600 more Muslim migrants arrive in Crete; anger grows

The Invasion of Europe continues….

Remember earlier in the week we reported that Syrians in Athens were hunger-striking for the “right” to move on to a wealthier, more generous European country, now Greece has hundreds more Syrians to deal with.

But, the story isn’t half as interesting as the comments which  are dominated by people really really angry at Muslim “refugees.”

From Yahoo News:

IERAPETRA, Greece (AP) — Nearly 600 migrants, mostly refugees from Syria, have been temporarily put up in a basketball arena in the southern Cretan town of Ierapetra, where they arrived in a crippled smuggling ship after more than a week at sea.

Red Cross volunteers on Friday issued warm meals and clothing to the 80 children, 150 women and 361 men who were on the 77-meter (250-foot) Baris freighter, which was towed to Ierapetra Thursday, two days after losing engine power off Crete.

About two-thirds of the migrants are Syrians, who qualify for refugee status, while the others include Kurds, Afghans and Palestinians, officials said.

“These are lower to middle class people who were seeking a better life, due to the war in their country,” said Argyris Pantazis, Ierapetra’s deputy mayor for civil protection.

He said the Syrian refugees will probably leave the arena within the next two days. The other migrants, who do not immediately qualify for refugee status, will be given the option to return to their country voluntarily or be interned in camps pending deportation.

If they are so poor, where are they getting this kind of money?  Someone, or some entity is paying for this!  Saudi Arabia? Turkey? George Soros, or someone of his ilk?  International Communists? Organization of Islamic Cooperation? Why does no reporter ever find out where is the money coming from?

The migrants left Turkey last week, and had paid smugglers between $2,000 and $6,000 to be taken to Italy.

Here are some of the most recent angry comments:

MEObserve 13 minutes ago:
These are not refugees. They are muslim colonizers who are leaving the hell holes they created to re-create them in the West. Ask any of them what they feel about Christians, Jews, free speech, whether or not one can criticize the so called “prophet” Muhammad, and you will be horrified. They do not deserve a place in the West. This is the story of every “refugee” settlement in the West from the Muslim world – no matter the US, Europe or Australia. They come with their hatreds, their dark impulses. their demand to dominate and their propensity for violence . Let them go to Muslim countries, people say. They do not want Muslim countries. They want to come to your country for the welfare, for the tax fraud, for every other kind of horrible pathology. This is reality. Look at how they earlier waves have settled and think.

Cochise 16 hours ago:
“He said the Syrian refugees will probably leave the arena within the next two days. The other migrants, who do not immediately qualify for refugee status, will be given the option to return to their country voluntarily or be interned in camps pending deportation”

I cant stress how much I have grown to hate the backstabbing American liberals.

Dani 18 hours ago:
I don’t understand why these people never try to immigrate to Saudi Arabia, Qatar or any other gulf countries?

bobbi 1 day ago:
Saudi Arabia deported over 300,000 this year alone. And no one is condemning their country for not helping their Muslim brothers. The “refugees” are looking for those sappy, liberal do-good predominately white countries that are too dumb to realize the refugees are coming just for the government assistance.

It goes on and on like this.  Have a look!  Is a tipping point coming soon?  I’ve been reading comments for years, but the number and the level of anger is definitely on the rise.

See our entire ‘Invasion of Europe’ archive by clicking here.    Don’t you think it is interesting that none of this is being reported in the American mainstream media. To be sure there are sob-stories when an illegal alien boat capsizes, but, this is one of the few places on the internet where an effort is being made to give readers a broad (country by country) view of the invasion.

Swedes seek out alternative media to read about one thing: immigration!

Here is more proof for my case that Sweden will be the first socialist ‘heaven’ to fall under the weight of needy migrant hordes—mostly Muslim migrants!

I’ve noticed here, even at tiny RRW, that we get more visitors reading about Sweden, Norway, Denmark, the Netherlands or the UK than we often do about some juicy American news.  A blogger friend once told me that the reason for that is that the European press hardly touches the verboten topic.

From Dispatch International (hat tip: FatherJon):

Jimmy Åkesson leader of the Sweden Democrats needs police protection because he dares to speak about Swedish immigration policy. Photo: http://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2014/sep/09/guardian-view-on-swedish-elections

The Englishman Iain Channing returns to Sweden, the country he lived in during the 1980s. What has happened to the safe and well ordered country that was so admired throughout the world? Do people really appreciate the politicians’ radical experiment in social engineering? And what about Malmö – Sweden’s preeminent test tube?

To understand how things have reached this pass—when an ordinary working class guy resorts to a self-censorship gesture used in communist countries—you only need to read the Swedish press. Mass immigration is not quite a taboo, but all criticism of it is censored, distorted or demonized. An almost daily barrage of hate and slander is directed at the Sweden Democrats (SD), the anti-immigration party that is now shaking up Sweden’s cosy coalition-based politics. “SD are trying to delude the working class.” “SD are still racists!” “How far to the right will [SD leader] Jimmy Åkesson go?”

Every single newspaper story I read about SD in a month in Sweden—and there were a lot, because its rise (to 10 percent in the polls) has become a real headache for the establishment—was negative and often littered with childish, abusive epithets originating in World War II. In such an environment, the party does not list an address on its website, and its three top leaders require police protection.

Channing goes on to discuss how Swedes are finding alternative media for their news on the issue that they are most concerned about…

It is all about immigration, immigration, immigration!

….the issue of immigration will not go away. On the contrary, the unmentionable topic has become a national obsession. According to columnist Hakelius, “[people who send me letters now] are interested in one thing: immigration. The discussion can begin wherever it likes, but it always ends with immigration. Immigration, immigration, immigration, immigration, immigration.”

Read it all, and then check out our extensive archive on Sweden.  One of our top posts of all time is this one (photo link seems to be gone now).

See also our ‘invasion of Europe’ series by clicking here.

End note:  RRW will be taking a break beginning today after we post a few more stories.  Be back on October 20th and will be able to post your comments then.

Soul-searching in Scandinavia over Syrian refugees

Wow!  This is a very enlightening piece.  And, it’s in the New York Times no less!

Stockholm under siege in May 2013 as Muslim migrants riot. http://d.ibtimes.co.uk/en/full/452746/fourth-night-fires-unrest-stockholm.jpg?w=480&h=270

Swedish counter-terrorism expert:

We are righteous. But sometimes the righteousness doesn’t meet reality.”

Seems that as Sweden opens its doors to Syrians (and the public is expected to stay quiet), in Norway the government is not going to swing its doors open and the “anti-immigrant” political forces are encouraged to discuss their concerns and fears about excessive immigration.  (I wonder did Anders Breivik have something to do with the new-found openness?)

From The New York Times (emphasis is mine):

 THE narrow victory of the left-leaning Social Democratic Party in Sweden’s elections last Sunday marked a broad shift in its politics. But a new coalition government is unlikely to reconsider one of the country’s most challenging policies: its response to the Syrian civil war.

Sweden has taken an open-door approach to people fleeing the conflict, accepting more Syrians than any other European country.

Never mind that Sweden has double-digit youth unemployment. That there have been riots in immigrant neighborhoods in Stockholm. That there is a severe housing shortage for new arrivals. Or that the Swedish Migration Board, which handles asylum seekers, needs a drastic budget increase — almost $7 billion — to cover soaring costs over the next few years.

And never mind that the far-right, anti-immigrant Sweden Democrats won 13 percent of the vote in Sunday’s election, their best showing ever. They more than doubled their seats in Parliament — from 20 to 49 — and are now the third-biggest party in the country.

“We are the moral guardians of the world,” Magnus Ranstorp, a specialist in counterterrorism at the Swedish National Defense College, told me a few days before the election, referring to Swedes. “We haven’t fought a war in 200 years. We are righteous. But sometimes the righteousness doesn’t meet reality.”

As the Syrian conflict has turned into a regional humanitarian crisis, more European countries are accepting Syrian refugees preselected by the United Nations. But apart from Germany, a much larger country, only Sweden is welcoming tens of thousands of Syrians who come on their own and request asylum.

Some 40,000 Syrians have arrived in Sweden since the conflict began. And following a decision to offer permanent residency to all Syrians, Sweden is expecting more than 80,000 asylum seekers in 2014, many of them from Syria.

In its largess, Sweden diverges from countries like Britain, the Netherlands and Denmark, which have taken in far fewer Syrian asylum-seekers — generally granting them only temporary residency — and just several hundred United Nations-sponsored refugees each. Even more dramatic is the contrast with Norway……

There is much much more, read it all.

All of our posts on Sweden (chronicling its death spiral) are here.

Watch for it!  We are going to learn that open borders in a welfare state will result in chaos and ultimately death for the country.

Reminder!  The US is about to welcome tens of thousands of Syrians!

Australia “closed” so fake asylum seekers will try to break into New Zealand

The asylum seekers in detention in Jayapura: (From left) Mohammad Saiful Islam Tanu and Mohammad Shohidul Islam and, both from Bangladesh; and Ahmad Fahim Naziri and Mahmood, both from Afghanistan. Photo: SMH


In the best demonstration there is that Australia’s policy of towing boats full of mostly Muslim illegal aliens back to Indonesia is working is a story like this one—human traffickers are now setting their sights on New Zealand.

See our Australia category for all the news on the Abbott government’s tough policy.

To American and European readers, we want you to know that some first world countries are taking steps to stop the illegal alien flow!

From the Sydney Morning Herald last week (Hat tip: the ever-vigilant ‘pungentpeppers’).  Emphasis is mine:

Jakarta: People smugglers in Indonesia are mounting their first credible attempt to ship asylum seekers on the hazardous voyage to New Zealand and circumvent the Abbott government’s Operation Sovereign Borders.

Four men – two from Bangladesh and two from Afghanistan – were caught last month by the Indonesian immigration department in Jayapura, West Papua, on their way to get a boat to New Zealand.

Their capture appears to have stalled, for the time being, a plot to send up to 100 people, but sources in West Java say people smugglers in the town of Cisarua are still advertising for places on a New Zealand-bound boat.

Easier to get into New Zealand than Australia?

One of the men in custody, Bangladeshi Mohammad Saiful Islam Tanu told Fairfax Media that when he had arrived earlier this year from Malaysia to Cisarua – where many asylum seekers wait as they try to get to Australia – he had been told by others that the Abbott government had “closed the way”.

“The Australian government already is closed [the way] because every boat going to Australia comes back to Indonesia. So many people say it’s impossible. Now we not try to go to Australia,” Mr Saiful said. “What can I do? And [a people smuggler] Mr Jafar told me, ‘You can go to New Zealand from Papua’.”

Mr Saiful said the smugglers had told them that it was easier to be accepted in New Zealand than Australia.

New Zealand has taken steps to deter the migrants in advance!  They will be detained!

A spokeswoman for the New Zealand embassy in Jakarta said New Zealand had never had a “mass arrival” (defined as 30 or more), but that “we are aware that people smugglers continue to express interest in targeting New Zealand through a variety of avenues, including both air and sea routes”.


Though New Zealand has been protected from the rash of asylum seekers by its distance, it has passed relatively tough new laws in case of this development. Anyone coming as part of a mass arrival can be detained until their circumstances are assessed. Even for those found eligible, there is no guarantee of permanent residence.

Read it all.

Algerian “refugees” riot in Bulgarian detention center

We’ve been led to believe that the majority of the asylum seekers coming across from Turkey into an overloaded Bulgaria are Syrians, so how the heck did Algerians get there too?  Algeria is in Africa after all.

Most migrants are entering Bulgaria through Turkey, so why is Turkey allowing them to cross their country on the way to Western Europe—is it the Hijra?

The UN yells at Bulgaria for xenophobia, for detaining asylum seekers, and for trying to stem the tide of migrants into their country, but why aren’t they telling the Turks to stop the hordes at the Turkish border?

Here is the news about the riots.  The Algerians were protesting because they want to be free to roam Bulgaria and perhaps move farther West into Western Europe.  Just like those “refugees” in Norway, these aren’t destitute men looking for a roof and a meal, they are criminals!

Emphasis is mine:

Bulgarian police used batons to put down a protest by Algerians at a temporary refugee centre in the town of Lyubimets on November 30, the Interior Ministry in Sofia has confirmed.

Confirmation of the incident came in an Interior Ministry statement on December 7, following local media reports.

The Algerians began a protest over frustration at being kept for a long time at the centre, embarking on a hunger strike and trying to prevent refugees from other countries eating, Interior Ministry officials alleged.

There were clashes when police sought to intervene.

Two migrants had broken arms and another a head injury after the clashes. The three were given medical treatment and were returned to the centre.

In the course of the rebellion, property was damaged, television cables were ripped out, doors broken down, safety grilles pulled off radiators and metal bedsteads used to make barricades to prevent police entering.

According to the Interior Ministry, police had to use force after attempts at negotiations failed and there was “fierce resistance”. The ministry said that two police also were injured.

UNHCR reprimands Bulgaria for trying to save itself from invasion!

“We are alarmed by a recent increase in xenophobic violence such as a reported attack on three asylum seekers, including two Syrian men, in Sofia this past week,” UNHCR said.

“We urge the authorities to take steps to stem the rising tide of xenophobia in Bulgaria. We are concerned by reports the authorities are planning to increase the use of closed facilities for asylum seekers, particularly single men.

“And we urge the authorities to find alternatives to detention. Seeking asylum is not a crime, and the use of detention should be a last resort.”

The deployment of about 1400 police officers along the Turkish border and the construction of a 30km fence there have already reduced the numbers of people able to enter Bulgaria, the statement said.

The UNHCR said that there have been “concerning reports” of Syrians being pushed back at the border in recent weeks – contrary to the principles of international law. It is important that people fleeing for their lives are allowed access to a safe haven and are able to seek international protection, the statement said.

They are coming across from Turkey. Turkey is a safe haven! so why isn’t the UNHCR telling Turkey to keep the refugees?

I think its because the UNHCR and the government of Turkey are perfectly happy flooding Europe with Muslim migrants!  It is called al-Hijra and Turkey is in the Caliphate re-building business.

Photo is from Deutsche Welle.