Vast majority of US Muslims are Democrats, so why would Marco Rubio want more?

Julia Hahn, who has been doing a fantastic job at Breitbart on the UN/US State Department Refugee Admissions Program has another good article yesterday entitled, ‘REPORT: MUSLIMS ARE THE FASTEST GROWING IMMIGRANT COMMUNITY‘  (hat tip: Cathy).

Here is how she begins (with some much-needed data!):

Trump, never shy to speak up, said in August that the billionaire Facebook founder and No Borders advocate, Mark Zuckerberg, had his own personal US Senator—Marco Rubio.

“Muslims are the fastest growing bloc of immigrants, according to new census data published by the Center for Immigration Studies.

The report, which analyzes data from American Community Survey (ACS), finds that the foreign-born population in the U.S. hit a new record high 42.4 million in July 2014.

The report details that some of “the sending countries with the largest percentage increases in the number of immigrants living in the United States since 2010 were Saudi Arabia (up 93 percent); Bangladesh (up 37 percent); Iraq (up 36 percent); Egypt (up 25 percent); Pakistan, India, and Ethiopia (all up 24 percent); Nigeria and Ghana (both up 21 percent).”

“In contrast to most sending regions and countries, the number of immigrants from Europe and Canada declined,” the report notes.

As Breitbart News has previously documented, every year the United States voluntarily imports more than a quarter of a million– or 280,000– Muslim migrants. This number includes 117,423 migrants who were permanently resettled with Legal Permanent Resident status, as well as an additional 122,921 temporary Muslim workers and foreign students, and 39,932 Muslim refugee and asylees. This means that each year, the U.S. admits a number of Muslim migrants larger in size than the entire population of Des Moines, Iowa.”

Readers, although the number of refugees and asylees is lower than some other categories, remember that they are eligible for all forms of welfare immediately upon arrival as compared to those who entered under other legal immigration programs.  They also get a federal resettlement contracting agency to hold their hands as they sign up, so they are much more costly to the US taxpayer.

What is up with Rubio? 

Muslim immigrants (like most immigrants) are going to vote for Democrats, so why should Senator Marco Rubio be open to inviting more to America?   On the Syrian issue he squished out here earlier this month by saying he was “open” to taking in Syrians Muslims who are now swamping Europe.
Hahn continues at Breitbart:

According to Pew Research, only 11 percent of Muslim Americans identify as Republican or leaning-Republican, making them one of the most reliable Democrat voting blocs in the country.


Despite the fact only 11 percent of Muslim voters say that they “lean” Republican, many Republican presidential candidates would like to see the number of Muslim immigrants expanded even further.

For instance, GOP presidential candidate Sen. Marco Rubio (R-FL)—whose campaign predicts he will be in first place by February—has introduced a new foreign worker bill which would substantially increase Muslim immigration. His bill, known as the I-Squared bill, has been described as the “gold standard of high-tech reform,” by billionaire Mark Zuckerberg’s immigration lobbying group.


In addition, Rubio has also his argued that the United States should increase the number of poor Muslim migrants the United States admits as refugees— on top of the tens of thousands already admitted each year. Experts project that the cost of admitting just ten thousand additional refugees will cost U.S. taxpayers $6.5 billion dollars.

There is much more, continue reading here.
I have a hunch that Fox News is hankering for a Rubio/Fiorina ticket in 2016 (or at least that could be Fox owner Rupert Murdoch’s dream team), here.  Both could be counted on to do as they are told and support bringing in cheap immigrant labor for big business, something Murdoch has been openly supporting.

Merkel blasts anti-immigrant rioters, Hollande wrings his hands

Invasion of Europe news…..

Update:  Merkel suspends EU rules so that more Syrians can STAY!
Have a look at the latest from Europe.  German Chancellor Angela Merkel harangues German citizens concerned about the future of their culture and country and socialist French President Francois Hollande says ‘golly gee, guess we better do something.’  What the heck!  They have been doing nothing to stop the tide of illegal aliens (mostly Muslims from Africa and the Middle East) in to Europe and they wonder why this crisis is escalating!

Merkel and Hollande
Don’t count on Merkel and Hollande to save Europe!

Stop the (damn) boats!  They should have listened to Australian Prime Minister Tony Abbott months ago.  I personally think it is too late now!
Readers! Don’t let it become too late for America!
From Bloomberg Business:

German Chancellor Angela Merkel and French President Francois Hollande condemned anti-immigrant riots in Germany, while pressing all European Union countries to help deal with the continent’s tide of refugees.

Meeting for the first time after the political summer break, the leaders of Europe’s two biggest economies elevated the refugee crisis to a top priority Monday, placing it alongside challenges such as the conflict in Ukraine.

“There are moments in European history when we face exceptional circumstances, and these are exceptional circumstances that will last,” Hollande said alongside Merkel before they met for talks in Berlin. “So rather than wait and then cope on a day-to-day basis, we must get organized and strengthen our policies.”

There is much more, but no time to snip it.  Please read it all, here.
Be sure to see the part of the story where the ‘refugee’ from Afghanistan says he is more scared in Germany than he was in Afghanistan!  So, what does that tell you about what sort of an ‘asylum seeker’ he really is?  He is just one more economic migrant as are most of those flooding in to Europe.
See all of our posts on the ‘Invasion of Europe’ by going here.

IBD Opinion: Trump would crack down on Muslim immigration

Presidential candidate Donald Trump hasn’t said much on the subject, but from personal experience I know the subject interests him.

Trump in Alabama
I’ve been told to watch Trump’s Alabama speech, but have not had time yet while traveling. See it here:

Here is a hopeful-sounding opinion piece from Investors Business Daily from a few days ago.
Muslim immigration is a national security issue (where have I heard that before!):

Border Security: There are two ways Islamofascists plan to conquer America — one by violent jihad, the other by mass immigration, or “al-hijrah.” Our president has aided the latter. Donald Trump wants to stop it.

Lost in all the coverage of the GOP presidential hopeful’s plan to seal the Mexican border is his proposal to curb Muslim immigration, which Obama is dangerously abetting through liberalized refugee programs. In fact, this administration has been ushering in immigrants from predominantly Muslim countries at the rate of more than 100,000 a year.

Citing national security, Trump would stop the flood of immigrants from Somalia, Saudi Arabia, Syria and other Muslim countries posing a terrorist risk.

“Additionally,” he said in his five-page immigration reform proposal, “we need to stop giving legal immigrant visas to people bent on causing us harm.”

“From the 9/11 hijackers to the Boston bombers and many others, our immigration system is being used to attack us,” he added.

Trump is right. This is a national security issue. Importing more hard-core Somali families and male Saudi students raises our risks of being attacked.

There is more, go here.
At least he is willing to talk about it which is more than can be said of any other Presidential candidate!  Oops!  Except Rand Paul who a couple of years ago thrilled me by speaking out on the refugee program (after those Iraqi refugee terrorists were found living in his home town of Bowling Green, KY).  Senator Paul wanted to know why we were bringing all these refugees in from countries like Iraq and signing them up for welfare.  To follow Paul on the subject, type Rand Paul into our search function and see his ups and downs on the subject over the last few years.  (No time to find the links for you while still traveling.)

Franklin Graham's comments about halting Muslim immigration has refugee resettlement contractor shaking

Could there be a little rebellion in the ranks?

I’m talking about federal refugee resettlement contractor World Relief (aka National Association of Evangelicals).  It seems that in the wake of Evangelist Franklin Graham’s call for a halt to Muslim immigration following the Chattanooga murder of four Marines and a Naval officer by an immigrant Islamist, the multi-faith folks went into defense mode.
What did they do?  They invited representatives of one of the most infamous mosques in the Washington area—All Dulles Area Muslim Society (Adams Center)—-and representatives of two leading Muslim Brotherhood front groups to join them in a multi-faith love fest in Washington (on Capitol Hill!) to send the message that they (including ‘Evangelists’) disagreed with Franklin Graham.
Here is the news at something called World Religion News (emphasis below is mine):
Denouncing Franklin Graham!

Know the opposition! Bob Roberts Jr.

Recently, Evangelical Christian and Muslim leaders gathered at Capitol Hill, to debate a very sensitive matter, the one of Muslim immigrants in the USA. More precisely, this gathering took place on July 23, between Bob Roberts Jr., an evangelic pastor of NorthWood Church in Keller, Texas, and Muslim leaders of All Dulles Area Muslim Society, the Islamic Society of North America and the Muslim Public Affairs Council. The purpose of the gathering was to reduce the tensions created between the Evangelical Christian church and the Muslim Churches [churches? who the heck wrote this?—ed] in America and to strengthen their relationships.

But the gathering has an even more important purpose, and that is to denounce and contradict the statements released by another Evangelic leader, launched on his public social network account. Those statements were rather sensitive, not reflecting the tolerance and acceptance promoted by the Christian church, which may have detrimental backfires on a society already tried by so much violence.

It all started when Franklin Graham, son of Billy Graham, a well-known Evangelic leader, said on his Facebook profile that Muslim immigrants should not be permitted to enter the USA anymore. This happened due to a violent shootout in Chattanooga, Tennessee, where five out of seven people shot by a Muslim young man died. Ever since, even the organizations that help relocate religious refugees started facing issues. Not because they were imposed to stop helping Muslims, but because people started to be afraid to accept them. Many volunteers and churches involved in resettling actions regarding religious refugees are frightened by the fact that the Muslims will turn into dangerous terrorist or even install the Shari‘ah law, once they get settled on American land.  [Gee! wonder where they got that idea!—ed]

As interesting as all that is, this (below) is the part that jumped out at me.  So, could there be a rebellion brewing?  Are there some not-so-happy Christians working with World Relief (one of the top nine resettlement contractors)?
This is so disingenuous!  What is not being reported here is that World Relief does resettle significant numbers of Muslim refugees because they must in order to get their federal contracts (read: federal cold hard cash!).
And, by the way, the federal government disallows any proselytizing by its contractors.  Some uninformed supporters of the federal contractors will tell you that they want to get the Muslims here to convert them to Christianity, don’t believe them.
World Religion News continued….

Graham’s statement is also not seen very well by World Relief, an organization based in Baltimore, which helps religious refugees to start a new life in America. Since they work mainly with church volunteers, they also faced the fear of some churches to accept Muslim refugees. World Relief mainly takes care of Christian refugees, but they never refused any person in need of help, regardless of their religion or background. Still, they know that by refusing to accept a Muslim refugee, they will also face problems with the Christian ones as well, as it will as well become harder for them to enter the resettling program.  [Huh?—ed]

Here is Franklin Graham’s website.  You might want to reach out to him and tell him you support what he said about Muslim immigration.
Editor’s note:
A reader suggested that when I write a post relating to Muslim immigration to be sure to remind you that this is the Hijra—Mohammed’s command to migrate and spread Islam across the world.  In order to succeed in building a worldwide caliphate, what do they need?  Numbers of course!
And, two more things:  My first post this morning is also labeled ‘Know the opposition.’  See our category entitled ‘The Opposition’ for more such posts.
Follow me on twitter!  There is so much happening that I can’t possibly post on it all, so I have been sending refugee/immigration articles to twitter.  I am @refugeewatcher.

Tom Tancredo: In wake of Chattanooga, we need moratorium on Muslim immigration to America

Yikes! I hadn’t seen this, but apparently Tancredo told Trump to tone it down on immigration rhetoric recently.

Former Congressman and former Presidential candidate Tom Tancredo writing at Breitbart says it is time for a moratorium because we are at war:

Okay, “Muslim immigration halted in wake of Chattanooga terrorism attack” isn’t today’s newspaper headline. But it ought to be.

We ought to halt all legal immigration and refugee resettlement from Muslim-majority countries and declare an indefinite moratorium — until two changes occur. First, we must devise a better way to identify and deny admission not only to terrorists but also to persons who sympathize with radical Islamism. It will surprise the average American to learn we are not capable of doing that today.

The need for those new rules is highlighted by a recent poll showing more than 40 percent of Muslims in the U.S. would like to see Sharia law imposed, and an alarming number admit a sympathy for ISIS and radical jihadists.

Second, we must change naturalization laws to create a 7-year probationary period during which any new citizen of any religion or national origin can be stripped of citizenship and deported easily if the person demonstrates any support for radical Islamists.

Why do this? Because we are at war with radical Islam. It is time we started acting like we understand that reality.

There is more, continue reading here.

I maintain that it isn’t just terrorism, or the threat of terrorism, we should fear. It is colonization!

It is the Hijra, the migration of sharia-loving Muslims which will overwhelm us someday with their sheer numbers alone we should fear.  Look to Europe!  It only takes a small percentage of the population to be Muslim and the pressure begins for the indigenous population to change to accommodate Islam.  It begins with just the smallest of demands: halal food in school cafeterias, special prayer breaks in the workplace, no alcohol or dogs in taxi cabs, a bending of certain laws to accommodate religious practices for family matters and women’s rights, etc.
As tragic as the terror attacks are for American victims, the greater tragedy is the expansion of an Islamic caliphate worldwide.