More Invasion of Europe news….
In light of recent election results in Austria and Italy, Hungary and Poland are working to build a new coalition that seeks to preserve Western values and Christianity in Europe.
Before I get to that Reutersstory, see Patrick Buchanan herewho astutely comments on what people are willing to fight for (and I hope and pray he is right!):
Who owns the future? Who will decide the fate of the West?
The problem of the internationalists is that the vision they have on offer—a world of free trade, open borders and global government—are constructs of the mind that do not engage the heart.
Men will fight for family, faith and country.
But how many will lay down their lives for pluralism and diversity? Who will fight and die for the Eurozone and EU?
Nowhere is Reuterson the latest development from Europe and those who know history and want to save Europe!
BUDAPEST (Reuters) – Hungary aims to coordinate more closely on refugee policy with Austria and Italy after elections there boosted anti-migrant parties, broadening an alliance of EU states focused on internal security.
Foreign Minister Peter Szijjarto said on Monday that the approach to migration of the Vienna government and the center-right in Italy was very similar to the bloc’s central European member states.
The Poles, the Hungarians and the Austrians are remembering history! And, I bet so are the Muslims!
“So it is obvious that we will work together in the future,” he told Reuters in an interview.
“This is not against the western part of Europe, this is against migration, and this is in favor of our interests because we put security first.”
A bitter row over migration policy sparked by the biggest influx of refugees into the European Union since World War Two has undermined trust within the bloc and weakened its unity, with its eastern states refusing to sign up to a quota system favored by several richer members to the west and north.
In refusing to accept Muslim refugees, Hungary and its neighbors in the Visegrad group – the Czech Republic, Poland and Slovakia – have cited security concerns and the desire to preserve the traditional Christian make-up of their societies.
Upcoming election—Trump should invite him to White House!
[Hungarian PM Viktor] Orban has been one of the EU’s hardliners on migration and is campaigning on a fierce anti-immigration agenda ahead of Hungary’s own national election on April 8, when he will seek a third term in office.
More from Reuters here.
Andgo here for my ‘Invasion of Europe’archive and don’t miss my earlier postthis morning about the invasion from Africa.
The Soros Troika! I didn’t plan it this way, but realize that this post and my two previous posts this morning (hereandhere) all have a connection to the master borderless-world manipulator, George Soros. Invasion of Europe news…. Hereis Reuters on Hungarian PM Vikto Orban’s impassioned speech over the weekend: The titans…..
BUDAPEST (Reuters) – Hungarian leader Viktor Orban called on Sunday for a global alliance against migration as his right-wing populist Fidesz party began campaigning for an April 8 election in which it is expected to win a third consecutive landslide victory.
Popular at home but increasingly at odds politically and economically with mainstream European Union peers, Orban has thrived on external controversy, including repeated clashes with Brussels and lately the United Nations.
Those conflicts, mostly centered on migration since people fleeing war and poverty in the Middle East and Africa flooded into Europe in 2015***, have intensified as the elections approach and Orban poses as a savior of Europe’s Christian nations.
“Christianity is Europe’s last hope,” Orban told an audience of party faithful at the foot of the Royal Castle in Budapest. With mass immigration, especially from Africa, “our worst nightmares can come true. The West falls as it fails to see Europe being overrun.”
Reuters reports on how Orban has turned around a sagging economy….
But migration dominates his agenda now.
Orban said on Sunday that Europe faces a critical fissure between nation states of the East and the West, which he called an “immigrant zone, a mixed population world that heads in a direction different from ours”.
As the West wants eastern Europe to follow its lead, an increasingly vicious struggle was likely, he said, alluding to a plan to redraw the European alliance advocated by the leaders of France and Germany.
“Absurd as it may sound the danger we face comes from the West, from politicians in Brussels, Berlin and Paris,” Orban said to loud applause. “Of course we will fight, and use ever stronger legal tools. The first is our ‘Stop Soros’ law.”
We told you here a few days agoabout efforts to stop Soros from pushing Muslim migration on Hungary (and Europe generally), continue here for more at this Reutersstory. Go herefor my complete ‘Invasion of Europe’ archive.
***Unintended consequences! Remember Samantha Power saidthat the Syrian invasion (she didn’t use the word invasion) resulted in a monumental shift in world history. She was right even if it wasn’t in the direction she was hoping for. Power too was under Soros wing.
Additionally she played a huge role in the Libyan debacle and thus created the launch pad for the African invasion of Europe.
Editor: There is some controversy surrounding what exactly Rebecca Sommer said especially about possibly retiring to Poland. But, this interview at Novinite.comlooks completely legit. I have taken the liberty of creating paragraphs in her story for easier reading.
German girls in 2015. Photo and story:
Recently we from published an article about German activist, artist and humanitarian Rebecca Sommer. We were contacted by a friend of hers about certain inaccuracies and therefore contacted Rebecca. She was kind enough to send us a translated version of the original interview she made for Polish media.
Rebecca Sommer is an internationally known German artist, journalist, photographer and award-winning filmmaker. She’s been living in Berlin since 2012. Before returning to Germany, she worked as a non-governmental human rights advocate with special advisory status ECOSOC (UN Economic and Social Council) at United Nations headquarters as well as in Geneva. She specializes in the rights of indigenous peoples. For over a decade, she worked with UNHCHR (United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights), with UNPFII (United Nations Permanent Forum on Indigenous Peoples) and with UNHCR (United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees).
N.O-S .: Rebecca, you have worked for many years with refugees and immigrants, you are a well-known human rights activist. Already years before the refugee wave 2015, you was [were] a well-known person fighting for unlimited admission of these people to Germany. What influenced the change of your views?
Rebecca Sommer: I would like to point out that I have never endorsed “unlimited” admission of migrants, because it is impossible for any country to adopt indefinitely.
I am a humanist and human rights activist. For the first years I believed that people who come here are real refugees and are happy that they will be safe now and because of that they will show a good faith in order to adapt here and to integrate. But with time, step by step an unpleasant awakening came about.
The reasons for this were so complex that I just could not ignore them anymore. For sure, one of the main turning points was 2015 New Year’s Eve in Cologne. Then I finally had to admit to myself that that this behavior suits the overwhelming majority of Muslims, the way they see things, with whom I had to deal with in my life. In that moment I said to myself: “Rebecca, now you have to pull the emergency breaks, last but not least because as a human rights advocate you are oblied [obliged?—ed] to focus also on women’s rights, with your responsibility to us, as a woman.
I have tried to justify these constantly repeated patterns of behavior and mind set of most of the refugees, their way of perceiving the world, which is based on their religion, Islam, and their culture, for example in such a way – that they are new here.
I believed that their medieval views would change over time. I placed great trust in our libertarian, equitable European and western values, and I naively thought that every person must welcome them and take them on. But after looking back through the years of repetitive experiences and my own work environment as a volunteer, I had to admit to myself that when it comes to Muslim refugees, they have grown up with completely different values.
They have been passing through brainwashing and are indoctrinated by Islam and most have no intention of taking over our values – worse, they look at us „unbelievers“ with superiority and arrogance. I call it the „Kopftuch im Kopf“ (headscarf in the head).
And additionally, after their arrival here, many of them fall into the tentacles of fundamental Imams, (the political Islam imported from Turkey, Saudi Arabia, Iran etc.) who strengthen and encourage their fundamentalism, that prohibits them to integrate with us „infidels“ and our way of life, prohibits the acceptance of our perception of the world and our scientific achievements. And unfortunately, the German state seems to have no longer any control over it.
Another good example which helped me to open my eyes, happened in 2016. I then learned the truth about a certain group of refugees, whom I looked after for a long time. They had become my friends in the meantime. I helped them during the asylum procedures, I dealt with their official matters, I got them apartments, furniture, cell phones, computers, clothing, courses, jobs, scholarships and spent countless free hours of my private time on their individual cases.
At a certain moment, I finally realized that these people were playing a wrong game with me Taqyyia. I was deceived by them, which disappointed me a lot. I was constantly warned against this Muslim misleading strategy, by people from Arab countries and Kurds who did not only flee from war zones, but had to flee from Muslims.
However, I did not want to listen to them. And suddenly it turned out that those people I did everything for, who drank, danced and laughed with me; who did not pray, did not go to the mosque, did not follow Ramadan, mocked religion and deeply religious people, they all, while eating my food and sitting in my garden, called me behind my back “a stupid German whore”.
This not only hurt me a lot, because I was their friend, their sister and their mother, and I really trusted them, but it gave me another impulse to reflect. Because they were a living example and hope for a successful integration and also for friendship between Western-oriented and Arab-Muslim people.
I helped them, protected and supported them and gave them real friendship. I accepted them with open arms in Germany and for this I got disrespect by their words and deeds as a “thank you”.
The interview continues here.
My Invasion of Europe archive is here. Go here for an extensive archive on Germany.
Invasion of Europe news……. Will Europeans stop the invasion in time, or is it too late already?
This analysis applies to the US too and for all of you wondering what the hell is driving the invasion, check out this storyat Breitbart hat tip Fred.
(Once again get the idea out of your heads that we should all be humanitarians welcoming the stranger, it is all about money and global power!)
A highly regarded researcher and academic has warned that Muslims in Europe view migration as the start of the Islamisation of the continent. Prof. Abdessamad Belhaj also detailed how globalists are using Muslim migrants to turn Western countries into socially divided societies of easily-controlled consumers.
The scholar of Islam and social sciences warned that large numbers of migrants are “calamitous” for the European people, and that neoliberal elites see Islamic terrorism, and state bankruptcy and collapse as collateral damage in their pursuit of endless wealth.
In an interview with Hungary’s Institute for Migration Research, Professor Belhaj discussed what he calls the Islamic moral economy.
He summarised this economy as based around the belief that “if there is money, it is because of Islam, and if there is Islam it will bring money”.
Simply put, the globalists and the Islamists are teaming up, and to hell with you! Electing Hillary will put another globalist/neo-liberal elitist in the White House!
Continue reading here.
Our complete ‘invasion of Europe’ archive is here.
A MAJORITY of Americans now agree with banning all non-citizen Muslims from the United States, according to a new poll coming less than four months after Donald Trump first proposed the policy.
A YouGov/Huffington Post poll published this week found that 51 percent of Americans now support the ban, up from 45 percent in December. The same poll also found strong support for Sen. Ted Cruz’s proposal to “patrol and secure” Muslim neighborhoods, with 45 percent of Americans in favor.
And, so Mr. Moghul, why do you think this is?
“Eight years ago, we congratulated ourselves on how we were allegedly the only country that could elect an Obama [A Muslim apologist?—ed]. Now we’re a country that would’ve banned his father from entering the country.”
It is because there is no sign that ‘moderate’ Muslims are going to police their own communities, countries and religion and stop the killers. And, Obama did nothing to slow the jihadists either!