable by informing new employees and explaining the law and policy.

Oops!  Not so fast!

The second scenario is more troublesome: certain new immigrants, for religious or cultural reasons, have decided that the law doesn’t apply to them.  [Surprise!—ed]

The CNIB’s Nelson spoke of taxi company managers trying to assist, but admitting that some of their drivers were openly refusing to accommodate guide dogs and their blind owners.

These taxi drivers are of the Muslim faith and strictly adhere to Hadith, the translations of the deeds and sayings of the prophet Muhammad, some of which are interpreted as decreeing that dogs are unclean and should be killed.

Gormley goes on to discuss an interview with a ‘moderate’ Muslim I suppose in order to hold out hope to readers  that the little  misunderstanding of the Hadiths will soon be cleared-up so they can go on with diversifying the Canadian heartland.

Click here to read our previous 121 posts about problems Canada is having with immigration.

Africans, Arabs “invade” France; ho hum nothing changes

Maybe change is happening, maybe the average Frenchman is fighting back, but I’ve got to say I feel like we’ve been writing this same post year after year here at RRW, and I don’t see where the French are doing anything other than, as this article points out, becoming more morose!

From the Irish Times (French identity crisis indeed!)  The Irish better watch out because this same thing is coming to Ireland in the not too distant future!

French officials discreetly applauded the British prime minister David Cameron’s proposals this week to restrict immigration from poor EU countries.

Immigration is becoming the thorniest issue in French politics and will figure prominently in next year’s municipal and European elections. Socialists and the conservative UMP are toughening their policies, in the hope of blunting the appeal of the anti-immigrant, far-right National Front.

The UMP wants to abolish the right to citizenship for the children of illegal immigrants born in France, and wants to end free medical care for illegals. Interior minister Manuel Valls has promised to re-examine the right to asylum.

Immigration and national identity are often cited as contributing to France’s chronic state of moroseness. But when the former president Nicolas Sarkozy established a “ministry of immigration and national identity,” the implication that immigrants threatened French identity prompted an outcry.

The theme hasn’t died though. Philosopher Alain Finkelkraut’s Unhappy Identity, one of the most talked about books this autumn, claims the French no longer feel at home in their own country. “When the cybercafe is called ‘Bled.com’ [bled is Arab slang for the countryside] and the butcher’s shop and the fast-food are halal,” Finkelkraut writes, “these sedentary [French people] experience exile without having moved. Everything has changed around them.”

At Marine Le Pen’s National Front rallies, crowds chant “On est chez nous!” (We’re at home.) There’s unspoken resentment that Arabs and Africans who drove France from her colonies are now “invading” and adulterating the French way of life, in a sort of reverse colonisation. The French no longer refer to “travailleurs immigrés” but to immigrants, full stop; Muslim immigrants are apparently no longer seen as workers.

The French long believed their secular, republican education system would transform the children of Muslim immigrants into loyal citizens. Ghettoised in the banlieues, rejected by potential employers, Arab and African Muslims are instead re-islamicising, as shown by the widespread presence of headscarves and djellaba robes.

The article continues here.

It has nothing to do with living conditions and employment—Muslims are in France to change (to colonize) France, not to become more secular and more French!

Photo is from the Christian Science Monitor.