Germany: Anti-Islamists defy Merkel in Dresden, but the rest of Germany appears to say: Bring in MORE Muslims, we love them

The reports out of Germany (the few I’ve looked at) about yesterday’s protests across the country are a bit fuzzy, however the western media sure loved the fact that the Catholics of Cologne (are there many left?), in turning off the Cathedral lights, were sending a message of love and peace to their Muslim immigrants.

Dresden anti-Islam demonstrators yesterday (Reuters photo) and another news account, this time from AFP.

Here is one report about Dresden where 18,000 reportedly show up in opposition to more Muslim immigration to Germany.  You know it is so interesting, this Bloomberg story has changed its headline since last night!  Today it is: Germans Protest Anti-Islamist Rally as Landmarks Go Dark.

And last night it was: Merkel rebuffed by record attendance at anti-islamist rally. I’m guessing Bloomberg said, oopsy! we aren’t in line with our media brethren!

No wonder it’s so hard to figure out what is going on—the Leftist media is making sure we get only their version of the news!  Bloomberg did tell us this:

About 18,000 people marched through Dresden yesterday night in the latest weekly rally backed by organizers who call themselves Patriotic Europeans Against the Islamization of the West, or Pegida. The group says it’s for stricter immigration and asylum laws, protecting“western culture” and avoiding “parallel societies” of Muslims in Germany.

Meanwhile, Deutsche Welle wants us to get the message that Germans in Cologne and Berlin love Muslim immigration!

Anti-Islamist ‘Pegida’ supporters have had to cancel their appearance in Cologne, where thousands of demonstrators showed solidarity with migrants.

Overwhelming support for immigrants and asylum seekers in Cologne led to the Pegida demonstrators cancelling their appearance. Citizens in Cologne shouted out in jubilation, the sole goal of their demonstration being to prevent the Kögida- the name of the anti-Islam movement in Cologne- from marching in their city. [Silencing speech—the sole goal!–ed]

Around 5,000 protesters gathered in a Berlin neighborhood, calling for more tolerance. Berlin’s integration leder Dilek Kolat of the Social Democrats called the Pegida- an acronym for Patriotic Europeans against the Islamization of the West- “an attack on peaceful co-existence in our society.”

Good luck with that “peaceful co-existence!”

If we find more definitive news in the days ahead about what happened, we’ll link it here.

See our extensive archive on Germany and its refugee and immigrant problems by clicking here.  Our ‘Invasion of Europe’ series is here.

Germans hardening on Muslim immigration; large number want halt to mosque construction

Germans demonstrate against ‘Salafists’ in Cologne in October. Photo and story:


According to this report there are 4 million Muslims in Germany (about 5 % of the population) while the US (supposedly) has only about 2.7 million.  CAIR claims 7 million in the US, but that would still put the US Muslim population below 3%.  I’ve been theorizing that 3% is a tipping point of sorts.  What do you think?  I would really like to know what some of you think about a tipping point and when it occurs.

From OnIslam (emphasis mine):

CAIRO – A new study on German perceptions of immigrants to the European country has shown a widespread view that Muslims are not German patriots, blowing away decades of integration of the four-million Muslim community.

“We wanted to find out what happened here after the immigration and who now belongs to the national collective” sociologist Naika Foroutan, Director of Empirical Integration and Migration Research (BIM), was quoted by Deutsche Welle.


According to Der Spiegel, 27 percent of respondents think that Muslims are more “aggressive than themselves”, while 30 percent believe that Muslims show less importance to education.

A fifth of respondents expressed a negative opinion about Muslims making demands in Germany, with about 20 percent seeing it as a sign of disrespect and 17 percent seeing it as a sign of ingratitude.


Moreover, 70 percent of respondents believed that the number of Muslims living in Germany was higher than it actually is.

Almost a quarter even believe that more than 21 percent of the population in Germany is Muslim, while in reality there is around five percent.


Sharing negative connotations about Islam and Muslims, a big percentage of respondents to the study rejected construction of new mosques.

The study showed that 42 percent demanded restricting the building of mosques.


Germans have grown hostile to the Muslim presence recently, with a heated debate on the Muslim immigration into the country.

A recent poll by the Munster University found that Germans view Muslims more negatively than their European neighbors.


The report (a 2012 study) indicated that 9 percent of Germans have adopted extreme right-wing beliefs, up from 8.2 percent two years ago.

For our complete ‘invasion of Europe’ series, go here. We have a lot on Germany too, here.  Will the 20,000 or more Syrians that Germany is about to resettle push it over the edge? We will be watching.

Denmark: Muslim immigrants getting most of the welfare (so what else is new?)

The ‘Invasion of Europe’ continues….

Opposition party leader, Inger Støjberg, calls for tougher rules on Muslim immigration.

From Breitbart:

Danish current-affairs magazine MandagMorgen has published a report on welfare and benefits which reveals that while the cost of supporting immigrants and their descendents has exploded, the cost of keeping native Danes is falling.

The magazine, which is a publication of one of Scandinavia’s leading think-tanks differentiates between “immigrants and descendants from non-Western countries” and ethnic Danes in its report. The revelation that the cost of welfare for the immigrants has increased by two billion kronor (over £200 million) since 2010 has prompted a bout of soul-searching amongst the leaders of Denmark’s Social Liberal pro-immigration party, who are presently part of the ruling coalition.

Denmark has experienced a sudden rush of immigration from these non-Western groups in past decades, and over one-in-ten Danes is now an immigrant or the descendant of one. Two thirds of immigrants, some 400,000, are non-Western, with Somalis, Turks, and Iraqis forming large, visible groups.

The arrival of large groups of immigrants from cultures unlike Denmark has caused friction within the country. An opposition politician was reported saying in July: “It is primarily Muslim immigrants who do not value democracy and freedom. In certain environments, they directly oppose it. Too many non-Western immigrants with Muslim backgrounds do not want our freedom-orientated society model.

 See our ‘Invasion of Europe’ archive by clicking here.

Muslims sue government over delays in granting citizenship

Here is just a short piece from last week that should be noted.  I’m actually glad to see that some immigrants are being denied citizenship (or at least being seriously scrutinized) in light of the Obama Administration’s zeal in welcoming the world to America.

ACLU attorney Jennie Pasquarella: clients are long-time law-abiding residents. Photo:

From the International Business Times:

Five Muslim US residents sued the federal government on Thursday, accusing the Department of Homeland Security for unfairly causing delays in their permanent residency and citizenship requests.

The plaintiffs include Palestinian Muslims Ahmad and Reem Muhanna, who had applied for US citizenship in 2007 and had their applications rejected in 2012. Others include Ahmed Hassan, a Muslim refugee from Somalia who has been seeking permanent residency since 2006, and Iranians Neda Behmanesh and Abrahim Mosavi.

The plaintiffs claim that their immigration petitions were unfairly stalled and flagged for potential national security concerns, reported Reuters.

The criteria laid out for flagging applications under the Controlled Application Review and Resolution Program (CARRP) are secretive and broader than authorized by the US Congress, the immigrants claimed.

Representing the immigrants in the federal court in Los Angeles was Jennie Pasquarella, an attorney with the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) of Southern California.

Addendum:  So where is CAIR?  Have they weighed in yet?

Australia: “most multicultural society on earth” wants more immigrants! Who knew!

That’s what a recent article in The Australian reports as it tells us that 20% of respondents want more migrants to come to Australia in an article titled, Two-Thirds Majority Back Current or Higher Immigration Intake.


Here are the charming 20% who want higher levels of immigration to Australia as the Abbott government turns back asylum seekers.


I had to read this article a couple of times to figure out what the point of it all might be and am still not sure, except to use a “news” story to sway public opinion.

Remember, readers, as we know so well, Tony Abbott, Australia’s present Prime Minister was elected only last year because of his platform (which he apparently is working on daily to hear the squealing out of the UN) to slow the flow of boat people (faux asylim seekers) breaking into Australia.  The citizens there were completely fed up!

We frequently cite Australia, Israel and Bulgaria as three countries seriously attempting to close their borders.

Check out the article yourself (here is a bit of it) posted at American Renaissance (with some good commentary).   One thing seems clear, the pollsters polled heavily in immigrant neighborhoods and among young, rich, city dwellers.

Higher migration levels are favoured by a fifth of Australians, in an exclusive Newspoll survey revealing robust support for the most multicultural society on earth.

Nearly half the people ­surveyed support Australia’s ­existing immigration intake, which settled 190,000 immigrants last year in the world’s largest per capita intake. Two-thirds were skilled migrants.

Twenty-two per cent favour an even higher intake, with support strongest among the young, those on high incomes and capital city-dwellers.

European, African and Asian migration enjoys the strongest public support, with 26 per cent of Australians desiring more ­migrants from Europe. Another 18 per cent want to see more Asian migrants, and 20 per cent support more immigration from Africa.

In contrast, just 14 per cent of Australians want to see more Muslim migrants, and 37 per cent favour a cut.

Read it all.

By the way, about the same number (20%) of respondents who want higher immigration levels also say that Australians are racists.

LOL! This article could just as well have been titled:  86% of Australians polled want less Muslim migrants admitted to Australia.  I guess that would mean that some of the immigrants polled and some of the young, rich, city dwellers are Islamophobic.   Gee, I wonder why?

For new readers, see our Australia category with over 100 previous posts.  We especially want American readers to know that the invasion by the third world is happening in every advanced society and you need to know how others are handling the demographic upheaval.  Western society is under siege.