See Hohmann’s new book, out in January 2017.
Just now Iposted some of the news generated by the Ohio State Somali slasher attack two days ago. But, I still have three other news reports that are connected with the Islam-inspired attack that I want to say more about.
This is the first…..
Don’t miss Leo Hohmann at World Net Dailywhere he tells us there is a connection between nine violent attacks carried out on American soil in the last 18 months.
Law enforcement, from the local level on up to the FBI, said they did not know what could have motivated the young Muslim student to act in such a premeditated, violent way against his fellow students on a chilly Tuesday morning in Columbus.
Artan, an 18-year-old freshman at OSU, had immigrated from his native Somalia through Pakistan, arriving in Columbus at the invitation of the U.S. government, which considered him a “refugee.”
But the media failed to connect any of the dots with a host of similar attacks on U.S. soil, let alone the even larger number of strikingly similar attacks in Europe committed by migrants from Muslim countries in the Middle East and Africa.
Go to World Net Dailywhere Hohmann connects the dots and see the list of nine violent attacks in the US! What do they have in common? An aside: Every time one of the Islam-inspired killers goes on a rampage (showing Islam’s violent propensities), I wonder if the Islamists who are working day and night to take us over through immigration, through the Hijra (detailed in Hohmann’s new book), are furious at the punk with no patience.
It is about as clear as you can get, and from one of their own mouths! (Hey, SPLC does that make him a racist or Islamophobe?)
This isn’t new news for anyone who has been paying attention and reading alternative media like RRW. Heck this is the Hijraexplained by someone who is one of Islam’s most diabolical minds—Khalid Sheikh Mohammed.
Before I get to what KSM is quoted as saying in a soon-to-be released book, I hope you all had a good Thanksgiving day today with friends and family. And, I hope this doesn’t spoil what is left of your day! Khalid Sheikh Mohammed: Not “practical” to defeat America with terror attacks, must do it through immigration and out-breeding the infidels.
Incidentally, I wrote about KSM a couple of years agowhen I read Richard Miniter’s ‘Mastermind.’ I was most interested in the fact that the state of North Carolina was attracting a large Muslim population and was an important refugee resettlement state. Did you know KSM and others like him went to college in NC?
Now to the news that isn’t shocking, but it is a relief to see it in print and out of the mouth of a significant Islamic supremacist planner. From Paul Bedard at the Washington Examiner:
The jailed architect of 9/11 revealed that al Qaeda’s plan to kill the United States was not through military attacks but immigration and “outbreeding nonmuslims” who would use the legal system to install Sharia law, according to a blockbuster new book.
In Enhanced Interrogation, CIA contractor James Mitchell tells for the first time about his role interrogating al Qaeda principals, many like KSM still jailed at Guantanamo Bay. He details accounts of waterboarding and other interrogation sessions of the nation’s most notorious enemies.
Snippets obtained by Secrets from the book set for release next Tuesday from Crown Forum show that Muslim terror groups had a much bigger plan to crush America than just through attacks like 9/11.
Instead, the plan is to fill the country with like-minded Muslims through the country’s easy immigration laws and by having babies, and then using the U.S. legal and welfare system to turn the country into a system like Iran.
Consider this passage in the book, Enhanced Interrogation: Inside the Minds and Motives of the Islamic Terrorists Trying to Destroy America, where KSM reveals the plan to Mitchell:
He said the terror attacks were good, but the “practical” way to defeat America was through immigration and by outbreeding non-Muslims. He said jihadi-minded brothers would immigrate into the United States, taking advantage of the welfare system to support themselves while they spread their jihadi message. They will wrap themselves in America’s rights and laws for protection, ratchet up acceptance of Sharia law, and then, only when they were strong enough, rise up and violently impose Sharia from within. He said the brothers would relentlessly continue their attacks and the American people eventually would become so tired, so frightened, and so weary of war that they would just want it to end.
“Eventually,” KSM said, “America will expose her neck to us for slaughter.”
Since the attacks, and during President Obama’s two terms, Muslims from several countries that harbor terrorists have flooded into the U.S. And Obama has promised to open the borders for Syrian refugees whose backgrounds are difficult to investigate. President-elect Trump has vowed to reverse Obama’s plans.
More from Bedard here.
Get James Mitchell’s book here Tuesday (I just ordered my copy)! It would make a nice Christmas gift forNikki Haley!
I had an opportunity in 2015 to speak with Donald Trump and give him my little book on the Hijraand refugee resettlement, sure hope he at least skimmed it!
Ho hum! Move along, nothing to see, just some rootless naive young men who want to create a caliphate. But, these are young men you raised with your tax dollars and who were given a good education and every opportunity to make something of themselves. Instead they chose the call of Allah to wage jihad and go kill some infidels. The latest batch of Somali refugee defendants. Trial is expected to last a month. Lucky taxpayers! We paid for their resettlement and we get to pay for their trial and incarceration! Wow! What a deal!
By the way, this is getting so wearisome, but feel it’s my duty to keep our archives up to date and that is why I’m posting it!
From NBC News:
Federal prosecutors on Wednesday opened their case against three Minneapolis men accused of plotting to help ISIS, a trial that could offer a rare look at how impressionable young Americans succumb to the the terror group’s appeal.
The defendants, from the city’s large Somali community, are among dozens of native-born Americans who have been charged with supporting ISIS, a fraction of whom have taken their cases to trial. Six other connected to the Minneapolis case have already pleaded guilty, and one reportedly fled the United States and made it to Syria, where many Western recruits aspire to join the fight against Bashar Assad’s regime.
The men on trial — Mohammed Farah, Abdirahman Daud and Guled Omar, all in their early 20s — say they are innocent of charges they conspired to provide material support to ISIS and commit murder abroad. During jury selection this week, some family members complained the defendants were not getting a fair trial, according to NBC affiliate KARE. One tried to have his lawyer removed, but the judge would not let that happen.
Opening statements began Wednesday, with the government going first. The trial, expected to last about a month, is expected to reveal some of the motivations and recruitment techniques behind one of the most troubling aspects of ISIS’ rise as a global terror threat: the growing list of Americans who seek to join or act on its behalf.
A 2015 study of those arrested for supporting ISIS found that they tend to be young, American-born and drawn more to the idea of an Islamic caliphate than a desire to commit terrorist acts in the United States. [At least that is what they want you to think!—ed]
Minnesota’s Somali communities are one of the centers of such activity, authorities say.
More here.
If your community is about to become a new “welcoming” resettlement sight, look what you have to look forward to!
We are admitting over 700 Somalis a monthto the US right now and that number isexpected to riseif Kenya goes through with closing the massive Somali camps in that country.
North American Bosniaks distance themselves from the alleged ISIS supporters.
This is an update of the story that broke here a week ago.
New readers may wish to visit that post for a little background on how the Clinton Administration brought in thousands of Bosnian Muslims when they helped break up Yugoslavia.
ST. LOUIS (AP) — An immigrant couple from Bosnia pleaded not guilty Wednesday to federal charges of funneling money and military supplies to extremist groups in Iraq and Syria.
Each of the six suspects is now in federal custody after the Tuesday arrest in Germany of Jasminka Ramic, 42.
Bosnian community leaders in St. Louis, which has the largest population among U.S. cities of refugees from the former Yugoslavia, say the arrests of the Hodzics and a third local resident, 37-year-old Armin Harcevic, tarnishes a community whose members have worked tirelessly to embrace their adopted homeland. Most of the estimated 70,000 Bosnians in St. Louis are Muslim and arrived after the war that broke out in the early 1990s.
Click here for some previous posts we have written on Bosnian refugees here in America. We also have a bunch of posts on all sorts of refugee problems in St. Louis, here. See especially this postabout how a refugee contractor wants to further ‘diversify’ St. Louis by 2020.
Just a reminder! One year ago: “Sen. Amy Klobuchar (D-MN), Sen. Sheldon Whitehouse (D-RI), Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-SC), and Ranking Member of the Judiciary Committee Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX), were all present at the hearing and unanimously expressed support for opening up the U.S. to more Syrian Refugees.”
France has learned the hard way, as is most of Europe now—they let in the invaders!
It’s too early to say whether America might be getting the message, and certainly my small but growing readership couldn’t possibly be definitive, but I can at least say there is something happening, some encouraging movement happening.
I can also say, and in this case, unequivocally! that without the Refugee Resettlement Program in the US, we would be in a much better position to fend off the Islamisation (the Hijra, the Jihad) from within.
Just recently I came across some numbers you should know. We resettled 79,266 Somali Muslims in the US since 2004. We also resettled 71,187 Muslim Iraqis (40,000 of that number are Sunni Muslims) since 2004. And, much to my great surprise, we dropped off in your towns 11,451 Burmese Muslims in 11 years! There are others, from other countries, but those are just three of the big ones.
Only a tiny number of those ethnic/religious groups would have gotten here (found their way here!) without the UN and the US State Department working together to facilitate their migration to America.
Asst. Secretary of State for Population, Refugees and Migration, Anne Richard, has announced we will take approximately 10,000 Syrians. Most will be selected by the UN and will thus come from UN camps which house mostly Muslims.
Everyone with concerns, must now contact your US Senators and Members of Congress! In truth we do need to do much more, but no one is taking a lead!
By the way, the state receiving the most refugees is Texas! So, at minimum let Ted Cruz know what you think!